lol dis thread is immensly entertaining. OP, over 9000 pts for communication skilzz. needs more cryptic white knighting tho... MAKE MY DAY, vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamooos.
it has been fun ... lol but we have toddlers running around in the server room
Spent most of today grinding Argala and Orendal, the latter giving the best XP per min, I have almost made one level and now I am sick to death of it. However I need to carry on because I can't access the story content for this toon until I get to the next level.
Cryptic wtf are you thinking? You are killing my game! I have never seen such TRIBBLE thinking from this company before. I am what you might call a whale and think nothing of dropping a couple hundred pounds a month on Zen for all my toons, I have also been called a dev apologist by some because I usually try to find a middle ground, however this is the last straw as far as I am concerned. Let me spell it out to you in no uncertain terms:
Until you give me my game back you are getting NO MORE MONEY FROM ME!
Logging off to do something more interesting like cleaning the kitchen.
Welcome to the thick end of the wedge dude, the thin end was four or five years ago.
My girlfriend bought me "Farm Simulator" as a joke.
Guess which game is currently more interesting to me.
Personally, I'm just biding my time watching this train wreck until The Crew comes out on the second of December. I've also been replaying SR IV 'cause I can't wait for the next installment (praying that they don't bugger it up). Besides, back when it was possible (last week) to actually see the new content before I was older and greyer, I was really enjoying the new episodes.
I removed my initial post. I was the one above Geko's post. It was the reason I [REDACTED] it. I was missing a bit of information. But before that, A comment to @pwgroverclvlnd, you appear to have the same writing tendancies I do. I want to give clear, complete and detailed explanations for thing. But the core message becomes opaque with my wall of text. My suggestion is to start with a summary of your points and then dive into your wall of text.
Now back to my comment of this thread. I'm not complaining about the skill point changes with the except of DOFF Expertise, the changes are a wash. My complaint is about the information I missed out in the first place. The near exponentially increase XP requirements for levels 51-60. The grind between levels for the STORY CONTENT (which I love and want to play) is too much.
In the earliest days of Champions Online. ust before the launch of the game they changed the XP leveling requirements. Before they have enough story content to level all the way to the level cap of 40. They increased the XP leveling requirements. So they wound of with players hiting walls of having no missions to leve with. When character hit the 30s, players has to level by killing NPCs are the high level maps. I has to roam around Monster Island, hunting Manimals in order to get past level 32-34 so I had missions to resume leveling normaly.
The leveling grind in STO of 51-60 reminds of those early Champions Online days Cyortic didn't development enough normal content to allow a graceful experience of 51-60. I have one character which is 20K away from level 60. I'm gong to level up and finish out the DR story lines. After that I'm done with DR the Delta Quadrant except for the reputation System...maybe.
With the rest of my characters, I'm have not interesting in leveling them. I'm going to ignore that aspect of the game including Specializations. I've liek to have them, but it's not worth my time and the effort to get them. Cryptic you've done the impossible. You remove the fun DR expansion, I don't really care about it.
And I see a very interesting screen view as I approach Aragala. It's surrounded by ships. They all can't have he given Patrol Mission. So what up? Everyone one doing the same thing over and over again as it's the most efficient time vs XP rewards? Bu there is so much more content that's interesting..... At only 2790 XP (Normal) a run. Not very well likely. It's not efficient XP gain.
So my final scores for DR? Maps, NPCs, story all get A's. The overall score is a D-. And the reason for this is the soul sucking grind.
I suggesting taking at look at Neverwinter's end game. Yes it's a grind, but it's variety. All of the main dailies give the game same as a normal "store" mission. I can fill the XP bar in a couple of days at most. And the overflow XP level reward is random. I may or may not a power point (aka Specialization Point), but I do get some times. The time per level is much less and it feelig like I'm making progress.
My suggestions. Give players a big chunks d XP for each Reputation Daily in addition to the Bonus Marks. It will give players incentive to do the Reputation Dailies even if that are at Rank 5. If not that add Daily missions which give out 'first play story mission' amounts of XP. Neverwinter has 3 to 6 Dailies missions the standard mission rewards. It makes leveling a lot more tolerable then having grind something Argala over and over again.
