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Star Trek: Preatorian Stories of the 26th Fleet.



  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Blood spilled on DS9! http://26thfleet.enjin.com/home
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    For those who wish to apply or ask about the 26th, please note that we've updated our Ship Policy, Fleet Story Policy and also our Guidelines for our Channel and OOC Fleet purchases.

    If you do intend on applying or simply inquiring, we insist you read up on these articles :)

    Story Policy: http://26thfleet.enjin.com/forum/m/9239612/viewthread/11243606-fleet-story-policy

    Ship Policy: http://26thfleet.enjin.com/forum/m/9239612/viewthread/11243922-ship-policy
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    5 Years ago Praetorian's computer core started to record events, even while construction occurred around it. Fast forward five years and Praetorian and the 26th still stand strong. From the front lines of the Klingon War, to the brave new worlds out the Outback. Praetorian thrived. Invitations have been sent out, the Starbase has been cleaned and polished to perfection awaiting the guests that would bless its grounds.

    ((OOC: This is a semi-formal party :) come mingle and make new...and some old...friends! If you don't have an RP fleet feel free to join! Requests can be handled all day via the SB381 Channel. All are welcome so please, come and join us!))
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hi there! Thank you to all those who visited us during our Praetorian Day event. Hopefully you had fun, and you that we'll see you again :)

    Of course our Docks are still open and welcome to everybody as usual.
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Federation News Network- Stardate 91796.67

    Despite the heavy price Federation citizens have payed for the Jenolan Dyson Sphere and the Solanea Dyson Sphere, several ground breaking pieces of technology and scientific theories have been brought out of the Joint effort to combat Voth control of the sphere. The Solanea Dyson sphere has already brought us such thing as a new EV suits for the boys and girls in Starfleet that theoretically can withstand the heat, radiation and pressure of a Star up to a certain points. To advancements to Starship hull technology to keep people safe. The wonders being uncovered at the Dyson Spheres is even starting to hit mom and pop back home with several small advancements to replicator and PADD Technology.

    There has been criticism of the effort being placed into the Spheres both within Starfleet and within the Civilian side of the Federation. Criticism of yet another war being waged for a piece of land, Criticism of cost and Criticism of Starfleet ignoring one of its main tenants of exploration. However if you were to ask the 26th Fleet today what they thought about not seeing the wonders of the galaxy while temporarily deployed they would have told you it was nonsense.

    At 1700 last night the 26th Fleet got to watch one of the many wonders of the Dyson Sphere unfold in front of them, they didn't even need to leave their base to watch it happen. Currently the fleet is stationed aboard one of the many many Kilometer tall spires that litter the Dyson Sphere interior. Its reported it started slow, the air on board the spire had become thick and Officers and vistors we complaining of static shock no matter where they went.

    This miserable atmosphere lasted about an hour until the spire began its next phase of operation. I am told by a Starfleet Engineer Nacodi that the build up the spire underwent was similar to the large Spinal phaser lances mounted aboard most Vanguard Class Starbases. The Spire began to charge up for about two hours until this reporter is told the sides of the spire opened up like a flower and began to discharge strange purple energy.

    The officers currently trapped inside the spire while it underwent dramatic change were working hard to try what they thought was a dangerous weapon left by the former occupants. Engineer Nacodi told us again that with the amount of power being channeled into the Spire was enough to destroy a Class M planet a thousand times over or enough energy to burn a hole in the Dyson sphere shell big enough to fit Jupiter thru easily.

    After the Valiant effort of the men and women of Starfleet failed to hinder the Spires operation the sides of the spire snapped shut and the collected energy shot up into the sky toward the small star that sits in the centre of the Solanea Dyson Sphere. This reporter is told it was quite a sight to see. A huge amount of energy roaring out of the top of the spire for six long minutes. The officers and visitors stood agape not knowing what it was going to do.

    What scientists across the Sphere are already calling the Kingston Theory it seems that the Spires soak up the ambient energy of the star in the Sphere. It seems to take thousands of years for the Capacitors to build up the required energy but when it does it is shot back toward the star in some sort of unknown energy type and reabsorbed. From what this reporter could dig out the Theory states that the energy converts into hydrogen for the star to use and reburn over and over. Take note this is only a theory at this time but it would explain the extreme longevity of the Spheres.

    This reporter managed to grab a word with Rear Admiral Rhys Llywarch later that night after a round table discussion about the nature of Solanea with officers of all rank. He said "Even the newest Ensign to Starfleet can see an angle an old timer like myself could not. Today proves that the sphere has far more secrets then we have unlocked so far. My lads will continue to Go boldly until we are sent home." When asked about Solanea and the cost in manpower, ships and supplies the Admiral had this to say. "Starfleet has always been about taking the harder road. I have heard it being said that there is a lesser of two evils to take in every situation. I say that's nonsense. As an officer of Starfleet it is our duty to hold the standard of the Federation wherever we go. We are hear to stop bloodshed and chaos. I can assure you every diplomatic move is being made. The voth do not answer our hails, we do not stop sending them."

    Bold words from a Bold man. This is Fils'usns''sns df 'selundlyy of FNN. Bringing the galaxy to you!

