OK, we've had our first taste of the
Guardian which by all accounts looks to be one heck of a cruiser. This coming Friday, we're getting a chance to see the Dauntless in action.
But these ships are just the first in a series of new T6 ships we're more than likely about to see before December.
What would you like to see? I have 2 I'd like to see:
T6 Carriers for the Federation, Romulans and Klingons.
I realize the fed version may be a pipe dream that 'just doesn't fit' with the IP. But a full on Science Carrier for the Romulans and a fully-tactical version for the KDF would be my preference.
What would set them apart other than more dakka? Perhaps a third 'intelligence' hangar with a new class of pet. Just an idea.
T6 Klingon Science Destroyer
I realize this too may be a pipe dream, but finally having a true KDF science ship would be a welcome sight in the KDF. I'm not suggesting a Vesta retread (although that would not be bad), but something on a grander scale - perhaps something with built-in tactical overkill that only the KDF could design..... Maybe something based on the Siege Garumba reworked for the KDF, with a battle cloak and science abilities.
A KDF player can dream can't he?
What would you like to see next?
2. a T6 Romulan Science Warbird (no destroyer !), with a commander science boff seat and a typical 3/3 weapon slot configuration.
3. a T6 Klingon Science ship
no miracles expected there....
"one heck ofa crusier" is a bit much. Its probably the fist decent starfleet cruiser (aka: a jack of all trades, as they should be....) cryptic has made.
They delivered several viable combat cruisers with the excel, tac ody, and assault cruiser lines but they never mad a ship that felt like starfleet: aka a mix of sci/eng(tac.
This is the first cruiser to actually BE a starfleet ship. Too bad we can't have a galaxy skin for it. Would buy.
Having to up-grade it to be half of a T-6 is kinda-sorta stupid in my opinion.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Star Cruiser Retrofit
Deep Space Science Vessel Retrofit
Typhoon Battleship
Jupiter Dreadnought (cannon broadside?) Carrier
Andorian (cannon broadside?) Cruiser
Caitian Light Escort (with Frigate pet unlock for the Atrox?)
Mirror Universe Federation Dreadnought Cruiser Retrofit
Mirror Universe Odyssey Star Cruiser Retrofit
Negh'Var Battlecruiser Retrofit
Qin Raptor Retrofit
Hegh'ta Heavy Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Mirror Universe Bortasqu' Retrofit
Ferasan Raptor
ANY Lethean ship
Warbird Carrier with 2 hangar bays and frigate pet option
Mirror Universe Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird Retrofit
Breen Dreadnought Carrier(for the winter event with unlockable frigate pets)
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Yes T6 Bop .
And since Aquarius got his 5 tac console at escort stats (it is actually a little escort) I think this T6 Intel Bop should have 5/2 weapons slot , 5 tac consoles, battlecloak in fleet version.
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
T6 Jupiter 3 Pack - Cannon broadside boat (Tac), Siege Dreadnought (Eng), and Defiant "Frigate" Super Carrier (3 Hangars; Sci). All of them incredibly slow, but incredibly tanky.
T6 Typhoon Battleship - Give it two fixed Double Quantum Torpedo Launchers (one fore and one aft) and a standard 4/4 layout, or 4/3 layout (not including the fixed torpedos). Tac-heavy at the expense of good Sci or Engineering; whichever one is better for HP/Shield recovery.
T6 Terran Empire Adapted Odyssey, Prometheus, and Galaxy X Mirror Borg tech-enhanced ships. Can still use the same consoles as their non-Borg mutated versions.
T6 Klingon Republic Adapted Vo'Quv and Mogh of the Mirror KDF side. Same as Terran Empire Adapted ships in that Borg tech has altered their shape but can still use the same consoles as their non-mutated versions.
T6 Romulan Republic Adapted Destroyer, Cruiser, and Scimitar. The first two just being Rom-exclusive with the ability to use a Singularity, but can use the two consoles of the Lockbox versions (updated to grant the 3-set bonus with a Borg Adapted Singularity or the Warp Core). The Adapted Scimitar having pointy and bladed wings similar to the Destroyer and Cruiser, rather than the ugly horn of the Borg Scimitar.
T6 Intel Odyssey-derived variant; complete with doughnut saucer - Mainly an excuse to put an oversized, loosely-based Vengance expy into the game the way the Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser is a loosely based Narada expy. Of course, it's not going to be JJ big, but bigger than a base Odyssey. The Scryer already has the Saucer; all it needs is an Odyssey hull and the Intel design style and we have an instant Section 31 Dreadnought.
