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Console Fluidic Phase Decoupler NEED a nerf please DEVs look at this video



  • ethercircuitethercircuit Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    naz4 wrote: »
    That Hamid dude asked a good question Zelda....

    "Kell uses it 24:03 and then 25:56 (Less than 3 mins). Again he does it (29:12 and then 30:42) - Less than 3 mins
    Thats 4 times in 5 mins and the console says 3 mins cooldown?? So confused. Can you show me in game?"

    I think that needs to be addressed first before any major changes. Did you show him how to just out of curiosity?

    Genetic Resequencer - Space Trait: Kell-ness
    Very Rare Inventory

    This resequencer will unlock the following trait:

    Kell-ness - Space Trait
    While in combat you can swap any console even if multiple people are shooting you non-stop. Also as an added bonus you can use each console ability three times as opposed to the normal one. This bonus effect never expires. Each stack of Kell-ness (up to 100 max) grants:

    * +500% damage against has-been FvF cupcake fleet members
    * +900 resistance to forum trolling
    * Adds 3000 Kelltron IMBA OP damage to each attack (effect is doubled when accused of cheating, being Korean, or hacking)
  • tinnytimpstinnytimps Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Genetic Resequencer - Space Trait: Kell-ness
    Very Rare Inventory

    This resequencer will unlock the following trait:

    Kell-ness - Space Trait
    While in combat you can swap any console even if multiple people are shooting you non-stop. Also as an added bonus you can use each console ability three times as opposed to the normal one. This bonus effect never expires. Each stack of Kell-ness (up to 100 max) grants:

    * +500% damage against has-been FvF cupcake fleet members
    * +900 resistance to forum trolling
    * Adds 3000 Kelltron IMBA OP damage to each attack (effect is doubled when accused of cheating, being Korean, or hacking)

    Where can i get this. :cool:
  • toofdkaytoofdkay Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    jjdez wrote: »
    The fact that you bring up fireworks in battle like this will only serve to encourage those who do it, because you're proving it works. It's a distraction meant to get you looking at the fireworks instead and to do irrational things out of anger. So, WAI. Interesting you tell people to adapt to the console (which actually affects gameplay), while demand fireworks be disabled (even though they have zero impact on gameplay), you know, instead of also adapting to them. Thanks for inserting the double standard/hypocrisy!

    Finally, the OP does win almost all the time, as he stated and most of the PvP community knows first hand. His point was it's another get out of jail free card that only prolongs matches because players have a lot of similar tricks in the bag, and this one has absolutely no counter.

    As I stated, just following forum rhetoric, the same thing all of you do at some point (re-read for clarification, use the Oxford English dictionary if your struggling)

    And how arrogant are you ? saying that someone using a tactic/console "Prolongs matches". What are you expecting ? people to be so in awe of your awesomeness they have to expect to be beaten by you and your friends and by surviving they are in some way ruining your experience ?

    This is one of the problems with PvP the people that think the game should be played their way any other way is wrong, leets I think you call yourselves up on that pedestal you made.

    And yes Fireworks have no part in a battle as you said they do nothing so they have no reason to be usable in battle, unless like I stated you THINK yourself better in some way than your opponent and enjoy upsetting people, this is the only reason for them and as admitted by yourself.
  • ibuyevryshipibuyevryship Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2014
    toofdkay wrote: »
    As I stated, just following forum rhetoric, the same thing all of you do at some point (re-read for clarification, use the Oxford English dictionary if your struggling)

    And how arrogant are you ? saying that someone using a tactic/console "Prolongs matches". What are you expecting ? people to be so in awe of your awesomeness they have to expect to be beaten by you and your friends and by surviving they are in some way ruining your experience ?

    This is one of the problems with PvP the people that think the game should be played their way any other way is wrong, leets I think you call yourselves up on that pedestal you made.

    And yes Fireworks have no part in a battle as you said they do nothing so they have no reason to be usable in battle, unless like I stated you THINK yourself better in some way than your opponent and enjoy upsetting people, this is the only reason for them !

