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Difficulty Feedback (was "Terrible Elite Mode")



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    ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Um. They did warn you not to try elite until you actually hit 60 and that it would be quite hard...

    you can't do elite till level 60 they dont even show up
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    darkdog13darkdog13 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    omg you people. just read some of the actual crafting threads. not the ones you normally post in where you complain about everything, but the ones where actual crafters are telling you how to get to 15 quickly without spending tons of resources.

    you guys are massively uniformed, probably due to all the mental rage keeping you from learning anything, and so keep repeating the same stupidity over and over. i feel like i'm in the deep south in the late 1800s around here: all hate biased stereotypes with no ability to actually learn what's going on.

    Currently the best way i know to level crafting is the 20 hour rd task plus crafting mk vi items due to the fact that they give 600 exp per hour per project. With 4 rd slots and using 1 to do the 20 hour mission (you would a fool to not do it) and using the other 3 slots for mk vi items if you logged in 4 times a day to change the missions you are looking at 7200 exp per day plus 7000 for the 20 hour mission.

    So 630000 exp divided by 14200 is still about 44 days so unless you take that long to level to 50 or 60 you won't get to level 15 rd by the time you cap.

    There is also the issue of the cost of rd mats to level (to level beams to 15 using above example is currently 120 million ec) but if you craft the right items you shoulc be able to at least break even or make a profit.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh, speaking of Rep gear...

    Are the Isomorphic Injections no longer dropping from the Undine BZ? Are the Voth Cybernetic Implants no longer dropping from the Dyson BZ?

    Otherwise, all the whining about not being able to gear up because the queues to get the parts to get Rep gear require Rep gear is talking solely about Omega reputation's BNPs.

    You can have full sets of RomPlas weapons, a CC deflector, Rom engine, and your choice of shields, with all Rep consoles aside from the Assimilated console without ever touching queues.
    6. The carrier is absolutely pointless: It's a huge bag of HP, but since there's no timer on it, there's no particular reason to rush DPS, and it does completely anemic damage. (no one died on the carrier whatsoever)

    The carrier has always been a loot pi
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    xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    tk79 wrote: »
    New Elite mode is completely fine. The problem is Advanced mode. It's almost the same as new Elite and does not even compare to previous Elite.

    Currently, it's more like "Advanced is not for everyone" as it probably should be.


    Honestly I was really looking forward to playing the new queues on the old elite difficulty (advanced) guess not :/
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think players got used to the fact that end game came after doing pre DR story mission and they hit lv50.
    they got used to end game being when you would start doing reps through pve ques, they have set it up so this is just the beginning.
    this is where you need to start really working on getting the best build you can via rep, DR missions, normal pve`s and by levelling up gear & ship with what ever you can do at that point.
    this could take a new player a lot longer then it used to, they need to work through all of this before you can even consider yourself ready for end game.
    new end game will now start when you ready to work your way up to advanced with all the best gear and T5U or T6 ships all levelled up also.

    so basically what I am saying is they have moved the goal posts and not by a small amount either.

    in a way new players will have it easier then seasoned players because the progression will be natural for them, it is us seasoned players who will find it hard, we have to get used to the fact that we are not at the top of our game anymore were only just starting.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Honestly, to me it's obvious that they tried to balance the new queues, but had no time to actually go through the old ones properly. They're just not working at the moment. (this isn't unique to cryptic btw. but it is always incredibly annoying)

    They balanced the new queues (Borg Disconnected feels pretty much like it should, and the mechanis work) and then applied the same formula to the earlier stuff without considering the differences in how those missions work.
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    opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Oh, speaking of Rep gear...

    Are the Isomorphic Injections no longer dropping from the Undine BZ? Are the Voth Cybernetic Implants no longer dropping from the Dyson BZ?

    Otherwise, all the whining about not being able to gear up because the queues to get the parts to get Rep gear require Rep gear is talking solely about Omega reputation's BNPs.

    You can have full sets of RomPlas weapons, a CC deflector, Rom engine, and your choice of shields, with all Rep consoles aside from the Assimilated console without ever touching queues.

    The carrier has always been a loot pi
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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darkjeff wrote: »

    The carrier has always been a loot pi
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    opo98 wrote: »
    Yup, all of the gear specific items only drop from their respective ADV queues. I'm not sure about Dyson bz however. There are also a lot of people who don't do ground.