    *A short Ad forces its way onto your PADD after read the news*

    Hi, I'm Diamon Qul of Qul's Unique Acquisition Company. Finding yourself hungry at the Solanea Dyson Sphere? Stop down at Qul's Bar and Grill! Try the Replicated Haggis! Almost tastes like the real thing! Its the Admirals favourite! And he should know he is an authentic Scotsman!
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    News in from the Solonae Dyson Sphere may indicate sentient life still exists, left behind by the Iconians. Scientists and researches claim that they have found computer processors which show signs of sentient thought, contrasting with the previous assumption that the systems within Solonae were automated.

    Is the 26th's Spire running itself?

    Interviewer Mark Gibbson sat down earlier with one of the discoverers, Lieutenant Commander Keyess M'arr, of the Praetorian's Science Division.

    So what can we expect from the new discovery?

    "We're not sure yet," she answered, "but it means that the Spire - and possibly other Iconian systems - may operate similar to the Elachi, with a componant for processing which resembles a biological componant."


    A picture of the device, rendered without its dilithium container.

    According to other interviews, the Prime Directive seems to be in shadow, here; researchers and Starfleet officials are presently operating under the assumption that the processing units are not an alien species, but instead a very highly advanced technology, until further research can be conducted.

    These "Iconian Cognizant Processors" are just one in a string of many discoveries which show the 26th Praetorian going above, and beyond; where none have gone before.

    When asked about their potential, LCdr M'arr had this to say; "It's epic in scale. [They] could be what is holding the entire shell together, why it hasn't succumbed to the laws of physics and drifted into the star. We could learn Iconian. We could do nearly anything, if we knew how to speak to [them]."

    Mark Gibbson
    FNN News
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    On behalf of all the officers in the 26th Fleet I'd like to thank everyone who's come by the station and RPed :D we hope to stee you folks soon!

  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Federation News Network Exclusive! Admiral kidnapped!

    Rumors are spreading through the Federation that Admiral Krox was kidnapped while visiting the infamous Starbase 381 "Praetorian." The details are sketchy at best but some claim seeing a large Federation ship being disabled by Romulans.....ROMULANS IN THE OUTBACK! Stay tuned for all the latest details

    -Scott Bend Federation News Network
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Due to a terrorist presence in the Outback the station condition has been elevated to yellow. Praetorian reserves the right to scan all docking vessels as a measure security.

    More Information here! http://26thfleet.enjin.com/home/m/9239611/article/2202002
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    <<Federation Inquisitor EXCLUSIVE!>>

    "Rumors that the ex-Federation terrorist Matthew T. Jerrickson is in the Outback continue to swirl throughout the galaxy. A multitude of sources claim that the recent talk of Romulans in the Outback are intertwined with the alleged appearance of Matthew T. Jerrickson on Praetorian. Even more intriguing news out of Praetorian is that their CMO Nya Sarvok. Could all three of these events be connected?! Did Jerrickson really appear in the Outback?! Is he working with the Romulans?! Why would anyone ever want to kidnap Dr. Sarvok? (2/10) Rumor has it she eats a lot of pure carbs and skips leg day.....just saying all legends come from some truth......tune in next time for more of the Galaxy's greatest stories
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ex-Star Fleet Captain, Matt Jerrickson is on the rise as a now Federation Terrorist!

    Read more: http://26thfleet.enjin.com/home
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • tomdebombtomdebomb Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Each and every single one of the 26th's members would like to wish you a happy First Contact Day!
    As Rhys Llywarch said, "Go Boldly! Be inspired! Use First Contact day as a launch point into greatness as our ancestors did so many years go."

    Stay well and fly straight.

    -The 26th
    Captain Kyro Smith. U.S.S. Paradox [@tomdebomb]
    26th Fleet [RP]
  • cbeq89cbeq89 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Friendly bump from a prospective member.

    Ive been out of STO since... damn, launch? I ran a RP fleet for a while and then fell out of the game. I just returned and I'm looking to get re-immersed.

    I'll definitely get signed up on Enjin and get on contact with you guys.
  • jeremydajaojeremydajao Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Earth Space Dock attacked! The 26th is isolated in the Outback!

  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hi all,

    The Intrepid has joined Task Force Avalon as a new asset to the 26th military and exploration arm.

    I`m a new guy here, and I love it already.
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Y'all can generally find us for the next little while hanging out on Earth Spacedock, often in the mezzanine.

    C'mon over, see what the 26th is all about.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
  • quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Tonight, the 26th honoured the Starfleet officers slain in the Undine attack on Earth Spacedock with a 21-gun salute from the fleet flagship, the USS Valiant. In an emotional ceremony, the 26th saluted the fallen and vowed never to forget.

    The days at Earth Spacedock wind down. Come, meet us, see what we're all about.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's my pleasure to announce that the 26th Fleet will be resuming it's open recruitment policies. We will now resume accepting applications for those interested parties. For all those whom have been waiting for this moment, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we sorted through our last collection of Recruits.

    Interested parties should feel free to put in an application with the fleet. The Application is under the Database Tab. Please note, that the Database tab is in fact required reading for the application process. For those looking to schedule in game interviews, please feel free to let us know when requesting docking through the SB381 Chat Channel.

    Again, thank you for your patience, and good luck to our applicants!

