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Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)



  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Someone said it above, yes another one of my childhood memories and heroes gone. :(

    Mr Nimoy will surely be missed, and the world made a little colder without him in it.

    R.I.P Mr. Nimoy

    And to Mr Spock... "and of all the souls I have encountered in my travels... his was the most... human."
  • spartanofborgspartanofborg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human"

    R.I.P Mr. Nimoy
  • billmorgan3billmorgan3 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You will be missed, but never forgotten Mr Spock.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Rest in peace Mr Nimoy, thank you for being part of something special, that gave inspiration, hope , joy, entertainment and fond memories to everyone who enjoys and watches Star Trek
  • metalmopmetalmop Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    A Man who Inspired The Will of The Many And The Few
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    This was a gift to me. Representing…
    a dream. One we were unable to fulfill.
    The way you can now.

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to
    (stops, grins)
    I know I know, it’s illogical to
    celebrate something you had nothing to do
    with, but I haven’t had the chance to
    congratulate you on your appointment to
    the ambassadorship so I thought I’d seize
    the occasion… Bravo, Spock — they tell
    me your first mission may take you away
    for awhile, so I’ll be the first to wish
    you luck… and to say…
    (beat, emotional)
    I miss you, old friend.

    I suppose I’d always imagined us…
    outgrowing Starfleet together. Watching
    life swing us into our Emeritus years…

    I look around at the new cadets now and
    can’t help thinking… has it really been
    so long? Wasn’t it only yesterday we
    stepped onto the Enterprise as boys?
    That I had to prove to the crew I
    deserved command… and their respect?

    I know what you’d say — ‘It’s their turn
    now, Jim…’ And of course you’re
    right… but it got me thinking:

    Who’s to say we can’t go one more round?
    By the last tally, only twenty five
    percent of the galaxy’s been chartered…
    I’d call that negligent. Criminal even —
    an invitation. You once said being a
    starship captain was my first, best
    destiny… if that’s true, then yours is
    to be by my side. If there’s any true
    logic to the universe… we’ll end up on
    that bridge again someday.

    Admit it, Spock. For people like us, the
    journey itself… is home.

    I wish that scene had gotten made. :(
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Dif-tor heh smusma, Leonard
  • chivs116chivs116 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    he will and always shall be your firend - RIP SPOCK
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ‘Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. ’ ~ J.M. Barrie & Capt. Kirk

    Link: http://youtu.be/eVIt0DYKssI
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    These are sad news. :(
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Goodbye Mr. Nimoy. We have been, and always shall be, your fans. :(

    That was the most beautiful use of a Spock quote in this context I have seen so far. Thank you.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • laro1984laro1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Very sad i dont know a lot about the privat person but he was not only a popcultural figure his Spock was and stand for so much more ...
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I....I have no words for this. He was a great man, a great actor, and an icon above all else.

    There are no words that i can say but this: "live long, and prosper Mr. Nimoy, as you travel to the next star on the right and straight on till morning"
  • sohtohsohtoh Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I wonder if Craptic will take note or do anything at all.

    Some of the staff have already posted. Your play on the name of Cryptic does disservice the sentiment of this thread.
    "I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Heaven just got a lot more logical while Earth is now a little less awesome without him ._.
  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sohtoh wrote: »
    Some of the staff have already posted. Your play on the name of Cryptic does disservice the sentiment of this thread.

    I agree, this is a thread of remembrance of a great man, leave criptic/PWE hate at the door.
  • berahtberaht Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Goodbye old friend :(
  • fosslasfosslas Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    R.I.P leonard nimoy god speed

    to paraphrase in his own words

    I think about myself as like an ocean liner that's been going full speed for a long distance, and the captain pulls the throttle back all the way to 'stop,' but the ship doesn't stop immediately, does it? It has its own momentum and it keeps on going, and I'm very flattered that people are still finding me useful.

    Leonard Nimoy
  • suzy32suzy32 Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Heartbreaking RIP
  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • flyinglarkflyinglark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Godspeed, good man.
  • humanoideyehumanoideye Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Irish Eyes
    – Leonard Nimoy

    Irish eyes, there for me
    Laughter in the rain
    You called me child
    My heart ran wild
    I must have been a pain

    Irish eyes were kind to me
    You said I was a kid
    The one regret
    I harbor still
    Is what we never did

    We sat in cars and later bars
    I wish we could again
    To pay to you
    My gratitude
    For what you gave back then.

    They came to me too late to say
    That you were gone from now
    Oh, how I wish
    That I had known
    And could have helped somehow.

    I carry still within my ear
    The laughing voice I heard
    When Irish eyes
    Did smile at me
    Now, fly away, my bird.

    We love you Leonard, Peace and long life and may we meet again in the Final Frontier
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have no other words than

    rest in peace Mr. Nimoy.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • cyllus2014cyllus2014 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    R.i.p. Leonard. You touched our hearts and our minds.

    You will be remembered.
  • maracroftmaracroft Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Goodbye, Mr. Nimoy. You will be missed. :(
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Good journey Mr Nimoy, and Live long and Prosper everyone.
  • naharikajalnaharikajal Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A sad day for his relatives and friends. My condolence goes to them.

    As a Trek fan the only thing I am able to say right now is the following words by quoting that nice sentence, which was posted before:
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Goodbye Mr. Nimoy. We have been, and always shall be, your fans. :(
  • falcon3000primefalcon3000prime Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.
  • ariguseliariguseli Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    RIP Mr. Nimoy
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