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Featured Episode - Dust to Dust



  • zaichalzaichal Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The Kobali are already extinct.

    There are no original Kobali left other than the recycled corpses of other cultures. Not even their original culture back when they could breed seems to prevail, as it is eroded by this cult of 'rebirth'.

    It's interesting story fodder for an imaginary race, but beyond that, there's little reason for the Alliance to help an extinct species which relies on the dead of other races to continue.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    At the end of this story, Kim specifically says that the Kobali have agreed to begin listing the dead that they intend to re-purpose. Any culture that doesn't want their dead to become Kobali, are free to object and deal with the remains as they traditionally would.

    That's a huge cultural shift to have taken place after just one episode. Something like that should have probably happened over a greater length of time. That being said, that one line of dialogue may very well have broken the impasse that the episode started out with. The Kobali need to return those living breathing Vaduuar in stasis to their people.

    See, that was always the niggle for me on this plot. If no one knows your loved one has been turned into a Kobali, well, fine. What you don't know can't hurt you, supposedly. But the Kobali holding Vaduuar hostage without trial, until their tubes fail so they can reuse the corpse, that's not scavenging, that's murder and kidnapping. Starfleet should have been working the Kobali behind the scenes to put a stop to that barbarism. The Vaduaar's assault on the Kobali can be seen as nothing more than a rescue mission.
  • edited February 2015
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  • edited February 2015
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  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    The accolades are so hard to get, you have to play through the mission a lot of times to get them all, and the maze alone takes 10 minutes to get through. Meow! Butt it's still a great mission, and I like the Kobali Command / Engineering buff and the Kobali uniform reward. :) At least I got one accolade for getting through the temple defenses on "Very Hard" in under 2 minutes. :)
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • jimthegrayjimthegray Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The accolades are so hard to get, you have to play through the mission a lot of times to get them all, and the maze alone takes 10 minutes to get through. Meow! Butt it's still a great mission, and I like the Kobali Command / Engineering buff and the Kobali uniform reward. :) At least I got one accolade for getting through the temple defenses on "Very Hard" in under 2 minutes. :)

    im told you get an accolade if you do the maze in 2 minutes
    When we turn away from the darkness of
    our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
    sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
    there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Great mission, but having to do it 3 more times after said days.. grind is not REQUIRED for an MMO.. and time gating/limiting also very messy IMHO... We do need more in game engine "playouts" of events like dust starts - priceless!!

    as for the "Kobali" they are nothing more than necro borg.. who would adore the federation for its endless streams of redshirt corpses but I dont trust them.. I dont think we should have saved them much less the alliance militarizing them.. Direct violation of the prime directive. I also think they have only temporarily suppressed the urge to eat brains.. I have issue old earth style projectile weapons to my entire crew and have them doing round the clock headshot training in the holodecks.. Pray to whatever deity you believe in that we do not need them.. I have also commissioned a classified new use for tri-cobalt warheads if the need arises...
  • jimthegrayjimthegray Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    kintisho wrote: »
    Great mission, but having to do it 3 more times after said days.. grind is not REQUIRED for an MMO.. and time gating/limiting also very messy IMHO... We do need more in game engine "playouts" of events like dust starts - priceless!!

    as for the "Kobali" they are nothing more than necro borg.. who would adore the federation for its endless streams of redshirt corpses but I dont trust them.. I dont think we should have saved them much less the alliance militarizing them.. Direct violation of the prime directive. I also think they have only temporarily suppressed the urge to eat brains.. I have issue old earth style projectile weapons to my entire crew and have them doing round the clock headshot training in the holodecks.. Pray to whatever deity you believe in that we do not need them.. I have also commissioned a classified new use for tri-cobalt warheads if the need arises...

    the prime directive technically only apply's to prewarp civilizations :P
    When we turn away from the darkness of
    our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
    sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
    there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    chiselhead wrote: »
    so when is the episode coming out where we can join forces with the Vaadwaur and destroy the Kobali, so many of us want to do just that, they lie to us, and steal our dead, and please tell us why Starfleet is willing to ignore the prime directive in aiding this repulsive race.
    Explain to me why we don't hate the Vaadwaur?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • edited February 2015
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  • edited February 2015
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  • max1002max1002 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    We're pleased to announce that our latest Featured Episode - Dust to Dust is now live! We've gotten disturbing reports of more Vaadwaur incursions on Kobali Prime! Captain Harry Kim needs your help on Kobali Prime fighting them off, as well with uncovering why the Vaadwaur are so drawn there.


