Clearly they have jacked up the difficulty several times over. I can't even solo a sphere in my monster fleet patrol escort refit. Trip XIV Dual Heavy's up front, Elite regen turrets in back... The people are playing the parts right... it's just they literally overwhelm you.
I have been able to succeed once in about my last 20 tries... last few making sure to hook with quality players. This is getting crazy. I need one Damn Borg Neural Processor and of course will eventually need others and they have nearly destroyed the possibility of getting them.
I can never think of enough ways to say how much I hate Cryptic.
the STF's were never made to be solo'd in the first place, and if you need a processor, I seem to recall that Deferra ground now awards them once a day
Clearly they have jacked up the difficulty several times over. I can't even solo a sphere in my monster fleet patrol escort refit. Trip XIV Dual Heavy's up front, Elite regen turrets in back... The people are playing the parts right... it's just they literally overwhelm you.
I have been able to succeed once in about my last 20 tries... last few making sure to hook with quality players. This is getting crazy. I need one Damn Borg Neural Processor and of course will eventually need others and they have nearly destroyed the possibility of getting them.
I can never think of enough ways to say how much I hate Cryptic.
Are you SURE the problem is Cryptic? I've been handling things fine and I'm not in an Escort, I'm in a science ship.
the STF's were never made to be solo'd in the first place, and if you need a processor, I seem to recall that Deferra ground now awards them once a day
Perhaps you didn't read or I wasn't clear. I cannot solo "Even a Sphere" as in a Sphere by itself. NOT the MISSION itself. Now. when there are 10 of them and a few cubes, you really don't have much of a ****ing chance. I'll try Deferra though I DETEST ground. Like I got a Starship so I could play in the dirt ya know?
I've done this mission a HUNDRED times at least and seldom had difficulty with any version unless someone is really just paying no attention. Now after last update... 1 of 20??? C'mon, something changed and it's pretty obvious.
Are you SURE the problem is Cryptic? I've been handling things fine and I'm not in an Escort, I'm in a science ship.
Also I have tried in both my Dyson, and my T6 science ship. All with builds to max their points and the Boffs I have staffed and their selected abilities.
Again, SOMETHING has changed. My play style and abilities did not simply evaporate or dramatically change... I doubt most others did... there literally seems to be no way to completed these damn things. I was 99% I thought and somehow despite EVERYONE hammering away on the last set... they manage to repair the damn node and cost us nearly 30 mins.... the idea of beating in in under the time limit? SHOW me someone do that and I'll be extremely impressed at this point.
And yes... let's be honest. ALL problems can eventually be traced back to Cryptic at some level
Are you aware of the recent major buff to tachyon beam? Borg strip shields even more than they used to. Maybe switching in a resistance console would help.
Are you aware of the recent major buff to tachyon beam? Borg strip shields even more than they used to. Maybe switching in a resistance console would help.
It's sure as hell worth a try though I purposely insulate my ship pretty well as that's what all the damn Science geeks wanna pop you with and it's terribly effective. Also, I use Tachyon Beam III with regularity and often etc... I'll chew these ****ers down to milimeter of hull then there are 12 more and all 5 of us are getting stomped but shooting that ****ing node for all we are worth then comes the damn failure notice. It's getting MADDENING.
NOTHING changes that dramatically without changes occurring around it and it's not the first time Cryptic has ***** this game.
Perhaps you didn't read or I wasn't clear. I cannot solo "Even a Sphere" as in a Sphere by itself. .
Your build needs a serious refit, I guess you have weapon- and shieldpower at 25 or so to not be able to solo a single sphere. Truth to be told, THAT kind of incompetence isnt the games problem, its simply your lack of skill.
But well, what should we expect when we only read "I have this monstergear" in the OP. Gear has -compared to other things- only a low impact on performance.
the STF's were never made to be solo'd in the first place, and if you need a processor, I seem to recall that Deferra ground now awards them once a day
the OP was saying he cant solo a mob not the queue itself, please read what he said again... or at least buy some glasses ^^
Your build needs a serious refit, I guess you have weapon- and shieldpower at 25 or so to not be able to solo a single sphere. Truth to be told, THAT kind of incompetence isnt the games problem, its simply your lack of skill.
