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New sliders and organization coming soon to Character Creator/Tailor



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    bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Wait, this is a thing? I thought someone photoshopped that in there.

    I'd prefer a 'Bada Bing" slider but that's just me...

    And for another poster, apparently we need a "Bada Bong" slider ...

    I do somewhat agree though that perhaps a few 'minor' left/right + up/down + together/apart adjustment options on chests would be nice, and could happily be used on both male and female toons, as lets face it, not all males necessarily have "Conan the Barbarian" like pecs ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    guriphu wrote: »
    Dear Cryptic,

    We have had a boob slider since 2009. Now we are getting a butt slider.

    When can we expect a "groin volume" slider for male characters?

    I'm down for that. Though I think it would only be a real factor in the tight pants.

    I doubt they're gonna let us Jon Hamm our way around Spacedock.
    PS: iirc STO's character models aren't self-shadowing, so cleavage would have to be painted on, even if everybody wore a wonderbra.
    Ah, that sucks.

    I would agree, except that TRIBBLE in this game don't even meet in the middle. Where the cleavage would be is an expanse of flatness with giant TRIBBLE on either side. You can't even get a modest bit of Deanna Troi cleavage going. The Orions can somewhat but even then their TRIBBLE aren't actually held together.
    Wait, this is a thing? I thought someone photoshopped that in there.

    That was an actual internal functional slider posted by a dev. When it goes live it's going to be called "Hip Depth". There are lots of other sliders that they are arming too, including separate waist and stomach and a rib cage size. They're also working on making it so that ladies can be properly flat chested or athletic, and I'm personally hoping they'll raise the maximum thickness on legs back up to pre Season 9 level.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I'm down for that. Though I think it would only be a real factor in the tight pants.

    Well, currently male characters in tight pants are Ken dolls, as there is no bulge at all. We certainly don't need anything that shows someones religion if you know what I mean but it shouldn't look non-existent either. :o
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    ayradyssayradyss Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    While I understand, and definitely agree with, the desire for raw-stats numbers on the sliders and numerical entry of values, since it's been clearly stated that this is simply not possible in the short term, I'd rather see some kind of simple reference numbers provided that would at least enable us to recreate outfits on a given species/character. (With the understanding that we still very much want the raw numbers display and entry in the future, if at all possible.)

    If it's possible to do that in a more immediate sense, of course. (Just a text number over the slider, or even in a tooltip while your mouse is on the slider -- something like that?)
    Live long, and prosper.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    frtoaster wrote: »
    I don't know if it has already been mentioned in this thread, but the Gorn mass and physique sliders have been missing for a long time. Is there any chance we can get them back?


    I wish other races would get them too. :(
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    crypticjoejingcrypticjoejing Member Posts: 211 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2014
    Looks like the new sliders will be hitting a bit later rather than sooner. Unfortunately they're tied to the next big update so all I can say is you'll get to see everything sometime this calendar year.
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    mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Looks like the new sliders will be hitting a bit later rather than sooner. Unfortunately they're tied to the next big update so all I can say is you'll get to see everything sometime this calendar year.

    Is that a X2 "big update" or a S9.5/Risa "big update"?

    ...Or is it "I'd like to tell you, but marketing says to keep my mouth shut"? :P
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Is that a X2 "big update" or a S9.5/Risa "big update"?

    ...Or is it "I'd like to tell you, but marketing says to keep my mouth shut"? :P

    I think he'd have said in a month or two if it was 9.5/Risa (which seems to be mostly already patched in, just turned off).

    I think we're talking more like October/November/December and whatever big patch hits then. (Which is most likely X2 but he can't say that because of NDAs and such. He can say it will be a big patch that is probably late in the year but probably not what that patch is because that would be talking about X2 then.)
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think he'd have said in a month or two if it was 9.5/Risa (which seems to be mostly already patched in, just turned off).

    I think we're talking more like October/November/December and whatever big patch hits then. (Which is most likely X2 but he can't say that because of NDAs and such. He can say it will be a big patch that is probably late in the year but probably not what that patch is because that would be talking about X2 then.)

    Eh in some of the posts and podcasts i've heard such as "season 9 is small compared to expansion 2" and "we have a metric ton of ships coming to STO this year". Just makes me wonder if its like season 4 was where whispered nice things in our ears and then gave us the current EP lol and told us well its going f2p so its not going to be anything for current players but going f2p and getting new players. Even if nothing is coming for us this year I would like to know where their next batch of new players is coming from :) lol.