And this post is getting a lot longer then I orginallly intended. So I'll just end things here.
My thought was, "if you screwed up the math the first time why should anyone believe it's right this time?". I have a lot of toons and have been using DOFF missions to level up all my alts so I don't have to replay the same mission 8 times in a row with different toons. Since the Nerfing my alts which were 3-7 days from being at level 60 are two to three months from level 60.
I freaking give up. As I said in another thread this is the last straw, it seemed like things were starting to turn around from the disastrous Delta Rising launch so I started spending money again. Now the skill tray problems look to be back again and level rising has been completely nerfed, all joy is gone from the game.
No more, this far, no farther, the line must be drawn here. I am going back to SWTOR and spending my money there. I probably won't spend a penny here again, I'll log in from time to time to work on my characters just in case Cryptic comes to it's senses but I no longer hold any hope of it.
Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of [your name here] on a five year mission to gain one level after the delta rising xp nerf.
My thought was, "if you screwed up the math the first time why should anyone believe it's right this time?". I have a lot of toons and have been using DOFF missions to level up all my alts so I don't have to replay the same mission 8 times in a row with different toons. Since the Nerfing my alts which were 3-7 days from being at level 60 are two to three months from level 60.
I freaking give up. As I said in another thread this is the last straw, it seemed like things were starting to turn around from the disastrous Delta Rising launch so I started spending money again. Now the skill tray problems look to be back again and level rising has been completely nerfed, all joy is gone from the game.
No more, this far, no farther, the line must be drawn here. I am going back to SWTOR and spending my money there. I probably won't spend a penny here again, I'll log in from time to time to work on my characters just in case Cryptic comes to it's senses but I no longer hold any hope of it.
Yah, I'm not going to make a pretentious "stand" of this (at worst, I'm just going to be spending more time with those characters I got to level 60 before this. I wasn't gaining additional levels before DR so now its just back to the same old pattern of blowing **** up for the hell of it) but this is not filling me with a lot of confidence.
The math was bugged, so they tried to fix it. But [from what I've seen in-game, though I haven't gotten too quantitative yet] the fix is so much worse than the initial problem. Prior it just seems (from the OP) that the numbers being displayed didn't intuitively match the progression to "higher" levels. I quite frankly never cared about that and easily got a couple of characters up to at least 60 without much issue or indeed any confusion. Now, with 1.5 million XP to hit 60 on my other characters and no appreciable increase (though I have noticed a small-to-moderate disconnect between what a doff reward breakdown says and what the reward log in fact states) to the rate (in terms of time/level) at which I'm earning from DOFFS, missions (DR patrol completion seems much less now), and kills, we have a tangible progression problem. Superifical glitch to a game killing cataclysm (if indeed this feeling isn't just a placebo effect of sorts).
A little more care needs to be put in maintaining critical systems through these updates. Waiting til the next one to get things right (ad infinitum) is NOT the way to maintain a healthy game and population. Even if it takes another few weeks to more thoroughly work out the details prior to an update, that time MUST be spent to avoid snowballing the original ****-up.
If anything this should serve as a wakeup call to Cryptic's QA. Getting **** out is important, particularly around this time of year when so many other games are vying for our attention. But if its not going to be handled with restraint you might not as well bother.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Log on, take care of daily maintenance: R&D dailies, Reputation Dailies, ect
Grind Argala for about an hour, gaining a specialization point
Play some STFs just for fun, testing out new builds and trying to get 20k DPS (ISA) in a given science ship
Drop $50-$100 in Zen, buy Master Keys and Dilithium, sell Master Keys for EC, buy equipment upgrade techs, and try to get my URs to Epics.
Play some more STFs and PUG some Elites
Now, here's today:
Log on, take care of daily maintenance: R&D dailies, Reputation Dailies, ect
Play one round of Argala, see the minimal impact on the XP bar, give up
Play a STF, still feel uninsterested
Think about spending money, but then ask myself why?
Log off, go do yard work, which seemed more interesting at the time
It's quite sad.