T6 Galaxy-X successor named anything besides "Galaxy", but has a more modern Guardian/Odyssey look, and is everything players wanted in a Galaxy X rebalance, minus the fact that it's not going to happen on a Galaxy chassis. The Guardian is already more or less a Galaxy/Odyssey successor, we just need the Galaxy-X equivalent. Maybe even just call it Guardian-X.
T6 Enterprise Odyssey - C-Store exclusive that only appears for those who buy the Odyssey pack or have bought all three Odyssey ships individually. Costs 3000 Zen. Superior to T5U Odyssey and incorporates a whopping 12 consoles (4 each) to outfit for any role. Also has the Universal BOff slots upgraded to Universal Cmdr and Universal Lt.Cmdr BOff slot for maximum whining. And to finish off the insults, the other class-specific BOff slots are upgraded to accommodate Intel Tac/Sci/Eng BOffs, and already has the Stats to rival a Fleet equivalent. If there will be a Fleet Version, it will only be available if you own the Enterprise Odyssey (which in turn requires you own all 3 T5 Odysseys). For another bit if your soul, consisting of 3 Fleet Modules, a lot of Fleet Marks, and maybe several weeks to three months' worth of Dil, you can upgrade the Enterprise Odyssey to a Fleet Enterprise Odyssey, which adds two more weapon mounts for a whopping 5/5 Fore/Aft weapon loadout for maximum rage and tears.
I'm being completely serious; I'd like to see how far some will go for a true Flagship. Can't think up a Rom or KDF equivalent of a guaranteed moneymaker/heartbreaker yet, so for now we'll have to settle with an Enterprise Odyssey.
Recon Science Vessel
Romulan science vessel
Klingon Bird-of-Prey
Orion FDC
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
So long as I get my first two requests you can have a T6 Connie for all I care.
KDF Carrier
KDF destroyer (Nausicaan)
KDF flight deck cruiser (Orion)
KDF sci ship (Gorn)
ROM science heavy ship
And I'd still love the KDF to get an escort carrier of some kind, perhaps in a Ferasan skin.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
But I am guessing they going to recycle Dil Rising NPC ships into lockboxes next.
Agree with you on the Prommy as it's probably my favourite Fed ship. Though a discount would be nice for those of us with the current C-store version (unlikely I know but a guy can dream right??)
1. one more Sci BOFF slot. and nothing else.
If I got to actually make a new component for ships i would go for:
2.Center hull vertical micro torpedo launcher or a vertical missile rack both with a 360 arc.
making weapons mounts look like this 4/1/4
now wrap all that up in a large BoP skin with battle cloak and sales would go go through the roff.
ROM Carrier (sci focus)
FED Cruiser [sovereign/oddy hull configuration, 4 tac consoles]
Lock Box/ Special Event
[Winter] Breen Carrier (tac focus)
[Anniversary] Alliance Destroyer (design a mix of all 3 factions, interchangable components, multi-mode)
[Lobi] Tranya Guy's Ship
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Make right what was initially made wrong. The only thing they got right on this design was the forward saucer section. It was supposed to be an upgraded K'tinga, but they used a D4 model.
Yes, I know it's never gonna happen....
My character Tsin'xing
T6 Negh'Var
T6 Ody
and above all else..
T6 Dominion Dreadnought and Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Hell Yes!!
'nuff said
Betcha 10 EC that the fleet T6 ships will include a Fleet Odyssey & Vesta....
(i hate to do this, i sorry
always has been a cruiser in type, the ship to bare the name Enterprise has been only the work of the most advanced ship of it's type on launch, would guess also if there will be (as some point) and Enterprise F, that it would be (by extrapolation) a cruiser also, and only the latest with the highest specs.
one could easily argue this battle to no end, who would win in a fight, Picard/Enterprise or Janeway/Voyager? (leaving dis/likes behind)
durability test:
watch, Star Trek Voyager The Year of Hell parts 1 and 2
also see Star Trek TNG: Contagion ... lol
O' Ya, Koro'tinga body, kamarag T-5U seats and consoles, plus a commander intel/tac seat and I'm in heaven.
Too OTT ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Wow really? People are still on like this even though we know everything there is to know pretty much?
So having on more boff seat than a another ship = half of a ship?