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Game Client crash

Since the recent patch, possibly even the Anniversary event patch, or maybe just before, I'm now finding my game client crashes, about an hour after starting to play, usually just after zoning.

I'm assuming it's the nvidia drivers, but i've gone back to previous drivers that didn't cause a crash, with no joy, STO client crashes with those too.

Now this isn't a moan. Far from it. I love this game. Maybe i paper over the cracks, and just get on and enjoy it, so i don't really want this thread to deteriorate into a complaint fest about the game..

I'm just wondering if anybody else has had this problem in recent weeks? If so, have you managed to solve it?
RIP Leonard Nimoy
Scotty, Dr. McCoy - one to beam up.
Post edited by beetlejuice on


  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I had crashes, also some of these. After I went back to drivers from spring 2013 (!) it went away. Not optimal by a long shot, but it worked.
  • borgx666borgx666 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i too am having random game crashes since the 5th anniversary started, the game will freeze for a few seconds then i will get dumped back to desktop with no error reports or anything

    just another bug in a very long line of bugs :mad:
  • charlesdonovancharlesdonovan Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Fatal Error: Unable to initialize on-demand patching and connect to
    Patch Server: The connection was idle for too long
  • strahn794strahn794 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am also facing constant disconnects. Since it's been happening to me a lot, I notice when it happens to others. People drop out of pve pug groups and come back shortly more often - or at least I didn't notice it happening as much to groupmates before the anniversary patches.

    Point is that while it may not be a large issue, it's an issue. If it's my drivers, then sure, whatever. But I shouldn't have to roll back my drivers, Cryptic should keep up with them, if such a thing is possible. I have other things installed that need the newer drivers, so I'd prefer not to go back to 2011 or some such nonsense.

    I haven't found a solution. Only thing I've really tried is switching back to dx9 in the options; didn't help. I also ran full file check before logging in to no avail.
  • bunishertdhbunishertdh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Having crashing problems as well. It started today and was working fine yesterday night after the patch. It started today when I logged in and noticed that it took FOREVER for every icon, even the background and characters to show up on my screen. It started working for for about 30 minutes and then it just crashed.

    After that I cant seem to log in at all without the game crashing and/or looking like it's not loading stuff in.

    I set my game to safe mode in the launcher and tried again. This time I could log in, my ship spawned in and I could actually fly around. But nothing really loaded in more than that and some icons.

    And whenever I tried changing anything in the options, the game just froze for a few seconds before anything happened again. This havent been a problem before and something must have happened in the latest patch or during the night?

    I have a screenshot here: http://i.imgur.com/oXhMfqY.jpg and as you can see, some icons havent loaded in after about 5 minutes in the game. Mission texts on the right side havent loaded in, there seem to be a missing background in the duty officer assignment window and none of the icons in the same window have loaded in. This screenshot is taken about 5 minutes after I opened up the window. And just to make sure, this is in safe mode. I tried going into options and change something after the screenshot was taken and the game just crashed, leaving the gameclient.exe open and had to be closed by terminating the process.

    I am at a loss here, not sure why this is happening or how to fix it. And this is the ONLY game I'm having problems with and it has never happened before.

    If anyone know anything about it, please help :c
  • kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Also never had them before the last patch. Now every day.
  • lybrion1lybrion1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I too am having issues since the 2/6 patch. But it seems to be much more severe than some of yours. I get an exceptionally long load time just on the log in screen, ( I have done all of the file verification) and when it finally logs me in, the character screen takes even longer to load. Once loaded though after I log the one I want in (waiting patiently and in childish anticipation) it tells me one of two messages; both in friendly red letters......."Connection timed out" or "server not responding"........I have sent a support ticket off, so I guess I'll have to just sit here with a towel over my head waiting for their response.(or doom to befall me...which ever comes first)....Unless any one here has a suggestion....... ;)
  • beetlejuicebeetlejuice Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for the replies, all.

    One or two i see are suffering the same thing as me, but there's also two or three with other types of problem.

    I dont' fancy going back to a 2013 Video driver, although i do keep two years worth of nvidia drivers just in case something catastrophic happens.

