There are a few ships that I feel deserve T6 status, though unlike the current existing T5 (inc Retrofits and Fleet Variants) I don't think Cryptic should go too crazy.
The first ship to get the whole update should be the Vesta, and it should be a single ship. This would be a new skin, that could use the existing parts if desired. Those who've already purchased the tri-pack would get a T6 Vesta price reduction. The changing Ensign Boff slot would become Universal; one of the other slots would become an Intelligence Boff (if not the universal one).
The second (and third) ships should be the Oddy and BortaS, and the same rule should apply to the boff seating; change the slot that's different (on the tri-pack) to universal/intelligence. Both the Oddy and BortaS could do with a few skin options also.
Following that, I'd like to see a TAC-focused cruiser in a T6 Assault Cruiser, and a SCI-focused cruiser in a T6 Star Cruiser. They'd be my 5th and 6th choices. My 7th would be a T6 Negh'var Retrofit.
That's what I want - cause I primarily fly Cruisers, and was considering (before DR) purchasing the Vesta Pack.
Edit: Oh, and the Summer (Risian) and Winter (Breen) ships should get an automatic T6 update, in addition to all Lock Box and Lobi Ships, but I'm not blind enough to think that'll ever happen. This bit is completely selfless, as I don't own a single lock box ship, nor any winter/summer ships, though I think the people that do own them deserve to have them as T6 considering the time, effort and resources they've put in to getting them.
"one heck ofa crusier" is a bit much. Its probably the fist decent starfleet cruiser (aka: a jack of all trades, as they should be....) cryptic has made.
They delivered several viable combat cruisers with the excel, tac ody, and assault cruiser lines but they never mad a ship that felt like starfleet: aka a mix of sci/eng(tac.
This is the first cruiser to actually BE a starfleet ship. Too bad we can't have a galaxy skin for it. Would buy.
Dont think you have spent enough time on the T5 Ambassador.
Imo, the best star fleet cruiser they have for just the reasons you state.
I have a toon that got the T3/5 pack from the original mission, flew the T3 ship, skipped the T4 ship to stay in it until they could upgrade to the T5 version and eventually the fleet version.
For KDF I would like to see a T6 BoP for my tactical toon which basically flies only BoPs, but taken out a mirror Qin raptor for a spin.
For Fed I would like to see a Light Cruiser. The Guardian is nice I suppose, but I would like a cruiser with a turn rate of 8 or better.
For Romulan... How about a ship with just a standard warp core? I am willing to give up cloak and singularity abilities for a ship that does not have a power level penalty. That way I do not have to have packs of gerbils running in exercise wheels to generate enough power to turn on a nightlight. I might make a KDF Aligned Romulan toon since I can claim the Plasmonic Leech from the Vandal...
Thinking ahead here, if the T6 lineup truly is suppose to be about the next generation of ship, then (and I'm going to get slated for this) but it should focus on the newer designs, in addition to the more recent of the later designs.
The Defiant, Intrepid, Galaxy, Sovereign, Negh'Var, Vor'cha, Mogai - Check!
The Ambassador, Cheyenne, K't'inga, T'varro, B'rel, Constellation, Excelsior - Uncheck!
The setup that the high-end Ambassador has (especially it's Boff setup) can be tweaked and released on a revamped Star Cruiser.
Thinking ahead here, if the T6 lineup truly is suppose to be about the next generation of ship, then (and I'm going to get slated for this) but it should focus on the newer designs, in addition to the more recent of the later designs.
The Defiant, Intrepid, Galaxy, Sovereign, Negh'Var, Vor'cha, Mogai - Check!
The Ambassador, Cheyenne, K't'inga, T'varro, B'rel, Constellation, Excelsior - Uncheck!
The setup that the high-end Ambassador has (especially it's Boff setup) can be tweaked and released on a revamped Star Cruiser.
Bah humbug.
You're probably right, but I'm not fond of the Sovereign and I love the Ambassador.
