I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
I wish you whales would just 'Gee Tee Eff Ohh'. Seriously... I just wanna spit now.
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
48'000 Zen? That's 48 x 4 = 192 Promotion R&D packs. One of those goes for 9mio EC on the exchange. You could have made 1.728 billion EC. Enough to buy almost 4 Elachi Sheshar Dreadnoughts.
Don't gamble but if you have to you really need to set some boundries. Like I'm only gonna buy 12 R&D packs. If I'm unlucky I will start selling stuff till I have enough EC to buy it from the exchange.
I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
DUDE. *facepalm* at least you can sell the R&D materials to buy one.
It sells for 450 mill ec.
Break up the boxes. 60 would have been more than enough to buy it out right.
I guess at this point I should not mention I got min3 on box 3 (out of 20) . I sold it for 475 million, and have not regretted it. OK. That's trolling.
Really it's no different from every other grand prize ship a massive roll of the dice. If you are daft enough to spend what you did then that's your fault and not a bug.
Now people who do this aren't daft, it's their money and so their choice. You only become daft if you then complain about not getting it and say it is a bug. You made the choice to do this on a dice roll, and you lost, accept the consequence of it.
I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
Sorry to hear you got scammed by the lottoboxes. I hope you had your lesson not to gamble on sto ever again.
That is disgusting... I've been there. Got the bug but never dropped that much. .. funny how if it were real money you were putting into a casino that you would have a warning about gambling addiction. You would have the odds clearly displayed and you would ALSO have more chance of winning... This is legal piracy... and it should be stopped...
Really it's no different from every other grand prize ship a massive roll of the dice. If you are daft enough to spend what you did then that's your fault and not a bug.
Now people who do this aren't daft, it's their money and so their choice. You only become daft if you then complain about not getting it and say it is a bug. You made the choice to do this on a dice roll, and you lost, accept the consequence of it.
Hang on... you are DEFENDING this?? Why???? It's shocking. It's a scam.... It's not daft to expect something after spending a wedge of cash... It's daft to defend a system that is so clearly unfair.
I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
I'm no American law expert but legal definition of gambling -
Gambling is accepting, recording, or registering bets, or carrying on a policy game or any other lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other thing of value. Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1955, makes it a federal crime or offense for anyone to conduct an 'illegal gambling business.'
Hang on... you are DEFENDING this?? Why???? It's shocking. It's a scam.... It's not daft to expect something after spending a wedge of cash... It's daft to defend a system that is so clearly unfair.
It's a statement of fact that if a person chooses to gamble then they have to accept that they can and will lose. It's no different to lotteries, raffles, casinos, bingo , fruit machines, and so on. You pay your money and you take your chances.
Even though we call it gambling it is not as we always get something in this case the r&d materials anf bits and bobs. The ship is a possible bonus ontop of what the box is sold as.
It's a statement of fact that if a person chooses to gamble then they have to accept that they can and will lose. It's no different to lotteries, raffles, casinos, bingo , fruit machines, and so on. You pay your money and you take your chances.
Even though we call it gambling it is not as we always get something in this case the r&d materials anf bits and bobs. The ship is a possible bonus ontop of what the box is sold as.
Really it's no different from every other grand prize ship a massive roll of the dice. If you are daft enough to spend what you did then that's your fault and not a bug.
Now people who do this aren't daft, it's their money and so their choice. You only become daft if you then complain about not getting it and say it is a bug. You made the choice to do this on a dice roll, and you lost, accept the consequence of it.
Lol, your signature cat looks like my cat Vader!
And, chewing on some money would be likely, something he would do as well.
I am not it is just that this is working as intended and therefore not a bug, which is what this section is for.
Now if you want to complain about the whole lock box/promotion thing, then take it to general. I have been against it since it came in however I also know it is never going away. It is too profitable because people like the OP do chose to take part in it.
Personally I do not see the point of these "prize" ships, but others love them. It is not upto you or I to tell them how they spend their money.
In much the same way I don't see the point of an iPad compared to cheaper tablets it is just the label, yet I have a friend who buys the new one when it comes out, it is his money therefore his choice. In the same way he doesn't see why I would pay £100 for a graphics card because he doesn't use his PC the way I do but it is not his place to say I can't. A final example, I have a friend who collects stamps, he's willinmg to pay hundreds of pounds on a stamp for his collection, I don't see the point in spending that much on a bit of sticky paper. He gets enjoyment out of his hobby so it is to him money well spent.