    Or don't do dinoz w/lazors ... .
    Is there a new bz in this expansion ?
    I know there is an "adventure zone" but is there anything to match the awards of the stupid dino thing ?
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    fireseeedfireseeed Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    valoreah wrote: »
    It's not like they didn't warn everyone about the content getting harder. You'll also note that the new Advanced (a slightly buffed version of the old Elite) got a Dil reward nerf.
    dexless314 wrote: »
    I like what someone else said. Sure, make the hardest ones harder, but leave the squishy ones squishy. Let's be honest. We all enjoy some form of challenge, but there are days where we want to look at our powerful ships and think to ourselves "wow, today is a nice day for squishing things with FaW or Cannon Volley" just to make pretty fireworks in space. So, we take our ships to federation fleet alert and smash flies for fun. I

    An that what normal is for, squashing things like flies.
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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fireseeed wrote: »
    An that what normal is for, squashing things like flies.

    If Normal have you borg processors that would be OK.
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    fireseeedfireseeed Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If Normal have you borg processors that would be OK.

    That the side they need to tackle, the loot. Cryptic need to be a bit more generous in that department.
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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fireseeed wrote: »
    That the side they need to tackle, the loot. Cryptic need to be a bit more generous in that department.

    Especially the scaling. The time investment in the new advanced's in no way is commensurate with the rewards.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rickpaaa wrote: »
    Many of us have paid over $100 for the Delta Pack, and as you can see on the forums, our first experiences with our new tier 6 ships, and tier 5 upgrades is failure after failure. Even in regular fleet alerts! Please do go ahead and make elite truly elite, but let those of us who were happy playing STO up to now have a decent shot at advanced content just like we did until yesterday with elite content.

    I hope PvE is adjusted with an emergency patch very soon. No one wants to pay to lose. Nobody!

    you gave them more money? you idiot. look at what theyve done with the money we gave them so far!

    grinding does not a season make.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Ummm , not quite .

    Sorry, I mean that the fact that the T6 ships are blowing up is not indicative of the T6 ships performance, but the difficulty of the new queues.

    So the fact that difficulty has increased does not mean the T6 ships aren't comparatively stronger to previous ships like the LoR pack to previous ships.
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Piloting is a small part of it .
    The rest is consoles from the Lobi store and Doffs that can cost millions of EC .
    And that does not include the cost of gearing up to Mk 13-14 . :)
    That , plus knowing how to optimize stuff helps ... -- knowledge tat comes from experimenting , which in turn = more costs .

    Reducing @sarcasmdetector's knowledge to "piloting" does him a disservice .
    Having said that , more then one person has noted that the reoccurring theme in his builds is EPTW & BFAW .
    Maybe it's the PVP-er in me who thinks this , but them ain't skills . :D

    Actually, whatever advantage he has in knowledge and resources over me is minimal. (Well, up until the upgrade system, at which point I'll fall behind in upgrading.) I know for a fact that it's our difference in piloting skills - by which I'm referring to timing, position, and keybinds - that makes the biggest difference.

    It was literally the exact same build - same gear, same consoles, same weapons. Well, I'm also an Engineer and he's a Tactical captain, but it can't possibly be a 15k difference. I pulled 30k as an Engineer after all.

    I've consulted with him twice, changing my keybinds and timing, and my DPS literally jumped up an average of over 4k.

    I don't think it's doing him a disservice at all to note the gap in our piloting ability is what makes the difference. Builds are knowledge, easily attained (unless your ego blinds you to your shortcomings). Resources are just time or money spent. Piloting ability though is player skill - not so easily acquired.
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    jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I still say the best 'fix' for this whole mess is do a balance pass on advanced health and objectives - keep it hard, but more of a learning curve. Keep elite as difficult as it can be - it should be the bragging rights for anyone willing to take the time to learn and complete the project. Then to fix the 'gearing issue', put a single rep token (neural processor, isomorphic injection, etc) in their respective faction's 'daily box'.
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    gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    karr007 wrote: »
    I don't mind a little challenge but c'mon this make it looks like the federation, the klingons and the romulans cant build a proper ship. Here i am in my odyssey wih 100k hp, ooh look a Tholian Mesh Weaver near the Crystaline entity advanced, this can't be too difficult ship, oh wait it has 700k hp
    How is that possible? what tech are they using? i want some of that too. a mere frigate got 7 times more hp than a tac. cruiser - yeah right.

