I voted for PVP, but if you're going to do episodes or exploration, give the KDF side a marauding option. There's diplomatic max rank choices throughout the current Cryptic storyline, but I don't recall seeing, if anything, that had to do with the marauding rank.
Definite No. Star Trek is about morality.
It was repeated many times by Gene Rodenberry.
Star Trek Online is not about exploration and certainly not morality.
Go explore, many main canon planets have nice "entrances" but absolutely nothing beyond that. Nothing to explore, to interact with. "Exploration" that people vote for is more patrol missions. scan, shoot, warp out.
Don't get me wrong, i'm for all 5 options.
But PvP needs it the most and with least resources required, Fixing PvP is in practical terms fixing GAME part of GAMEPLAY.
Episodes will come anyway, and if they fix mehanics, bugs and server disconests they will have time and money from staying and new customers to expand on everything.
It is that easy and without exclamation marks.
Sigh.. yes if they reintroduce exploration it will definetly be exactly like it used to be before it was taken out entirely :rolleyes: And because something once used to be bad it's definetly not worth to be reintroduced. Following your logic they should take out pvp as well. That way nobody would ever ask for it again.
My logic is flawless with the information we have.
And following my logic PvP was good, so it can be good again. Exploration never was.
So after this thing closes in a little over 2 days and we get the results back (in other words: we see Exploration beats out pvp with More Episodes in second place), how the heck are they going to tackle this. Keeping sector space alive was a bad idea.
With a 3D interactive map, space can be as big as you want it to be.
It'll help with fixing up the rest of the game balance, which is inherently helpful to all the players...
This in turn would give Cryptic a lot of good will...
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
PvP has been seriously abused and really really needs some love. I feel bad for the PvP community, or what's left of it...
I really value story narratives so I want to vote for that.
Exploration Missions would help add a more "boldly going" Trek feel so I want to choose that..
More Fleet Functionality, like what? Fleet territory control or some sort of larger economy meta game? Holdings have been introduced fairly regularly and I'm sure that will continue (a holding has been hinted for season 10) regardless of if we vote for this. Most of the extra "functionality" I would like to see for fleets is simple QoL issues with the fleet UI (see the QoL thread in my signature).
I do admit, however, I wish there was a Fleet Sponsorship system in place where two fleet leaders could mutually select a check box to "Diplomatically Ally" the fleets together so that players could donate project requirements to the other fleet without having to physically leave their own fleet and then join the other fleet and then donate and then leave and then come back to their own fleet and then get re-promoted to their proper rank by someone that might not even be logged in. That's really the only 'new' fleet feature that I can think of that I would really like to see implemented.
I have decided to vote for more Foundry Functionality. I'd really like to use the Foundry myself but I feel like the tools are A) too obtuse and too limited and that really dissuades me from using it. I'm way too spoiled by editors like UDK with its multiple camera modes, advanced node-based scripting, easy path generation, etc.. I would like the Foundry tools themselves to get an overhaul.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
1. True #1 option, "Fix PvP" - not just give PvP queues, but a complete rebuild - is not on list.
A- PvPers are a hardy and well paying lot. To them, give them a reason to play "against the hardiest game in the universe" - fellow players, and they'll pay, whether it's P2W advantages (what "broke" PvP in the first place), or the customization(s) necessary to look exactly how they want to in combat.
B- The money earned from PvPers can outrank PvE whales, allowing more staff to accelerate the remainder of the options.
2. More Episodes would be a solid #2, but, the usual Cryptic "excuse" is actually true - the amount of work necessary for solid missions > the amount of time the player(s) would burn through the content and demand more.
Hence my vote - a solid Exploration system - primarily non-combat - is an excellent diversion along with patrols (the combat version) of "repetitive and semi-random activity" that helps us grind in between episodes and to help keep up with the point(s)/currencies necessary to PvP...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I feel that the Klingon War between the Klingon and Federation be revamp. I was wondering would it be possible that the story be more related to the Undine are trying to start a war between the Federation and the Klingon empire. Each player is trying to stop that from happening. The doomsday mission can still be a part of the story, which the Undine is testing the doomsday device, so they can create one of their own.
Also, I would like the Deep Space Nine missions be revamp that the Cardissans are part of the Universe.
In addition, create more story line with the Xindi, the mirror universe, and the Gamma quardent as well.
Also, is it possible to create missions that involved the 1st officer can be a 1st person player for some mission, which the captian is detain.
While true it might be the least expensive option, it will also seem to affect the least amount of players as we have been told many times over the years that the PvP community is a small fraction of the player base. Moreover, new missions = new shinys = more ROI on the time spent. Where is the money in "fixing PvP"?
This survey is invalid, it only is surveying the people still playing the game trying to keep them...when so many have left because of 4+ years of lies regarding balancing skills and doing anything to improve pvp, so yes the remaining players want exploration duhhhhhhh I could have told you that without a survey, how do you attract new players?, how do you get old players back who are tired of lies?...to me these are better questions
I'd like to see more exploration content. I don't know what the odds are but would some form of integration with foundry be a possibility? Such a system shouldn't absolve the devs from producing their own content but a better framework for missions be they first contact or any other is deserved. My thanks to them for sharing their stories with me.
