as we know sometimes ESD can get a bit boring so I thought why couldn't we have random Red Alerts like youget on new rom.
they can be Space and ground based where you have to repel a random enemy attack
just a few example scenarios
* repel a large boarding party (could take place in the shuttlebay or another level on esd)
* search for and arrest Saboteurs (esd or accademy)
* repel enemy attack force (undine planet killers, borg, etc etc)
feel free to add your views and suggestions ontop of what I poorly wrote
Not because I'm hoping for action, there are a ton of places you can go for that.
Your idea has Merit but ESD is not the place for it.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
And if you don't want to participate, ignore the red alert.
It'd be more fun if those ignoring it got assimilated.
Either oppose the collective or join them.
It also fits in with the story, as the last mission you do on the episides with Tuvok is defending ESD which is getting a proper hammering from the undine.
So fits in well that sometimes, ESD would get attacked randomly, catching Starfleet off guard.
This is a fantastic idea, and the borg could use that conveniently placed window in Quinn's office as a start point xD
Windows to the outside of the'd have thought they'd have learned from the undine invasion that windows were a bad idea...but...
New ESD...swarming with borg could be the real "breaking in" of the map so to speak
Yes...pun intended..muhahaha
Besides...we're takeing admiral quinn's place with the new update anyway, right
Hopefully when theres space in the production schedule they can take a look at Red Alerts and make them a more important function of the game.
I would love to see the major hubs getting Red alerts, Hunting Sabotours on the major Starbases, tracking down raiders in the Badlands, Answering Distress calls all over the Quadrant.
Would be great, could even take over the function of patrols if some solo/team Red alerts are included at random planets as well as PVE Red alerts at major hubs
ESD should be one of the most protected federation base, an attack to the ESD should be a really exceptional event...
IMHO this idea can be applied to some outpost not the esd.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
But apparently some people react to this kind of thing with butthurt rather than amusement while reaching for the respawn button.
Engage the Borg or Not Engage the Borg.
Together with a 10-20 second timer.
Those ignoring the popup get assimilated though and risk injury.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
you're posting annoying TRIBBLE in zone? BOOM
or something of that effect. It was kind of like that when the new ESD design was on tribble where we could discharge our firearms. Yea, I killed the ship selector once lol.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot
People can opt not to engage the borg. Only those who ignore the popup get assimilated.
Maybe make it a gradual process so people would not get punished for going to the little boys room at the wrong moment.
The breen pulled it off and the undine cleaned house, the Klingons managed to raid federation shipyards and the Dominion caught the federation with their pants down at DS9 during a conference on how to combat the Borg.
I'd say ESD, Andoria, Vulcan, New Romulus and Klingon space in general (Homeworld, shipyard and academy) should all be fair game as far as incursions (red alerts) go.
I could really imagine Quinn saying something over the comm like:
"All hands this is Admiral Quinn, we are under attack by the Borg"
The Dev can use Shuttlecraft bay for a fire fight ore some of the other locastion on ESD here is a map . Wen we need to stop some kind of saboteur in the base. Send a team to stop a transmuting on secret information to the Undine.
A handful of rare(ish) random events where various stations get raided would be interesting.
I'm sure I read somewhere they're looking at expanding the red alerts. That would be a good start.
1.Visiting the bridge is a good start especially if one roleplays,but what about some attention to that aspect.The ships interior is still plain so how about allowing the player to be able to further customize the ship?This can lead to some new areas of play to enhance the experience.
a.)Allowing customization can lead to further upgrades,for instance placing security points and force shields in multiple areas. This will in turn lead up to a new level of PvP when the hostile is able to board the enemy ship(think "Clan Wars").Turning space combat to ground.Even for PvE,how many players would like the experience of repelling enemy boarders from their ship?
b.)This new game board will need a few new areas of play and allow for visitation from the bridge, those being the shuttlebay and the cargo bay.
c.)Cutting back on the number of NPC's wandering through the decks of the ship will add to the illusion.Ten to twenty per deck or area should be good.
2. Game patches that involve storyline. If memory serves me correctly the Klingon empire is still at war.Patches can come under the name of coded offensive movements(i.e.-Operation Blood and Glory),this will give Klingon players some serious play and add onto the ongoing storyline.
3. Functioning holodeck. I know what your going to say,"That's what the Foundry is for".My idea however is using the holodeck to incorporate the ship and ground scenarios further into the game. A player can use the holodeck,using the aim aspect of ground combat and then you have an indoor firing range and there can be rewards for high scores and even competitions down the road,this can qualify for hand to hand also.
4. Fleet vs Fleet combat. Placed under a "training scenario" for roleplayers. Two fleets can duke it out for a amount of time for either resources or fame. The winner of "Fleet combat" can have a powerful extended buff for a time.
5. The A.I. has improved on the crew for ground combat.I remember watching npc's stand in the AOE of a plasma grenade and dying. What I mean is allowing the player to control when the npc crew use specific devices.Say when in combat and no heals are available,once the npc hits a designated % of health it will use a hypospray or use a powercell when the enemy is powerful.
I could go on for while about my ideas,these are a few to consider. I am honestly a trekkie at heart and love the improvements you guys have made.From Earth spacedock to Andoria the programmers and designers have accomplished so much.I want to help to make this game become not better but epic and I hope you pay attention to this and take my suggestions.
To me it seems that apart from a few accolade hunters, those existing encounters have been abandoned.
It feels like people think they're nice that they're there, but aren't playing them in the end, because it keeps them from their current, more effective activity (doffing, battle zones, queue etc...).
could be a lot of fun and would count as being a reaction to the attack and boarding of the station by the undine.
all of the enemy factions except with the probable exception of the kdf and romulans.
changelings or undine could be in a variation where various non player characters suddenly morph into changlines or undine and they start to form beachheads for more troops to come in.
Thats a Great Idea, makes perfect sense to me, and being a drill would mean it makes sense to be scheduled on a regular basis too, and if its simulated theres no worries about having to clean up any mess or make repairs.
The suggestion of having NPCs do the changeling morph is cool too
semi-regular but unscheduled drill.
scheduled drills suck.
if it happens randomly once an hour, and with a minimum time between cycles, the complaints shouldn't be too bad. specially if a player's level can be taken into account for this special miner event only.
especially considering that the ESD plays little part in the game beyond that initial bit in the beginning, which admittedly would be hard on very low level players if it was to be fun for high level players.
the flip side being if it was paced so that a low level player would be able to cope with it, it would mean it would be a pretty short event with the high level players stepping in.
Is the new ESD map suitable for Combat?
Its extremely open in areas, This may lead to excessive "aggro" of many enemy combat groups.
Might make it quite difficult to play perhaps?
Less of an issue with the old map, which is great for combat, everything can be sectioned off, as it has been in both Cryptic and foundry missions using the map