    I loved the new episode, had a lot of fun with it. :D
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Wow, who did ever came with the awful ideas of the death traps??:confused: This is a terrible FE. Where are those nice lovely anniversary FEs like Temp Ambasador or A Step Between Stars??
    I loved those, not to dificult and you could focus on VO, notice if actors voices were off or very well done, enjoy the graphics etc. Felt like anniversary gifts sort-of-speak. But this one??:eek: Barely notice Harry was saying something along the way becouse I was too bussy cursing the one that designed the electric floors and arc and the damm maze (sry if its offending but its true). Those reminded me of Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest when passing thru some hammners, pointlessly putted there. I mean these are OK in a ground STF like Manus as a challange, but to put them into an anniversary episode?? Like at an aniiversary party you trip, electrifiy or thro in a pit your quests??
    Guess it goes by the saying: "If the enemies wont kill them, the enviroment must do it" :(

    Its really sad what its going on, with STO in generaly, not just with this episode. Players are been "challanged" with as much stuff throwed at them to kill their fun. If the enemies cant, then design an enviroment that does that. Players have been reduced to mice in a labirint :/
    Everything must be done to squeeze the last bit of fun you can get in this game :(

    The episode would be ok if an option to skip the electric thingies and maze would exist. Even if that ment no boff, I wouldnt mind.
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just want to say that those moving floor death traps was a horrible idea.

    Would have been nice to have someone point out "Don't walk on sparkling floor area" with a loud voice when one did that.

    I fell to my death a few times before I looked down instead of up on the targets I was shooting.... :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    spookpwa wrote: »
    Just want to say that those moving floor death traps was a horrible idea.

    Would have been nice to have someone point out "Don't walk on sparkling floor area" with a loud voice when one did that.

    I fell to my death a few times before I looked down instead of up on the targets I was shooting.... :P
    Well, it's the second part of the map that has those....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well, it's the second part of the map that has those....
    Yup, and all I needed to do in first part was look and shoot at targets in first part, so as you might guess I did not understand at first what I did wring at second half.

    Start running over while shooting.... and suddenly lightning strikes down and I fall to my death.
    So I think perhaps floor goes down at yellow now, so I run faster.... and suddenly lightning strikes down and I fall to my death. :P

    So I go WTF! Says a few things about the game I probably should not type down here, and while doing that I notice the sparkling floor areas.

    Yeah, lots of not so fun in that room.... :rolleyes:

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    spookpwa wrote: »
    Yup, and all I needed to do in first part was look and shoot at targets in first part, so as you might guess I did not understand at first what I did wring at second half.

    Start running over while shooting.... and suddenly lightning strikes down and I fall to my death.
    So I think perhaps floor goes down at yellow now, so I run faster.... and suddenly lightning strikes down and I fall to my death. :P

    So I go WTF! Says a few things about the game I probably should not type down here, and while doing that I notice the sparkling floor areas.

    Yeah, lots of not so fun in that room.... :rolleyes:

    LoL I was in the exact same boat. I came out of the mission with an injury list the length of my arm and it was all from that last part. I was swearing blind at the PC before I noticed the electrified sections... You'd think one of the NPCs could have mentioned it after the first 20 times I fell to my death.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • shuraivanovnashuraivanovna Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Liked the mission, and thought it was balanced just fine. The maze was a little frustrating but I think with a few more go throughs it might be easy enough to remember. The floor panels? I tried 3 times on the final section- first, on hard, then twice on easy. I use shooter mode already and didn't step on the electric portion. So... I don't think I'll be getting any of the rewards. I don't really have the time to try it 30 more times and MAYBE get it right once.

    If you felt the need to make EASY mode so super super hard on the moving floor portion, at least give me the option to beam out and resume the mission some other time without going through the whole maze section all over again!

    For crying out loud in a bucket!

    Guess I will have to ask someone else how the story ends, because I'll never get to that point! I'm about as pissed about that as I am about having the rewards locked away from me!

    I have NEVER found ANYTHING else in the entire game THAT difficult. Seriously. All of the elite ques in the game are easier to me than normal on that one! I think it would be easier to succeed at ISA when you have someone trying to sabotage it!


    And please, no more like that, I don't think anyone really enjoyed that part!
  • edited February 2015
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  • misthollowmisthollow Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can't complete the final long plank run. So I guess I will never get the items. I don't know if its me being older an not as hand to eye co-ordinated or not. Yet after trying to get past one part for more than an hour I gave up.

