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Omega Minigame Changes Feb 5th



  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Many players were opening the game, and not interacting with it, having come to believe that their performance in the mini-game was detached from the random rewards.

    You may also want to investigate a little further than the metrics give you on that by the way. About 60% of the nodes I interact with close within seconds of starting even though I'm actively collecting particles. So that's no doubt giving you false information, it's also infuriating.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ESD (Space) still isn't working, btw. Completed a particle collection (1350 score) Q's quest did not update.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    You may also want to investigate a little further than the metrics give you on that by the way. About 60% of the nodes I interact with close within seconds of starting even though I'm actively collecting particles. So that's no doubt giving you false information, it's also infuriating.

    Don't farm in space, it's buggy as all heck. Stick to ground farming in emptier zones. much more predictable.


    The spawn rate of omega molecules is an uncontrolled mess in space.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well, from Borticus' explanation, seems like my rewards are gonna triple for this minigame. Thanks. Overall I'd say it's now more rewarding for those unable to achieve over 2000k scores ('yes, I'm not using a mouse; that's cause I have no mouse').

    Still not gonna make me upgrade things, however.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hypl wrote: »
    Before the patch, I've gotten slivers, shards, and fragments with scores between 2400 to 2600. Shards and Fragments weren't as common but I still got them. Now it's just rewarding me with nothing but slivers and traces. NO shards or fragments at all.

    EDIT: Okay, after playing about 25 games, I've finally gotten a shard. Before the patch, 25 games would've gotten me at least 4-5 shards and 1-2 fragments at high scores. Still there was a nerf, and this is no longer worthwhile. I've also recorded the last dozen games I played leading up to finally obtaining a shard if anyone wishes to see visual proof.

    Not quite math, but thanks for following up. Unfortunately I never recorded my results pre-patch, but that does sound a lot lower. I seemed to have much better luck than my friends with shards/fragments, though.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Many players were opening the game, and not interacting with it, having come to believe that their performance in the mini-game was detached from the random rewards.
    - Earning a high score in the Mini-Game did not guarantee any sort of increase in rewards.

    1)As some have mentioned, your metrics for the non-interaction are probably severely skewed by the early close bug. Yes, some people just sit there for 50 secs and do their daily, but someone like me that farms a lot each hour keep getting ones that close as soon as you open the game or shortly thereafter.

    2) While it didn't guarantee an increase in rewards, I was more likely to get a shard or fragment than now. The shard's drop rate has been lowered to that of the fragment pre patch, and the fragments are so rare I haven't had a single drop.
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ESD (Space) still isn't working, btw. Completed a particle collection (1350 score) Q's quest did not update.

    strange, I did ESD space earlier, Q gave me credit.....also Bajor space has omegas now
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    As a few others have said, the game is now more rewarding to those who can't reach higher scores (good), and less rewarding for those that can (bad). :(
  • emplehodemplehod Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here is the new reward structure, based on Score, as they stand after today’s patch:

    0-850 = 1 Common
    851-1300 = 2 Common
    1301-1700 = 3 Common
    1701-2000 = 1 Uncommon + 1 Common
    2001-2300 = 1 Uncommon + 2 Common
    2301+ = 1 Uncommon + 3 Common

    In addition to the above guaranteed rewards, scoring anywhere above 1301 grants you an additional small chance to receive a Rare or Very Rare Material.

    (All Common Traces received in all of the above rewards will match the color of the node interacted with.)

    Is this every time and how does this compare to the older system? I ask because I got several score 1600-1900 or so and didn't get anything but the one regular item, like yellow or red.
  • emplehodemplehod Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    toiva wrote: »
    Well, from Borticus' explanation, seems like my rewards are gonna triple for this minigame. Thanks. Overall I'd say it's now more rewarding for those unable to achieve over 2000k scores ('yes, I'm not using a mouse; that's cause I have no mouse').

    Still not gonna make me upgrade things, however.

    It seems scores are pretty much random depending on how the particles move. I get wide variances between 500 and 1900+ and I'm not suddenly getting worse and then better and then worse. Sometimes the particles all arrive at exactly the same time in all rows and is impossible to catch more than one.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    emplehod wrote: »
    It seems scores are pretty much random depending on how the particles move. I get wide variances between 500 and 1900+ and I'm not suddenly getting worse and then better and then worse. Sometimes the particles all arrive at exactly the same time in all rows and is impossible to catch more than one.

    Sounds like you suffer major lag.