    We'll see what happens after the re-patch at the end of the event, or even (the soonish) update to fix Sol, patches through.
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Scotty, Dr. McCoy - one to beam up.
  • warren0419warren0419 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hi everyone, I have the same problem. After an hour Gameclient.exe crashes. I opened up a ticket with support and gave them my dxdiag info as well as a screenshot of the error. they have been having me update drivers and stuff like. In game options on the engage screen i also chose to verify files. The crashes persist. They now want me to create a new user in Windows and install the game there.

    the problem began right after the 2/6 patch but I cannot get them to listen to this. anyone have a fix? and I have an AMD/Radeon video card.

  • cosmos913967cosmos913967 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have been having this problem too since the start of the anniversary event. It's more frustrating than most bugs. Very disappointing and I hope they fix it soon. Some acknowledgement that this is a problem would be helpful too.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have been having this problem too since the start of the anniversary event. It's more frustrating than most bugs. Very disappointing and I hope they fix it soon. Some acknowledgement that this is a problem would be helpful too.

    The very same here. 1-3 crashes/hour. Big thx from my team mates in PvE Cryptic.
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    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • yorethelyorethel Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Same problems here it can happen randomly but always when doing Crystalline Catastrophe.

    I had the same problem in December and fixed it with a clean re-install, I've done that this time even deleted any residual folders and registry remnants and still it's happening.

    It's taking the joy out of playing this game, I can't even complete the grinds to get anywhere as I'm robbed of either fleet marks/Dilithium by these crashes happening mid mission and I'm unable to get back in, in time.

    Also lost a lot of dilithium as it kicked me out of the Dyson ground mission just when we were killing the dino's I got one but the game crashed en-route to the other and when I came back in I couldn't get into that instance as it was now full so I was robbed!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    The devs don't care as we are getting nowhere, tickets go unanswered and we are left in the dark. Honestly someone in charge wants to sack some people as they are terrible at their jobs and are just coasting from one bugfest to the next all the while releasing more ships for us to buy.

    Well here's some news Cryptic if your reading this:- It is a bad business model that has no/poor customer support and you will lose customers. It is pointless contacting PWE customer support as they are denser than lead and don't understand STO issues. Continuing like this will lead to the death of the game, something I don't want to see but we as customers are trying to get your attention and could do with someone at least acknowledging there is a problem and tell us it is under investigation.

    Then you should compensate all subscribers for this terrible service, since it's been going on for so long.

    I rest my case and step down off the soapbox.
  • alchevsk1992alchevsk1992 Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Having the same problem here too. Everytime I change characters a popup appears saying that the game client stopped working. After that it exited the game.


    Error Ticket ID: 36695960

    "Our history, our past, our present and our future is now forever changed. All we can do is preserve what is left and continue onwards. This is not a surrender nor defeat, we will continue the fight. This is our last hope, our last chance... for victory."

    Vlasek D. Lasor - 4.19.3580

    Star Trek Online: Foundry Storyline Series
  • fisheye1fisheye1 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My problem is that whenever I try to open the game, IT CRASHES MY COMPUTER! At the "Delta Rising Loading" screen, it gives a Blue Screen Of Death. I have an HP Pavilion Slimline, with Intel built-in graphics (so I can't just update or roll back the drivers) and Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit. So now, I always have to run the game in safe mode. It's really starting to TRIBBLE me off. And, whenever I play the new Delta Patrol missions, the framerate gets really laggy unless I orient the camera towards the top or bottom of my ship. Does anybody know what they added to the game that made it go haywire for so many of us? (Also, why is the Foundry down, and when will they put it back up?)
  • warren0419warren0419 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So, have you all opened tickets with support? i have opened a ticket and stated what they have told me. what about the rest of you?

    the more tickets that are opened on the issue the more they will know about it. i seriously doubt any of them read posts on the forum. I suggested that they look here and they responded with the same canned answer as before.
  • robgoodrobgood Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I also experience constant crashes in PVE zones/events.

    This seemed to start around the 2/6 patch.