    Stop be ignorent whatch the VIDEO the video show high end PVP match where every little thing is exploited to maximum and then you see how certain thing need to be balanced like that console, the probleme of that console is it have no counter, you lose the target and then when he reapear, the target is not in angle and then teamate heal the target, when the console have been released there was a couple of counter, like GW , TB , but the DEVs did fix the conosle cause of sensor analysis and for some reason it or they have remove its counter, so it need a fix or a nerf
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The hilarious thing is that they record their own console hot swap bypass and call themselves good or the best :confused:

    Not very intelligent. More like high end own goals . . . .lol
    Genetic Resequencer - Space Trait: Kell-ness
    Very Rare Inventory

    This resequencer will unlock the following trait:

    Kell-ness - Space Trait
    While in combat you can swap any console even if multiple people are shooting you non-stop. Also as an added bonus you can use each console ability three times as opposed to the normal one. This bonus effect never expires. Each stack of Kell-ness (up to 100 max) grants:

    * +500% damage against has-been FvF cupcake fleet members
    * +900 resistance to forum trolling
    * Adds 3000 Kelltron IMBA OP damage to each attack (effect is doubled when accused of cheating, being Korean, or hacking)

    Enough said. Caught with hand in pants in front of parents so to speak and trying to use sarcasm....lol
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well then, been a wee while since popping in this thread - thought it had died to the PVEness invasion, but wow - it got entertaining! :P
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    I think the main issue is it being used to escape and console swap.

    Well I cannot fix that, but you can pretty well do this with any console.

    The only fix I can recommend they implement, would be to prevent any console swap while in a pvp match.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • ibuyevryshipibuyevryship Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2014
    Well then, been a wee while since popping in this thread - thought it had died to the PVEness invasion, but wow - it got entertaining! :P
    without PVE invasion this thread should be like this
    Hi, this was a match that happened today with the 2 best PVP fleet in the game.


    [Console - Universal - Fluidic Phase Decoupler] Has no counter to it. It was perfect when it first came out - tractor beam and gravity well were perfect counters . So please if you watch the video you will see that console is bad now!!!
    blahhdrey wrote: »
    Whether or not it was intended in theory to render a player completely untargettable by tractor beams, the console was more balanced in premade play when it was greyed out by tractor beam. This game has far too many jailbreak abilities and when coupled with defensive power creep you're looking at some very stilted gameplay in PvP. Add to this the fact that the console can be swapped as soon as a clean getaway is made, and in my opinion you've got a bit of a problem. (I'm not saying that IC swapped at all, just following the train of thought.)
    snoge00f wrote: »
    Making it not work when tractor is on would be perfect.

    We had so many kills lined up that were lost because of that. On the other side too I'm sure.

    I don't know why PvEers would even need that kind of a console buff to begin with. Tractors aren't that common in PvE anyway.

    I'm never in a situation in PvE where I'm thinking, "Oh no! I'm tractored and dead soon."
    This console is just plain stupid. It is useless in PvE and really ruins the fun of PvP. It's made even worse by the fact that you can swap it within 3 sec of exiting the rift 70k away and have another one ready in 30 seconds.

    I can't even accuse the developers of catering to Infected Space/Khitomer Space/Crystalline Entity players because I don't see how it helps them.

    It was actually balanced when tractor/grav well stopped it from being able to be activated. A person had to make a conscious choice between impulse burst (usable anytime) or fluidic (better but chance of fail).

    If Sensor Analysis was the big issue for the change why punish tractor/grav well too?

    It's becoming a troll console. You co-ordinate 3 subnuc + 2 alpha + tractor + a variety of other debuffs to kill some troll super tank or cloak vaper and they hit a single button escape with no prerequisite conditions for a HAHA NEENER NEEEENER YOU CANT GET ME trump card. Is this the new "infinite slugfest" meta paradigm Mr. Hawk was talking about?
    jjdez wrote: »
    I have to agree that there is an issue with this console. It's fast growing popularity should only prove that it's OP (due to lack of counter). Anything that suddenly starts showing up on every pvp build usually does so because it's broken and everyone wants to get in on the brokenness before it gets the needed adjustment. This console has become the primary means of defense for certain fleets/teams running in the queues lately. I share in the annoyance that some matches are lasting much longer than they ever would because of this console alone.
    skurf wrote: »
    Once it's used you are not targetable, but before you use it, obviously you are targetable. If you are tractored you should not be able to activate it. It should react similar to cloak. Once you cloak you are hidden from other players, which is a very powerful defensive ability, but there are certain things that can prevent you from entering cloak in the first place. In addition, there are ways that you can see cloakers and/or pull them out of cloak, unlike when someone uses this console.

