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RE: Duty Officer UI



  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    gurugeorge wrote: »
    You'd think this was a no-brainer.

    Agreed, I'm hoping the fact the UI is still undergoing final polish (should never have been released if unready IMO) means that issues such as this - and the total lack of sorting ability when slotting Doffs primarily - will be addressed soon...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree with you. The problem is SEVERAL PEOPLE DID JUST THAT as soon as the changes hit tribble, and NOTHING was done. It's likely that the crafting update/rep got all the attention, but still, there was NOTHING done. At all - with the exception of a sideways acknowledgement from a dev at the 11th hour before release.

    Ma-a-an, for 3 years that I been around, we've tried everything... And in the end all we got were press releases like:

    * We improved ESTF drops == you're gonna get 10 times less BNP from now on.
    * We facelifted DOFF UI == we improved it beyond any repair or general usefulness.

    and so on and so forth.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The "Plan" Button shouldn't be active when I don't have all requirements for a mission.

    Yes, the Item/Doff icons appear red if not available, but I am not really looking at what I need. Or at least bring the red warning sign back next to the plan button, so I can at least see that.

    The Plan button is actually kind of useful. The current UI no longer shows specifics as far as the doffs you are using, just general type, and it lacks any info as far as your potential successes. If the Plan button greyed out when you didn't meet the requirements, you could never check this info.

    For example, you have a RRF character that finally gets the incredibly rare Reman Bridge Officer recruitment assignment... but for some reason you don't have the doff you need to run it. With the new UI, you can't tell what doff traits affect your success and crit success on the initial screen, so you then click the Plan button and make note of what's shown. From there, you switch characters to an alt, check their Roster for a doff with the right traits, then mail it to the RRF character. Swapping back, you collect the doff, go back to the Plan screen, and you can run the assignment from there.

    It's more cumbersome now that certain pieces of information have been moved around, but without that Plan button the new UI would be a whole order of magnitude worse. This coming from someone that is not impressed by the new UI. So yeah, please no greyed out Plan button ;)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • realwildblurealwildblu Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Another one of those 'never post here much' bunch...
    The new doff UI is awful. A total step backwards. Completely counter intuitive and makes even the simplest tasks take way much longer than it did before.
    Way to go for ruining one of my favourite aspects of the game. :mad:

    I, too, have found that the cognitive load increased significantly. In addition, I spend more time mouse clicking/moving/scrolling and, when in a hurry, accidently pressing a "Select" button that should really be named "Change" or "Select Another". Other than Contraband and Dabo missions, I will sit out Doff Assignments until either the UI improves or it's accessible on the Gateway where I can use my touch tablet to run the assignments.

    It's a shame we couldn't have the optimized selection algorithm with the "old", but more efficient, UI. I would applaud the good folks at Cryptic if they provided us with an option to use the older design.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I would like the option to turn off the autoselect. Have that be Department Head recommendations.

    I LIKE micromanaging my doff crew and sending them out myself, and selecting them.

    It's odd the DOFFs you can select for certain missions has been expanded in some places and removed in others. I sent an energy weapons officer to trade in my Trade commendation XP for fleet marks today. That was impossible before. I had less options for officers in another mission elsewhere. Very strange.

    It still annoys be about the Doff system that ANY profession can grant a higher crit chance than the profession the assignment requires because of the traits. Especially for a technical task.
    alexvio1 wrote: »
    Another problem in new UI:

    I cannot see how many I have required items in my inventory or bank.

    That brings tears to my eye and rage to my heart because that was one of the best and most needed additions to the stellar Legacy of Romulus LCARS doffing UI upgrade. It was one of the few things we had asked for that they delivered with a nice big now and was perfect.

    That one hurts.
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I think you're all missing the point of the new Doff UI .

    The real question is ... is Terilynn Shull happy with the new Doff UI ?

    Because this was designed for ppl like her , by her friends .

    ... and it's always important to try to keep your friends happy ... as the rest of those idiots will keep paying for the Lockboxes no matter what we put in them , thus we @ Cryptic haz our free ticket for whatever we like ... , and we can put accountability at the lowest part of our priority list ... , right between story content and QA .
    Woo-hoo !!!

    The irony and the tragedy of this is that there is nothing in the new system that remotely addresses the question he posed to Ms Shull.

    The system that was completely screwed over is completely separate from the solution.