    I can reproduce this on-demand, 100% of the time by:
    * Entering Starbase 24 space battle, will crash within 30 seconds after firing my first phaser/torpedo
    * Playing ANY community made PVE mission. 404, Klingon blade, etc. I crash and have to go through the entire zoning process, only to crash within seconds of where I crashed last time.
    * Entering any space battle in the Briar Patch
    * Ground missions on Vulcan

    * Quad core 2.40ghz, pre i3/i7
    * 8gb memory
    * NVidia 240 GT
    * Windows 8.1

    * A full shutdown usually allows me to play without crash for 10-30 minutes or so.
    * Once a crash happens, it will crash at the exact same spot unlimited times. Even after reboot.
    * I am unable to complete any community PVE mission due to crashing. Usually crashes after 3 or so segments in.

    And most importantly:
    * No other game crashes on my system.
    * All other games, I play nearly max graphics (max bloom, max shadows, max reflections)
    * I recently have completed the following games without one crash: Mass Effect 1,2,3. Witcher 2. SWToR (played to max level without one crash.)

    I have tried (none have worked):
    * Updating to most current 2 nvidia drivers.
    * Rolled back to nVidia 320.18.
    * Ensured ALL (optional or non) windows updates are installed.
    * Played in safe mode = crash
    * Played with all graphics turned down = crash

    I am loving STO and want to invest in new ships and subscription, but can't justify spending one dime until I can play without crashing.

    Thanks for any help that can be provided!
  • cosmos913967cosmos913967 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I submitted two tickets last week and never heard anything. This problem needs to be fixed or at least acknowledged that it is a known issue that is being worked on.
  • toadgoadertoadgoader Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Experiencing crashes here also... usually when in the middle of a fight. I have done a fresh install of the game and of my video drivers. I have degraded the graphics options to the point it is like a 1980s Atari and still get crashes to desktop.

    This happens on all 10 of my alts with different ships and configurations. Ticket opened but no response yet.

    Frustrating :mad:
  • viribusunitisviribusunitis Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Since the new patch lai have game crash to.

    Driver are the newest

    Buf Hunt elite at the end game crash, in 3 or 5 hours 3 games chrash

    often when going in social Zones Ds9 or
  • ashiesashies Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Same here on a Nvidia GPU.

    Gameclient.exe keeps crashing on an hourly basis, no such issue at work with the pc however.

    - Reinstall & deletion of all STO related files did not change anything
    - Drivers checked and verified up to date

    Here is what worked for me:

    Changed renderer to DX9se (i have a hard time noticing a difference to the DX10 renderer..)
    Set up the launcher to log in through EU proxy (not sure why this matters, but its the only other change I made)

    So far I've had 1 gameclient.exe crash in 3 days of playing heavily. I think the game has an issue with DX10, maybe calling an abnormal function or whatever causes it to crash gameclient.exe
  • darrenh666darrenh666 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Same problem for me since last week, but I'm running an AMD system with a Radion R9 200, for which I've uninstalled the drivers and downloaded/installed a fresh set.

    The crash even happens from cold i.e. load the game up and go straight into Crystalline Entity (advanced) and within 1 minute it usually crashes with no prior warning - "game client has stopped responding"

    Submitted a bug report but they never get back to me on those :rolleyes:


    PS. I've also verified all files from the launcher option, but this hasn't addressed the issue.
  • cosmos913967cosmos913967 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Maybe it's fixed. I've played crystalline four times on three toons and no crash. Some lag but only occasionally and for short periods.
  • lybrion1lybrion1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So here is the scoop.....I too have had consistent crashes since the 2/6 patch. Everything from the Loader taking forever (maybe three to five minutes) to "disconnected from server" at the character screen and even in the game itself. Once in game though, I usually can play for about 45 min to an hour, sometimes less but never more. So when the problems began, I submitted a ticket, and heard back pretty promptly with the typical scripted responses. "Send Dxdiag info, update drivers, do a packet loss test, do the hokey pokey, strip naked and dance around a bonfire while chanting Cryptic's name, burn effigies to the server Gods, even came close to small animal sacrifice, but my kitty ran away (don't worry Onyx, we were just gonna make them think I did...)." So after all was said and done, and after I put my clothes back on, the final cop-out was "that's just the nature of the internet"... Wait...what?! Apparently, when they have no idea what is going on, their go to excuse is to.... Blame the Internet. So as I happily questioned them that as neat, tidy and lovely of an excuse as that was, then why had this NEVER happened before and that I was suspicious that they were blowing me off. So they sent links to sites that graphically illustrate internet attacks on the countries of the world...Which was definitely more interesting than waiting for the Cryptic server to just sit there, mocking me for the fifteen time that day, knowing that I want sooooooo bad to play. So I just when outside and looked at the trees....pondering if that was their intention all along.....Collecting my gold member dues, and making me go outside....Jerks. FIX THIS CRYPTIC!!! Band together my brothers and sisters, fight this! Make Cryptic fix it!!! Viva la STO!!! We shall overcome!!....(sorry... was that over the top?)
  • wedhusbalapwedhusbalap Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    same here, always crash after push start button, its says crytic error, ticket 36286087...can enter the game cause that happens, this happen after latest patch....any solution for this?.......:m
  • metaphorgrandemetaphorgrande Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This has been happening to me too. Every 45 mins to an hour I get the "Gameclient.exe has stopped responding" and have to close STO and re-launch. I have also tried the re-install, run as admin, force verify, and so on to no avail. Hope someone does something to solve this, otherwise unplayable unless I just want to Doff as my game.
  • lybrion1lybrion1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here is the most recent reply I got from Cryptic....(IM-perfect world)...."Hello,