    I'm having consistent numbers. First day: all runs around the 600 points mark. Second day: all runs around 800 points. Third day: all runs around 1000 points. Fourth day: Here I started really concentrating on it, when I didn't crew up - or get a lag spike - I got around 1600-1700. When I screwed up, it fell down to 1200-1300.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • annahannah Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Definite nerf.

    I've played about 100 minigames now.
    58 ended prematurely, giving me a score between 0 and 350.
    the remaining 42 i scored between 2000 and 2600. (one at 2900, how that happen?).
    I got only slivers and traces. 0 shards 0 fragments.

    This is overall a big nerf, so thanks for that.

    Before this patch i tallied up a farm over 60 minigames, none of them ended prematurely, all between 2000 and 2600. the result then was:
    7 fragments
    16 shards
    30 slivers
    7 traces

    I am suspect they did this to make us hurry up the projects with dil.
    1 sliver takes 20 mins to craft.
    1 shard is 1 hour.
    1 fragment is 5 hours.
    1 upgrade is 20 hours.

    so total time for 1 upgrade is:
    20+(3x5)+(9x1)+(27x0.2) ~ 50 hours. slightly more than two days using 1 project slot.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I definitely have the perception that shards and fragments drop rates got lowered. I haven't got any for the past hour playing the minigame, as opposed to before the patch.

    Also, spawn rates of particles in space maps are terrible after the patch. I can no longer sit back and enjoy the event if I'm waiting for particles to spawn. And this is aggravated in low populated zones (which yields better rewards for the absence of lag and bugs), as it seems that the more players in the area, the more particles spawn. I am more often waiting for spawns than playing the minigame, and I can see other players running their scanners and get nothing to play as well. Please look into it.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • xablisxablis Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hey guys. We'd like to put an end to speculation over this, and instead let players just kick back and enjoy the Anniversary event, so we're going to do our best to explain today's changes to the Mini-Game. Hopefully it will set everyone's minds at ease.

    When the Omega Stabilization Mini-Game went live, we began to notice a few design shortcomings in the reward structure:
    - Many players were opening the game, and not interacting with it, having come to believe that their performance in the mini-game was detached from the random rewards.
    - Earning a high score in the Mini-Game did not guarantee any sort of increase in rewards.

    Today’s patch was intended to solve both of the above issues, by changing the reward structure so that earning a higher score now guarantees better rewards, making engagement in the game mean something that is easily verifiable, and always worthwhile.

    The old scoring/reward system was built around random chance that gradually increased in score. But it still meant that even when earning a Perfect Score (2600) there was still a decent chance of receiving nothing more than a single Common Material.

    Here is the new reward structure, based on Score, as they stand after today’s patch:

    0-850 = 1 Common
    851-1300 = 2 Common
    1301-1700 = 3 Common
    1701-2000 = 1 Uncommon + 1 Common
    2001-2300 = 1 Uncommon + 2 Common
    2301+ = 1 Uncommon + 3 Common

    In addition to the above guaranteed rewards, scoring anywhere above 1301 grants you an additional small chance to receive a Rare or Very Rare Material.

    (All Common Traces received in all of the above rewards will match the color of the node interacted with.)

    While I applaud these changes, I still have 2 issues to bring up:
    1) when you still get cut short quite frequently what is the point of trying for a higher score?
    2) I've probably run this mini-game at least a hundred times today on various characters and have even gotten the max score several times, yet there has not been even one shard, let alone fragment rewarded, only slivers. Have the blue and purple drops been completely removed?
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The extra drops are nice, however I'm now unable to craft more than one thing at a time. I click on the omega thing I want to craft, slide the slider up to 5, hit OK but then when I start the project it only takes the materials for crafting one item.

    One step forward, two steps back, Cryptic...
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    consistently 2600... my rewards consistently: 1 silver 3 commons.
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    tk79 wrote: »
    I would like clarification on the first item. It tells me that a higher score can award more than one component, common and/or uncommon, in addition to the rare and very rare rolls. So I can get, like, 3 components or so after a single game, provided I get a high score?

    This worries me because it's just a little too good to be true (if you know what I mean). Regardless, this will be a great and welcome change for those who are skilled at the minigame.

    P.S.: The above patch notes, listed in today's Holodeck Release, are nowhere in Tribble patch notes. Oversight?

    What sensitivity setting do you have your mouse on?
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hey guys. We'd like to put an end to speculation over this, and instead let players just kick back and enjoy the Anniversary event, so we're going to do our best to explain today's changes to the Mini-Game. Hopefully it will set everyone's minds at ease.