    Ding I agree with that statement.

    So many games just pour on more HP and more damage to the enemies, instead of making them more aware, or use tactics, or use more skills.

    And in STO, it makes it feel cheap, really cheap.
    I mean the Borg I can understand it, but in other races, it just doesn't make sense.

    Other Note:
    And I'm still being hit with the Invisible Plasma Torpedo, even after I SEE it destroyed by my BFaW, but 2 seconds later, boom, check logs. Borg Plasma Torpedo does 45k physical damage.
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    opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gizmox64 wrote: »
    Ding I agree with that statement.

    So many games just pour on more HP and more damage to the enemies, instead of making them more aware, or use tactics, or use more skills.

    And in STO, it makes it feel cheap, really cheap.
    I mean the Borg I can understand it, but in other races, it just doesn't make sense.

    Other Note:
    And I'm still being hit with the Invisible Plasma Torpedo, even after I SEE it destroyed by my BFaW, but 2 seconds later, boom, check logs. Borg Plasma Torpedo does 45k physical damage.

    Even still, the races of the Galaxy have pretty much matched the Borg in tech now, so there really is no reason for 1 million HP frigates. It's really kind of tedious and unfun.
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    hausofmartokhausofmartok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gizmox64 wrote: »
    Ding I agree with that statement.

    So many games just pour on more HP and more damage to the enemies, instead of making them more aware, or use tactics, or use more skills.

    And in STO, it makes it feel cheap, really cheap.
    I mean the Borg I can understand it, but in other races, it just doesn't make sense.

    Other Note:
    And I'm still being hit with the Invisible Plasma Torpedo, even after I SEE it destroyed by my BFaW, but 2 seconds later, boom, check logs. Borg Plasma Torpedo does 45k physical damage.

    Seems like challenging, good quality AI is not in a company like PWEs budget. And that's not to say they can't afford it, just that it's not profitable in their metrics to create good AI than it is say a new ship to sell for $30.
    It's cheaper and easier to do mega HP and DMG so that's what we get. That's ok, we have games like Dark Souls 2 and Everquest Next for good AI, STO can still be our fun Star Trek game, just a matter of managing expectations to match reality.
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    shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What I found especially amusing: the Kazon Raiders have about the same hull HP as an Andorian escort with 9 points in structural integrity.

    Probably made out of concrete and pig-iron.
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    waste 5 times more time now for elite missions is the result + get lower reward.:rolleyes:

    the game Balance is now horrible!

    all npc get a HP boost of 5-10 times from bevor patch.

    lvl 50 or lvl 60 in elite missions makes no diffrenz coz anyone get set to lvl 60 if he jump in.

    the big fail on all of this is the dmg vs HP Balance what was done.

    a MKxII beam deals 240 dmg
    a MKxIV beam deals 290 dmg

    so a dmg increase for alot of dil and zen from aditional 20% total!!!!!!!!!

    but the enemys have now 500-1000% more HP.

    how a dmg boost from ~20% from the expensive MKxIV weapons can compansate enemys what have now 10x more HP?
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    ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,427 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So I just did a few Advanced Borg Disconnected, and I'm about to just give up. Not because it's too hard, but because I'm tired of dealing with idiots. I mean seriously you know it's bad when you walk into an Advanced STF and are told "this is my first time doing Borg Disconencted" then watch every single ship but you fly to the exact same point and totally ignore the Disconnected Borg in their area.

    So now getting these Power Cells are going to be nearly impossible because no matter what you'll have either a griefer, a leecher, or a newb in every single PUG making it MANDATORY for you to have a fleet just in order to get ancient power cells and reputation gear.

    I don't so mind having a fleet, I have one, but making them now mandatory for basically all items in the reputation system, and for fleet gear and ships because there is no other way to get higher tier stuff with all the idiots in the game.l

    Or at least make a rep system approach where you can trade 100 marks for 1 ancient power cell.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darkjeff wrote: »
    (unless your ego blinds you to your shortcomings)

    I have no doubt that I can be called guilty on that at times , but I also doubt that I am alone in that privilege .

    But then again I also have this thing where I don't feel comfortable belonging in "exclusive" clubs who think that faster = better .
    Which is why I opted out of "STF Raiders" , and didn't accept the invite to one DPS channel or another .