    The answer to his question is you have to find an alien artifact mission, power the artifact with the assignment from the science lab in your ship and then turn it in to the assignment in your engineering to get a random console. Extremely difficult, but my luck was good and I got a Purple Mk XII Neutronium first time out.

    That is now meaningless as acquiring a Mk XII Purple Neutronium is now the sole prevue of the Crafting System as it probably should've always been.

    That wasn't the fault of the DOFF system's interface, functionality, or the players. It was a part of the system. Strange Alien artifacts were supposed to be something you traded a weird little ship that you came across for, your doffs found this odd knick nack while out exploring and brought it back to the ship for study, and by playing around with it you were able to create an upgraded piece of usable technology.

    The fact that people might find one or never find one or not know what to do with it, isn't a fault of the system, but the fact that there weren't hints in it beyond the fact that in big yellow letters it said take it to the next person. Maybe having your science officer pop up and suggest that maybe we could make something with this, I don't know.

    But to be frank the old UI was near perfect. This new one is near TRIBBLE.

    There are no improvements in this system... that couldn't have been implemented in the old one more simply.

    How many people already figured out that you can slot more than one of those 20h assignments from the same school?

    And if some of those people are using Dilithium to finish those assignments ahead of time, they're going to rack up a lot of xp really fast.

    Is that WAI?

    I find myself a bit tempted to buy Dil.
    No you're not.

    Finding that out is what happens when you play with a system, tinker, and feel it out. People used to do that in video games....
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Not fair to the people who haven't figured it out yet.

    It won't be fair to anyone if they remove it all together.

    That is good news, an improvement. I would hope the first of MANY MANY improvements that will be necessary to bring this new UI up to par with its predecessor. It still has one of the miserable failings of the new systems, pop up windows.
    Hopefully that new window is resizable and movable.

    Agreed, I was shocked that it didn't move.
    There is no need for a "NEW WINDOW"... 95% of the page is just wasted space. The contents would fit easily in the window you ALREADY have open... kind of like it was BEFORE.
    Absolutely Colonel.
    Originally Posted by anazonda View Post
    good news: https://twitter.com/CrypticEQAH/stat...192577/photo/1
    That's a start, but it's still a pop-up selecton process (you can see part of the "Begin" button behind that pop-up selection window, on the right side). If each slot has to be filtered and selected individually, rather than filtering and filling down the list like the "classic" UI, it will still take forever to find the doff you want by comparison. It's not just the filtering that's the problem, it's that each doff required for an assignment must be selected one at a time, with separate pop-ups hiding which doffs were already slotted and the ability to unintentionally re-allocate doffs from one slot to the next.

    Actually, I have some suggestions that might make the pop-up work closer to how the old UI did, in addition to the pictured filtering section:
    1. Add buttons below "Clear Slot" and "Assign Slot" for "Previous", "Next", and "Confirm Selections" to cycle through the doff slots without automatically closing the pop-up; close the UI only with "Confirm Selections"
    2. Add a small UI element at the top of the doff list that always shows the doff currently assigned to that slot, the size of a single doff entry in the list below
    3. Tint the background of any currently assigned doffs in the doff list a different shade (using shading rather than color allows the distinction to be retained across differing UI color schemes) than the standard doff list background, so we can see at a glance that selecting that doff will move it from the previous slot

    That would allow us to bring up the pop-up once for all of the doff selections, while retaining most the pictured UI design they've created. I'd still rather they just revert the doff UI and spend their time working on something that needs improvement, but... yeah, scope creep.

    These are good ideas.
    The old UI was fine. Sure it was missing (arguably) the auto filling with best doff for crit tool, but it could have been added quickly. The new UI is big, clumsy, and not very intuitive. Adding more option and whatnot will just make it less bad. And considering the huge amount of negative feedback, I think the majority of the forumer think the old UI was way better.

    The constructive feedback have been given a long time ago, several time. Bring back the old UI which was simply better. But we know it will never happen. So, we are asked to provide constructive feedback on something inferior to what we used to have. With little hope to make it as good as it was in the past.

    That's a major point, this new UI makes me feel like the old UI is a dead girlfriend who I didn't appreciate nearly as much as I should have when she was alive.
    Or just give us an option to pick "Basic" (The New Interface) or "Advanced" (Ye Olde but Goode Inferface).