    VADM C. Sprint
    26th Fleet, Commading.
  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i have 3 questions before i would ask to join.

    1. do u have many Uk players?
    i ask because i live in the Uk and many of the fleets i have been in are mostly US based, as a result i am never online when they are and vice versa.

    2. Grammar TRIBBLE.
    i am not good at spelling i actually suffer from dyslexia and i have found some players are quite harsh with my poor spelling.

    llywarch wrote: »
    1b) No superheros. the genetic augment of the week,.

    although my character isnt a augment, i have been rping that her species used genetic engineering to overcome a weak immune system, as a result of the engineering her species are immune to many viruses they also improved their telekinetic abilities at the time.

    would this bar her from your fleet?

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • copperwulffecopperwulffe Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a serious joke.
  • commanderzekellcommanderzekell Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i have 3 questions before i would ask to join.

    1. do u have many Uk players?
    i ask because i live in the Uk and many of the fleets i have been in are mostly US based, as a result i am never online when they are and vice versa.

    2. Grammar TRIBBLE.
    i am not good at spelling i actually suffer from dyslexia and i have found some players are quite harsh with my poor spelling.


    although my character isnt a augment, i have been rping that her species used genetic engineering to overcome a weak immune system, as a result of the engineering her species are immune to many viruses they also improved their telekinetic abilities at the time.

    would this bar her from your fleet?


    We do have a healthty group of people in our fleet from the United Kingdom and playing in GMT times. We have a good ballance between our US players and the others ourside of the US.

    To answer your second question, we all have typos, sometimes we catch and correct them, sometimes we don't. Spelling is a learning process, more use of it through roleplay usually helps. So it's something we could work with.

    And as for the character question, it's fine. We can work with you. As long as you don't have any IC genetic modifications that would qualify you to be able to seem to be godmodding in any situations, you're golden. However, if you do -but- you are willing rework your toon a bit to get into the fleet, we'll totally help you set up shop.

    Feel free to join the chat channel SB381 and come stop by for some roleplay on our open star base. It should let you get a feel for the environment and people in the fleet. If you like what you have going, head to our site and toss in application.



    Adjutant [Officer], 26th Fleet
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Commander T'Molina recounts Saturday night's adventure to make first contact with an alien civilization!
    FROM: CMDR T'Molina (U.S.S. Destiny)
    TO: CAPT Aaron Parsons, 26th Fleet Command
    CC: All Mission Participants
    SUBJECT: Mission Report - Initial Investigation of Unknown Signals

    As has undoubtedly already been reported, the team sent to investigate the unknown signals received by Praetorian the past few days did not return on the shuttle which we had embarked upon. That said, forces seemingly at work here have only deepened the mystery regarding the signal, and necessitated the ultimate destruction of our diplomatic shuttle per my own orders in accordance with the Prime Directive during the incidental first contact. Unfortunately, this also destroyed much of our detailed records, leaving this report to follow to be among the most detailed accounting, as well as my own analysis of the mission.


    As station logs would indicate, a team of senior officers was assembled and briefed on Starbase 381 by Captain Aaron Parsons concerning the unknown subspace signals being received from a distant planetary system. Our mission was to investigate the signal, assess any civilizations encountered and, if warp capable and at the discretion of our ambassador, establish first contact. I was put in command of the mission and of a 26th Fleet Diplomatic Shuttle, while Ambassador Kurzon Toprill had ultimate diplomatic authority.

    Arrival and Initial Scans

    We arrived in system on Stardate 92133.5. We initiated scans of the surrounding area and Chief Engineer Armande Christoph detected electromagnetic signals consistent with communications which we began monitoring for signs of sharp change which might indicate that we were detected. On the surface itself we detected only a small colony settlement of approximately seventy intelligent humanoid individuals. In addition, there were warp trails detected at the location, multiple, with the most recent appearing to be three days old and outbound.

    The source of the transmissions detected by Starbase 381 was an artificial satellite of relatively primitive design with a powerful transceiver dish, large enough to have a small access room on the interior. Our theory is that it was intended for long-range communication, and it was pointed at Starbase 381. In addition, we determined that the technology on the surface and the technology of the satellite was of design similar enough to have been constructed by the same culture. Analysis by Deslok indicated with 95% confidence that the satellite had no noteworthy security measures or firewalls in place. I had by this point considered an away team to the satellite, and had approval from Ambassador Toprill, however I opted to continue examination further before committing to the away team.


    In order to get a clear signal of what the satellite was attempting to transmit to Praetorian, I ordered George Ackerman to move the shuttle into line of sight of the transceiver array. Unfortunately, upon entering this, an unknown targeting array immediately detected us and the satellite began direct communication with us. Unexpectedly, the satellite's operating system completely subsumed the shuttlecraft's own operations, locking out all consoles and ship systems immediately upon our detection. Our only capability was to answer a primitive text prompt which, as determined by Ambassador Toprill, was asking if we wished to download translation files. I ordered Christoph to prepare to manually cut our subspace tranceiver array and reset systems in the event the situation became more dangerous. I then had us select 'Yes' so that we could attempt to learn more about our situation and this satellite.

