We're pleased to announce our newest lineup of ships - Tier 6 Command Ships! These beauties are the latest ships to leave dry dock. Built to inspire your teammates, these ships feature a new feature with dizzying amounts of options for Captains to mix and match designs.
Check out the new ships here.
Also featured in our latest blog are image rotators! We had
tons of customization options built into our new ships and wanted to show off all the possibilities in our rotating image selectors. See a particular Romulan design you like? Click it for a high-res shot of that design. Want to save the entire bundle of designs? Click the link at the bottom of the image for a full rotating gif of all the variations.
Enjoy Captains!
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Plus Commander Engi... gross
Yeap option to further upgrade T5u up to T6 would be win-win scenario both for players and Cryptic.
Well, at least the glorious Bortasqu' Klingon Flagship was inclu---... oh, wait.
Well, not to worry. At least the incredible Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird Flagships are part of this great Command Ship introduc-- oh, wait...
Well, I can go ahead and add this 9-pack to the Dyson Ship 9-pack for the list of ships I won't be buying.
*contemplates how much 12k Zen costs*
Yeah, I will admire them from afar..... :eek:
Edit: And what would I even do with those ships ? Grinding Argala works fine with the ships I already have. Not that I actually grind Argala....
To be honest, the only faction that intrests me is the kdf, but I'm not likely to buy three ship varients, two of whom will never see the light of day, just for the ability to customise and as they are..well, the kdf ships are not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing ships (even if the model/skinning looks like it was done well)
I bought the mogh and bort to support more ships to the kdf side but I fear this one will fall flat
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Not in love with the Klingon versions unfortunately.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I also think the Inspiration meter is off-base.
The point of a command ship is to coordinate the battle, not to merely inspire others to fight harder. In DS9, when Jem'Hadar fire is rocking the ship to and fro, you never saw the crew of the Defiant looking out the viewport to admire the pretty new Sovereign class and resolving to repair everything faster. :rolleyes:
Who comes up with this stuff? Is it because you already blew through the proper use of this on cruiser commands and needed to make a new mechanic?
Who designed them?
Oh and, I think it is about time for a new "Who's who" for the STO team.
I have no idea who this new Lead Designer is. ... or what happened to the last
Agreed as well...WHY cryptic? These are T5 copied/pasted into T6 with new consoles/spec and mastery. Why not just upgrade FULL T5 to T6 and sell those upgrades/consoles in a box instead
gg cryptic
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The old Art Lead no longer reflected the current quality of the Star Trek Online team, and was removed to make it better.
Oh and we need a Specialisations / Specializations re-trait option URGENTLY
At Steam prices apparently 10,000 + 2,000 Zen is £83 + £17. So £100 for nine cruisers at the very least.
Gonna need more persuading, honestly.
Y'know, if you really want us to have fun with our ships, how about working on PVP for a change?
feel like a bad copy of star wars ships!
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Yes.. it's not like teamwork makes everyone fight.. harder...
120/9 = 1333 (13.33 per ship more or less.) It's actually a pretty good deal .. if you use all 9. Personally, I'm not sure I'd want to burn that much money.
I don't think that had the desired effect... "better" isn't what I'd call STO, currently.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Selling new ships is one of the main ways this game keeps its doors open and it's not like there aren't an abundance of free models for you to use. And as ever you are free to not purchase.
It's better than it's ever been - to argue otherwise is baffling given how vastly improved nearly every area of the game is since launch.