    This. I know there were huge issues when Legacy came out about some people wanting to keep the old GUI, and the question was posed about whether it was possible to keep both. For that they said note due to technical limitations, and that was logical. At that time I loved the new LCARS GUI, but I empathized with people who liked the old.

    Here I'm on the side of the fence that hates the new, but I don't see it being so technically exclusive. I'll take on the extra hard drive space but this is a single interface within the GUI, surely we can support both.

    People have been saying that this is for tablets, smartphones, and the Gateway but I would still prefer the original for those purposes.
    Good news indeed. Now would you PLEASE make the Doff UI a little more clear. You know, like the old UI was. And while you're crating a new trait search function for the Doff system would you mind creating one for the EXCHANGE too? That would be VERY helpful.
    Amen. Searching by trait in the exchange is something highly valuable too.
    I'm sure it's been said elsewhere, but we really need a confirmation dialogue for the complete-with-dilithium buttons in crafting. It's far too easy to accidentally hit the button and end up wasting a huge amount of dilithium that you never intended to use. Of course, I know this is all probably part of Cryptic's plan, hoping that people waste dil accidentally in this way, so such a confirmation will probably never materialize.

    That's an excellent point, I find myself being extra careful in the crafting screen to avoid doing just that.

    I wonder if there's a Rule of Acquisition that states that "patience is the enemy of profit."
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Actually, when the doff UI was smaller you could just adjust the position of your replicator and doff UI so they were side-by-side. This doesn't work as well now thanks the the size of the new doff UI.
    except opening the replicator would close your doff ui if you were anywhere but on current map menu. that bug has been around for a long time, and is still present.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • scifireality79scifireality79 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The only improvement I've detected is that when you plan a doff mission and hover your mouse pointer on the "i" icon of the critical success row, you can actually see how many CXP you will get if you crit said mission. I don't remember been able to see critical success CXP reward in the old system before the mission, you could see it after and only if you crit that mission, in the assignment log window.

    Other than that the new UI is a complete disaster. I can't fathom how they managed to de-evolve the UI so easily. Where to begin? I will only comment on one aspect, the selection of doff when you plan a mission. How can you guys remove the filtering options from that stage of mission planning and then baptize the new UI as an improvement? It's ridiculous.. I won't say what you must do to correct the whole thing. You already know.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My friend complained that an assignment no longer shows you how many of the required items you already have; it only shows you how many the assignment requires in total. Therefore, you don't know how many you are missing.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • ask4spock1ask4spock1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The old duty office UI had better sorting (I.E. Career, Quality, Traits)

    I want my sorting back DEVS.

    You had an excellant sorting method and like everything else in the game it gets NERFED.:(
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    frtoaster wrote: »

    3. The quality reward bonus and critical reward bonus are missing in the new UI.

    Awesome post frtoaster, very clear, constructive and i couldn't agree more.

    just a quick note on the above though, if you hover your mouse over the box to the right of the crit/success/fail/disaster bars, the reward details are displayed pretty clearly and indepth. i understand it requires an extra action, but overall i think its better that the original basic % setup, but that is a small positive in an otherwise largly negative upgrade.


    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's just so...clunky. Instead of a short, brief list with an easily browsable doffs...

    ...we get HUGE rectangles and list of doffs that's just too clunky to sift through.

    It's just a step back...and NO, it's NOT just a matter of getting used to it.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    qziqza wrote: »
    just a quick note on the above though, if you hover your mouse over the box to the right of the crit/success/fail/disaster bars, the reward details are displayed pretty clearly and indepth. i understand it requires an extra action, but overall i think its better that the original basic % setup, but that is a small positive in an otherwise largly negative upgrade.

    They must have changed that. I remember hovering my mouse over those 's and seeing nothing. They showed the potential outcomes in the crafting UI, but did nothing in the doff UI. I wonder when they changed it.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Another ball they dropped in improving DOFFs, why don't the DOFF missions at the Academy show how long is left on cooldown until you can do them again? Did R&D Assistance and it's on cooldown now, but a new person has no idea how long until it becomes available again.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Another little detail that is still pretty damn annoying: The doff icon under the minimap keeps flashing if there are unclaimed completed assignements, regardless of whether you've looked at them or not.

    Personally, I claim rewards only when i want to deal with them and the constant flashing is driving me crazy.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • predconpredcon Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Dear PWE,
    If you really felt you needed to dumb down the system to cater to less intelligent/detail-oriented players, you could have easily avoided pissing off their counterparts-with-higher-IQs by dividing the Duty Officer selection system into two parts. The first, called "Basic", would be the system as it is now. The second, called "Advanced", would be the system as it was before.