    Language files were transmitted as expected, and the universal translator was able to begin deciphering the satellite's text properly. Systems started to come back online, but at the same time we detected a massive overload in the satellite. The satellite exploded, and during the downtime our orbit had decayed and we had come much closer to it. In addition, the overload may have, to my analysis been directed by the satellite's transceiver array at us. The resulting systems overload resulted in us continuing to fall toward the planet.

    Crash, First Contact, and Rescue

    We crash landed approximately ten kilometers from the settlement. Chief Christoph assessed that the shuttle was crippled, so I ordered the warp core fully shut down to avoid the possibility of a breach. In addition, our emergency beacon had been activated. We detected air turbine engines apparently moving in our direction. We began treating the wounded and I went inside the shuttle to attempt to ensure that a message reached 26th Fleet assets to inform on our situation.

    During that time, scouts from the nearby settlement appeared, likely arriving by jet turbine powered vehicles, although we never established a visual. They immediately brandished some form of rifle at everyone outside the shuttle. I was inside and they were as yet unaware of my presence. We were having trouble communicating, but I was able to upload the translation files to everyone's communicators through the damaged shuttle database. This would, unfortunately, but our first contact with these people. The two humanoids, who I believe to be soldiers, reacted with xenophobia and lacked the discipline or training to adequately deal with first contact diplomatically, despite Ambassador Toprill's best efforts to open a dialog.

    A communication from the rescue shuttle revealed my presence within the ship. The distress of the soldiers became clear when one of them fired on the shuttle in an attempt to use fear tactics to draw me out. I ordered the rescue shuttle to standby on transporters in the event we were attacked, opting to allow Ambassador Toprill to continue attempts at peaceful communication. Unfortunately the next shot was aimed at Ambassador Toprill. I had expected transporters to engage by this point, but as I would learn later, the sensors on the rescue shuttle could not reliably deduce life sign changes or the alien weapons fire through the ambient energy noise from the crash. Although they agreed to let us tend to Ambassador Toprill, I chose to carefully activate my communicator and order a beam out due to the severity of the ambassador's wound.

    The alien which shot the ambassador did not approve of my actions, and attempted to attack physically in a grab for my communicator and phaser. She, as she appeared from typical humanoid attributes, was caught in the transporter beam and beamed to the ship. In her shock at what had transpired, I was able to subdue her with a nerve pinch. The helmsman informed me that a ship was already on intercept course, scans indicating that it was one of this culture's. With little time available, I ordered a photon torpedo locked onto the wreckage of the original shuttle and the use of transporters for site-to-site transport to move any remaining people to a safe distance away from the shuttle. Unfortunately we were unable to return the soldier caught in the transporter to the surface, as by that time we had to raise shields due to the proximity of the alien craft and the lack of knowledge of its capabilities. I ordered the torpedo fired. We performed a quick scan to verify detonation and destruction, then immediately left at maximum warp.


    Due to the medical emergency and the lack of on board medical staff, I had us return to Starbase 381 immediately. This unfortunately has led to the case that we have a member of the alien race encountered on station, currently under sedation, and essentially against their will. In addition, the diplomatic shuttle is a total loss, however its final destruction by photon torpedo virtually guarantees that no Federation technology will contaminate their culture.

    We are as yet unable to verify if their society has discovered warp drive. The settlement and warp trail strongly suggests it, however I believe there is more to this. The fact that the satellite was pointed at Starbase 381, the fact that it possessed the equivalent of a viral matrix beyond what should be their technology capable of subsuming current Starfleet operating systems, and the fact that it subsequently overloaded in a manner to be powerful enough to cripple a shuttlecraft strongly suggests that an unknown party was involved. That they sabotaged the satellite in an attempt to draw us here, and that it was a trap designed to, at a minimum, attack a Federation vessel, most likely with the intention of destruction. It is also possible that it was a design to force first contact with these people, but to what end I lack the information to hypothesize. However, the outgoing warp trail seems to coincide with when we began receiving the subspace transmissions from the satellite.

    Although we lost much of our data with the destruction of the shuttle, we have the scans from the rescue shuttle, as well as the language files which were uploaded to our universal translators. Finally, we have the member of the alien race currently, and unfortunately, in our custody. She will need to be returned in a subsequent mission. I leave the decision on whether or not to pursue continued dialog to Ambassador Toprill and my superiors with the mission's conclusion, with a note that while highly likely we have not directly observed their culture to possess warp flight as yet. I also leave my apologies and take responsibility as mission commander for the incident, the injuries sustained, and the loss of the shuttlecraft.

    T'Molina, CMDR, Starfleet
    CO, U.S.S Destiny NCC-97029
    26th Fleet, Task Force Avalon
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    On the heels of T'Molina's After Action Report of the event, the story's Game Master has written a narrative piece highlighting events after the mission!
    This will be a series of short stories corresponding with planned events with fleet members. The hope is that the choices and actions taken by the fleet and fleet members during the events taking place along the plot will change and mold the plot itself either for good or for worse. Basically, the plot is being shaped by the fleet as it progresses while the basics more or less stay the same.

    These short stories will come out after each planned event to show the aftermath from the point of view of the Aliens, or rather, the Korlans.

    Part one takes place after the events of the Transmissions Event.