    When the Omega Stabilization Mini-Game went live, we began to notice a few design shortcomings in the reward structure:
    - Many players were opening the game, and not interacting with it, having come to believe that their performance in the mini-game was detached from the random rewards.
    - Earning a high score in the Mini-Game did not guarantee any sort of increase in rewards.

    Today’s patch was intended to solve both of the above issues, by changing the reward structure so that earning a higher score now guarantees better rewards, making engagement in the game mean something that is easily verifiable, and always worthwhile.

    The old scoring/reward system was built around random chance that gradually increased in score. But it still meant that even when earning a Perfect Score (2600) there was still a decent chance of receiving nothing more than a single Common Material.

    Here is the new reward structure, based on Score, as they stand after today’s patch:

    0-850 = 1 Common
    851-1300 = 2 Common
    1301-1700 = 3 Common
    1701-2000 = 1 Uncommon + 1 Common
    2001-2300 = 1 Uncommon + 2 Common
    2301+ = 1 Uncommon + 3 Common

    In addition to the above guaranteed rewards, scoring anywhere above 1301 grants you an additional small chance to receive a Rare or Very Rare Material.

    (All Common Traces received in all of the above rewards will match the color of the node interacted with.)

    Did the chance to get a fragment or shard change from before to now, assuming you have a max score of 2600 points? Cause reports are coming in that the drop rate has been drastically reduced since this patch went live.
  • nategamersnategamers Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This was too good to be true.

    I have finished 100 games so far since the update and got only 1 shard and the rest where uncommon and common drops. I used to get at least 20 shards to 3 fragments for 100 games. This is coming from a person who averages 2500 or so.

    That to me is even more less attractive now because uncommon and common are just gonna get a huge price drop from this. The good news is with this the shards and frags will be rasied more but Now we gotta grind them uncommon's....
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    We're investigating this issue. It appears to only affect the PADD and Omega projects. Other components appear to allow quantity, just as before. It was not an intended change.

    Cryptic QA - doing an incredibly sloppy job for STO since 2010. What else is new?
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • kwiat007kwiat007 Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    New cryptic mantra: A day without nerf is a day wasted. :(
    [SIGPIC]Join Date: August 2009[/SIGPIC]
    I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
    where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    prierin wrote: »
    What sensitivity setting do you have your mouse on?

    Uh, my mouse cursor speed is set by Windows, since I play in Windowed Borderless. On Control Panel, it's set at 4. But I think you quoted the wrong person, or post?
    tehjonel wrote: »
    consistently 2600... my rewards consistently: 1 silver 3 commons.

    Same here. In the last couple of hours, getting scores between 2400~2600, I got only a single shard. Before the patch I would have usually gotten a fragment.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    nategamers wrote: »
    That to me is even more less attractive now because uncommon and common are just gonna get a huge price drop from this. The good news is with this the shards and frags will be rasied more but Now we gotta grind them uncommon's....

    Last I saw, the price of shards & fragments had also dropped. Not by a lot, but they had dropped.
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    tk79 wrote: »
    Uh, my mouse cursor speed is set by Windows, since I play in Windowed Borderless. On Control Panel, it's set at 4. But I think you quoted the wrong person, or post?

    Nope. Right person and post.

    Thanks for the info.
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • nategamersnategamers Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    Last I saw, the price of shards & fragments had also dropped. Not by a lot, but they had dropped.

    it's only the first day of the patch give it a few more days and people will see that they can no longer get them without having to craft them and they will raise again.
  • gruven999gruven999 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well I did before patch around 60 mini games and after patch another 60 on my major toon...

    This morning:

    5 Fragments
    12 Shards
    21 Sliver
    22 Traces of which are most done after unexpected early ending of the game.

    After Patch
    0 Fragmes
    1 Shard (with the lowest score in total of all my 60 games 1750)
    54 Sliver
    148 Traces

    Yesterday on the whole day I did around 80 mini games and looted 8 Fragments and 35 Shrads tons of slivers and only 10-20 Traces...

    Honestly its a huge drawback as the converting task for traces is taking ages not mentioning the current bug which allows only 1 sliver to be crafted at a time. Anyhow to me now it looks different to what you explained.

    I guess in start many people may have leave the game running, but if we remember the first 1 or 2 days anyhow the system was instable and most people tried simple to finish the Q task. After the stability turned a little bit up, I guess many people found out that its much smart to play the game instead of just leave it running. I already figuered myself that contiunesly hitting 2200-2600 is getting my loot quality upgraded. I guess we players have been to good for the nasty mini game and looted to much eh?