But well, what should we expect when we only read "I have this monstergear" in the OP. Gear has -compared to other things- only a low impact on performance.
While I'll certainly take any helpful advice I can get, I must admit you are are dead wrong on the first part of what you said. My engines etc keep even my lowest at about 55 and being an escort I typically go full weapons with large bonuses to the "neglected" levels. Aside from that... never having played with I think it's slightly unfair for you note any perception of my skill. SKILL does not change that drastically overnight. You can't be skilled for 100 mission then inept for 20. Doesn't work that way without some outside influence.
You can assert incompetence but just suggesting a "better" build makes you sound about as incompetent as they come. When you have someone asking for suggestions regardless of my thoughts about Cryptic, unless you work for them get off their **** and either offer a REAL suggestion or troll somewhere else.
IF you have any real suggestions vs insults, feel free to offer them. Aside from that you can really keep your insults, they only show your own insecurities.
OH... as a PS... when I try my science ships I have, like the escort, actually tried both approaches.... neither works. Funny thing to me is I clock in at 3rd on the Advanced CE every time.
Not trying to put you done here op, but isa, and csa can be completed in about 5-10mins with a decent team. (Everyone hitting 15k at least)
If all 5 players are under 8k dps, that group will have a ton of trouble.
Especially if no one brings gravity well to isa.
And even if someone does, your still going to be racing against the clock.
I have a sci, tac and engineer that can all do isa and csa.
You're probably getting grouped with awful pugs (CCA Event is on..must be bringing in more inexperienced players trying to pug adv Borg stfs)...which are not helping your cause.
Jump on one of the premade channels. Your sucess rate will skyrocket.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
edited March 2015
Its the recent change they did to Tachyon Beam.
It broke the Borg version of it, turing it into the most OP method of STF Borg shield ripping ever. Doesn't matter how much shield drain resist you got, 2-3 seconds of Tachyon Beam and pfft. Shields gone. Might as well Hull Tank if you can.
I've also stuggled with Spheres on advanced since DR. I've got 6 mk XII Phasers with ACC x3 thanks to the original patrol wrapper mission rewards in the Delta Quadrant, and with full weapons power... and still feel like its soloing a tac cube.
A friend said that Advanced is like the old Elite as was advertised... if you're rockin' mk XIV gear. But clearly everyone is struggling due to recent changes. I think we've returned to the days where any bugfix somewhere breaks the STF Borg.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Not trying to put you done here op, but isa, and csa can be completed in about 5-10mins with a decent team. (Everyone hitting 15k at least)
If all 5 players are under 8k dps, that group will have a ton of trouble.
Especially if no one brings gravity well to isa.
And even if someone does, your still going to be racing against the clock.
I have a sci, tac and engineer that can all do isa and csa.
You're probably getting grouped with awful pugs (CCA Event is on..must be bringing in more inexperienced players trying to pug adv Borg stfs)...which are not helping your cause.
Jump on one of the premade channels. Your sucess rate will skyrocket.
Dude I respect what you are saying.... but the last few times I begged some good folks from NoP to help me out... and THEY said holy **** wtf happened to Borg Advanced Missions. These are folks I have always known to play, post LARGE DPS, etc... ... and I LOVE Grav Well III especially if someone is smart enough hit them with that and let me torp and cannon the **** out of the group... but.. still not getting anywhere.
Its the recent change they did to Tachyon Beam.
It broke the Borg version of it, turing it into the most OP method of STF Borg shield ripping ever. Doesn't matter how much shield drain resist you got, 2-3 seconds of Tachyon Beam and pfft. Shields gone. Might as well Hull Tank if you can.
I've also stuggled with Spheres on advanced since DR. I've got 6 mk XII Phasers with ACC x3 thanks to the original patrol wrapper mission rewards in the Delta Quadrant, and with full weapons power... and still feel like its soloing a tac cube.