    The devs are starting a trend of introducing consoles that have absolutely no hard counter to them at all (or even soft counters), which is a very dangerous direction to take the game. First, it was the Subspace Integration Circuit and now the Fluidic Phase Decoupler. Even Temporal Inversion Field has a hard counter, and that takes up two weapon slots, a console, and costs 600 zen. The only counters to Fluidic Phase and Subspace rupture are just to wait for the consoles' powers to expire, which is not a counter at all. By the time the console wears off, the target could be 50k away in any direction because of the speed and turn boost that it gives the user, so just waiting for the console to expire does absolutely nothing.

    If you are completely hidden and untargetable after you activate the console, then there should be some way to prevent them from activating the console in the first place. Otherwise, it's just too powerful and it is the main reason that the game that the OP posted lasted an entire hour.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well I cannot fix that, but you can pretty well do this with any console.

    The only fix I can recommend they implement, would be to prevent any console swap while in a pvp match.

    Nobody ever likes my suggestion of not being able to make any gear changes outside of devices while on a non-social/non-sector sort of map outside of while looking at a respawn button. Not just PvP folks, but even PvE folks will be switching out consoles/etc while in PvE instances.
  • blahhdreyblahhdrey Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    naz4 wrote: »
    The hilarious thing is that they record their own console hot swap bypass and call themselves good or the best :confused:

    Not very intelligent. More like high end own goals . . . .lol

    Enough said. Caught with hand in pants in front of parents so to speak and trying to use sarcasm....lol

    In a Trolling Premier League this post would be grounds for relegation. All I've seen is a bunch of unfounded accusation and silly prodding. I certainly haven't seen anyone on either team firing off Fluidic Phase every thirty seconds.
  • evilghost1026evilghost1026 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    HOBO forum premade :P

    Its been entertaining to watch :)

    Viral sure did seem to be an effective counter the other day when it was actually used on me.
    Cant go anywhere without engines. I just learned my lesson to keep engine batts on my tray.

    keep the entertainment going please!

    Also, im leveling a kdf vaper. Before the other day, I actually was considering putting the new toon into your fleet, but after those unfortunate events, i changed my mind. Someone flipping over to a fed toon in kerrat for the whole fleet to try to exploit/gangbang me, or anyone else because they are not easy to catch is just lame. Bad representation of what is supposed to be a high end pvp fleet.
  • ibuyevryshipibuyevryship Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2014
    HOBO forum premade :P

    Its been entertaining to watch :)

    Viral sure did seem to be an effective counter the other day when it was actually used on me.
    Cant go anywhere without engines. I just learned my lesson to keep engine batts on my tray.

    keep the entertainment going please!

    Also, im leveling a kdf vaper. Before the other day, I actually was considering putting the new toon into your fleet, but after those unfortunate events, i changed my mind. Someone flipping over to a fed toon in kerrat for the whole fleet to try to exploit/gangbang me, or anyone else because they are not easy to catch is just lame. Bad representation of what is supposed to be a high end pvp fleet.

    dont change you mind, you need blew up the feds insted of KDF , btw about the incident.. its not like we team killed you everyday ...
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nobody ever likes my suggestion of not being able to make any gear changes outside of devices while on a non-social/non-sector sort of map outside of while looking at a respawn button. Not just PvP folks, but even PvE folks will be switching out consoles/etc while in PvE instances.

    Well that is kind of what I just mentioned virus, the best fix, is to prevent console swapping while in combat environments.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    blahhdrey wrote: »
    In a Trolling Premier League this post would be grounds for relegation. All I've seen is a bunch of unfounded accusation and silly prodding. I certainly haven't seen anyone on either team firing off Fluidic Phase every thirty seconds.

    It's clear in the video. How could that be trolling? And also Kell admitting it. Granted in a sarcastic manner. What more is left to say. Pic worth a 1000 words, but what about vids?

    Ask him to walk you through the vid next time your on ts with him maybe?

    I think from a PvP point of view console hot swapping to mitigate cool down timers is the bigger issue here. I don't think NPC's would mind if you did it to them mind you but I won't speak on behalf of the PvE crowd or be so dismissive of them.

    Remember last time I Intro'd some PvE heroes to the PvP scene Zelda? I remember you crying red tears on these very forums when they beat you handily.
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dont change you mind, you need blew up the feds insted of KDF , btw about the incident.. its not like we team killed you everyday ...

    Lol, how not to make allies and friends.

    So in 1 thread you manage to not only alienate yourself from the PvE crowd, also pvpers as well. Priceless.

