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Official New Delta Quadrant Mission "Mindscape" Feedback Thread



  • blackhatgaryblackhatgary Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have tested this and very much like what is there so far, I can see that in its final state, it will be epic. I have found that parts of the voyager bridge have sound totally drop out. "turbolift is one" This may be for later voice? Respawn points at each point I allowed myself to be downed seemed to be sporatic or non existant causing the mission to need to be respowned from beamin point at times. In retesting, I found that the respown is there, yet somehow inconsistant in its result. I do know this may be simply not in program as yet. Also, when entering thr room where 7 of 9 is, during the mind meld, if she could somehow turn and face you as you enter the room would help story. As it is you need to go around to an odd position on the map to face her and interact. A side note. (The ticking clock in the background.... Dont want to say much, but nice..)
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I do not, because this is the same problem we had with the Klingon War arc. "Oh were at war with the Klingons! Oh wait, no we aren't." I don't want to see more Undine enemies per say. But even some lip service that the Undine appear to have backed off because of internal strife caused by Tuvok's mind meld leading to an eventual armistice as a Delta Rising SUB-PLOT (not primary) indicating some passage of time in-game (otherwise this has all been completed in the span of three episodes and I really think that is wasting a plot line).

    Actually having played through a new toon recently the overall direct of the klingon front is downards. There's a few hot-heads pushing the conflict forward (ie. B'Vat) but because the war is ultimately based on trickery and deception (not so much inevitable social forces, the two factions had to be maneuvered into fighting) things generally don't excellate beyond the self-indulgent actions of said hot-heads (ie. B'Vat).

    By the time you get the to Romulan campaign (and the one mission where you square off against Ja'rod) they can restrain themselves to the point of not shooting a federation ambassador and by the time you get to the cardassians there's an open diplomatic relation to deal with the borg (which is supported by the STF's you unlock by that point) and later the Jem'Hadar. The Deferi offer still more middle ground and with the RR pushing in the same direction too the Klingon War ends more naturally than it began (ie. gradually and as the result of social pressure).

    The same is roughly true here. The undine reacted against their plan's failure but in so doing brought about the sort of direct confrontation that they were seeking to avoid via covert manipulation. Its not a position they would like to be in (despite the super weapons) and because they have more significant things to worry about than the main alpha quadrant powers, ie. the borg, interest in Cooper's AQ vendetta is quite believably lost without him (which is where Cryptic puts the emphasis in this mission's resolution.)

    Sure, if you take each individual mission and only consider how it resolves things independently you have abrupt transitions but that's looking for the sort of more elaborate, single handed, plot development that a TV show can produce (because especially in a serialized format that didn't expect weekly viewership it has to resolve conflicts within individual episodes and take the time to make those feel natural, often at the expense of other aspects of the show). Here you have to look for how various missions interact with each other (because they can expect you to remember what happened "last week") and even with what the PVE's setup as major points in the conflict because that is how this game tells its story.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Actually having played through a new toon recently the overall direct of the klingon front is downards. There's a few hot-heads pushing the conflict forward (ie. B'Vat) but because the war is ultimately based on trickery and deception (not so much inevitable social forces, the two factions had to be maneuvered into fighting) things generally don't excellate beyond the self-indulgent actions of said hot-heads (ie. B'Vat).

    By the time you get the to Romulan campaign (and the one mission where you square off against Ja'rod) they can restrain themselves to the point of not shooting a federation ambassador and by the time you get to the cardassians there's an open diplomatic relation to deal with the borg (which is supported by the STF's you unlock by that point) and later the Jem'Hadar. The Deferi offer still more middle ground and with the RR pushing in the same direction too the Klingon War ends more naturally than it began (ie. gradually and as the result of social pressure).

    The same is roughly true here. The undine reacted against their plan's failure but in so doing brought about the sort of direct confrontation that they were seeking to avoid via covert manipulation. Its not a position they would like to be in (despite the super weapons) and because they have more significant things to worry about than the main alpha quadrant powers, ie. the borg, interest in Cooper's AQ vendetta is quite believably lost without him (which is where Cryptic puts the emphasis in this mission's resolution.)