Edit: I noticed that my fleet has a T5 Science project going on for the Fleet Starbase... we have about 1 million dilithium to go to complete it. If this had happened last week, I would have dropped the ~$100 to buy zen, exchange for dilithium, and put it all toward the fleet project - I've done that before. Now, no desire to, my fleet can get there the long, free method, no reason to hurry
50-100$ A DAY ! :eek: That's 150-300$ a month, wow crazy. And people complained when we used to have 10$ monthly sub before f2p were introduced.
Anyway, you still play more than me. I just log to do the rep input, check if I can spend my FM or something for the fleet, do the R&D, and log off.
I think you missed a 0 there, and granted, I often get too busy with RL stuff so don't have a chance to log in some days... some days I only buy $10 of zen, others $300 (or more, whatever the daily cap of Zen purchases is, I've hit it before a few times). I have the money to spend, so why not spend it on something that I enjoy doing?
Main point was, I used to enjoy playing and didn't mind dropping plenty of money in the game, but now, meh. I'll just troll the forums and watch some tv instead.
As someone who remembers the way the game was BEFORE F2P.... the current xp grind feels NORMAL. Seriously. Back in seasons 4 and 5 story missions didn't give enough xp to blitz from 1 to 50 in a single day. If you were really hurrying you had to supplement your xp gain via replays or other content.
As someone who remembers the way the game was BEFORE F2P.... the current xp grind feels NORMAL. Seriously. Back in seasons 4 and 5 story missions didn't give enough xp to blitz from 1 to 50 in a single day. If you were really hurrying you had to supplement your xp gain via replays or other content.
I played the game season 1 and season 2. I don't remember it being this bad. Cryptic/Dev whoever screwed it bad even beyond any seasons.
As someone who remembers the way the game was BEFORE F2P.... the current xp grind feels NORMAL. Seriously. Back in seasons 4 and 5 story missions didn't give enough xp to blitz from 1 to 50 in a single day. If you were really hurrying you had to supplement your xp gain via replays or other content.
When did it take 40-50 missions to go up one level?
As someone who remembers the way the game was BEFORE F2P.... the current xp grind feels NORMAL. Seriously. Back in seasons 4 and 5 story missions didn't give enough xp to blitz from 1 to 50 in a single day. If you were really hurrying you had to supplement your xp gain via replays or other content.
-It wasn't THAT bad
-People complained, and they changed the game to what we have for lvl 1->50. I don't see the reason for bringing back what was so bad they had to change.
And most importantly :
-We had the Mirror Invasion for fast levels. Now, it's an event, and the XP reward is extremely low.
-We had explorations. Maybe the XP was not that great, but I remember it was a nice way to make it up for the lvl gap.
Anyway, what is the point to bring back something that was removed for a reason, while removing the tools that used to help ?
Level gap was one of several reasons why I didn't bought the game when I played the beta. Every game I know had to remove level gap because nobody enjoyed it. Lotro, age of conan...
I played the game season 1 and season 2. I don't remember it being this bad. Cryptic/Dev whoever screwed it bad even beyond any seasons.
I joined right after PWE had taken over. I got to lv 50 in ca. 1.5 weeks; and that was considered slow, even then. And none of the Devs were calling for an XP nerf, either.
When did it take 40-50 missions to go up one level?
Ok, I'll admit that the xp you get for the DQ missions feels off... a lot. I was simply pointing out that gaining a level for each mission isn't the way it's already been.
Ok, I'll admit that the xp you get for the DQ missions feels off... a lot. I was simply pointing out that gaining a level for each mission isn't the way it's already been.
It's only ~21 Normal Argala's to gain a level (spec point).
I sucked it up and grinded a spec point out today. 2 long hours of boredom. Still not spending any money again until this is fixed, or at the very least, the OP admits everything he said was a lie. Gaining a spec point is just about twice as slow as it was pre-patch, which I just confirmed today.
It's only ~21 Normal Argala's to gain a level (spec point).
I sucked it up and grinded a spec point out today. 2 long hours of boredom. Still not spending any money again until this is fixed, or at the very least, the OP admits everything he said was a lie. Gaining a spec point is just about twice as slow as it was pre-patch, which I just confirmed today.
Not everything he said was a lie. I'd probably feel better if it was.