I think that voting has value at least as a gesture but some votes may have received some padding; PvP. If your are going to use shell accounts to vote up your numbers don't be so thick as to post comments with said accounts; They display join dates and post counts.
At least PvE enemies don't try to cheat when they can't achieve the desired result.
I would like to see many (over 9000 and even more) exploration and first contact missions instead of boring episodes (Sorry, Cryptic, but truth). You see... It's a Star Trek - not the Star Wars. How many producers do you need to spend out before you understand: it's another type of game.
We want to boldly go where noone has gone before. We want to solve problems like Jean-Luc Picard or Kathryn Janeway! Diplomacy is a Starfleet way, not stupid shooting.
You've done the perfect campaign, but it's boring. So many Star Trek RP fleets have to do very strange things to stand here, but you're loosing them. Many of my good friends deleted the game just because it was boring.
Ofcourse, we know that it's...unprofitable...to create something free (exploration missions), but try to understand that people won't pay for something (your game now) they don't need or they dislike. They dislike pay2win scenario on the soap-opera campaign background, but if you give then an exploration cruiser as they (not you) want and let them go, they will donate your game.
Oh, and also...PvE is boring. Instead of 99999999 HP for each NPC, make some new tactics and flight routes for them. Here is no interest to beat rocks.
well, the claim of invalidity is right:
the outcome is invalid due to, from a statistical pov, totally wrong asked questions (at least regarding pvp), and therefor the outcome is worthless.
as soon as a single option in that poll not is asked right (no matter which one in the end) the whole outcome gets rendered distorted, which makes the numbers invalid in comparison to a possible outcome from right asked questions.
thought we already had been beyond that .
a good start would have been to tell all of us in the op what, regarding every single question, they got in mind when forming it and what they would plan to do on it.
this now is like if they ask someone about something to come, but that one has no clue about what it could be.
best example are us pvp'ers on this poll lulz: any of us just can scratch his head on that question. we don't want more q's lol. we want it fixed and balanced, finally!
but we have to vote for more q's to bare the flag, to keep the hope (lol) because otherwise it could be turned into: "yeah, no interest in pvp".
and that's why one could think that those bad-asked questions are bad by design. cryptic has a looong and sad history with pvp yet.....
I am personally not a PVPer, but I can understand liking an aspect of the game that is broken. (Like the PVE/STF queues, or leveling past 50).
So if the PVP option would have been about re-balancing it, and making it a separate system from PVE, then I would have voted on it in a heartbeat. But with just adding more queues to a broken system, it is like adding more PVE/STF queues to the non-PVE part of the game. Pointless at this point. lol.
Good luck to all of you PVPers. I hope that they eventually fix it, and not in a way that messes up PVE more than it already is. You deserve your own separate system in the game for PVP so that changes, or new gear for PVE doesn't TRIBBLE up things for you, and the same goes the other way around.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
Not that fussed about PvP, but I'd really like the PvE Queues to be looked at. Having Klingon Scout Force and The Big Dig as one of the Daily missions is fine, but requiring at least 16 players to get the mission started is optimistic at best. Bring it down to a 10 man queue like Starbase 24 or give greater incentives. Multi-staged queues in the style of Korfez are something I'd also like to see.
Exploration missions would be nice. First contact, dealing with natural phenomena are the bread and butter of Star Trek. It makes sense it should be in a Star Trek MMO.
Oh, and some more content focused around DS9/the Gamma Quadrant. It was my favourite Trek series so to see more of it in game would be great.
Definite No. Star Trek is about morality.
It was repeated many times by Gene Rodenberry.
Star Trek Online is not about exploration and certainly not morality.
Go explore, many main canon planets have nice "entrances" but absolutely nothing beyond that. Nothing to explore, to interact with. "Exploration" that people vote for is more patrol missions. scan, shoot, warp out.
Don't get me wrong, i'm for all 5 options.
But PvP needs it the most and with least resources required, Fixing PvP is in practical terms fixing GAME part of GAMEPLAY.
Episodes will come anyway, and if they fix mehanics, bugs and server disconests they will have time and money from staying and new customers to expand on everything.
It is that easy and without exclamation marks.
My logic is flawless with the information we have.
And following my logic PvP was good, so it can be good again. Exploration never was.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
2 New Episodes
3 Exploration/Maroding
With a 3D interactive map, space can be as big as you want it to be.
It'll help with fixing up the rest of the game balance, which is inherently helpful to all the players...
This in turn would give Cryptic a lot of good will...
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
PvP has been seriously abused and really really needs some love. I feel bad for the PvP community, or what's left of it...
I really value story narratives so I want to vote for that.
Exploration Missions would help add a more "boldly going" Trek feel so I want to choose that..
More Fleet Functionality, like what? Fleet territory control or some sort of larger economy meta game? Holdings have been introduced fairly regularly and I'm sure that will continue (a holding has been hinted for season 10) regardless of if we vote for this. Most of the extra "functionality" I would like to see for fleets is simple QoL issues with the fleet UI (see the QoL thread in my signature).
