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Primary Specialization - Pilot



  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I consider myself a strictly "casual" player (15+ hrs. per week). I see no problem with the current
    "Spec" system, (including this change) unless one is in a hurry. This seems to be always the case
    with all the grief expressed when ever a change occurs. :rolleyes:

    If one wishes to chase these types of systems down hard, fine. But don't then complain when
    things change! :o I'm relatively new to MMO's, but the pattern of changes seem consistent.
    Countermeasure... don't be in such a blasted hurry to get... where exactly? For myself, the
    answer to "Spec" system changes is keep an unspent reserve of "Spec" points. I try to maintain
    at least (12) in reserve (although have (16) currently). No great bother, as "Virus" has stated
    you get them as a bonus just for putting in "game time". There should be no surprises here,
    and this is coming from a relative "rookie". :)

    Hey "Virus". You commented on the negative effects this thread was having on you. Here's
    a light hearted question. You're new Avatar that looks as if he's about to "brain" somebody,
    is that implement he's brandishing a Crickett Bat, or a Rolling Pin? :D

  • sufreasufrea Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Mmm, I usually don't participate in forums, but this one thread seems to draw a lot of anger. Maybe all threads do?

    Anyways, I mentioned earlier that I maxed my spec points. I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd have liked, but I didn't find it soul-crushingly oppressive.

    My point here? I'm thinking someone should write out a guide, a comprehensible guide, to leveling in the current state of the game. Has someone done that? Like I said, I don't participate in forums. Which is probably obvious by join date and post count.

    I'm certainly willing to contribute my methods to leveling. Ah, no, not leveling. Gaining Specialization points. And I'm certain other people have found their own methods to gaining points. Someone... probably put a video up somewhere by now. I have no idea how to record or post videos anywhere.

    I gained points faster and had more fun doing it after the patrol lock-out. Er, once I spent some time figuring out how to level efficiently. I spent a lot of time figuring it out. I'd like to help others to not go through that trial and error process.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey "Virus". You commented on the negative effects this thread was having on you. Here's
    a light hearted question. You're new Avatar that looks as if he's about to "brain" somebody,
    is that implement he's brandishing a Crickett Bat, or a Rolling Pin? :D

    Lol, it was something Trendy posted in a thread she closed...let me see if I can find it. But it made me lol, so I grabbed the base image for it.

  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    We still have no plans or intentions to release Specialization Respecs. You can earn as many Specialization Points as there are abilities to purchase, so there is no such thing as a choice that cannot be corrected by earning another point.

    Sir, I must protest, I am not a merry man! (name the episode)

    Anyway, I have to object to this rationalized belief you stated sir, EVERY MMO that changes skills/specs/whathaveyou has ALWAYS at the very least, offered a free respec option, it matters not if people can just continue earning points, some of us look at it as time wasted if the points are no longer viable or justified.

    I would wager a good majority of players like myself have 40 hour a week jobs, families, yard work, whatever else and aren't glued to this game 24/7, it was and should remain casual friendly, the Delta XP slap in the face (that is what it was) killed the casual, and these specialization points aren't just rolling in for a lot of us, regardless of metrics or what some say.

    My main has 14 points, that's it, my primary alt has 12, and the rest of my characters still aren't even 60.

    I must heavily ask you reconsider your stance (or someone higher ups stance) on this matter.

  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So, which will be the first ship to use the Pilot skills?

    I'm gonna guess a new T6 Risian Corvette for the summer event and later, the new T6 Jem'Hadar Interceptor Ship which will be the Jem'Hadar Strike Ship with a new skin, its last universal station being converted into a pilot/universal one and a 5/2 weapon setting.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    sufrea wrote: »
    Mmm, I usually don't participate in forums, but this one thread seems to draw a lot of anger. Maybe all threads do?

    Anyways, I mentioned earlier that I maxed my spec points. I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd have liked, but I didn't find it soul-crushingly oppressive.

    My point here? I'm thinking someone should write out a guide, a comprehensible guide, to leveling in the current state of the game. Has someone done that? Like I said, I don't participate in forums. Which is probably obvious by join date and post count.

    I'm certainly willing to contribute my methods to leveling. Ah, no, not leveling. Gaining Specialization points. And I'm certain other people have found their own methods to gaining points. Someone... probably put a video up somewhere by now. I have no idea how to record or post videos anywhere.

    I gained points faster and had more fun doing it after the patrol lock-out. Er, once I spent some time figuring out how to level efficiently. I spent a lot of time figuring it out. I'd like to help others to not go through that trial and error process.

    I can neither confirm nor deny if there are methods to gain specialization points at a reasonable rate - and neither should you!
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • gameshogungameshogun Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It makes sense to have the Pilot specialization as Primary, while the others as secondary.

    Interesting change, very interesting. The diversity in the characters will change further because of this. More possible combinations, the better.

