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DEVS thanks for doubling the Patrol rewards but...



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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    js26568 wrote: »
    People have played for years with their skills & specs maxed out. I'm sure you have too, so that argument is blown completely out of the water.
    The question I am wondering about - you get specialization points. Slowly, but surely. It takes time, yes. But you get something new. You are not actually forced to paly the exact same character for those 10 Trillion or whatever missions it takes - your character advances, plays differently, gets access to new features.

    Isn't that better than being static all the time?

    AFAIK, people were grinding reputations back then so there was something to gain. You can just combine all the other activities with skill points. It is not actually so that you only can play one mission - you can do all the stuff you previously did - make dilithium, earn marks, build up your fleet, and along the way, instead of getting nothnig else, you get specialization points. It's like a second reputation track, but you get marks from any activity, not just a select few types of missions.

    I think the way to Level 60 could be faster, because there are level-bound missions. But you don't need to unlock a particular specialization to get access to particular missions.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Let me tell you a story of Rainbow Six Vegas. It was a tactical shooter I played on the Xbox 360. In order to get to the maximum level, it tooks me two months of grinding from perhaps just 5 levels down.

    If STO's new leveling was at that pace I'd be blissfully happy. It's going to take over a year of casual play to max out everything.
    Free Tibet!
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    mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Critter kill XP has been boosted. The patch notes did not clearly communicate this. I am on Tribble and it is taking about the same time to earn XP now as it was before the nerf patch on the 20th; maybe even a little bit faster!

    -edit- A thought occurs to me.. did they ever turn off the 2x XP event on Tribble? It was flipped on during initial Delta Rising testing to help testers level faster, and I haven't actually checked XP levels on Tribble in the past week to compare these numbers to. All I know is that right now on Tribble it is taking the same amount of time to earn spec points as it took on Holodeck prior to the 20th nerf.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
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    captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Maybe the left the rewards high deliberately after all DR WAS THE BEST EVER and it would not look good if no one bothered to go their.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So what the hell is stopping people from just aiming down a bit when it comes to specializations? I've found that the absolute best way to play for them [in STO] is not to pay too much attention to level progression post 60 and take it as an incidental bonus. If you play for it (ie. dedicate time explicitly to earning XP rather than XP plus dil, marks, equipment, ec, and so on in the normal course of gameplay), you will burn yourself out because by all appearances the system hasn't been balanced to support intensive grinding. Instead it apparently tries to reward consistent playtime over a longer period (you won't earn a level every day but with persistence you'll eventually get up there.)

    This is a good advice, one that I follow to atm because Argala was already too much to take on the way to get my 8 toons to 60, yet played a considerable part in it.

    The problem with the spec trees is just that you are likely to see 2 more mains and 4 more secondaries per year from now on if the release cycle of reputations is any indication.

    If that’s the case and the progression stays as low at it is players will never be ale to explore that system to its full potential. Such a fact is just demoralizing and generates pressure where there should be none.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    tarrynrextarrynrex Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I wonder if the OP has ever heard of DOFF missions?
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    janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Let me tell you a story of Rainbow Six Vegas. It was a tactical shooter I played on the Xbox 360 (not the closest game to STO but it does have one notable parallel). In order to get to the maximum level, it tooks me two months of grinding from perhaps just 5 levels down. I could have applied a similar expectation for a level every day or so to that system, and become frustrated as hell wit hit, but I didn't and I enjoyed myself despite the slow XP.

    So what the hell is stopping people from just aiming down a bit when it comes to specializations? I've found that the absolute best way to play for them [in STO] is not to pay too much attention to level progression post 60 and take it as an incidental bonus. If you play for it (ie. dedicate time explicitly to earning XP rather than XP plus dil, marks, equipment, ec, and so on in the normal course of gameplay), you will burn yourself out because by all appearances the system hasn't been balanced to support intensive grinding. Instead it apparently tries to reward consistent playtime over a longer period (you won't earn a level every day but with persistence you'll eventually get up there.)

    So the problem should rather be stated that XP doesn't match [insert name here]'s expectations. And while that shouldn't be taken as [insert name here]'s expectations are automatically wrong, they should be mindful of the possibility (and approach spec's from a different direction if they find a significant enough disconnect.)

    There are three points here: one, STO has always had it possible to complete a new system within a season. Two: there isn't much of an either/or in STO, so it's not like anyone's thinking "If I choose this, I lock myself out of that, therefore it doesn't matter so much what I max out as what I choose". Three: The Reputation system created an expectation that power creep was being managed by limiting your access to how many powerful abilities you could access at once.