    My enjoyment of pew-ing along with my 3k K'Tinga will never be @sarcasmdetector's enjoyment .

    OTOTH , when in the old long Borg STF's we had to fly to the other side of the Transwarp gate in Infected , and had boat loads of probes and cubes and tac cubes all flying through the gate (and getting stuck in/on it) -- there you had to angle yourself just right to get some target or another and watch that you suddenly didn't get caught up in a crossfire , especially if you were a BOP or an escort ... -- so as far as PVE goes ... THAT is what I consider actual piloting ... , and not plotting the best place to BFAW stationary objects ... which is the "piloting" that you seem to think highly of as it get's you a few more numbers on your parser . :)
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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What I found especially amusing: the Kazon Raiders have about the same hull HP as an Andorian escort with 9 points in structural integrity.

    Probably made out of concrete and pig-iron.

    Honestly, AI specifically really isn't an issue *in STF's* since they're fairly heavily pre-scripted anyway. (there might be trouble because the game is pseudo-3D, which makes things suprirsingly harder, but AI shouldn't really be any real obstacle to having other difficulties)
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    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I just played Defend Rh'Ihho Station Advanced and...

    YOU CAN'T RESCUE ALL 6 ENGINEERS IN UNDER 3 MINUTES unless everyone is packing TR-116B's and snares to keep the Elachi from wandering off. Give us an extra minute or two or re-tweak the Elachi so they DON'T RANDOMLY WANDER OFF to play hide and seek.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    So I just did a few Advanced Borg Disconnected, and I'm about to just give up. Not because it's too hard, but because I'm tired of dealing with idiots. I mean seriously you know it's bad when you walk into an Advanced STF and are told "this is my first time doing Borg Disconencted"

    Yeah , it's shocking that one day after something new gets released ppl have yet to do it or master it . :cool:
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    opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Cryptic has a history of failing to mess with STFs. They have been there so long and so many people played them for a reason. It's because they were good raids.

    Now with the reduced rewards, and ludicrious PUG difficulty expectations, people will just stop playing them.

    Why can't they just make Advanced like Elite was with the 960 dilithium and sensible mob HP and team expectations (aka griefers/leechers/newbies), then add an extra "Elite" difficulty with accolades and increased rewards for the challenge seekers?

    If something isn't broken don't try to fix it.
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    hausofmartokhausofmartok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I have no doubt that I can be called guilty on that at times , but I also doubt that I am alone in that privilege .

    But then again I also have this thing where I don't feel comfortable belonging in "exclusive" clubs who think that faster = better .
    Which is why I opted out of "STF Raiders" , and didn't accept the invite to one DPS channel or another .

    My enjoyment of pew-ing along with my 3k K'Tinga will never be @sarcasmdetector's enjoyment .

    OTOTH , when in the old long Borg STF's we had to fly to the other side of the Transwarp gate in Infected , and had boat loads of probes and cubes and tac cubes all flying through the gate (and getting stuck in/on it) -- there you had to angle yourself just right to get some target or another and watch that you suddenly didn't get caught up in a crossfire , especially if you were a BOP or an escort ... -- so as far as PVE goes ... THAT is what I consider actual piloting ... , and not plotting the best place to BFAW stationary objects ... which is the "piloting" that you seem to think highly of as it get's you a few more numbers on your parser . :)

    I'm glad to see someone else point out how silly it is for those DPS channel kids going around talking about how they're such great pilots shooting things that don't move (Gates Transformers) or things that don't have a brain (NPC)
    IMO the closest thing we have in this game that includes actual pilot skills is a PvP escort on escort dogfight. Pushing key binds is not skill.
    I've seen some crazy dog fights, and no, I wasn't in them, because I've tried it and it's actually harder than it looks.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    opo98 wrote: »
    Cryptic has a history of failing to mess with STFs. They have been there so long and so many people played them for a reason. It's because they were good raids.

    Now with the reduced rewards, and ludicrious PUG difficulty expectations, people will just stop playing them.

    I have a sad sad feeling that someone at Cryptic would consider that "mission accomplished" .
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    opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I have a sad sad feeling that someone at Cryptic would consider that "mission accomplished" .

    To be a bit cynical... The Voth Battlezone still gives out good Dilithium rewards.

    Gecko's Dinos ftw!
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