    You do realise that if you as a pvper want any positive changes to occur, you need the PvE guys on your side. That's the biggest voice in this game - fact. Convince them and you get a better chance at changing something.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    guys, this is how he operates.. he loves tension and drama.. that's all it was in hobo.. wasn't a day that went by that he didn't make some ridiculous fleet mail crying about a dental guy, or threatening us that if we wore a certain uniforms or gear that we would be kicked from the fleet. lol..

    zelda and i have had a few issues in the past, but zelda certainly isnt a drama-*****. if you look back at the ev-suit mails, the denalt mails, the threatening mails, and all the hobo high drama in general you will see linas name all over them, not zeldas.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My curiosity awakened, I indeed checked my fraps footage of said match. Told Zelda about my findings.

    The core issue lies within Cryptic. Everytime a Cryptic employee says something along the lines of "it's too difficult to fix the code", what they really (somewhat unintentionally) express with such statements is their Incompetence. That is the gist of things.

    Do you really think the Cryptic coders are not aware of the swapping issue? Maybe we are looking at a case of a gaming company employing sub-standard coders, or maybe the game code is indeed so strange that your typcial "main-street" coder cannot be qualified to handle it; either way, in both cases the label "incompetence / not competent enough" applies.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • ibuyevryshipibuyevryship Member Posts: 280
    edited August 2014
    naz4 wrote: »
    Lol, how not to make allies and friends.

    So in 1 thread you manage to not only alienate yourself from the PvE crowd, also pvpers as well. Priceless.

    You do realise that if you as a pvper want any positive changes to occur, you need the PvE guys on your side. That's the biggest voice in this game - fact. Convince them and you get a better chance at changing something.

    man, nice fixation you have, can you choose another persone LOL and sorry WTF your talking about lol

    BTW why you come here to troll insted of doing positive post ...
  • toofdkaytoofdkay Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ilhansk wrote: »
    My curiosity awakened, I indeed checked my fraps footage of said match. Told Zelda about my findings.

    The core issue lies within Cryptic. Everytime a Cryptic employee says something along the lines of "it's too difficult to fix the code", what they really (somewhat unintentionally) express with such statements is their Incompetence. That is the gist of things.

    Do you really think the Cryptic coders are not aware of the swapping issue? Maybe we are looking at a case of a gaming company employing sub-standard coders, or maybe the game code is indeed so strange that your typcial "main-street" coder cannot be qualified to handle it; either way, in both cases the label "incompetence / not competent enough" applies.

    I agree with this POV, the coders there must be incompetent. Having qualification's in programming I dont see how looking at someone else's code is difficult to understand nor fix. As soon as you study it and its relations you understand perfectly how it works so fixing it would not be a problem.

    I think the problem is not the coders nor the code, it is the working environment. If your harassed to sort some coding issues out and you think it is a burden to do so and probably is then they dont think they are paid enough (yes they are) and so go into a stroppy coke drinking burger eating mood and say things like its to complex you will have to contact the original coder or pass it to someone more senior.

    All the while feeling disgruntled because that new blonde temp who is popular in the office gets a promotion before them !
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I agree it shouldn't work while tractored, there are too many ways to break free from holds as it is. You have vapers in Kerrat that abuse this and only appear when the console is up, and with swapping its up every 30 seconds.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    naz4 wrote: »
    It's clear in the video. How could that be trolling? And also Kell admitting it. Granted in a sarcastic manner. What more is left to say. Pic worth a 1000 words, but what about vids?

    Ask him to walk you through the vid next time your on ts with him maybe?

    I think from a PvP point of view console hot swapping to mitigate cool down timers is the bigger issue here. I don't think NPC's would mind if you did it to them mind you but I won't speak on behalf of the PvE crowd or be so dismissive of them.

    This was explicitly a no-rules match, so whether he swapped or not doesn't matter. I haven't had the chance to ask him yet because it makes no difference in a no-rules match. I agree though, the band-aid patch of the 30 second cooldown needs to be reworked.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Regarding comments about coding, it's my understanding that the bulk of coding now is outsourced usually to India or China and not done in house. Something to consider. We can also consider that knowing PWE as a Chinese owned company they probably contract the absolute cheapest coders with the least coding experience. That's why they continually put out such buggy content.

    Just like they contracted the cheapest server hosts and why their server goes down once a week and I get DC'd once a day or more and the forum laggs out or goes down once a week. Quality all around! /sarcasm

    It's probably not a matter of shear incompetence but more likely it's not affecting the bottom line so the level of urgency is not there for Cryptic. PWE's policy with these things that has been shown is to ignore them unless they affect the bottom line. That is, unless a particular dev takes an interest in it and also agrees with what you want or are saying then it may be addressed in time.
This discussion has been closed.