    Sure, if you take each individual mission and only consider how it resolves things independently you have abrupt transitions but that's looking for the sort of more elaborate, single handed, plot development that a TV show can produce (because especially in a serialized format that didn't expect weekly viewership it has to resolve conflicts within individual episodes and take the time to make those feel natural, often at the expense of other aspects of the show). Here you have to look for how various missions interact with each other (because they can expect you to remember what happened "last week") and even with what the PVE's setup as major points in the conflict because that is how this game tells its story.

    Your argument is flawed. The Undine have been invading the Alpha Quadrant for nearly 20 years, replacing people LONG before Cooper. That was the cause of the Klingon War (Starfleet refusing to take the threat seriously, so the Klingon High Council assume they had been infiltrated [Which as Cooper and E'genn prove, they were]).

    The Undine are being agitated by the Iconians by them sending fake Starfleet/KDF/Romulan/Cardassian/Ferengi ships into Fluidic Space. Combined with their species' xenophobic tendencies caused the Undine to invade. The entire point of the Undine as antagonists has NOTHING TO DO WITH COOPER. Cooper may be the current leader, but the species as a whole have reasons to antagonize Starfleet, the Empire and the Republic.

    They are not gone, and until we can show the Undine that the Iconians not US have been invading their space, this plot thread should not be abandoned. They should be more reclusive after Cooper's defeat and the rough battles following their recent heavy attempt to invade the AQ, but the plot thread should not be ending now.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • toslover#1432 toslover Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Concerning the whole "Disable Cooper's Bioship" arc of "Mindscape", my ship can't get a proper lock on his ship without drifting off. Add that to the fact that he's never out in the open; he always stays inside the hive area [or whatever it is] and I sometimes get stuck inside it.

    Is this normal? (i.e. has this happened to anyone else)
  • blackhatgaryblackhatgary Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Concerning the whole "Disable Cooper's Bioship" arc of "Mindscape", my ship can't get a proper lock on his ship without drifting off. Add that to the fact that he's never out in the open; he always stays inside the hive area [or whatever it is] and I sometimes get stuck inside it.

    Is this normal? (i.e. has this happened to anyone else)

    Yes, this also happened to me, exactly so. I was able to target, yet most difficult to locate.
  • nightwolf1084nightwolf1084 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I loved the interior to voyager I loved the fact u brought back some of the cast members from voyager as well but they don't look right first the doctor looks way too old since he is suppost to be a represented icon from tuvoks past when he served onboard voyager 2 7 of nine as much as this is going to sound pervy but her TRIBBLE was far to wide then wat it was in that outfit on the show sry iam just a huge fan of jerry ryan and her as 7of9 was awesome and I know wat she looked like in that silver cat suit she did not have that wide of an TRIBBLE or better explained as hips anyway also the final cut scene were cooper is ordering his ship to bio sweep or whatever I dunno if it was the test server or wat but the cut scene seemed like it was stuck in a loop for a little bit there took 4 min to view the cut scene of a orange energy bubble cleaning the ship of something kinda weird but other then that oh and the neelix mission when u have to realign the scanner for one of his friends it would be nice to have more indication ur getting close to the right settings they were all red until I tried it for the 7th time to get it right to progress in the mission other then that awesome job guys cant wait for the rest to be finished
  • nightwolf1084nightwolf1084 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I loved the interior to voyager I loved the fact u brought back some of the cast members from voyager as well but they don't look right first the doctor looks way too old since he is suppost to be a represented icon from tuvoks past when he served onboard voyager 2 7 of nine as much as this is going to sound pervy but her TRIBBLE was far to wide then wat it was in that outfit on the show sry iam just a huge fan of jerry ryan and her as 7of9 was awesome and I know wat she looked like in that silver cat suit she did not have that wide of an TRIBBLE or better explained as hips anyway also the final cut scene were cooper is ordering his ship to bio sweep or whatever I dunno if it was the test server or wat but the cut scene seemed like it was stuck in a loop for a little bit there took 4 min to view the cut scene of a orange energy bubble cleaning the ship of something kinda weird but other then that oh and the neelix mission when u have to realign the scanner for one of his friends it would be nice to have more indication ur getting close to the right settings they were all red until I tried it for the 7th time to get it right to progress in the mission other then that awesome job guys cant wait for the rest to be finished