Lol, your signature cat looks like my cat Vader!
And, chewing on some money would be likely, something he would do as well.
He looks like my Sooty who I had years ago. He did chew money. It is because of him I started to use a wallet, after coming home and finding £10 and £20 notes in pieces all over the carpet on different occassions. It was only notes for some reason, all other paper was safe.
I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
I want this ship bad, I really want it bad. I dropped 300$ to get it, thats 48,000 zen all spent on boxes, 187 of them, there has to be a bug for me to not have gotten it. what gives
So that means you now have 1870 lobi crystals from those boxes that you can spend right? I would say either go to the lobi vendor and buy up a few of the ships from there that have the highest value on the exchange and sell them to try to make the EC to buy the new Elachi ship off the exchange if you want the ship for your toon.
If you are just after the ship to sell and make the 400 million+ EC then it is too bad the luck of the rng was against you or karma prevented you from winning for the point of profiting that much from it. If that was the case just hold onto the lobi for now until the next lobi store discount and buy up the highest value ships at that time to sell and possibly get 1 more ship than you can now from the vendor.
First off has Cryptic ever let the official odds be known in any of their lock boxes because I was thinking nay therefore it's speculation even though given enough investment it would be calculated correctly as some have done, on Tribble.
Also, the conspiracy theorist in me always wonders if they are coding the odds differently tailoring towards: different/certain players, based upon trends of purchases, overall players' history with Star Trek Online (STO), perhaps a percentage accumulation algorithm that increases with more purchasing, all sorts of marketing reasons etc etc because it could be done though it's not suppose to & probably not. Which agency(s) of which country(s) would be in charge of regulating that?
It's a shame the original poster (OP) invested that much $ into the chance, but that's all it ever is, a chance, regardless of winning on the first try or the 3212th try. They catch you with the enticement that you'll win with only one more box opened LOL. There's far more efficient methods to score any item you desire in STO.
I learned my lesson earlier on in my STO history when I saved almost 3 months of dilithium, changed into Zen, gambled on the "chance for the big prize" of that event & won squat. That was my learning experience with the gambling boxes & I have not dared since reinforcing my consistent bad luck. I have zero lock box ships to this date except 1 Tuffli gifted to me from a very generous player between all my 16 toons.
In the end, Cryptic thanks you for contributing more $ than was probably needed to acquire that ship for yourself. Your investment helps support STO. I also hope you eventually acquire the ship you want, but complaining about your loss now is rubbish. I never have agreed with the lock box system, but just like any system there's pros & cons to it.
48000 zen = 42 loxbox key 10 packs. 420 loxbox keys = 966000000 with the rate 2300000 per key.So basically he could have guarantied getting 2 of the ships he wanted had there been any on the exchange for sale.
Also, the conspiracy theorist in me always wonders if they are coding the odds differently tailoring towards: different/certain players, based upon trends of purchases, overall players' history with Star Trek Online (STO), perhaps a percentage accumulation algorithm that increases with more purchasing, all sorts of marketing reasons etc etc because it could be done though it's not suppose to & probably not. Which agency(s) of which country(s) would be in charge of regulating that?.
Well it is the conspiracy theorist in you. When they first came out I got two gold Cardy boxes and they were BoP. I eventually caved and got two keys off the exchange. The first box gave me some batteries, the second gave me the Galor. Those were my two occassions of lock box opening.
There is no cumulative chance. The chance is per box opened, so you could get it on your first box or as with the OP never get it.
When you say regulate are you talking the "gambling" that we call it or the actually nature of the software behind it?
Well it is the conspiracy theorist in you. When they first came out I got two gold Cardy boxes and they were BoP. I eventually caved and got two keys off the exchange. The first box gave me some batteries, the second gave me the Galor. Those were my two occassions of lock box opening. There is no cumulative chance. The chance is per box opened, so you could get it on your first box or as with the OP never get it.
I was stating a cumulative effect as a possibility in the future along with the other possibilities. As with the conspiracy of course it's far fetched, but not unprecedented for gaming companies to bend the rules as example that CCP with that EVE game.