    To Live In Darkness Series: Part 1

    Many would be at awe at the sight, a lush green jungle word floating gracefully in the shadow of the large red gas giant, a sight that would take a breath away any normal day. However, this day was far from normal. The bulky, boxy satellite in orbit around the world, designed as an early warning system to warn the surface colony of any none-remnant ships entering the area, was now a ball of super heated gas and shrapnel due to a pre-programmed command to activate self destruct and send a distress signal out in the event it has been compromised. As it was destroyed, the signal was sent to attract a nearby patrol ship, telling it to come at maximum warp and investigate. However, what was not part of it's original program was that a second message was sent, this one was sent in the shadow of the distress signal to void detection. It would bounce from one com buoy to the next. riding through secondary comm line and back channels until it reached it's destination.

    A dark screen lit up in the darkened room, text moving across it as the message was received.
    A dark figure, hooded and cloaked sat in the chair in front of the terminal, reading through the information gathered by the recent change in the satellites programming, once finished, the figure sent a message, short and simple.

    The hall was large and tall, a monolithic structure designed for one purpose only, to house the meetings of the remnants leaders. The vaulted white ceiling with it's many light fixtures rose high above the council as the tall white walls with the occasional closed and locked door encircled the room and a perfect circle. It was a room of debates, a room a decision and action, it was a room of power across the remnant. Today, it was very silent save for one voice, a voice of the soldier reciting a report of recent events, standing in the middle of the room, between the semi-circle shaped desk at which the five councilors sat and the taller single desk where the high councilor herself sat when the situation calls for it, and it did. The soldier finished, bowed to the high councilor and left.

    After several minutes of silence, a man at the far left of the table stood, well into his middle years but still lean and fit with his long black hair reaching just below the middle of his back. "This is an outrage! We must strike back and strike back now if we are too survive! This is clearly a scouting force for an outsider invasion! We need to deploy our military at once!"

    Another man sitting at the far right of the table, well past his prime with more rounded features and slight longer hair than the others save for the high councilor, leaned forward and looked the standing man in the eye, "Councilor Sokar, you are always quick to demand drastic and highly unnecessary actions, no doubt using this situation to further you agenda to return the remnant to the former glory of the long dead Korlan Empire. We will not take such actions until we know for sure what has happened, and why."

    "Councilor Vahlorn, do you not see the obvious?!" Yelled Sokar, "They somehow manage to infiltrate out space, access one of our satellite, land on one of our planets, and captured one of our soldiers, no doubt for interrogation. What else IS there to know?!'

    "There is much more, in fact, that we do know." Said a middle aged women sitting to the left of Vahlorm, whose calm voice demanded respect, "We know that they in fact crashed on the mining colony and not landed, we know they made no aggressive move towards out soldiers and in fact tried to communicate and we know that the soldier take with them was in fact accidentally take away in their... star beam as the soldier charged them. These in their own right ask for a more cautious and diplomatic approach."

    "Thank you councilor Retoth." Said Vahlorm his is usual diplomatically neutral, yet warming voice, "I agree that we need to approach this diplomatically. We know that these outsiders and technologically superior which could prove to be a valuable friend and possible trading partner. The fact that they have multiple species on their team suggests multiple cultures rich with literature, music and art. We must know more about them."

    Sokar made a low growl of anger, "The very fact that they are technological superior proves that they are a threat and needed to be dealt with! If we launch a preemptive strike right now, we would catch them off guard and win with our superior tactics and skill. We need--"

    "SILENCE!" The whole room fell more silent than it was before the debate started, as if the light and shadows themselves fear to speak as the high councilor stood and looked down at the five. Her face aged with many years, and age older than any other in the remnant, her white hair shining in the light. "We can't afford to go to a war right now, the people won't support it. However, we also can afford to ignore this new outsider influence in this galaxy. So I agree with Vahlorm's and Retoth's suggested course of action. We will send an envoy of ships, lead by Councilor Vahlorm due to his experience in diplomacy and try to make piece with these outsiders. We will also contact our trading partners and find out more about these people. With that said, I here by conclude this council meeting, may the light of the goddess shine upon us all."

    One by one, the councilors stood up and left through the different doors leading away from the council chambers. Sokar walked alone down a long and narrow corridor, then seemingly out of no where, we was joined by his assistant, a weasel looking man with a small build and hair just touching his shoulders, "I have news from the shadows. Project empion was a complete success. Results better than expected and operations have now been moved to phaser four." Sokar gave a small smile as he took in the good news, "And project specter?" The little man give a small toothy grin, "Ahead of schedule, the hall of the administratium is none the wiser, however, the high councilor's personal adviser will be visiting the planet in three days to see why we are still at 75% efficiency." The councilor gave a small frown, if he was discovered now, everything he had done would be for nothing, his dreams turned to ashes along with his body. "I see, divert resources from project spectre back to the refineries and bring them up to 83%, I don't want the adviser discovering anything, but if he becomes a problem, take care of it and do it quietly. We are almost ready and can't afford to disappoint the masters now." The little man nodded, bowed and ran off, disappearing as fast as he appeared and Sokar smiled, his assistant was loyal to the death, something he valued. Soon, he would be ready.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Member Spotlight, Ensign Sri!
    Ensign Juliette Sri ended her presentation displaying current map of the P268 – more affectionately called The Outback – in relationship to the Milky Way on the holoprojector for all the attendees in the secondary hall to see. It was a map based on models the Daystrom Institute, the hosts of this conference, had spent thousands of hours in researcher and computational time building. It was those very same models she had just spent the last 45 minutes discrediting.