A friend said that Advanced is like the old Elite as was advertised... if you're rockin' mk XIV gear. But clearly everyone is struggling due to recent changes. I think we've returned to the days where any bugfix somewhere breaks the STF Borg.
I am hull tanking as much as I can. I have the Kobali stuff on it, Massive resistance... (over 50% to ALL) and 68K HP for an escort... I am LOW???
I blame 2 things for increased difficulty in elite STFs. The first being the lesser of hard failure states. Letting a single nanite sphere touch a transformer means failure. A single ship going through the portal is a failure. So there's less leeway in terms of jacking around. The second and in my opinion more problematic is idiots using fire at will and popping generators while we're still mopping up trash so the adds come in before it's safe.
Ignorance is an obstacle not an excuse
Let the stupid suffer
Post your build. I dont have any problems even with my escorts since DR or the recent TachB-change, and I have the certain problem of drawing aggro, and no, most of my gear, especially the defensive gear, hasnt been updated yet.
I blame 2 things for increased difficulty in elite STFs. The first being the lesser of hard failure states. Letting a single nanite sphere touch a transformer means failure. A single ship going through the portal is a failure. So there's less leeway in terms of jacking around. The second and in my opinion more problematic is idiots using fire at will and popping generators while we're still mopping up trash so the adds come in before it's safe.
Um... ouch. I may be guilty of this. I tend to use fire at will a lot on my science ships. I mounted Omnis and the Borg cutter on the back of them.
Also this ****ing time thing makes it AWFULLY difficult to answer in my OWN thread LOL.
Post your build. I dont have any problems even with my escorts since DR or the recent TachB-change, and I have the certain problem of drawing aggro, and no, most of my gear, especially the defensive gear, hasnt been updated yet.
I'm logging on to get it now. Thanks for looking at it for me.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
edited March 2015
I fly a guardian with 6 beam arrays and 2 torps, so I average about 7-8k DPS with maybe a few spikes. Without changing damage types entirely or upgrading, I've peaked in my offensive power with my current build, which isn't too bad. My friend actually said it would be a nightmare for PvPers because of the accuracy. Now if only that applied to my survivability against Pvp tactics...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The bad guys are leveled up to match level 60's now, thats a start. The increased fails have made it critical for people to work with a plan. Hotshots in ISA use to TRIBBLE things up by blowing a a generator early, now they garauntee an early ending and only 10 marks. The scenario was the same for almost threee years and people didnt learn the scenario. Hopefully that will increase the learning curve significantly.
I'm not familiar with what you are talking about. Pre Made Channels? Isn't that what I am doing going to PvE queue?
No. That's a Public match, where you're just teamed with 4 other random people.
They're referring to Private matches, where we set up our own teams. The quality in those tend to be higher.
If you're having trouble with a single sphere, there really is something flawed in your build. The recent buff made the Borg hit our shields harder, but it didn't make them tougher.
Post your build. I dont have any problems even with my escorts since DR or the recent TachB-change, and I have the certain problem of drawing aggro, and no, most of my gear, especially the defensive gear, hasnt been updated yet.
Fleet Patrol Escort Refit
Hull: 68441
Repair Rate: 218.2/min
Shield Regen: 271.9/6 sec
Shields: 8880 per face
Resists: 38.7 to all (I was off not close to 50)
30, 5, 50 for accuracy bonus, crit chance bonus, and crit sev bonus
Turn 15 deg/sec
Front Weaps:
[Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XIV [CrtD] [CrtH] [Rapid]][Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [CrtD] [CrtH]x3][Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [CrtD]][Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI
**Admittedly these need upgrade, in process and Never had a problem as I worked these guys up a bit using the dlilithium from the damn event lol***
Rear Loadout:
[Elite Restorative Fleet Phaser Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [CrtD]][Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [CrtD]][Elite Restorative Fleet Phaser Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [CrtD]][Tempest Tail G]
[Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XI [+SIF]][Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk X [+EPS]][Console - Engineering - Enhanced RCS Accelerator Mk XI [+ResAll]][Consol
No. That's a Public match, where you're just teamed with 4 other random people.