It isnt gambling because you cant redeem anything in STO for real money. it's like playing blackjack in Fallout New Vegas.
I understand the explanation about stating it's not gambling b'c Cryptic IS offering something guaranteed then the possibility of a bonus prize. However, the bonus prize is often, if not always, valued as greater than the modest guaranteed item. The only connection I could possibly see is that items purchased with Zen &/or Dilithium since they do allow that conversion & there is a set value amount on the Zen which can be used to purchase items, but I am sure Cryptic's if not PWE's legal team has that all covered.
48'000 Zen? That's 48 x 4 = 192 Promotion R&D packs. One of those goes for 9mio EC on the exchange. You could have made 1.728 billion EC. Enough to buy almost 4 Elachi Sheshar Dreadnoughts.
When you made this post it must have occurred to you there was going to be some knockback and ridicule on your spending habits; that and the inevitable "Cryptic is pusher" responses. I'm sorry to hear what you have done to yourself but I have a great deal of respect for the candor you have demonstrated. Amongst all the static there was actually some very solid advice as to what you should do in your situation.
szim and ddesjardins both commented on the utility of the lobi you now have at your disposal and possible means of recouping your losses. You should also have an obscene stash of R&D components and items which are marketable as well. At present I would focus on liquidating these. The value of tech point enhancements is high because they can not be produced by crafters and mitigate dilithium bleed inherent to the upgrade system.
I'd suggest holding onto your lobi stash. At present we are still very early in the tier 6 ship cycle and something bigger and better will have to follow. While the dreadnought may seem superior to ships available at present it doesn't strike me as having the firecracker qualities that will make it as enduringly marketable as the jem hadar attack ship. In all likelihood it will be eclipsed by the next new shiney. I think if you waited to purchase the investment into the ship would be less (if you still feel you must have it) and the possibility of purchasing legitimate t6 lobi ships as your capital would be a more rewarding return.
RNG is harsh. It can be very hard on you and your wallet if you chase one particular item. As far as I can understand the trick is to use the system; not be used by it. I personally grabbed a few crates this weekend because I wanted to fast track my own R&D process. The other incentive was the the guaranteed lobi payout. There isn't anything I want in particular but somewhere down the road it might be useful. The point of my admission is to admit I partake in the system and that I made the purchases based on certain gains; The ship would be a bonus. If this experience hasn't soured you on the game completely the best caution I would suggest is to make calculated purchases into boxes. Buy things you you can use to eventually make your intended purchases (ie keys, lobi purchasable items, research buffs as stepping stones) in a manner that is acceptable/comfortable in relation to your IRL finances. You may not have the item you want right here/now but taking the time to gather your resources keeps you flexible and may even save you some buyer's remorse in the long run.
As a final note R&D boxes with a resource bonus are not as random as lockboxes proper which I'd approach more carefully. If you open one of those or 100 in all likelihood you will get nothing worth mentioning. You will certainly get something but know that almost every time there would have been a better return selling someone else that key.
Most ppl propably assume that the chance for finding one isnt as bad as it is.
While ehen with higher drop rates there still would be a possibility for not finding one but noone of sane mind would expect them to be as greedy as they actually are and basicslly force ppl to not open boxes but wait for stuff to show up on the exchange.
The even more sad part is they always find ppl like the op to drop insane amounts of money on those promotions because otherwise they would stop doing them.
Sry OP for what happend to you but assuming the expected drop rate at about 1.1% then opening 100 boxes still only gives you a 66% chance of finding one or more ships. Even at 150 boxes sour chance still is only at 81%. You seem to be one of the unlucky 19%.
Just remember that next time cryptic waves a new shiny in front of you and wants your money. Dou can never expect reasonable from cryptic in any way shape or form.
Don't gamble but if you have to you really need to set some boundries. Like I'm only gonna buy 12 R&D packs. If I'm unlucky I will start selling stuff till I have enough EC to buy it from the exchange.
nope. 0.45%
DUDE. *facepalm* at least you can sell the R&D materials to buy one.
It sells for 450 mill ec.
Break up the boxes. 60 would have been more than enough to buy it out right.
I guess at this point I should not mention I got min3 on box 3 (out of 20) . I sold it for 475 million, and have not regretted it. OK. That's trolling.