    The Specialization system breaks all three of these. It is just a really, really poorly implemented bunch of badly thought-through changes. Defend it all you want, but your defense basically turns into what many of us have already decided: that STO is no longer worth bothering to play as anything more than a very casual level of play. If STO thinks that's going to turn into greater monetization than previous, I think they're in for a very rude shock.
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Let me tell you a story of Rainbow Six Vegas. It was a tactical shooter I played on the Xbox 360 (not the closest game to STO but it does have one notable parallel). In order to get to the maximum level, it tooks me two months of grinding from perhaps just 5 levels down. I could have applied a similar expectation for a level every day or so to that system, and become frustrated as hell wit hit, but I didn't and I enjoyed myself despite the slow XP.

    So what the hell is stopping people from just aiming down a bit when it comes to specializations? I've found that the absolute best way to play for them [in STO] is not to pay too much attention to level progression post 60 and take it as an incidental bonus. If you play for it (ie. dedicate time explicitly to earning XP rather than XP plus dil, marks, equipment, ec, and so on in the normal course of gameplay), you will burn yourself out because by all appearances the system hasn't been balanced to support intensive grinding. Instead it apparently tries to reward consistent playtime over a longer period (you won't earn a level every day but with persistence you'll eventually get up there.)

    So the problem should rather be stated that XP doesn't match [insert name here]'s expectations. And while that shouldn't be taken as [insert name here]'s expectations are automatically wrong, they should be mindful of the possibility (and approach spec's from a different direction if they find a significant enough disconnect.)

    I get your point, but when you want to be competitive end-game and face the biggest PvE challenges then you'll want everything maxed out to help you beat the content. With my main character I love playing elite content, it's something that my alts will probably never be able to do due to the time and gearing up investments needed. Before the patch of last week I wasn't complaining about the exp gain either. It seemed slow, but now it's just terrible. They may say that it wasn't nerfed, but it does feel that way.

    Your advice is better for alt characters, with those I have absolutely no aspiration to level them up beyond level 60, and should they get additional spec points then it's a nice bonus, but for my main char I want to be able to beat the elite content. (And not just because I can, but because I need the material packages for my R&D crafts.)

    And for the record, I'm satisfied with gaining 0.75 level a day, I'm not grinding 2 levels or more a day. Right now I'm at about 1.5 level every 2 days, which is pretty much the grind you mentioned in Rainbow 6. The latest patch nerfed even that 0.75 down below that to 0.5 level a day. I only have 12 more levels to go, but it still feels like it's taking ages.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    tarrynrex wrote: »
    I wonder if the OP has ever heard of DOFF missions?

    I have. Do you find them any more rewarding as of last weeks patch? Sorry I don’t. They helped me massively to level my toons from 50-60 within the first four weeks of DR but as of late… nope. Really same thing as with Argala itself.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    questerius wrote: »
    Try the foundry. Lots of content there.

    Third party filler content is not an excuse to create insane grinds based on very few activities, and make sure it all run on rails. If I was looking primarily for fan creations, I would not be here. Simple as that.
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    mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have. Do you find them any more rewarding as of last weeks patch? Sorry I don’t. They helped me massively to level my toons from 50-60 with the first four weeks of DR but as of late… nope. Really same thing with Argala itself.

    On Tribble, doff assignments currently award just shy of 2x what they do on holodeck.

    See previous post for possible caveat.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    On Tribble, doff assignments currently award just shy of 2x what they do on holodeck.

    See previous post for possible caveat.

    I could live with that, thank you very much for info sir. :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    You know what's really cool? The fact that a lot of people already grinded out their post 60 50 specialization points before they nerfed it.

    So who wants to pvp?
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't follow your post at all, sorry. What last 15 specialisation points? When you reach level 60 there are 50 more points to get, that's 50 x 154,000 XP. Argala is the highest rewarding patrol in the game right now, any of the other queues you mention would take an even bigger wall of text than my first OP.

    It is bad, it is very bad, the forums are mostly united on how bad it is, so are the facebook threads, the people in our fleets that agree and most of all the people in our fleets that say nothing because they have left the game sadly.

    60 more points. 30 Intel, 15 commando and 15 pilot.

    Commando and pilot and specialized ground and space. The vast majority of people focus on ground OR space. People rarely, almost never, focus on mastering both and hence the 15 points for either ground or space (whichever you choose NOT to specialize in) are just a bonus.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sitheach wrote: »
    You know what's really cool? The fact that a lot of people already grinded out their post 60 50 specialization points before they nerfed it.

    So who wants to pvp?