They're referring to Private matches, where we set up our own teams. The quality in those tend to be higher.
If you're having trouble with a single sphere, there really is something flawed in your build. The recent buff made the Borg hit our shields harder, but it didn't make them tougher.
OH... I can never get anyone to join those. I tried some fleets some not bad but always drama. As for my build, peek away.
When we say "build", we're referring to your Bridge Officer layout, your traits, and your Duty Officers. Those will have considerably greater impact on performance than gear.
Which reminds me - did your Duty Officers and Traits unslot themselves? That could also be why you're suddenly having trouble.
I fly a guardian with 6 beam arrays and 2 torps, so I average about 7-8k DPS with maybe a few spikes. Without changing damage types entirely or upgrading, I've peaked in my offensive power with my current build, which isn't too bad. My friend actually said it would be a nightmare for PvPers because of the accuracy. Now if only that applied to my survivability against Pvp tactics...
I gotta say, I had been a player LONG ago... and forgot how much I like science ships overall... and when I got P0WNED by one... I tried the new voyager clone T6... shoulda got the dauntless for the better tactical station set up for my style.
ISA is now a tossup for Pug. That doesn't bother me too much.
I am a bit annoyed that my assimilated set Vesta can now be killed by the borg (and by undine on elite as well)
I experimented today with a partial version of my old defensive build and found it didn't help. If you get close to the mass of spheres and the gateway they will take your shields even with the 3 piece set and will often one-shot you. So I returned to my pure offense build and will just have to fly more cautiously.
I haven't played it enough to really judge but I would say the pug fail rate is around 50% now, down from maybe 10% before the recent change.
eh, I can live with it. Long ago the borg were nasty with their shield stealing. this reminds me of those times.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
When we say "build", we're referring to your Bridge Officer layout, your traits, and your Duty Officers. Those will have considerably greater impact on performance than gear.
Which reminds me - did your Duty Officers and Traits unslot themselves? That could also be why you're suddenly having trouble.
OK, apologies
Tac Station: Purple (Elisa) Tac Team 1, Attack Pattern Delta, Spread 3, Scatter Volley 3
Science: Sci Team, Hazard Team
Eng1: Eng Team, Shield Polarity 1, structural integrity field 2
Univ1: Eng Team, Emerg power to weaps 2, Directed Energy Modulation 2
Hope this helps... do you need me to get my capt skill build? It's gunna take a while for that.
Op I agree there has been some broken sh@t happening in borg stfs. My scimitar would peak a decent 40 to 42 k on isa regularly but after that change its dropped to 20-25 k. My build is the exact same rom plasma aux to bat build everything at muk 14 vr and 5 epic tac console from fleet.
Have you been able to take a look at your dps after the change?
OK, apologies
Tac Station: Purple (Elisa) Tac Team 1, Attack Pattern Delta, Spread 3, Scatter Volley 3
Science: Sci Team, Hazard Team
Eng1: Eng Team, Shield Polarity 1, structural integrity field 2
Univ1: Eng Team, Emerg power to weaps 2, Directed Energy Modulation 2
Hope this helps... do you need me to get my capt skill build? It's gunna take a while for that.
I also have Duty Offs, Law for Projectile, then greens for Conn Officer and Shield, Tractor and Maintenance
Oh yeah... I have Omega Nanites, Omega Shearing, fortified Hull, advanced shield pen
ship traits, reciprocity, emergency response, ablative field, and all hands on deck
Are you SURE the problem is Cryptic? I've been handling things fine and I'm not in an Escort, I'm in a science ship.
Free Tibet!
Perhaps you didn't read or I wasn't clear. I cannot solo "Even a Sphere" as in a Sphere by itself. NOT the MISSION itself. Now. when there are 10 of them and a few cubes, you really don't have much of a ****ing chance. I'll try Deferra though I DETEST ground. Like I got a Starship so I could play in the dirt ya know?
I've done this mission a HUNDRED times at least and seldom had difficulty with any version unless someone is really just paying no attention. Now after last update... 1 of 20??? C'mon, something changed and it's pretty obvious.