Now people who do this aren't daft, it's their money and so their choice. You only become daft if you then complain about not getting it and say it is a bug. You made the choice to do this on a dice roll, and you lost, accept the consequence of it.
Sorry to hear you got scammed by the lottoboxes. I hope you had your lesson not to gamble on sto ever again.
Hang on... you are DEFENDING this?? Why???? It's shocking. It's a scam.... It's not daft to expect something after spending a wedge of cash... It's daft to defend a system that is so clearly unfair.
You might want to read this aswell
Gambling is accepting, recording, or registering bets, or carrying on a policy game or any other lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other thing of value. Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1955, makes it a federal crime or offense for anyone to conduct an 'illegal gambling business.'
It's a statement of fact that if a person chooses to gamble then they have to accept that they can and will lose. It's no different to lotteries, raffles, casinos, bingo , fruit machines, and so on. You pay your money and you take your chances.
Even though we call it gambling it is not as we always get something in this case the r&d materials anf bits and bobs. The ship is a possible bonus ontop of what the box is sold as.
Your evuuul.
Lol, your signature cat looks like my cat Vader!
And, chewing on some money would be likely, something he would do as well.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I am not it is just that this is working as intended and therefore not a bug, which is what this section is for.
Now if you want to complain about the whole lock box/promotion thing, then take it to general. I have been against it since it came in however I also know it is never going away. It is too profitable because people like the OP do chose to take part in it.
Personally I do not see the point of these "prize" ships, but others love them. It is not upto you or I to tell them how they spend their money.
In much the same way I don't see the point of an iPad compared to cheaper tablets it is just the label, yet I have a friend who buys the new one when it comes out, it is his money therefore his choice. In the same way he doesn't see why I would pay £100 for a graphics card because he doesn't use his PC the way I do but it is not his place to say I can't. A final example, I have a friend who collects stamps, he's willinmg to pay hundreds of pounds on a stamp for his collection, I don't see the point in spending that much on a bit of sticky paper. He gets enjoyment out of his hobby so it is to him money well spent.
He looks like my Sooty who I had years ago. He did chew money. It is because of him I started to use a wallet, after coming home and finding £10 and £20 notes in pieces all over the carpet on different occassions. It was only notes for some reason, all other paper was safe.
Good god man, spend your money more wisely.
I'll be falling off my high horse now.
So that means you now have 1870 lobi crystals from those boxes that you can spend right? I would say either go to the lobi vendor and buy up a few of the ships from there that have the highest value on the exchange and sell them to try to make the EC to buy the new Elachi ship off the exchange if you want the ship for your toon.
If you are just after the ship to sell and make the 400 million+ EC then it is too bad the luck of the rng was against you or karma prevented you from winning for the point of profiting that much from it. If that was the case just hold onto the lobi for now until the next lobi store discount and buy up the highest value ships at that time to sell and possibly get 1 more ship than you can now from the vendor.
Also, the conspiracy theorist in me always wonders if they are coding the odds differently tailoring towards: different/certain players, based upon trends of purchases, overall players' history with Star Trek Online (STO), perhaps a percentage accumulation algorithm that increases with more purchasing, all sorts of marketing reasons etc etc because it could be done though it's not suppose to & probably not. Which agency(s) of which country(s) would be in charge of regulating that?
It's a shame the original poster (OP) invested that much $ into the chance, but that's all it ever is, a chance, regardless of winning on the first try or the 3212th try. They catch you with the enticement that you'll win with only one more box opened LOL. There's far more efficient methods to score any item you desire in STO.
I learned my lesson earlier on in my STO history when I saved almost 3 months of dilithium, changed into Zen, gambled on the "chance for the big prize" of that event & won squat. That was my learning experience with the gambling boxes & I have not dared since reinforcing my consistent bad luck. I have zero lock box ships to this date except 1 Tuffli gifted to me from a very generous player between all my 16 toons.
In the end, Cryptic thanks you for contributing more $ than was probably needed to acquire that ship for yourself. Your investment helps support STO. I also hope you eventually acquire the ship you want, but complaining about your loss now is rubbish. I never have agreed with the lock box system, but just like any system there's pros & cons to it.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Well it is the conspiracy theorist in you. When they first came out I got two gold Cardy boxes and they were BoP. I eventually caved and got two keys off the exchange. The first box gave me some batteries, the second gave me the Galor. Those were my two occassions of lock box opening.