Part of me would love a T6 Defiant or Sovereign
part of me also wants to move past the canon ships...create brand new escorts and cruisers and science ships (but keeping the Star Trek aesthetic) so people won't complain because their ship doesn't behave like the one on TV.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I want to see T6/T6 Fleet versions of current ships available in some form-either as ship parts in ship customization, or as upgrades to existing ships.
I want to see Stinger and Naga Fighters as hanger pets.
I want to see some Nausicaan/Gorn flight deck ships to use these fighters.
I want to see the Naga/Stinger/Orion Interceptor/Marauding Force/Orion Slaver available as shuttles.
I want to see the unflyable NPC Gorn/Orion/Nausicaan ships to be available to players, like the Ravager Dreadnought and Orion Warbarge.
More Vulcan ships! How about the Suurak class or Vulcan Fighter?
Bajoran and Tellarite ships at some point.
A Reman crusier/Destroyer/escort/whatever. something between Scorpion fighter and scimitar dreadnought. That's a bit of a gap IMO.
Romulan shuttles as hanger pets. We have two shuttles currently that can't be used as hanger pets. Even if they were copies of their Federation equivalents, it would be an improvement on the variety, IMO.
What I wanna see is a T6 game, being ran on a T6 server, managed by T6 devs. Not as it is now. A mediocore T2 game full with bugs, which is patched with T1 solutions and T3 additions on a T3 Server Retrofit, managed by some T2 Retrofit Devs with the brain capacity of a bonobo.
Sounds harsh, but in fact it's the reality. The only thing that can save Star Trek Online is no longer an other expansion, but a complete overhaul from the game on an newer game engine which is run on a server that is able to manage a greater capacity of players and managed by devs that are knowing what they are doing. We have all witnessed the images of the server space at Cryptic during the livestream. TBH, it's a pig stable were a cat wouldn't find back her kittens. This represent clearly what Cryptic is, and it doesn't promise anything good in the future.
OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
Comes with 1 ability Built in Saucer Seperation (Does NOT require a console to seperate).
Also gets all the New Cruiser buffs.
Comes with Picard Maneuver
feds with a full carrier with frigate t6 miranda pets, firing 8 beams each with mk 14 epic arrays of AP godlike ability and turn rate of 26... well one can imagine! :P
in any event yes the fed needs a full carrier, not that blue thing.
the klingons need a free full science cruiser.
the romulans are lacking a dedicated free science cruiser, one that can actually turn and be useful.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Thinking that each faction has been getting a new ship at the same time I can think of 1 for each that I would like to see
T6 Fed escort/crusier = New Orleans class.
described as a "Frigate" I'm thinking a a balance of tac and engi boff stations.
T6 Kingon = K'Vort class BoP
I'm thinking give it a mix of raptor and battlecrusier feel. highlevel engi with others uni boff station
T6 Rom = D7/K'tinga
If they still have T'liss then they can still have these. I'm thinking of making them a destroyer. Change the Ltcmrd into a Tac (and signularity cores).
Tier 6 Fleet Science/Tactical/Operations Odyssey making it's Commander Engineering into Engineering/Intelligence seat and having 11 consoles.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Breen Dreadnought Carrier(for the winter event with unlockable frigate pets)[/QUOTE]
Orangeitis, how do you propose the system would work for a DHC broadside ship. would it only be able to target for example on the right side of the ship with a 90 degree arc? Would that bring both sets of cannons (left and right side equipped) to bear on the enemy?
As my signature says, I would like a Tier 6 Sovereign Class. The actual Sovereign model could be updated to be more faithful to its design and the Tier 6 Sovereign could be upgraded to resemble John Eave's refit which sadly never got used at the end of Star Trek Nemesis.
I would love a tier 6 Prometheus. Maybe with some more hardy vectors that have some more survivability? I don't like it when my lovely ships get wiped in 5 seconds on Elite
What I would like is if some of the NPC ships would have their models spruced up and released as playable versions. There are at least 10+ ships there from the KDF allies that would be nice to have as an option to play especially the Ravager Dreadnought and Warbarge Dreadnought.