    I mean personally I care less...I get my crafting target reached anyhow but even if the change for higher score makes sense...the drop rate of rare and very rare has massivley reduced. So specificly you can take your slivers and traces and store them...this way its hardly an improve but a neutral nerf....

    Please fix the crafting system this is now really frustrating.

    By the way another question. Since a couple of patches we see one error followed after another...when do you thing you are compensating the people for this? Other companies who are running games are usually doing this, especially in terms of events if they do not work as expected. It seems to me that this is not done here...lost a week since something was bugged but event ended simple as planned...sounds like a rip off.....
  • nategamersnategamers Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gruven999 wrote: »
    Well I did before patch around 60 mini games and after patch another 60 on my major toon...

    This morning:

    5 Fragments
    12 Shards
    21 Sliver
    22 Traces of which are most done after unexpected early ending of the game.

    After Patch
    0 Fragmes
    1 Shard (with the lowest score in total of all my 60 games 1750)
    54 Sliver
    148 Traces

    Yesterday on the whole day I did around 80 mini games and looted 8 Fragments and 35 Shrads tons of slivers and only 10-20 Traces...

    Honestly its a huge drawback as the converting task for traces is taking ages not mentioning the current bug which allows only 1 sliver to be crafted at a time. Anyhow to me now it looks different to what you explained.

    I guess in start many people may have leave the game running, but if we remember the first 1 or 2 days anyhow the system was instable and most people tried simple to finish the Q task. After the stability turned a little bit up, I guess many people found out that its much smart to play the game instead of just leave it running. I already figuered myself that contiunesly hitting 2200-2600 is getting my loot quality upgraded. I guess we players have been to good for the nasty mini game and looted to much eh?

    I mean personally I care less...I get my crafting target reached anyhow but even if the change for higher score makes sense...the drop rate of rare and very rare has massivley reduced. So specificly you can take your slivers and traces and store them...this way its hardly an improve but a neutral nerf....

    Please fix the crafting system this is now really frustrating.

    By the way another question. Since a couple of patches we see one error followed after another...when do you thing you are compensating the people for this? Other companies who are running games are usually doing this, especially in terms of events if they do not work as expected. It seems to me that this is not done here...lost a week since something was bugged but event ended simple as planned...sounds like a rip off.....

    *Omega Stabilization Mini-Game:
    *Modified scoring and rewards so that higher scores are guaranteed to grant increased amounts of Common and Uncommon Omega Materials.
    *A small chance of Rare and Very Rare still exists, in addition to these guaranteed rewards.

    They made it sound like they didn't change the drop rates of the rare and very rare. This is the thing that makes the people very mad. When you word something too intentionally TRIBBLE people off. It's better if they freaking just go ahead and state the fact we have lowered the chance of rare and very rare in the addition to these changes to make the drop rating fair. Instead no they just wanted to word it in a way to make seem like they didn't change it.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gruven999 wrote: »
    This morning:

    5 Fragments
    12 Shards
    21 Sliver
    22 Traces of which are most done after unexpected early ending of the game.

    After Patch
    0 Fragmes
    1 Shard (with the lowest score in total of all my 60 games 1750)
    54 Sliver
    148 Traces

    Looks close to breaking even to me. Breaking the numbers down to fragment equivalents: before ~12, after ~12; or 4 upgrades. Of course the quantity bug makes things difficult, but that'll be fixed (eventually, maybe).
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    tk79 wrote: »
    I would like clarification on the first item. It tells me that a higher score can award more than one component, common and/or uncommon, in addition to the rare and very rare rolls. So I can get, like, 3 components or so after a single game, provided I get a high score?

    This worries me because it's just a little too good to be true (if you know what I mean). Regardless, this will be a great and welcome change for those who are skilled at the minigame.

    P.S.: The above patch notes, listed in today's Holodeck Release, are nowhere in Tribble patch notes. Oversight?
    Verified. Scored 1800, received 1 sliver and 1 trace. That was my first game today.

    However, the game is still at least bugged to stop prematurely. Scored 75 and game over. That was my second game today.

    This and the dil nerf...dammit, Cryptic, take the carrot off the stick, will ya?
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It seems to me that the Rare/Very Rare chance is no longer affected by the score, so it's as low as you have scored 0 points. In other words, very, very low.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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