    Thank you for the update and for your feedback.

    Upon checking our servers are up and working properly. This is due to the nature of the Internet itself, the location of the servers you are accessing and the path your connection takes from your end until it reaches the server you want to access. This means your connection to our servers prior to this issue was going through a different path, hence, you were not having problems then.

    However, when you started to experience problems, one major possibility was that your connection is now going through a different path than before. This can happen to any games, websites, and any online services. This is the nature of the Internet, and one factor why this occurs is because the different ISPs -- who have control over the countless of routers located across the world -- continually update their systems and protocols to keep the load in their respective routers and bandwidth, balanced. As such, this issue is an ISP-to-ISP issue, since this concerns their peering and interconnectivity with each other.

    We have no say in how the ISPs want to setup their network, we ourselves are only a subscriber of another ISP. The best we can do is collate these issues (which we have and are doing), send it to the tech team, and inform our ISP. Beyond that, just like on your end, it's already an ISP-to-ISP conversation. As such, it will greatly help if your ISP is also made aware of the issue, and it is very possible for them to make adjustments and improve your connection.

    We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. If you have any further questions or concern, feel free to contact us anytime!"...

    What do you all think? Cop-out? Or not?
  • kostamojenxkostamojenx Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thats the stupidest response ive seen...

    So basically they are like, "The anniversary patch broke the game, but its not our fault its yours"

    I should drive down there, plug my machine directly into their server, and then point as laugh as it still crashes regardless of the network.
  • dafydd68dafydd68 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I too am having regular crashes - ever since the last patch. Every few hours, usually on zoning, but not exclusively. I am on an alienware, a slightly newer one than my wife, but she is fine. It is puzzling.

    Just to clarify, these are NOT disconnects, these are game client crashes, resulting in windows looking for a solution...then the window closing and me having to reload the game client from scratch.
  • seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have the same issue. I play for 20-30 mins and BOOM back to desktop with no warning whatsoever and Windows telling me that gameclient.exe stopped working. Nothing specific seems to trigger it either. It happened during PVE queues, red alerts and plain flying through sector space.

    I have 2 assumptions on the cause, but I'm not sure.

    1. Every time this happened I was flying the new Kobali cruiser. Coincidence? Can a faulty model even crash a game?

    2. The issue started happening shortly after the new Nvidia driver came out. Ever since the latest update, this is happening constantly. My graphics card is an GeForce GTX-650 Ti. This has never caused issues before. I even turned of post processing to increase performance, but that prevents no crashing.
    "Let them eat static!"
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Sometimes able to play for hours (5 dust 2 dust runs back 2 back) , then continuously unable to even load the next lvl in Dust 2 Dust (3x crash on entering the first space battle).

    Faulting application name: GameClient.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x54dbbcf8
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521ea8e7
    Exception code: 0xc0000374
    Fault offset: 0x000ce753
    Faulting process id: 0x2ef4
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d046ec310eff2c
    Faulting application path: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Online\Star Trek Online\Live\GameClient.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: b70e96bf-b2f2-11e4-ab51-00248c1f369e

    Differing timestamps, always the same exception codes & errors.
    The crashing seems very similar to the crashing at the start of the last winter event.
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