    id also like to report that the doctors desk had a keypad in the center in front of the chair also the warp core in engineering isn't exactly the same as wat was on the show but its close and it woul dbe nice to be able to play the next missions without having to redo missions 20 times over to get to rank 51 come on I know u want to slow players down but this is rediculas oh and another thing I thought u guys were stoping the whole reputation systems ever time u release new content its getting to be a huge grind fest and I can garuntee ur gonna start losing players because its becoming a grind fest and I will admit for a multi toon person like me it becomes very borring to have to grind again and again the same stuff do wat u used to do back in the day bring back the feature episodes u used to do like the breen missions and the vault and those type of missions this is getting rediculase with the rep system u got enough of them stop please for the love of god and sto fans everywere please stop the rep stuff we got nough ur way over doing it and its gonna come down to the fact ur just gonna change it somewere down the future were all this grinding will become usless anyway cus eventualy ur gonna upgrade to something els and ppl are gonna get really pissed don't pls for the love of god don't TRIBBLE this up by adding more and more rep systems give it up already dam
  • tradiktradik Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    A running list of things, these may have been mentioned by others, but I tend to make a list during playthrough:

    1 - Typo: Galera "Who are you?" text: second paragraph: "Her disdain for the warrior culture put her made her an outsider..."

    2 - NPC battles: The name tag still exists above defeated (dead and non-visible) when cursor happens to move across their location. In the case of the Romulan 'Strangers', certain clothing elements remain hovering as well (appears to be a thigh harness-belt).

    3 - Upon exiting the MndMeld (the second time), there are two Tuvoks. The NPC that was in the mindmeld with the player, and now the one you interact with in real-space.

    4 - End fight: Yeah, UndineCooper is a bit tough, and that's against o decent squad of endgame characters/boffs.

    5 - Text [Ship: Quarantine Activated] Typo

    6 - Cutscene of Cooper being 'disinfected' is a few minutes longer than it needs to be ;]


    - as with many aspects of tribble, it appears trays/boffs/etc are still being wiped everytime your ship changes maps. This is going to highly frustrate a lot of players, similar to what happened at LoR, S9, etc. This really needs to be locked down before Holodeck release, it's been buggy as hell since release, and should have been rectified by now.

    - Mission maps look great, ground and space, as well as the episode visual effects. Looking forward to addition of voice-overs and cleaned up mission flow.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I haven't read through all the feedback but there were a couple things I picked up on.

    1) Something I did note is already commented on is the 2 Tuvoks after you finish the mind meld.
    2) Issue when beaten Cooker on the BioDreadnought I had to hit escape to move to the next section that was to leave - it was almost as if a cut scene was going to appear, but it did not.
    3) Last dialogue with Tuvok before the mission is over, Tuvok says "LLAP" - why not reply with "PALL" instead of "Farewell Admiral"?

    That's it really!

    Enjoyable mission - LOVED the Voyager interior!
    Cannot wait until the VOs to be added!
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    this needs to be fixed soon, the away team option needs to return to the game.

    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Overall a nice mission. At times it felt really "clunky" for lack of a better term. Maybe the awkward movement was intended in order to make it more spooky?
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Not sure if this has been reported before...

    I ran this again today and Died while fighting the assimilated undine with Seven.

    I hit Respawn, and it played the Very First Cutscene when your ship meets voyager and the special beam in cutscene and then brought me back to an empty transporter room.

    I could run to the The Bridge, but could not get back into the meld maps.

    I beamed up to sector space

    Then hit Continue the Mission and it took me back to Sickbay and I had to fight the Doctor again.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited September 2014
    Mission played fine for me only issue was the final "cut scene?" with cooper...