    Is STO slowly going down the path of being a sandbox MMO? Right now, it seems to be heading towards being part-hybrid.

    Keep it up Cryptic!
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    "Someone should do a story where a Horta meets a Vorta. And then they find a portal to Vorta-Vor and become immortal. Sorta." ~Christopher L. Bennett
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    sentinel64 wrote: »
    In reference to this newly revised Pilot spec (to primary), there needs to be some additional boosts that give better survival and boost damage of pets from the Pilot specialization. A better title for this new primary would be "Flight Operations" which would include flying your ship, shuttle and pets.

    How about making special give-away Pilot specced shuttles modeled on shuttles like the Type 11 and the Recon Runabout from Star Trek: Insurrection. :D
    The Type 11 shuttle needs to be in game. It's the only shuttle I want.
    That's going to be the tough thing for Cryptic...cause folks play all sorts of different amounts. They can't provide for all, so they've got to figure on trying to hit up that middle group or the majority group - which will leave some folks feeling like they're getting nothing and some folks probably filling up toon after toon.

    Cause even "regular play" as you put it and allowing for three months? What would that entail, eh? Hrmmm, let me check some dates on stuff they did.

    October 14th, 2014 introduced 30 Intel - 15 Pilot - 15 Commando.
    January 29th, 2015 introduced 30 Command.
    The Pilot to 30 conversion isn't happening until S10...with them doing the Tribble/Redshirt thing, it's usually somewhere around a month or so of testing before something goes live in that fashion. Can't remember when they actually did that...hrmm. They've said their launching Uneasy Allies on March 26th, so if they give folks some time to play that before getting into S10 - it's basically in April sometime, yeah?

    So they did about 4.5 months to allow for the 60 points before dropping out Command. Half that for the next 30, eh? Kind of leans toward the next being around April 9th for S10? Course, would that mean half of that again before the next one dropped out? Getting into around May 14th? That seems a bit too quick there, maybe.

    But it would get into around that 2.25/2.5 months for 30, eh?

    So if they were doing that, it would be along the lines of viewing players as earning ~3 or so points a week somewhere about, yeah? Unless of course they simply don't expect folks to fill it out between when they drop out the next. My math might be off there...I should really go to the store and get some caffeine.

    True True, though I can't confirm or deny your math it's not my strong suit either.

    Only Cryptic actually knows what specs they have planned and when they're coming out.

    Which makes it troublesome for the players who wish to meticulously plan out their character development with no deviation. Kind of a control freak tendency now that I think about it. I mean people's time is expensive and I get that, but it's become quite serious business.

    But yes, three a week per character would seem to be somewhat reasonable, though for some a spec point a day is what they want. We have been trained around the concept of the daily.

    The question is how many specs are in the pipeline? How often?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • cristonic2cristonic2 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ok, it all sounds good, but, what about points we would now want to change. I personally would lie to have Pilot And Commando. My question is are you going to allow us to replace the points we have earned to places we would rather put them now that you have changed Pilot completely. I found Intel and Command both are useless to me. Pilot and Commando would be great, but I was forced to put points into a Primary slot to gain any kind of Benefit at all. A chance to respec would be a good idea when you just start flip-flopping everything like this ;)
  • gaulltgaullt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Are we going to see some new changes to ALL of the ships with the sector changes as well?
    That is the only thing that makes sense, add in a "Profession Station" that would work for Pilot, Intell, or Command specialty boffs? As you go thru "Tiers" for the ships we might evolve into a ship where you have all 6 possible stations working up to commander grade. The lower tier ships like a scout would be missing an engineer station, but be separate Intell, Science instead?

    As for the Captains specializations, I would expect some sort of ability to respecc, monitized or at "Tier Change" or both. Rare, but allows for fixes in choices.
    The Universe is a messy place, You are born a mess. Sustaining life usually involves cleaning up messes. You die and usually are a mess then too. All of these messes usually involve some blood- get over it.
  • serhatgs1905serhatgs1905 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I need more bridge officer seats!:D
    tactics? to pew pew or not to pew pew?!

  • cristonic2cristonic2 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    this seems to be great, but as you are changing the rules, will you let us reset our specialization points we have put into a primary into say Pilot or commando? can we respect specializations like we respect our skills or change our traits ?:confused:
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    cristonic2 wrote: »
    this seems to be great, but as you are changing the rules, will you let us reset our specialization points we have put into a primary into say Pilot or commando? can we respect specializations like we respect our skills or change our traits ?:confused:

    There's never been an official word on this suggestion, but I personally don't see it ever happening and for one simple reason. Skill point selection is finite, spec point selection is not. By that I mean you can only spend a certain amount of skill points and then that's you done, but with spec points you can in theory (I say theory because of the low rate of XP gains) get access to ALL available specialisation points.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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