    The image zoomed away from the Outback until the dwarf galaxy was only a small dot among the galaxies of the Local Group, and continued racing outward, until the map encompassed the entirety of the Virgo Supercluster. In a few seconds even that was too small to see, leaving a field of complete darkness as the house lights brightened, revealing a hall and audience Sri had tried to forget existed as she watched the universe zoom out to insignificance.

    When she had accepted the speaking opportunity, she had been scheduled to present for a half hour in one of much smaller ternary halls of the Daystrom Institute. Events had upgraded her presentation to one of the mammoth secondary halls, which increased her sitting audience from almost a hundred to almost a thousand scientists from all over the federation – a number which didn’t include the holographic transceivers which linked the secondary hall with several smaller halls and station holodecks over three quadrants.

    Of all the attendees who had sat through the presentation, none were as intimidating as the stony faces that sat at the long table less than a dozen meters away. Her jury – made up of some of the top department chairs, scientists and researchers from Daystrom Institute -- members with years of experience, and, if rumor were true, people who took a sadistic delight in filleting presentations like hers. As the room reached full brilliance, Sri *felt* the collective attention of audience and jury shift to her, and akin to the Outback, could feel her own presence shrinking in scale until she was a very small part of a slowly expanding picture.

    A brief flash of white caught her eye. She dared a glance upward to the highest rows of seats. She paused to focus bewildered at the waving motion. Were those...signs?

    She remembered Cadet Barton's and Grey's promise of support. Gods Unfortunate, she thought to herself. Just kill me now. She tore her eyes from the spectacle to her jury.

    Considering the incendiary nature of her topic, asking if there were questions was superfluous.

    "Explain your use of the Hald Algorithm."

    "How many factors did you take into your analysis?"

    "Why did you limit yourself to only four dimensions?"

    Even as Sri was trying to determine which question from the jury to answer first, another voice cut over the others, the tone thick with dismissal.

    "Quite Frankly Miss Sri, looking at your application of Darred's computational analysis on your so called ‘data’, I question the Academy's standards!"

    Despite the comment, and the gasps and occasional laughter from the assembly hall, Sri maintained her impassive gaze on the thin, reedy academic sitting at the long table. The jurists to either side of Dr. T’Car regarded him with a bit of surprise at his tone of abject disdain. Sri was not surprised, as had spent as much time preparing for a confrontation with Dr. T’Car as she had working the sensor data. At a 2410 Daystrom Conference, T'Car had engaged in a similar outburst over the assessment of dark matter, which he was considered one of the foremost authorities. Sri had reviewed the holo. T'Car's outburst had the poor presenter in a stammering fit for several minutes, and they never recovered. 2414 was to see a repeat performance of T’Car’s scathing wit.

    Sri concentrated on keeping her hand steady as she took a sip of water. She could feel the smug satisfaction oozing from T’Car, growing into a condescending self-assurance. Was he thinking of 2410 all over again? The tiny part of her that would love to know was crushed by the rest that knew how wrong it was to reach into his mind to find out. Even so, what he chose to give away -- his emotions, his body language, and his facial expressions -- were fair game. So she serenely let the seconds pass and let him read those seconds of silence as uncertainty on her part, his sense of victory grow until...

    "I realize Sir that you might be unfamiliar with Doctors Benson and Hewett's deconstruction of computational analysis whose techniques I emulated. I can explain-"

    T'Car waved his hand dismissively. "I am more than familiar with those hacks! Only a fool would consider Benson and Hewett's work even remotely scholarly!" he said with a snort.

    Sri inwardly smiled, knowing in his contempt T'Car had completely forgotten that said work had been vetted and peer reviewed by two of his fellow Jurists -- Doctors Shuran and Harbor. A third jurist, Dr. Alana, had been the sponsor of the work. Sri took another sip of water as in an instant the three scholars exchanged furious glances, and before Doctor T'Car could get out another word found himself besieged on three sides by three very put out scholars. She kept her face remained impassive, politely watching the seconds allotted to her jury tick away.

    The Astrophysics Chair ended the argument sooner than Sri hoped with a simple flat, "Enough.” which caused the jury to stop talking and look back at Sri.

    The Chair's question came in a direct monotone. "Ensign Sri. If our model for determining the location of Dwarf Galaxy P268 is flawed, what model do you propose as a replacement?"

    Inwardly, Sri winced. It was the weakest portion of her presentation. "Distinguished Chair, I do not have a replacement model at this time." She heard T'Cars derisive snort but continued on "And if I may perhaps offer a point of clarification, it is not that I consider the Daystrom Model flawed -- it is merely that it is not a model that fits the Outb- P268."

    The Chairs impassiveness matched Sri’s. "The model was made for P268. If model does not fit what it was designed for, is it not flawed?"

