I feel like I've gone back in time to the stone age when people were just beginning to communicate with spoken language. It....It .....It broken!!! It......it not....it not go!! Bad!! Throws stones at Flintstones server.
Watch the episode with the pak'leds than you will get it
We're proud and humbled to announce that Star Trek Online has shipped its five anniversary celebration! This amazing journey wouldn't have been possible without you!
You're proud of all the bugs, lag and DCing during this event, really?
The server is down I am just glad that I have completed the event mission for today even though the mission is annoying especially with all this lag and bugs I will be happy as long as it is fixed.
The game just crashed again..yey!! PWE.. where it's not a bug, but a feature...thank you for argala.. it is life and the greaest expantion pak'led ever..
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Server issues can and have happened on occasion, but it's not much to worry about imo. They always get it back running again. As for the Anniversary event, I think it's gone great so far, the rewards are interesting and there'll be lots of cool stuff to do once devs drop the RAID bombs and bring STO to it's feet again. Pointless to be negative for a occasional fried hamster in the processor. :eek:
Watch the episode with the pak'leds than you will get it
... with their eyes closed.
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB
Sar Trek , we are getting a new game tottaly. if it ever comes up again, no more failing predictions ?
You're proud of all the bugs, lag and DCing during this event, really?
Trendy already said something on her Twitter.
You can check it out here.
open some lockboxes, the solution maybe be in one...
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
If you check here you will see that they already responded.
*checks hamster*
Ooh this Server Hamster has a treasure chest full of bug fixes.... no.. wait.. they're Cryptic Bug Fixes.. nevermind..
fixed it for you:D
We could use some of that about now with the server fixes...
Good to know. Thank you for keeping us updated. Its appreciated.
Watashi no misu.
thanks for at least adressing the issue
More like trying to power the whole thing off a comm badge; just a slight load issue...
OS X El Capitan 10.11.2
That no work here.
How can u remove a LTS? if you already paid for it..there are NO refunds :P
Thank you for telling us. It is much appreciated.
Thank you too, Trendy, for answering so quickly.
Well, there's the issue; "short order" cook mistook the shard for an egg and scrambled it...
OS X El Capitan 10.11.2