Also I have tried in both my Dyson, and my T6 science ship. All with builds to max their points and the Boffs I have staffed and their selected abilities.
Again, SOMETHING has changed. My play style and abilities did not simply evaporate or dramatically change... I doubt most others did... there literally seems to be no way to completed these damn things. I was 99% I thought and somehow despite EVERYONE hammering away on the last set... they manage to repair the damn node and cost us nearly 30 mins.... the idea of beating in in under the time limit? SHOW me someone do that and I'll be extremely impressed at this point.
And yes... let's be honest. ALL problems can eventually be traced back to Cryptic at some level
Are you aware of the recent major buff to tachyon beam? Borg strip shields even more than they used to. Maybe switching in a resistance console would help.
It's sure as hell worth a try though I purposely insulate my ship pretty well as that's what all the damn Science geeks wanna pop you with and it's terribly effective. Also, I use Tachyon Beam III with regularity and often etc... I'll chew these ****ers down to milimeter of hull then there are 12 more and all 5 of us are getting stomped but shooting that ****ing node for all we are worth then comes the damn failure notice. It's getting MADDENING.
NOTHING changes that dramatically without changes occurring around it and it's not the first time Cryptic has ***** this game.
Your build needs a serious refit, I guess you have weapon- and shieldpower at 25 or so to not be able to solo a single sphere. Truth to be told, THAT kind of incompetence isnt the games problem, its simply your lack of skill.
But well, what should we expect when we only read "I have this monstergear" in the OP. Gear has -compared to other things- only a low impact on performance.
the OP was saying he cant solo a mob not the queue itself, please read what he said again... or at least buy some glasses ^^
While I'll certainly take any helpful advice I can get, I must admit you are are dead wrong on the first part of what you said. My engines etc keep even my lowest at about 55 and being an escort I typically go full weapons with large bonuses to the "neglected" levels. Aside from that... never having played with I think it's slightly unfair for you note any perception of my skill. SKILL does not change that drastically overnight. You can't be skilled for 100 mission then inept for 20. Doesn't work that way without some outside influence.
You can assert incompetence but just suggesting a "better" build makes you sound about as incompetent as they come. When you have someone asking for suggestions regardless of my thoughts about Cryptic, unless you work for them get off their **** and either offer a REAL suggestion or troll somewhere else.
IF you have any real suggestions vs insults, feel free to offer them. Aside from that you can really keep your insults, they only show your own insecurities.
OH... as a PS... when I try my science ships I have, like the escort, actually tried both approaches.... neither works. Funny thing to me is I clock in at 3rd on the Advanced CE every time.
If all 5 players are under 8k dps, that group will have a ton of trouble.
Especially if no one brings gravity well to isa.
And even if someone does, your still going to be racing against the clock.
I have a sci, tac and engineer that can all do isa and csa.
You're probably getting grouped with awful pugs (CCA Event is on..must be bringing in more inexperienced players trying to pug adv Borg stfs)...which are not helping your cause.
Jump on one of the premade channels. Your sucess rate will skyrocket.
It broke the Borg version of it, turing it into the most OP method of STF Borg shield ripping ever. Doesn't matter how much shield drain resist you got, 2-3 seconds of Tachyon Beam and pfft. Shields gone. Might as well Hull Tank if you can.
I've also stuggled with Spheres on advanced since DR. I've got 6 mk XII Phasers with ACC x3 thanks to the original patrol wrapper mission rewards in the Delta Quadrant, and with full weapons power... and still feel like its soloing a tac cube.
A friend said that Advanced is like the old Elite as was advertised... if you're rockin' mk XIV gear. But clearly everyone is struggling due to recent changes. I think we've returned to the days where any bugfix somewhere breaks the STF Borg.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Dude I respect what you are saying.... but the last few times I begged some good folks from NoP to help me out... and THEY said holy **** wtf happened to Borg Advanced Missions. These are folks I have always known to play, post LARGE DPS, etc... ... and I LOVE Grav Well III especially if someone is smart enough hit them with that and let me torp and cannon the **** out of the group... but.. still not getting anywhere.
