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Canon 116 Model Please?

senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2014 in The Art of Star Trek Online
The TR-116 is a very visually distinct weapon, so could we Please have a new and less generic model for the TR-116B thats based on the actual prop? ;)
I mean to be fair, if it does not look like this, then you can't actually call it a TR-116.

Post edited by senatorvreenak on


  • kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Agreed so much! I want it to look actually unique and something that should fire bullets, not energy!
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    It really should look like the prop.
  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can't support this enough. While I am a fan of the photonic "holoarmor" for Federation technology, the TR-116 really just has a distinct style that works perfectly. It's sleek enough to fit right into the current art style of the game. Not only does it look quite similar to the standard Phaser rifle, it has just enough "barrel" to suggest a bullet-based weapon.
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I hope they do this. However, I wouldn't mind it coming in black. :D
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • kazabokkazabok Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If it looked like that, I'd craft and use them.
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I agree...minus the microtransporter attachment, of course. :)
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited October 2014
  • admiralcarteradmiralcarter Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That would be well appreciated.


    Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]

    Join Date: Jul 2009
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,970 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    I wouldn't mind them at least removing the Orange glowy bits on the current model. But yea... would be cool to have the canon model, even if what we have now is basically a refined production model and the one in the show was basically a prototype.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Really want this.

    And no glowy parts.
  • ratonhaggedonratonhaggedon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    its a surprise th 116 hasnt ben nerfed into the ground already.
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I want a TR shotgun. Firing real pellets, that is what I want.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
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  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lindaleff wrote: »
    I want a TR shotgun. Firing real pellets, that is what I want.
    Bonus points if it's modeled after the Jackhammer, as expounded upon here. Upon review of that thread, though, I realize the exact mechanics of the 'Bear Trap' kit weren't explicitly clear, so I will attempt to make it so here...

    • primary fire: x kinetic damage w/dropoff vs. up to 3 targets in cone; 50% +6 repel chance; 20m range). - after all, PWAs are 'energy shotguns', so it seemed logical to use their base attack trait here.
    • secondary fire: see below.
    • special: Bear Trap (places a directional mine at your current location; mine lasts for y seconds or until triggered; when triggered, fires a version of the weapon's primary fire that does 10x damage out to 10m). - this is basically a tiny one-shot turret; its deployment is an ability available as long as the weapon is equipped, but has to be slotted into the action bar separately, much like the Omega set's integral remodulator.

    As for its alt-fire, two mutually-exclusive possibilities came to mind.

    • double-tap: fires two primary shots in rapid succession. - an homage to the original Jackhammer being full-auto only but having a fire rate low enough that you could squeeze off single shots if desired
    • slug: keeps the projectile intact for a high-damage single-target attack (2x primary damage; 66% +9 repel chance; 30m range; exploit). - TV and movies (and many games, for that matter) seem to forget that these exist; this alt-fire is a weaker 'offspring' from those of the HD and sniper rifles.

    Of course, implementing this would require modifying the Adapted MACO PWA similarly (i.e. give it the arcwave alt-fire common to all PWAs; make the GL a separately-slottable action)
  • auric2000auric2000 Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    +1 for the Canon 116. Its my main weapon of choice for the most part... heck would settle for the current model minus the holographics
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And speaking of shotties.... you'll want to check out what is available from the upcoming Mirror Invasion.

    Sort of related: I suppose it's justified with the particular weapon mentioned above... but I wish the PWAs were held to the shoulder by default. With the exception of Romulan models (indeed, all Romulan longarms for whatvever reason), they have stocks for a reason.
  • killdozer9211killdozer9211 Member Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    +1 to op. The weapons guys have been doing really good work lately between the new Mirror Universe Shotgun and the new Rep Phaser rifle. Let the pre-order kiddies keep their special skin and let us get the canon look for the craftable gun. We need so many more canon weapons.
  • nexurulernexuruler Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I would love to blow some borg heads off with this weapon so +1 all the way
    Been a user of Perfect World Entertainment since 2009.
  • leethorogoodleethorogood Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I support this thread and everything it represents! :cool:
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Possibly have a kinetic weapons bundle for the C-store, but with a 25th century design to the them
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Also, I want it to go BANG when I pull the trigger.
      ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
      It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
    • ecotec1983ecotec1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      +1 for a remodel,love the gun not so much the textures. Its just not distinctive from the other rifles.
    • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Yeah....I'd be OK with a little mild rectonning by making the Tr-116a keep the visualization it has now whilst the more accessible B-variant have the canon looks from the screenie of the prop the OP posted.

      That said, when possible, actual screen props should ALWAYS be used as a reference for everything.
    • starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      The TR-116 is a very visually distinct weapon, so could we Please have a new and less generic model for the TR-116B thats based on the actual prop? ;)
      I mean to be fair, if it does not look like this, then you can't actually call it a TR-116.


      Completely agree!
    • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Definitely agree that the TR-116A and TR-116B models in-game should more accurately reflect on the canon appearance.
      Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
    • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Honestly, I don't care if they are the canon model, as long as they get rid of that stupid, glowy TRIBBLE at the end that no one ever asked for.

      On all the high-tier phaser rifles.

      After all, I've yet to hear anyone say, "Man, I love this weird, glowy TRIBBLE they plastered all over the end of my otherwise nice-looking phaser rifle!"
    • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      aethon3050 wrote: »
      Honestly, I don't care if they are the canon model, as long as they get rid of that stupid, glowy TRIBBLE at the end that no one ever asked for.
      Or, at the very least, have them as a toggleable option (much like how you can toggle the display of holstered weapons).
    • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Hmm adding to my report!

    • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Great to hear! Cheers! :D
    • admiralcarteradmiralcarter Member Posts: 19 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      A similar model already exists in game. I believe the Voth Sniper rifle pretty much looks like that. I can be wrong though.

      Would be great to see the "original" TR-116 as seen on screen.

      The occular we have already :D

      Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]

      Join Date: Jul 2009
    • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      It might make me actually want to get it. >_>
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