    *had to esc from 1st run thru

    *on 2nd run with a different character there is dialogue along the bottom like cooper was talking or someone was talking to him but the other person is not in the cut scene not sure if that was to prevent spoiler or not but the time it takes to play out would seem that someone else arrived for the conversation.

    *fun mission .......... playing thru atm in a MU Ki'tang bop running the Aegis space set to test the standard difficultly overall great work.
  • voloscirevoloscire Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Just played through the mission post-patch, and there were still two Coopers in the final cutscene. Since this was listed as fixed in the patch notes, it might be worth looking into.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Romklink toon ...

    Couldn't get past the Astrometrics part. After "We'll have to track down cooper" dialogue, I get beamed back to the ready room with the two Tuvok's (One NPC and one "follower") but there is nothing more to do. No dialogue option from Tuvok (the NPC one) and nowhere to go from the Bridge.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    Romklink toon ...

    Couldn't get past the Astrometrics part. After "We'll have to track down cooper" dialogue, I get beamed back to the ready room with the two Tuvok's (One NPC and one "follower") but there is nothing more to do. No dialogue option from Tuvok (the NPC one) and nowhere to go from the Bridge.

    I just did the missinon again for the 12th time and I have the same problem now. There are 2 Tuvoks in the ready room but you can't go further. No message pops up, the doors don't lead anywehere. I logged out of the game and then back in. It still would not complete. It was working fine before on my Klingon. It was the first time I was doing it with my KDF-aligned Romulan.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • blackmail67blackmail67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    same here tried to complete but says the mission isnt finished on Fed Engineer

    got it to complete on the second time restarting the mission
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So basically, this mission is almost completely broken? Seems whomever ticked all the triggers, hadn't had enough coffee ...

    Grab some from Janeway's ready room, then go back and start from the beginning.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    touching the floor south of the warp core triggers a beam to respawn

    when the "strangers" died their shoulderpads were left floating in the air

    I somehow ended up with an away team after I beamed into Cooper's ship. The cutscene that triggered after Tuvok mind melded with the ship did weird things. Apparently my Boffs were still fighting Cooepr during the scene.

    Also... that part at the beginning where there's a dialog button for "shouldn't we get a psi-master?" there needs to be a matching button for "No problem, I can beat him telepathically."
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ereiidereiid Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Replaying on my KDF. A few new bugs!

    1) Cooper's mental projection (eyes, in the dark!) now also renders some random map assets - a stone arch, a stone pillar of some sort. I'm guessing these are position triggers, not unlike the hull breach snowman?

    2) Ending certain dialogues with Tuvok while bearing a weapon, that weapon will derender afterwards.

    3) Neelix shows up in the fight with Dr. Cooper - he seems overmapped on top of Seven, but also dishes out DPS and takes damage. He actually seems to be soaking all of Seven's aggro, ironically enough.

    4) The Strangers are adapting? Good thing I brought Omega Force gear. I get that they're impressions of Borg, but is that maybe a bit much for otherwise wimpy phantasms?

    5) Two Tuvoks spawned in the Ready Room, once I "really" left the mind meld. (Engage fanfic)

    6) Upon "really" leaving the mind meld, I'm unable to interact with Tuvok (either one) to continue progression. Reloading the mission from this point (beam out, reenter system) reset me back to Sickbay.

    7) Reentering the mission, glowies in the corridor labyrinth sequence (the random Iconian console, Vulcan script, hull breach) were no longer interactable.

    8) Everyone knows you have to retro hyperpolarize a Floon Capacitor before it'll accept a charge. L2P, noobs.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ereiid wrote: »
    Replaying on my KDF. A few new bugs! <snip>

    I had pretty much all of those on my RomKlink, except my RomKlink did not get the Neelix Helper.

    My KDF toon DID get the Neelix Helper, but still couldn't progress past Astrometrics.

    One thing I noticed, (after successfully being able to complete it on a Fed toon) is that on my KDF/Romklink toons, when the cutscene of Tuvok pointing at the Star map and going 'There he is" is about to load, the screen flickers and then dumps you back at the ready room ... If I drop the mission and beam out, when I re-aquire the mission and re-enter the system, again the screen flickers, and you get a millisecond view of you in Astrometrics, before re-setting all the way back to the beginning again ...