I am hull tanking as much as I can. I have the Kobali stuff on it, Massive resistance... (over 50% to ALL) and 68K HP for an escort... I am LOW???
Let the stupid suffer
I'm not familiar with what you are talking about. Pre Made Channels? Isn't that what I am doing going to PvE queue?
Um... ouch. I may be guilty of this. I tend to use fire at will a lot on my science ships. I mounted Omnis and the Borg cutter on the back of them.
Also this ****ing time thing makes it AWFULLY difficult to answer in my OWN thread LOL.
I'm logging on to get it now. Thanks for looking at it for me.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
No. That's a Public match, where you're just teamed with 4 other random people.
They're referring to Private matches, where we set up our own teams. The quality in those tend to be higher.
If you're having trouble with a single sphere, there really is something flawed in your build. The recent buff made the Borg hit our shields harder, but it didn't make them tougher.
Fleet Patrol Escort Refit
Hull: 68441
Repair Rate: 218.2/min
Shield Regen: 271.9/6 sec
Shields: 8880 per face
Resists: 38.7 to all (I was off not close to 50)
30, 5, 50 for accuracy bonus, crit chance bonus, and crit sev bonus
Turn 15 deg/sec
Front Weaps:
[Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XIV [CrtD] [CrtH] [Rapid]][Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [CrtD] [CrtH]x3][Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [CrtD]][Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI
**Admittedly these need upgrade, in process and Never had a problem as I worked these guys up a bit using the dlilithium from the damn event lol***
Rear Loadout:
[Elite Restorative Fleet Phaser Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [CrtD]][Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [CrtD]][Elite Restorative Fleet Phaser Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [CrtD]][Tempest Tail G]
[Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XI [+SIF]][Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk X [+EPS]][Console - Engineering - Enhanced RCS Accelerator Mk XI [+ResAll]][Consol
[Console - Science - Shield Emitter Amplifier Mk XI][Console - Science - Shield Refrequencer Mk XII [+CMS]]
[Console - Universal - Regenerative Integrity Field][Console - Tactical - Zero Point Quantum Chamber Mk X][Console - Tactical - Phaser Relay Mk VI][Console - Tactical - Phaser Relay Mk XII][Console - Epic Mk8 Phaser Relay)
So.. yeah it needs some work.. but THIS was the ship and build I was RULING those little borgy TRIBBLE with a week ago. Just don't get it.
OH... I can never get anyone to join those. I tried some fleets some not bad but always drama. As for my build, peek away.
Which reminds me - did your Duty Officers and Traits unslot themselves? That could also be why you're suddenly having trouble.
I gotta say, I had been a player LONG ago... and forgot how much I like science ships overall... and when I got P0WNED by one... I tried the new voyager clone T6... shoulda got the dauntless for the better tactical station set up for my style.
I am a bit annoyed that my assimilated set Vesta can now be killed by the borg (and by undine on elite as well)
I experimented today with a partial version of my old defensive build and found it didn't help. If you get close to the mass of spheres and the gateway they will take your shields even with the 3 piece set and will often one-shot you. So I returned to my pure offense build and will just have to fly more cautiously.
I haven't played it enough to really judge but I would say the pug fail rate is around 50% now, down from maybe 10% before the recent change.
eh, I can live with it. Long ago the borg were nasty with their shield stealing. this reminds me of those times.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
OK, apologies
Tac Station: Purple (Elisa) Tac Team 1, Attack Pattern Delta, Spread 3, Scatter Volley 3
Science: Sci Team, Hazard Team
Eng1: Eng Team, Shield Polarity 1, structural integrity field 2
Univ1: Eng Team, Emerg power to weaps 2, Directed Energy Modulation 2
Hope this helps... do you need me to get my capt skill build? It's gunna take a while for that.
Have you been able to take a look at your dps after the change?
I also have Duty Offs, Law for Projectile, then greens for Conn Officer and Shield, Tractor and Maintenance
Oh yeah... I have Omega Nanites, Omega Shearing, fortified Hull, advanced shield pen
ship traits, reciprocity, emergency response, ablative field, and all hands on deck