    You know what's not cool? That even more people didn't. :-/

    If I'd known that it'd be labeled as a 'bug' later on then I'd have hurried my TRIBBLE off to get those points back then. As it was I had about 20 in after getting to level 60 since I wanted to pace myself a bit.

    In my fleet of 200+ people only 1 to maybe 3 people had their skills maxed out on a single character, all the others were left to grind with what we have now. The guy of who I know that he maxed out has 30 characters in total. Assuming that he only plays 10 characters on a regular basis, he's still facing a huge grind for all of his alts.

    No offense intended, but your post is only valid for a handful of characters.
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    questerius wrote: »
    60 more points. 30 Intel, 15 commando and 15 pilot.

    Commando and pilot and specialized ground and space. The vast majority of people focus on ground OR space. People rarely, almost never, focus on mastering both and hence the 15 points for either ground or space (whichever you choose NOT to specialize in) are just a bonus.

    I'm afraid you're wrong about that. I for one am somebody who wants to be competitive on both ground and space.

    I started specializing in ground first since ground combat is easier than space and it requires less items to upgrade, but I'm now working on finishing the biggest challenges in space as well and I'll need all the spec points I can get for that.

    My character still needs 12 more points in Pilot before I'm at 60+50, but the grind is starting to bore me to death, even though I'm still going at a somewhat reasonable pace of 1 level every 2 - 3 days.

    I hoped to be done before the winter event goes live, but I'm doubtful about that.
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    sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    nishkacm wrote: »
    You know what's not cool? That even more people didn't. :-/

    If I'd known that it'd be labeled as a 'bug' later on then I'd have hurried my TRIBBLE off to get those points back then. As it was I had about 20 in after getting to level 60 since I wanted to pace myself a bit.

    In my fleet of 200+ people only 1 to maybe 3 people had their skills maxed out on a single character, all the others were left to grind with what we have now. The guy of who I know that he maxed out has 30 characters in total. Assuming that he only plays 10 characters on a regular basis, he's still facing a huge grind for all of his alts.

    No offense intended, but your post is only valid for a handful of characters.

    It's more than a handful I am certain. The point is, why would anyone pvp with that knowledge?

    Also, you know they nerfed it because of the starship traits. Right? Why would you buy more than 1 t6 ship if you can get 3 of 4 traits from leveling specializations?
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    7,900,000 skill points needed to get from level 60 to level 110, effectively all the spec points, and even with your doubling of the patrol rewards, that still requires 887 Argala patrols on average PER TOON.
    Yeah, they know. And it's not supposed to be a short-term goal. We asked for something to do after reaching the level cap. We asked for "infinite progression". We got it, and now you're saying that you don't want it.

    It's probably not gonna change any time soon. Just do what the devs say and consider each specialization point a long-term goal. And besides, even if you get the 60 specialization points and max THOSE out... what are you gonna do then when there are many many more specializations to earn?

    ...you DO know that we aren't gonna be left with only one primary and two secondary specializations to earn, right? There have been more that were finished when Delta Rising went live and are waiting to be patched into the game NOW. Do you want THOSE too?
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Yeah, they know. And it's not supposed to be a short-term goal. We asked for something to do after reaching the level cap. We asked fo
    maybe it is that some wanted it. And some don't want it.

    Now some are happy that they have a long term goal,and others are not, because they never wanted a long-term goal.

    But the magics of internet echo chamber and pre-selection bias ensures that you never really hear both sides, only the one that is not satisfied right now. And we can't even tell which side is bigger, and how many neutrals exist.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,486 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    maybe it is that some wanted it. And some don't want it.

    Now some are happy that they have a long term goal,and others are not, because they never wanted a long-term goal.

    But the magics of internet echo chamber and pre-selection bias ensures that you never really hear both sides, only the one that is not satisfied right now. And we can't even tell which side is bigger, and how many neutrals exist.

    Truer statement has never been said :)
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    sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Yeah, they know. And it's not supposed to be a short-term goal. We asked for something to do after reaching the level cap. We asked for "infinite progression". We got it, and now you're saying that you don't want it.

    It's probably not gonna change any time soon. Just do what the devs say and consider each specialization point a long-term goal. And besides, even if you get the 60 specialization points and max THOSE out... what are you gonna do then when there are many many more specializations to earn?

    ...you DO know that we aren't gonna be left with only one primary and two secondary specializations to earn, right? There have been more that were finished when Delta Rising went live and are waiting to be patched into the game NOW. Do you want THOSE too?