I had though the nausicaan destroyer escort was gonna be added as playable with LoR since they updated the ingame model but no luck.
Really would like a T6 K'vort class BoP/Cruiser and some new BoP skin options.
Seriously, though, a T6 Assault Cruiser with a revamped Sovereign skin (as nice as the new Intrepid) would get me to spend actual money on STO again, instead of just stealing other peoples' Zen off the exchange.
None of the ships shown so far are anything like it (a perfect mix between cruiser and escort) and frankly I'm waiting for that before I get serious with T6 ships.
The first ship to get the whole update should be the Vesta, and it should be a single ship. This would be a new skin, that could use the existing parts if desired. Those who've already purchased the tri-pack would get a T6 Vesta price reduction. The changing Ensign Boff slot would become Universal; one of the other slots would become an Intelligence Boff (if not the universal one).
The second (and third) ships should be the Oddy and BortaS, and the same rule should apply to the boff seating; change the slot that's different (on the tri-pack) to universal/intelligence. Both the Oddy and BortaS could do with a few skin options also.
Following that, I'd like to see a TAC-focused cruiser in a T6 Assault Cruiser, and a SCI-focused cruiser in a T6 Star Cruiser. They'd be my 5th and 6th choices. My 7th would be a T6 Negh'var Retrofit.
That's what I want - cause I primarily fly Cruisers, and was considering (before DR) purchasing the Vesta Pack.
Edit: Oh, and the Summer (Risian) and Winter (Breen) ships should get an automatic T6 update, in addition to all Lock Box and Lobi Ships, but I'm not blind enough to think that'll ever happen. This bit is completely selfless, as I don't own a single lock box ship, nor any winter/summer ships, though I think the people that do own them deserve to have them as T6 considering the time, effort and resources they've put in to getting them.
Dont think you have spent enough time on the T5 Ambassador.
Imo, the best star fleet cruiser they have for just the reasons you state.
I have a toon that got the T3/5 pack from the original mission, flew the T3 ship, skipped the T4 ship to stay in it until they could upgrade to the T5 version and eventually the fleet version.
Give me a T6 Ambassador and I will be very happy.
For Fed I would like to see a Light Cruiser. The Guardian is nice I suppose, but I would like a cruiser with a turn rate of 8 or better.
For Romulan... How about a ship with just a standard warp core? I am willing to give up cloak and singularity abilities for a ship that does not have a power level penalty. That way I do not have to have packs of gerbils running in exercise wheels to generate enough power to turn on a nightlight. I might make a KDF Aligned Romulan toon since I can claim the Plasmonic Leech from the Vandal...
The T5 Ambassador Support Cruiser is a nice ship my Fed-Aligned Romulan science toon is currently flying it.
The Defiant, Intrepid, Galaxy, Sovereign, Negh'Var, Vor'cha, Mogai - Check!
The Ambassador, Cheyenne, K't'inga, T'varro, B'rel, Constellation, Excelsior - Uncheck!
The setup that the high-end Ambassador has (especially it's Boff setup) can be tweaked and released on a revamped Star Cruiser.
Bah humbug.
You're probably right, but I'm not fond of the Sovereign and I love the Ambassador.
A T6 Intel Reman Stealth-Carrier
A T6 Intel Bird of Prey
A T6 Orion Flight-Deck Cruiser
A T6 Klingon "Super-Negh'var"/Battleship
A T6 Vulcan Flight-Deck Cruiser/Carrier (perhaps a precursor to the future ship that was hinted at in Enterprise)
A T6 'Broadsider'
Part of me would love a T6 Defiant or Sovereign
part of me also wants to move past the canon ships...create brand new escorts and cruisers and science ships (but keeping the Star Trek aesthetic) so people won't complain because their ship doesn't behave like the one on TV.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I want to see Stinger and Naga Fighters as hanger pets.
I want to see some Nausicaan/Gorn flight deck ships to use these fighters.
I want to see the Naga/Stinger/Orion Interceptor/Marauding Force/Orion Slaver available as shuttles.