I do admit, however, I wish there was a Fleet Sponsorship system in place where two fleet leaders could mutually select a check box to "Diplomatically Ally" the fleets together so that players could donate project requirements to the other fleet without having to physically leave their own fleet and then join the other fleet and then donate and then leave and then come back to their own fleet and then get re-promoted to their proper rank by someone that might not even be logged in. That's really the only 'new' fleet feature that I can think of that I would really like to see implemented.
I have decided to vote for more Foundry Functionality. I'd really like to use the Foundry myself but I feel like the tools are A) too obtuse and
Joined January 2009
Silly Doffs
1. True #1 option, "Fix PvP" - not just give PvP queues, but a complete rebuild - is not on list.
A- PvPers are a hardy and well paying lot. To them, give them a reason to play "against the hardiest game in the universe" - fellow players, and they'll pay, whether it's P2W advantages (what "broke" PvP in the first place), or the customization(s) necessary to look exactly how they want to in combat.
B- The money earned from PvPers can outrank PvE whales, allowing more staff to accelerate the remainder of the options.
2. More Episodes would be a solid #2, but, the usual Cryptic "excuse" is actually true - the amount of work necessary for solid missions > the amount of time the player(s) would burn through the content and demand more.
Hence my vote - a solid Exploration system - primarily non-combat - is an excellent diversion along with patrols (the combat version) of "repetitive and semi-random activity" that helps us grind in between episodes and to help keep up with the point(s)/currencies necessary to PvP...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Also, I would like the Deep Space Nine missions be revamp that the Cardissans are part of the Universe.
In addition, create more story line with the Xindi, the mirror universe, and the Gamma quardent as well.
Also, is it possible to create missions that involved the 1st officer can be a 1st person player for some mission, which the captian is detain.
This survey is invalid, it only is surveying the people still playing the game trying to keep them...when so many have left because of 4+ years of lies regarding balancing skills and doing anything to improve pvp, so yes the remaining players want exploration duhhhhhhh I could have told you that without a survey, how do you attract new players?, how do you get old players back who are tired of lies?...to me these are better questions
I think that voting has value at least as a gesture but some votes may have received some padding; PvP. If your are going to use shell accounts to vote up your numbers don't be so thick as to post comments with said accounts; They display join dates and post counts.
At least PvE enemies don't try to cheat when they can't achieve the desired result.
thats why pve players want broken items .NPCS dont QQ on the forums about broken p2w items and traits.
We want to boldly go where noone has gone before. We want to solve problems like Jean-Luc Picard or Kathryn Janeway! Diplomacy is a Starfleet way, not stupid shooting.
You've done the perfect campaign, but it's boring. So many Star Trek RP fleets have to do very strange things to stand here, but you're loosing them. Many of my good friends deleted the game just because it was boring.
Ofcourse, we know that it's...unprofitable...to create something free (exploration missions), but try to understand that people won't pay for something (your game now) they don't need or they dislike. They dislike pay2win scenario on the soap-opera campaign background, but if you give then an exploration cruiser as they (not you) want and let them go, they will donate your game.
Oh, and also...PvE is boring. Instead of 99999999 HP for each NPC, make some new tactics and flight routes for them. Here is no interest to beat rocks.
well, the claim of invalidity is right:
the outcome is invalid due to, from a statistical pov, totally wrong asked questions (at least regarding pvp), and therefor the outcome is worthless.
as soon as a single option in that poll not is asked right (no matter which one in the end) the whole outcome gets rendered distorted, which makes the numbers invalid in comparison to a possible outcome from right asked questions.
thought we already had been beyond that
a good start would have been to tell all of us in the op what, regarding every single question, they got in mind when forming it and what they would plan to do on it.
this now is like if they ask someone about something to come, but that one has no clue about what it could be.
best example are us pvp'ers on this poll lulz: any of us just can scratch his head on that question. we don't want more q's lol. we want it fixed and balanced, finally!
but we have to vote for more q's to bare the flag, to keep the hope (lol) because otherwise it could be turned into: "yeah, no interest in pvp".
and that's why one could think that those bad-asked questions are bad by design. cryptic has a looong and sad history with pvp yet.....
PVP is the best part of this kind of game.
So if the PVP option would have been about re-balancing it, and making it a separate system from PVE, then I would have voted on it in a heartbeat. But with just adding more queues to a broken system, it is like adding more PVE/STF queues to the non-PVE part of the game. Pointless at this point. lol.
Good luck to all of you PVPers. I hope that they eventually fix it, and not in a way that messes up PVE more than it already is. You deserve your own separate system in the game for PVP so that changes, or new gear for PVE doesn't TRIBBLE up things for you, and the same goes the other way around.
Exploration missions would be nice. First contact, dealing with natural phenomena are the bread and butter of Star Trek. It makes sense it should be in a Star Trek MMO.
Oh, and some more content focused around DS9/the Gamma Quadrant. It was my favourite Trek series so to see more of it in game would be great.