Instead, it seems like an attempt at misdirection and, if it wasn't, it would be nice to know what happened.
Unfortunately, I'm guessing at this point that most of Cryptic will be out of the offices for the next 10 days.
it has been fun ... lol but we have toddlers running around in the server room
Welcome to the thick end of the wedge dude, the thin end was four or five years ago.
Guess which game is currently more interesting to me.
Free Tibet!
Those games are quite fun indeed.
Try Goat Simulator next.
Personally, I'm just biding my time watching this train wreck until The Crew comes out on the second of December. I've also been replaying SR IV 'cause I can't wait for the next installment (praying that they don't bugger it up). Besides, back when it was possible (last week) to actually see the new content before I was older and greyer, I was really enjoying the new episodes.
Now back to my comment of this thread. I'm not complaining about the skill point changes with the except of DOFF Expertise, the changes are a wash. My complaint is about the information I missed out in the first place. The near exponentially increase XP requirements for levels 51-60. The grind between levels for the STORY CONTENT (which I love and want to play) is too much.
In the earliest days of Champions Online. ust before the launch of the game they changed the XP leveling requirements. Before they have enough story content to level all the way to the level cap of 40. They increased the XP leveling requirements. So they wound of with players hiting walls of having no missions to leve with. When character hit the 30s, players has to level by killing NPCs are the high level maps. I has to roam around Monster Island, hunting Manimals in order to get past level 32-34 so I had missions to resume leveling normaly.
The leveling grind in STO of 51-60 reminds of those early Champions Online days Cyortic didn't development enough normal content to allow a graceful experience of 51-60. I have one character which is 20K away from level 60. I'm gong to level up and finish out the DR story lines. After that I'm done with DR the Delta Quadrant except for the reputation System...maybe.
With the rest of my characters, I'm have not interesting in leveling them. I'm going to ignore that aspect of the game including Specializations. I've liek to have them, but it's not worth my time and the effort to get them. Cryptic you've done the impossible. You remove the fun DR expansion, I don't really care about it.
And I see a very interesting screen view as I approach Aragala. It's surrounded by ships. They all can't have he given Patrol Mission. So what up? Everyone one doing the same thing over and over again as it's the most efficient time vs XP rewards? Bu there is so much more content that's interesting..... At only 2790 XP (Normal) a run. Not very well likely. It's not efficient XP gain.
So my final scores for DR? Maps, NPCs, story all get A's. The overall score is a D-. And the reason for this is the soul sucking grind.
I suggesting taking at look at Neverwinter's end game. Yes it's a grind, but it's variety. All of the main dailies give the game same as a normal "store" mission. I can fill the XP bar in a couple of days at most. And the overflow XP level reward is random. I may or may not a power point (aka Specialization Point), but I do get some times. The time per level is much less and it feelig like I'm making progress.
My suggestions. Give players a big chunks d XP for each Reputation Daily in addition to the Bonus Marks. It will give players incentive to do the Reputation Dailies even if that are at Rank 5. If not that add Daily missions which give out 'first play story mission' amounts of XP. Neverwinter has 3 to 6 Dailies missions the standard mission rewards. It makes leveling a lot more tolerable then having grind something Argala over and over again.
And this post is getting a lot longer then I orginallly intended. So I'll just end things here.
sorry lol
(hides behind a couch)
I freaking give up. As I said in another thread this is the last straw, it seemed like things were starting to turn around from the disastrous Delta Rising launch so I started spending money again. Now the skill tray problems look to be back again and level rising has been completely nerfed, all joy is gone from the game.
No more, this far, no farther, the line must be drawn here. I am going back to SWTOR and spending my money there. I probably won't spend a penny here again, I'll log in from time to time to work on my characters just in case Cryptic comes to it's senses but I no longer hold any hope of it.
but i, i am not paper :eek:
sorry, i hush now lol
Yah, I'm not going to make a pretentious "stand" of this (at worst, I'm just going to be spending more time with those characters I got to level 60 before this. I wasn't gaining additional levels before DR so now its just back to the same old pattern of blowing **** up for the hell of it) but this is not filling me with a lot of confidence.