    Obviously there is a "trigger" not set.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • damzelltrilldamzelltrill Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Replaying since the Snowman revamp: Up to the Command ship things seem pretty good, but the command ship assault is leaving me well dead.

    Respawning enemies is not fun, it's a rage quit scenario. Give us a chance to knock the stupid Command pod to half life before spawning more defenders or something.

    Also, have us respawn farther from the edge of the map, i get the "Nothing on sensors Captain, would you like to set a new course?" message.
    A Trill, a Gorn, a Jem'Hadar, Bejoran and a Voth walk into a bar, and the Bartender asks "What is this a Joke?"
    "Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    A little feedback on the last udpate: now that the snowman is gone the silly engineering tasks (those to do floom and herring) to open the door to astrometrics seem particularly out of place (they only worked thematically with very silly magry which the mission now does not feature.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Replaying since the Snowman revamp: Up to the Command ship things seem pretty good, but the command ship assault is leaving me well dead.

    Respawning enemies is not fun, it's a rage quit scenario. Give us a chance to knock the stupid Command pod to half life before spawning more defenders or something.

    Also, have us respawn farther from the edge of the map, i get the "Nothing on sensors Captain, would you like to set a new course?" message.
    I just targeted the main ship and let Tuvok play with the little ships.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    EDIT: As of the 9/23 patch, Mindscape doesn't seem to progress in the mission journal, even if you finish it. Returning to sector space resets everything.

    EDIT 2: Played again, this time watching cutscenes. The mission progressed normally. Before warping out of the mission, I accepted the mission rewards. The mission completed as normal. It's possible skipping cutscenes can cause mission progress to get bugged.
  • valiant797valiant797 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Some minor bugs from my first playthrough of the mission (after today's patch).

    When I reached the bridge to confront Cooper, I had brought along Seven of Nine, but Seven and Neelix both got out of the elevator. Apparently, Neelix goes where he wants?

    Speaking of which, Seven's pathing got a little weird. She was jumping all over the captain's quarters while I was trying to figure out what door to go out.

    I didn't have any major problems with the bioship battle, but my ship is extra tanky. I can imagine how bad it'll be on any of my other characters. I did have a problem with the Cooper battle on the ship. Once I took out his henchmen, he kept insta-killing me over and over (FYI, I had my difficulty set to advanced)
    <signature under reconstruction>
    Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)

    Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
  • otisnobleotisnoble Member Posts: 1,290 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Loved the overall mission. Loved the Puns.

    A few bugs though

    Floating Armor http://otisnoble.deviantart.com/art/He-was-the-backbone-of-the-fleet-484528245

    Nelix shows up http://otisnoble.deviantart.com/art/Bug-Bug-Bug-484198598
    Fleet Admiral Stephen
  • bigbadjohn2bigbadjohn2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I had the issue of not being able to select my away team as well. A couple of graphical glitches that struck me as odd, when you meet Tuvoc in the ready room on the bridge, for me, when he got up to perform the mind meld, he got up, but another Tuvoc was still just sitting there! Odd...also, when he performs the mind meld, and it zooms into your face, it didn't look like Tuvoc was performing the mind meld, but a mannequin. I laughed a little at that one. :D Could be my system, lonely core 2 due E6550 at 2.3 GHZ (accepting donations for new system :)) 8 GB DDR2 ram at about 400 mhz, sapphire 6850 video card, MSI P6N SLI Platinum board...yeah, I'm about 6-7 years behind. Anyway, the mission itself was rather bug free. Not being able to select my away team, and those graphical glitches were the only problems I encountered.
  • bigbadjohn2bigbadjohn2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    otisnoble wrote: »
    Loved the overall mission. Loved the Puns.

    A few bugs though

    Floating Armor http://otisnoble.deviantart.com/art/He-was-the-backbone-of-the-fleet-484528245

    Nelix shows up http://otisnoble.deviantart.com/art/Bug-Bug-Bug-484198598

    Come to think of it, I had those issues as well.
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