I want to see the unflyable NPC Gorn/Orion/Nausicaan ships to be available to players, like the Ravager Dreadnought and Orion Warbarge.
More Vulcan ships! How about the Suurak class or Vulcan Fighter?
Bajoran and Tellarite ships at some point.
A Reman crusier/Destroyer/escort/whatever. something between Scorpion fighter and scimitar dreadnought. That's a bit of a gap IMO.
Romulan shuttles as hanger pets. We have two shuttles currently that can't be used as hanger pets. Even if they were copies of their Federation equivalents, it would be an improvement on the variety, IMO.
Sounds harsh, but in fact it's the reality. The only thing that can save Star Trek Online is no longer an other expansion, but a complete overhaul from the game on an newer game engine which is run on a server that is able to manage a greater capacity of players and managed by devs that are knowing what they are doing. We have all witnessed the images of the server space at Cryptic during the livestream. TBH, it's a pig stable were a cat wouldn't find back her kittens. This represent clearly what Cryptic is, and it doesn't promise anything good in the future.
its probably already done or at least almost
Oh my just made me realize that the discussion regarding a T5 Connie is coming to an end.
Because now we're going to start talking about a T6 Connie. :rolleyes:
Boff Layout
1 Commander Engineer
1 Lt Com. Tactical
Same as the New Patrol only with Eng. and Tac. Switched
1 Lt Com. Sci
1 Lt. Universal
4 Engineer
3 Sci
4 Tac
Level 60 Stats
Weapon Slots 4/4
Crew 1800
Device slots 5
Hull 54,000
Shield Mod. 1.25
Turn 9
Inertia rating 50
Impulse .17
Bonus Power + 5 all power levels
Abilities-All 4 Cruiser Commands.
Comes with 1 ability Built in Saucer Seperation (Does NOT require a console to seperate).
Also gets all the New Cruiser buffs.
Comes with Picard Maneuver
My character Tsin'xing
in any event yes the fed needs a full carrier, not that blue thing.
the klingons need a free full science cruiser.
the romulans are lacking a dedicated free science cruiser, one that can actually turn and be useful.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Koro'tinga body and mission pod, Vor'cha nacelles, Kamarag neck with a vicious paint job!
Unmistakeably KLINGON!
- T6 Vesta
- Cmd Science
- Lt.Cmd Universal/Intel
- Lt. Tactical
- Lt. Universal/Science
- Lt. Engineering
- Compatible with x3 Skins
- Consoles: 3/3/4 (3/3/5 on Fleet)
Klingon:I don't play Romulan.
T6 Fed escort/crusier = New Orleans class.
described as a "Frigate" I'm thinking a a balance of tac and engi boff stations.
T6 Kingon = K'Vort class BoP
I'm thinking give it a mix of raptor and battlecrusier feel. highlevel engi with others uni boff station
T6 Rom = D7/K'tinga
If they still have T'liss then they can still have these. I'm thinking of making them a destroyer. Change the Ltcmrd into a Tac (and signularity cores).
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
I felt a tingle. Oh...There it goes again.
Andorian (cannon broadside?) Cruiser
Caitian Light Escort (with Frigate pet unlock for the Atrox?)
Ferasan Raptor
ANY Lethean ship
Mirror Universe Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird Retrofit
Breen Dreadnought Carrier(for the winter event with unlockable frigate pets)[/QUOTE]
Orangeitis, how do you propose the system would work for a DHC broadside ship. would it only be able to target for example on the right side of the ship with a 90 degree arc? Would that bring both sets of cannons (left and right side equipped) to bear on the enemy?
Proposed "Assault Cruiser Retrofit"
Full article on Sovereign refit here, plus new hull pattern here.
I had though the nausicaan destroyer escort was gonna be added as playable with LoR since they updated the ingame model but no luck.
Really would like a T6 K'vort class BoP/Cruiser and some new BoP skin options.
None of the ships shown so far are anything like it (a perfect mix between cruiser and escort) and frankly I'm waiting for that before I get serious with T6 ships.
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