The math was bugged, so they tried to fix it. But [from what I've seen in-game, though I haven't gotten too quantitative yet] the fix is so much worse than the initial problem. Prior it just seems (from the OP) that the numbers being displayed didn't intuitively match the progression to "higher" levels. I quite frankly never cared about that and easily got a couple of characters up to at least 60 without much issue or indeed any confusion. Now, with 1.5 million XP to hit 60 on my other characters and no appreciable increase (though I have noticed a small-to-moderate disconnect between what a doff reward breakdown says and what the reward log in fact states) to the rate (in terms of time/level) at which I'm earning from DOFFS, missions (DR patrol completion seems much less now), and kills, we have a tangible progression problem. Superifical glitch to a game killing cataclysm (if indeed this feeling isn't just a placebo effect of sorts).
A little more care needs to be put in maintaining critical systems through these updates. Waiting til the next one to get things right (ad infinitum) is NOT the way to maintain a healthy game and population. Even if it takes another few weeks to more thoroughly work out the details prior to an update, that time MUST be spent to avoid snowballing the original ****-up.
If anything this should serve as a wakeup call to Cryptic's QA. Getting **** out is important, particularly around this time of year when so many other games are vying for our attention. But if its not going to be handled with restraint you might not as well bother.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Now the progression is slower, good job on the Geko team.
Pre 11/20 Patch: ~183 SP
Post 11/20 Patch: 281 SP
55% Increase in SP
Wtf is that?,how i do it when i wanna lvl more then 1 Char this take Ages,around 200-500 XP or less from a Elite Mob sorry that is a Joke.
Now, here's today:
It's quite sad.
Edit: I noticed that my fleet has a T5 Science project going on for the Fleet Starbase... we have about 1 million dilithium to go to complete it. If this had happened last week, I would have dropped the ~$100 to buy zen, exchange for dilithium, and put it all toward the fleet project - I've done that before. Now, no desire to, my fleet can get there the long, free method, no reason to hurry
Anyway, you still play more than me. I just log to do the rep input, check if I can spend my FM or something for the fleet, do the R&D, and log off.
Actually now is 213.
I think you missed a 0 there, and granted, I often get too busy with RL stuff so don't have a chance to log in some days... some days I only buy $10 of zen, others $300 (or more, whatever the daily cap of Zen purchases is, I've hit it before a few times). I have the money to spend, so why not spend it on something that I enjoy doing?
Main point was, I used to enjoy playing and didn't mind dropping plenty of money in the game, but now, meh. I'll just troll the forums and watch some tv instead.
My character Tsin'xing
I played the game season 1 and season 2. I don't remember it being this bad. Cryptic/Dev whoever screwed it bad even beyond any seasons.
When did it take 40-50 missions to go up one level?
-People complained, and they changed the game to what we have for lvl 1->50. I don't see the reason for bringing back what was so bad they had to change.
And most importantly :
-We had the Mirror Invasion for fast levels. Now, it's an event, and the XP reward is extremely low.
-We had explorations. Maybe the XP was not that great, but I remember it was a nice way to make it up for the lvl gap.
Anyway, what is the point to bring back something that was removed for a reason, while removing the tools that used to help ?
Level gap was one of several reasons why I didn't bought the game when I played the beta. Every game I know had to remove level gap because nobody enjoyed it. Lotro, age of conan...
I joined right after PWE had taken over. I got to lv 50 in ca. 1.5 weeks; and that was considered slow, even then. And none of the Devs were calling for an XP nerf, either.
My character Tsin'xing
You're still alive, thought Cryptic captured you, and sent you to the server mines.
It's only ~21 Normal Argala's to gain a level (spec point).
I sucked it up and grinded a spec point out today. 2 long hours of boredom. Still not spending any money again until this is fixed, or at the very least, the OP admits everything he said was a lie. Gaining a spec point is just about twice as slow as it was pre-patch, which I just confirmed today.
Not everything he said was a lie. I'd probably feel better if it was.
Instead, it seems like an attempt at misdirection and, if it wasn't, it would be nice to know what happened.
Unfortunately, I'm guessing at this point that most of Cryptic will be out of the offices for the next 10 days.