There is no cumulative chance. The chance is per box opened, so you could get it on your first box or as with the OP never get it.
When you say regulate are you talking the "gambling" that we call it or the actually nature of the software behind it?
Well it is the conspiracy theorist in you. When they first came out I got two gold Cardy boxes and they were BoP. I eventually caved and got two keys off the exchange. The first box gave me some batteries, the second gave me the Galor. Those were my two occassions of lock box opening. There is no cumulative chance. The chance is per box opened, so you could get it on your first box or as with the OP never get it.
I was stating a cumulative effect as a possibility in the future along with the other possibilities. As with the conspiracy of course it's far fetched, but not unprecedented for gaming companies to bend the rules as example that CCP with that EVE game.
It isnt gambling because you cant redeem anything in STO for real money. it's like playing blackjack in Fallout New Vegas.
I understand the explanation about stating it's not gambling b'c Cryptic IS offering something guaranteed then the possibility of a bonus prize. However, the bonus prize is often, if not always, valued as greater than the modest guaranteed item. The only connection I could possibly see is that items purchased with Zen &/or Dilithium since they do allow that conversion & there is a set value amount on the Zen which can be used to purchase items, but I am sure Cryptic's if not PWE's legal team has that all covered.
Holy TRIBBLE on a cracker!
When you made this post it must have occurred to you there was going to be some knockback and ridicule on your spending habits; that and the inevitable "Cryptic is pusher" responses. I'm sorry to hear what you have done to yourself but I have a great deal of respect for the candor you have demonstrated. Amongst all the static there was actually some very solid advice as to what you should do in your situation.
szim and ddesjardins both commented on the utility of the lobi you now have at your disposal and possible means of recouping your losses. You should also have an obscene stash of R&D components and items which are marketable as well. At present I would focus on liquidating these. The value of tech point enhancements is high because they can not be produced by crafters and mitigate dilithium bleed inherent to the upgrade system.
I'd suggest holding onto your lobi stash. At present we are still very early in the tier 6 ship cycle and something bigger and better will have to follow. While the dreadnought may seem superior to ships available at present it doesn't strike me as having the firecracker qualities that will make it as enduringly marketable as the jem hadar attack ship. In all likelihood it will be eclipsed by the next new shiney. I think if you waited to purchase the investment into the ship would be less (if you still feel you must have it) and the possibility of purchasing legitimate t6 lobi ships as your capital would be a more rewarding return.
RNG is harsh. It can be very hard on you and your wallet if you chase one particular item. As far as I can understand the trick is to use the system; not be used by it. I personally grabbed a few crates this weekend because I wanted to fast track my own R&D process. The other incentive was the the guaranteed lobi payout. There isn't anything I want in particular but somewhere down the road it might be useful. The point of my admission is to admit I partake in the system and that I made the purchases based on certain gains; The ship would be a bonus. If this experience hasn't soured you on the game completely the best caution I would suggest is to make calculated purchases into boxes. Buy things you you can use to eventually make your intended purchases (ie keys, lobi purchasable items, research buffs as stepping stones) in a manner that is acceptable/comfortable in relation to your IRL finances. You may not have the item you want right here/now but taking the time to gather your resources keeps you flexible and may even save you some buyer's remorse in the long run.
As a final note R&D boxes with a resource bonus are not as random as lockboxes proper which I'd approach more carefully. If you open one of those or 100 in all likelihood you will get nothing worth mentioning. You will certainly get something but know that almost every time there would have been a better return selling someone else that key.
While ehen with higher drop rates there still would be a possibility for not finding one but noone of sane mind would expect them to be as greedy as they actually are and basicslly force ppl to not open boxes but wait for stuff to show up on the exchange.
The even more sad part is they always find ppl like the op to drop insane amounts of money on those promotions because otherwise they would stop doing them.
Sry OP for what happend to you but assuming the expected drop rate at about 1.1% then opening 100 boxes still only gives you a 66% chance of finding one or more ships. Even at 150 boxes sour chance still is only at 81%. You seem to be one of the unlucky 19%.
Just remember that next time cryptic waves a new shiny in front of you and wants your money. Dou can never expect reasonable from cryptic in any way shape or form.