    Sri thought quickly. One of her strategies had been to find a charitable position for the current model to avoid infuriating its creators, two of which were on her jury. One being the Chair herself. Sri gripped the sides of the podium briefly with her gloved hands. Was the Chair trying to provoke another argument with herself at the center instead? It had not been evident in the past holos of juries that Sri had studied. But people, particularly humans, particularly liberated borg humans were...


    Sri blinked slowly, matching the Chair mask for mask. "I believe it to be more…precise… to say that the model was created without a complete understanding of the composition of P268."


    "As I have demonstrated previously with the sensor data, non-dark matter anomalies occur in P268 far more often than anticipated in the original model, and at a much higher frequency. The anomalies impact the dark matter calculations to such a degree that the margin for error is greater than the size of the Outback itself. Merely changing these constants do not correct the model because the whole energy interaction tetra-cube needs to be rebuilt. The skew may not only affect the *where* of the outback, but the potential *when*."

    That caught the jurists by surprise. Sri had left potential temporal flux out of her original findings; however, it was a perfectly rational conclusion, if one was willing to jump from spatial to temporal mechanics. She hoped they would attack temporal argument -- one she was willing to lose, instead of her main point. She had constructed the argument because of the high probability that Dr. Shruan would have decided to attend her jury, and in this case the odds had been in her favor. She could feel the sharp pulse of Dr Shruan's excitement. Gravmatic to Temporal Displacement was one of his favorite topics.

    "Perhaps" the Chair said dryly, before Dr. Shruan could leap to the topic "However let us remain in the spatial, for now, and assume you are correct. How would you propose correcting the model?"

    T'Car protested. "She hasn't demonstrated the model *is* wrong!"

    The chair's lack of amusement was palpable. "Then I suggest you get into a ship, fly directly to P268 without the benefit of the Caspian Wormhole to find out." Dr. T’Car glowered at the Chair, but remained silent. At projected distance of over a thousand light years, it would take a normal vessel more than a human lifetime to get to the outback and back. Sri kept her pleasure behind her impassive face. Rarely did the Chair intentionally bite, but when she did, she left marks.

    "Distinguished Chair, I had discussed two potential approaches with Pretorian Sciences and Engineering. One involves actually determining a reference point through the dark matter shell of the Outback with a measured - "

    "An antiproton burst followed by a tight wave metreon beam to pierce the dark matter encompassing P268?"

    "Precisely, Distinguished Chair." Sri said carefully, disappointed she could not burn minutes explaining the technique. "Once we could get visibility outside of the dark matter cocoon, we could modulate-"

    "The energy required is ...substantial."

    "Yes, though our Chief Engineer -" Sri responded, feeling herself lose cadence.

    "-Is quite excited to build a gigantic beam cannon and fire it into space. I am not entirely unsympathetic, provided the target was Borg. Unfortunately, it is not. Did you take gravametic recoil into consideration?"

    Sri frowned. She hadn't considered recoil. "That is true,” she said and quickly consulted her PADD. "The amount of damage – even without anomalous multipliers could be considerable.” As she completed calculations, she was forced to add, "Quite considerable.” The PADD finished, and Sri glanced at the completed impact model long enough to be appalled. "Clearly it’s not an option."

    "I concur. What else?"

    Sri took a moment to collect her thoughts on the second option. "The other option is to conduct an in-depth survey of the anomalies of the outback, using probabilistic matrices to rebuild the tetra-cube within the original model.”

    Dr. Harbor, having long been silent, steepled his tentacle-like fingers and asked, "A time-consuming task, but certainly more responsible-sounding than 'shoot it with a big gun', Miss Sri. Why is this approach your second option?" he sat back and slowly separated his fingers so the suckers along their length parted with a discernable pop. She couldn't help but wonder if he developed the habit with his fingers to annoy his fellow jurists *and* the presenter.

    "With all due respect Sir, my initial findings on Outback anomalies was rejected as not being 'exciting enough' for public jury.

    "Perhaps we need to re-review our selection processes." T'Car said, with a leniency that left Sri mildly surprised. She quietly nodded as he added with a trace of distaste in his tone, "Especially if our presenters are leading with options only to impress a selection committee."

    Sri realized it was a risk, but Starfleet diplomacy had taught her to take olive branches seriously. "In all fairness, Doctor T’Car, I did see the condensed beam as a potential option. A high energy approach would have saved time as a survey could take years before the model can be adjusted based on the new data. However, such an approach is clearly out of the question, and I appreciate the analysis.”

    T ’Car’s gave Sri a stern look. "I am not convinced that the frequency and strength of the catalogued anomalies you provided are cause for the observed discrepancies in distance modelling. However I am willing to accept that the current model bears further study. The volume of sensor data – despite the use of questionable data deconstruction -- showing anomalous interference with the composition of internal structures within Galaxy P268 seems to warrant meta-analysis.”

    The other jurists nodded, carefully making notes. The Chair finally nodded. "I concur.”

    Sri carefully looked at the time on her PADD, the seconds draining away. "Thank you, Distinguished Jury. I regret that we did not get to the events of Stardate 92100.5, when Praetorian Sciences cataloged a folded space anomaly, which would draw the *size* of the Outback into debate as well.”