    I'm sorry if anyone is offended but this reeks of 2011 all over again.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Looks like the new sliders will be hitting a bit later rather than sooner. Unfortunately they're tied to the next big update so all I can say is you'll get to see everything sometime this calendar year.
    as long as it's going to be that far off, could you see about maybe squeezing in one more feature?

    specifically, labels for the various colors in every color palette ingame, so someone who is partially colorblind, for example, will be able to tell exactly what color they're actually applying to something
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
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    druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Eh in some of the posts and podcasts i've heard such as "season 9 is small compared to expansion 2" and "we have a metric ton of ships coming to STO this year". Just makes me wonder if its like season 4 was where whispered nice things in our ears and then gave us the current EP lol and told us well its going f2p so its not going to be anything for current players but going f2p and getting new players. Even if nothing is coming for us this year I would like to know where their next batch of new players is coming from :) lol.

    I'm sorry if anyone is offended but this reeks of 2011 all over again.

    What I find most disconcerting, is the silence of our "new" EP. Especially given that he made some pretty bold statements after returning to the EP chair, that the communication channels would be more open. He's been suspiciously silent for quite some time now.

    A fresh "State of the Game" wouldn't be the worst suggestion to be honest. A statement of where the game currently is, and where it's headed within the next year. Frankly, something that should've been posted back in February around Year 4 anniversary (but wasn't).

    Tired of shelling out any cash on this game, when the powers that be remain silent on what's coming, and what's being fixed etc. Instead, we're simply treated to "Here's a patch. Good luck with it."
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    druhin wrote: »
    What I find most disconcerting, is the silence of our "new" EP. Especially given that he made some pretty bold statements after returning to the EP chair, that the communication channels would be more open. He's been suspiciously silent for quite some time now.

    A fresh "State of the Game" wouldn't be the worst suggestion to be honest. A statement of where the game currently is, and where it's headed within the next year. Frankly, something that should've been posted back in February around Year 4 anniversary (but wasn't).

    Tired of shelling out any cash on this game, when the powers that be remain silent on what's coming, and what's being fixed etc. Instead, we're simply treated to "Here's a patch. Good luck with it."

    Yeah its been like almost half a year or so since we heard anything from him and part of communication is communicating so we don't know the difference between Stahl, D'angelo, or if its just some person who just has the job now that we don't know about lol.

    My best guess is that Season 8 and 9 now haven't been popular enough replenish the player base we had before season 7. So this expansion 2 and Season 10 might be along the same lines as planned but they might be silent due to the planning of what is coming might dig the hole even deeper to where they want to be.

    I do get his statement of that game needs lots of fixing and he said he doesn't do forums much but I get that but a fresh state of the game would be nice. Although I do see the legitimacy of why most of the people I played here with for years have gone dark as well where they barely log in because they don't want to waste time with a game that might be going down the rabbit hole like it did in 2011. What i'll probally do since there isn't anything I really need that I don't already have is I'll probally get my mains to rep tier 5 in this undine and if there's no news still then I just won't come back till something comes out worth playing.

    I would like to hear the new EP's take on how the setup of how each mission and even qued missions are the same and boring like he stated. As well what he plans to happen to make it fun lol (part of no communication is action but we haven't seen any lol). Although I appreciate your cash so I don't have to spend any :)

    I still think the EP is a robot he doesn't really exist he might be an EP app they got apps for everything these days.
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Looks like the new sliders will be hitting a bit later rather than sooner. Unfortunately they're tied to the next big update so all I can say is you'll get to see everything sometime this calendar year.

    Thanks for letting us know, it's appreciated. :)
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well this isn't the most welcome news. Alas, take your time. :(
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Next big update? Does season 9.5 count? Or do we have to wait till season 10?

    Even then, it's not more than 2 months or so away, right? D:
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    frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I initially expected the new sliders to take longer than crypticjoejing's previous comments had suggested. I hope that they use this time to test and refine the new features. Also, fixing some longstanding bugs like the missing Gorn sliders would be nice.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Next big update? Does season 9.5 count? Or do we have to wait till season 10?

    Even then, it's not more than 2 months or so away, right? D:

    I hope this doesn't get me in trouble for necroing a thread, but this is something I've been looking forward to.

    As Season 9.5 has passed, I'm assuming the features discussed here will be in the Expansion coming later on.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    invictus74invictus74 Member Posts: 8 Arc User1
    edited August 2014
    Any chance we will be getting some new alien templates? ( spots,base complexions,head organic attachments, tattoos etc)
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    invictus74 wrote: »
    Any chance we will be getting some new alien templates? ( spots,base complexions,head organic attachments, tattoos etc)

    That and more faces for Klingons. Klinks were left out of the update. Males and females have no head types and only 2 base complexions each besides all the Aged complexions. (Not sure if any other species were left out, but it would be nice to get more face options for those who didn't get them) :(
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Wow, sweet!

    I think I'll completely redesign my main character!

    However, I do run into a small problem with that, for which I already know a work around, but perhaps you can also add an even better fix.