    First they remove the ability to mess around, then they go for infinity. There is a tiny little cage, but you can live there forever!
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    kwyjenkwyjen Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Why the level 110.. why do feel you got to max level "NOW"? You will get there eventually, just play the game, and take the every now and then ability boost as a perk for longevity.
    Kinda like the old days with veteran rewards where you actually had to be in game for a certain length of time to get certain rewards. Guess you can't "BUY" your way to max level in a day this time :D But go ahead and grind that mission 800+ times if you want so you can hurry along to max.
    I myself will just play and take the bonus abilities as they come along, but they will not be my sole purpose for playing. :cool:

    Ferasan Foreign Legion Fleet Admiral
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kwyjen wrote: »
    Why the level 110.. why do feel you got to max level "NOW"? You will get there eventually, just play the game, and take the every now and then ability boost as a perk for longevity.
    Kinda like the old days with veteran rewards where you actually had to be in game for a certain length of time to get certain rewards. Guess you can't "BUY" your way to max level in a day this time :D But go ahead and grind that mission 800+ times if you want so you can hurry along to max.
    I myself will just play and take the bonus abilities as they come along, but they will not be my sole purpose for playing. :cool:

    Ferasan Foreign Legion Fleet Admiral

    Nobody can grind that number of missions in a single day, let alone in a week. The point is that it's an awful grind because there isn't anything else that gives a reasonable amount of exp to level up on. If, for example, we received 5x as much exp for completing any of the PvE queues then those would give a decent alternative, or at least much more than they do now. Right now those don't even come close in terms of exp gain.
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    thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kwyjen wrote: »
    Why the level 110.. why do feel you got to max level "NOW"? You will get there eventually ...

    No you won't (not without Power Grind of some sort) ... cause, I doubt the game is still here in 20 years :P
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Yeah, they know. And it's not supposed to be a short-term goal. We asked for something to do after reaching the level cap. We asked for "infinite progression". We got it, and now you're saying that you don't want it.

    You know what?! There's no such thing as a 'long term goal' in an MMO like ours. There *cannot* be. This is not like real life, where you go, say, to medical school, and emerge 8 years later, being a full surgeon. This is STO, not exactly 'constant as the Northern Star.' Every six months or so they change the game drastically, or pull the rules right from under you (Trait system, anyone?). So, any realistic goal kinda has to fit said half-year time frame, max. If not, chances are what you were after either no longer exists, has been devaluated, or has simply changed too much -- and is thus something you can't really bank on, long-term wise.

    The above is also, btw, why R&D is inherently fail. Ceteris paribus, which is to say, if STO were *guaranteed* stagnant for like 4 years, these very long-term Epic R&D goals might work. But by then the game will have changed so much, that currently making such a 'deep investment' is simply foolhearted.
    It's probably not gonna change any time soon. Just do what the devs say and consider each specialization point a long-term goal. And besides, even if you get the 60 specialization points and max THOSE out... what are you gonna do then when there are many many more specializations to earn?

    Um, get those too, maybe?!
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    No you won't ... I doubt the game is still here in 20 years :P

    It might be if the players are still interested in playing the game, but if STO lives for 10 years it'd be quite an accomplishment already.

    Then again, city of heroes still exists too, doesn't it? That one is a lot older. Champions Online is still around as well, even though it has a really low player base, so having the game still around by 2020 is possible. :)
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    nishkacm wrote: »
    I'm afraid you're wrong about that. I for one am somebody who wants to be competitive on both ground and space.

    Congratulations because you, and i for that matter, are the exceptions to the rule.

    I have heard and seen very few people who take that road and that is why i said it rarely (almost never) occurs.

    And even then i opted for commando since the pilot abilities seemed to be mostly focused on hi and run tactics while that is just about the only thing my engineer does not excel in.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    questerius wrote: »
    Congratulations because you, and i for that matter, are the exceptions to the rule.

    I have heard and seen very few people who take that road and that is why i said it rarely (almost never) occurs.

    And even then i opted for commando since the pilot abilities seemed to be mostly focused on hi and run tactics while that is just about the only thing my engineer does not excel in.

    I'm flying sci/sci and the pilot tree just looked the least interesting of the three, due to its high focus on defense, while I was mostly looking to increase my dps first. With the commando and intel done I can now focus on the pilot tree. I have yet to do Korfez since I wanted to improve my vessel first, but I hope to jump in there as soon as I finished my tier 2 in pilot.

    I just hope there are enough people left by then to team up with.
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    ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol -Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol -Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol -Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol -Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol -Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - Argala Patrol - 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    LoL I am glad I dont look at games like that. I have never touched argala patrol but it looks like your caught in some kinda wierd loop there. If you can't get out I suggest submitting a bug report :P
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