    The Jurists gave her blank looks, completely silent save a single pop from Dr. Harbor’s fingers. Then they consulted their PADDs, save the chair, who merely regarded her with an arched eyebrow. Sri had wondered if the Chair never carried a PADD because she maintained a direct link with Daystrom. Now she was fairly certain.

    The lights blinked, indicating time was over, the jury regarding her with a host of unasked questions. Sri gave a faint smile. "I thank the distinguished jury for their time. And look forward to next time.”

    Epilogue 1.

    The Chair’s tone was bone-dry. "With your sense of timing, Ensign Sri, ff you ever find the sciences unsatisfying, you could consider a career in entertainment.”.

    Sri thought for a second, wondering if the Chair could possibly telling a joke. She contemplated the Chair’s spartan office and decided on the safest path. "Thank you, Chair Hansen. Does this mean that I should plan on topics for next year’s conference?”


    Sri pursed her lips, saying nothing. Inwardly running through a litany of Klingon curses.. What did she expect, making Dr. T’Char look like a fool, playing the jurists against each other. "I see.” she said, though she struggled to do so. "Is there anything else?”

    "Yes. Your commanding officer. Does he prefer name, or designation?”

    Sri sighed inwardly. "Name. Lieutenant Commander Kumar has not used his designation in a long time.”

    "Good for him. Tell him to expect Daystrom to be in touch.”

    Being barred from Daystrom wasn’t enough obviously, she thought with a simmering disgust. Not when you could add an official reprimand "Of course. Chair Hansen.”

    Chair Hansen regarded Sri dispassionately. "This time, next year, I would expect you to be involved with a joint effort between Daystrom and Praetorian Sciences analyzing the anomalies in P268. I’ll let your superior officers manage the details.”

    Sri said nothing, looking at the Chair with a blank expression until the Chair finally asked, "What?”

    "A Daystrom sponsored survey?” Sri asked when she could finally find her voice.

    "Praetorian Sciences is the logical choice to head a joint operation.” The Chair replied matter-of-factly.

    Sri managed a smile. "It would seem I am not the only one with a flair for the dramatic.”

    Chair Hansen continued her impassive look. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Inform your officers we will be in touch. Now I have a jury in ten minutes. That is all, Ensign Sri.”
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    See the Real life version of the 26th Fleet patch made by one of our amazing members Here!

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    To: CAPT Alenis, CO Praetorian Station, 26th Fleet
    CAPT Zekell, CO Task Force Avalon, 26th Fleet
    LT CMD Kumar, CSO, Praetorian Station, 26th Fleet
    CC: RADM Llywarch, 26th Fleet
    FADM Sprint, 26th Fleet
    K'rome Riit, CO USS Tejas 26th Fleet

    From: CMD Syvok, CO USS Hiroko Ai, 19th Fleet

    RE: Level 1 diagnostic of Caspian Wormhole and Wormhole Operations

    This message is to confirm that a Level 1 diagnostic of the Caspian Wormhole and resultant operations will commense on 91616.9((8.21)). This is based on our analysis of the data from the Level 3 diagnostic conducted previously. While the Level 3 diagnostic indicated instability in the wormhole, we were not able to determine the cause from the diagnostic data. It is expected that we will aquire cause of the instability with a Level 1 Diagnostic.

    During such time, a task force of the 19th fleet consisting of USS Hiroko Ai (Sovereign), USS Sentinel (Intrepid), USS Davati (Recon), USS Da-Kulan (Recon), USS Collective 479 (Avenger Cruiser). We are requesting that the 26th fleet make a similar commitment of resources in order to prevent ships from using the wormhole during the Level 1 diagnostic. Please be advised that any use of the wormhole during the diagnostic will require a re-initialization of the entire process.

    In addition, we are requesting security support during this diagnostic. Our security forces are 112% committed to maintaining order on New Australia and orbiting refugee centers, and science and engineering resources are ensuring we do not have a biosphere collapse of the delicate New Australian environment under the weight of so many additional refugees. We have requested additional resources from Starfleet, but they have been hesitant to do so with the situation at Sol-4. We realize this could impact other projects, but feel the need is great -- lives have been lost because of instability in the wormhole. It is imperative we are able to determine the cause, and potentially rectify the situation.

    Be advised that during the end of the level 3 diagnostic, a group of refugee ships ran the blockade. Detonating a cargo container of Kathrecite, they managed to blind the Hiroko AI's mid-range sensors briefly and run for the blockade. While the majority of the ships were held by tractor beams, we could not catch all of them without placing the ones we already held in danger, and they crossed through the wormhole. Our estimates put the number of ships that got through between 5 and 12, based on subspace wormhole data, which is suspect based on the condition of the wormhole, above.

    Praetorian Wormhole Operations confirmed only a single ship exiting the wormhole. We are concerned about locating the remaining ships. We found CO Riit's report of finding a refugee ship on the other side of the Outback very concerning, and request that the 26th commit resources to finding additional ships. I am hoping that the 26th experience with navigating the rough space of the Outback will be helpful. Bear in mind that many of these refugee ships are meant for navigating between known systems and do not have the advanced sensor suites that would allow them to safely navigate the Outback, let alone the experince to handle gravemetric disturbances.


    CMD Syvok, CO USS Hiroko Ai, 19th Fleet
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