    Normal/easy should be normal and easy. Like if you fail so many times you get to go across automatically.

    I wish they would've made this episode different. I know other people have had problems in other areas, but for me it was the planks moving across.

    And for all those people that thought it was easy. Please remember I'm an over 40 yr old ST fan, and tried many different things during that hour from people in the chats. After some 60 fails you just have give up on ever getting across.

    I completely agree, if it wasn't for my husband I woun't be able to finish the mission. We shouldn't have to have someone else get us across the planks to complete.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    misthollow wrote: »
    I completely agree, if it wasn't for my husband I woun't be able to finish the mission. We shouldn't have to have someone else get us across the planks to complete.
    I think the only thing that final part needed was to make it more clear that (and what) there are areas on those "planks" that you should not touch. Knowing is half the battle, and being able to see it then, too, should solve any remaining problems to get it done at Easy difficulty.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • edited February 2015
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  • misthollowmisthollow Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think the only thing that final part needed was to make it more clear that (and what) there are areas on those "planks" that you should not touch. Knowing is half the battle, and being able to see it then, too, should solve any remaining problems to get it done at Easy difficulty.

    My husband plays so I have learned how to get across but I am an older player and do not have the hand eye coorination to get across and I should not have to have someone help to complete the mission, this is supposed to be a game, I even don't mind a little grind but when you can't finish a mission because of the way it is set up then that is not so much fun.
  • danimb80danimb80 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well, I'm sorry to read about you disappointment, but for me this has been the first real challenge in STO for ages. When I started playing about 20 months ago, I expected something like "DS9: Harbinger", a game full of riddles and skill tests. I did not expect a game, I could "finish" with F-1-2-F in two weeks. So even when I step on your (and many other) toes, but this is EXACTLY how an ST(O) game should be... maybe it dissatifies some MMO or RPG players (I can't tell them apart), but as someone who doesn't play anything apart of STO, it's been a nice little learning curve, to get the accolades in the second run (and on all following alts).

    I love the ground portions (MORE groud queues, Cryptic!), and "Dust to Dust" has been one of the greatest additions to STO in the last 20 months. Hint: the Electic carpets from the previous portion "Electric Shuffle", will kill you during "Dash" too... :)
  • edited February 2015
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  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    danimb80 wrote: »
    Well, I'm sorry to read about you disappointment, but for me this has been the first real challenge in STO for ages. When I started playing about 20 months ago, I expected something like "DS9: Harbinger", a game full of riddles and skill tests. I did not expect a game, I could "finish" with F-1-2-F in two weeks. So even when I step on your (and many other) toes, but this is EXACTLY how an ST(O) game should be... maybe it dissatifies some MMO or RPG players (I can't tell them apart), but as someone who doesn't play anything apart of STO, it's been a nice little learning curve, to get the accolades in the second run (and on all following alts).

    I love the ground portions (MORE groud queues, Cryptic!), and "Dust to Dust" has been one of the greatest additions to STO in the last 20 months. Hint: the Electic carpets from the previous portion "Electric Shuffle", will kill you during "Dash" too... :)

    Beg the difference, story wise it was nice but the mechanics stinks.

    And once I did notice that one should not walk on floor I have no problem betting over in one try, but it still stinks since everyone and their cousin should be able to do normal on one or two tries. :mad:

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Am I the only one that made it all the way through without realizing the electrified parts cause insta-death?
  • edited February 2015
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  • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I loved this mission, I just wish I knew how long it was going to take when I started.
    Anyway as an almost 50ish player whose reflexes have to degenerated to a level approaching Stephen Hawking let me give you a hint for getting across the floor panels;
    Plant a turret on both sides of the platform. They'll auto-fire at the switches leaving you free to watch where you're walking.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    bjornfried wrote: »
    Whats your trouble with those planks? Cant you people concentrate yourself for 40 Seconds?

    You seems to come here and pick on ppl that didnt liked the mission. Frankly you make a fool of yourself with stuff like that. Cant you grasp the concept that ppl may like diffrent things then you??

    And where is the logic in this: grab 2 annoying features from some of the most difficult ground STFs (Infected and Hive) and put them into a single player FE. Even an anniversary one, wich should be a reason for joy and celebration, not to make you wanna throw your keyboard into your monitor. And even on infected ground, on normal difficulty there are bridges actually...
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