    If I really want to recreate my main character, but keep her current uniforms (I have over 30 uniform slots), I'll have to first save a new character model, and then go into each of the individual uniform slots. There I'll have to save the uniforms, load the new character visual, and then load the uniform with 'uniform only' option.

    Can you maybe also add the option that we save Face/Body/Stance, but not uniform, so that when we load our new visuals we'll keep the uniform our character had, but still update the improved character visuals?

    It'd make updating characters a whole lot easier! :D
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    bobosmrade1bobosmrade1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hope that DR includes more hair options, like balding.
    Cave Troll vs Forum troll
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    rushatsi wrote: »
    pvp? whats dat?
    Pervert vs. Pervert!:eek:
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    jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This has been on the table for a while.. at least some update, preeetty please...? :)
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
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    crypticjoejingcrypticjoejing Member Posts: 211 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2014
    This has been on the table for a while.. at least some update, preeetty please...? :)

    Getting closer :)
    druhin wrote: »
    What I find most disconcerting, is the silence of our "new" EP...

    Mr. D'Angelo may not be that prevalent on the forums, but he does believe strongly in communication and if you remember there was a huge burst of dev blogs when he came aboard. There will be more.
    That and more faces for Klingons. Klinks were left out of the update...

    Yeah, we wanted to include those, but they had some complications. We'll look into it some more though.
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    druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Mr. D'Angelo may not be that prevalent on the forums, but he does believe strongly in communication and if you remember there was a huge burst of dev blogs when he came aboard. There will be more.

    It's not just the lack of forum postings that concern me. Between his announcement of returning as EP, and his "belated" announcement of Delta Rising expansion, he had exactly ZERO blog posts credited. Where are the "Ask Cryptic", or "State of the Game" blogs of old? I realize Mr Stahl's "Engineering Reports" were a bit too expansive, and promised all sorts of things (many of which likely never to be implemented). But a point-by-point breakdown of how the game is doing, what plans are in the immediate future etc? Aren't these also the kind of "posts" expected of a games EP?

    As for the alleged blogs leading up to Delta Rising, it remains to be seen. Thus far, the blogs haven't exactly filled me with a great optimism. Much of what has been written thus far concerning the plot of Delta Rising, I could just as easily get out of watching Star Trek Voyager. The things people are more concerned about, like upgrading older ships, what new Tier 6 ships will be made available at launch, what kind of new STFs we can expect. These sort of things FAR outweigh, having to rehash the Voyager storyline in blog format.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Getting closer :)

    Mr. D'Angelo may not be that prevalent on the forums, but he does believe strongly in communication and if you remember there was a huge burst of dev blogs when he came aboard. There will be more.

    Yeah, we wanted to include those, but they had some complications. We'll look into it some more though.

    rofl so 2 dev blogs is viewed as a burst?

    This gave me a good laugh to say the least.
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    tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    re: Klingon faces
    Yeah, we wanted to include those, but they had some complications. We'll look into it some more though.

    Thanks, crypticjoejing. Having more face choices for the KDF would be a welcome addition.
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    sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Getting closer :)

    Mr. D'Angelo may not be that prevalent on the forums, but he does believe strongly in communication and if you remember there was a huge burst of dev blogs when he came aboard. There will be more.

    Yeah, we wanted to include those, but they had some complications. We'll look into it some more though.

    Delusional! 2 information-free blogs is a burst of communication. A joke at best.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
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    crypticjoejingcrypticjoejing Member Posts: 211 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2014
    rofl so 2 dev blogs is viewed as a burst?

    This gave me a good laugh to say the least.

    Not sure what two blogs you guys are talking about...and it doesn't matter, because that wasn't what I was talking about.

    To clarify, "...there was a huge burst [around the time when Mr. D'Angelo] came aboard"

    There was seriously far more than two blogs. I know because I did 3 personally, just covering character art. And D'Angelo was one of the biggest proponents behind the blogs. Not sure the exact dates D'Angelo's position was announced, so maybe the block of blogs I meant were in the transition phase before the EP change was made public. Regardless, the important thing is:
    ...There will be more.

    Meaning...there will be more :) Lots of awesome info is forthcoming.
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    jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Getting closer :)
    Teaser... :D

    I'm still curious how the 'creative thinking' will work.. as I definitelly would love to flatten my character a bit (make that, flatten her "a lot"). Even my husband, who doesn't play STO, his first reaction, when he saw my character was, "omg, anorectic, big TRIBBLE, thin waist", and that's with bust slider at the lowest setting & I had to explain him we can't really alter the waist at all... and now he trolls me about it. <.<
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

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    stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I had to explain him we can't really alter the waist at all... and now he trolls me about it. <.<
    As any proper husband should do :D, my wife... I sometimes pity her, hehe :P.
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