    Please take this suggestion into consideration, and really, take -all- suggestions and input into consideration, when next you make a major UI change.

    Thank you.
  • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    toiva wrote: »
    Another little detail that is still pretty damn annoying: The doff icon under the minimap keeps flashing if there are unclaimed completed assignements, regardless of whether you've looked at them or not.

    Personally, I claim rewards only when i want to deal with them and the constant flashing is driving me crazy.

    Also, if you click the flashing DOFF icon, it should take you to your completed missions or your completed R&D assignments.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    How many people already figured out that you can slot more than one of those 20h assignments from the same school?
    So much for that idea.

    From the Holodeck release notes for 7.22.2014
    Research and Development:
    • Resolved an issue which was allowing players to run multiple Research Training projects from the same school simultaneously.
    • Only 1 Research Training project can be run at a time per school.

    That's just prime.

    predcon wrote: »
    Dear PWE,
    If you really felt you needed to dumb down the system to cater to less intelligent/detail-oriented players, you could have easily avoided pissing off their counterparts-with-higher-IQs by dividing the Duty Officer selection system into two parts. The first, called "Basic", would be the system as it is now. The second, called "Advanced", would be the system as it was before.

    Please take this suggestion into consideration, and really, take -all- suggestions and input into consideration, when next you make a major UI change.

    Thank you.

    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The ability to slot more than one of the same assignment is intentional, and was present on Tribble; it applies to all crafting projects. I'm sure that is a major reason the Crafting School XP for that 20hr Research project was tweaked (as you put it) prior to Season 9.5 going live, as a means to balance progress.

    Well, it looks like I was incorrect... but still...
    Research and Development:
      [*]Resolved an issue which was allowing players to run multiple Research Training projects from the same school simultaneously.
      [*]Only 1 Research Training project can be run at a time per school.

      I know this probably wasn't your call, but can you run it up the chain that with so many monetization mechanics at work in the new system, imposing additional time gates after launch doesn't make this look like you "resolved an issue". Instead, it makes it look like not enough people were spending dilithium to bypass the timers and you are further time gating and further monetizing the system. The Research Training project already rewards exactly half as much as running standard crafting assignments. With the perception that crafting is unattainable, or simply a "blatant cash grab", you are actually losing out on potential profits that the system could provide.

      • If most players believe that they cannot reasonably get to a level where they can craft useable items, they won't consider spending dilithium to advance.
      • If most players believe that they cannot reasonably get to a level where they can craft useable items, they also won't see the need for crafting doffs.
      • If most players do not see the need for crafting doffs, they will not prioritize purchasing Master Keys and opening lock boxes for the purpose of crafting doffs.
      • If most players do not see the need for crafting doffs, they will not need doff Roster space for crafting doffs.
      • If most players believe that they cannot reasonably get to a level where they can craft useable items, they won't actually bother to level their Crafting Schools.
      • If most players do not bother to level their Crafting Schools, they will not get to the point of spending dilithium on Very Rare components.
      • If most players do not bother to level their Crafting Schools, they will not get to the point of needing Very Rare materials for Very Rare components.
      • If most players do not need Very Rare materials, they do not need to purchase the C-Store materials pack for Very Rare materials.
      • If most players do not need Very Rare materials, they do not need to run less populated queued missions for a chance at Very Rare materials.

      The general gist of it is... time-gating as heavily as the current system does is hurting your bottom line and negating your attempts to get players back into the less popular queued missions. Please do not implement this change, or revert the change to allow running multiples of the Research Training project if it cannot be removed from the Patch. You are trying to make money off of the crafting revamp, which is fair, but this really does look like... well...
      sunfrancks wrote: »
      You cannot make this stuff up! :rolleyes:

      Both feet, with a shotgun, not even funny..

      That quote shouldn't be valid feedback, but sadly... it is.

      ...sums up my thoughts on the subject. I'm pretty sure limiting the Research Training projects is wrong, while I was merely incorrect.
      meimeitoo wrote: »
      I do not like Geko ether.
      iconians wrote: »
      With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
    • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      Well, having spent some time with, I have to agree. The new user interface is clunky and downright unsightly. Also, the auto-select of doffs needs an option to be turned off. Furthermore, I miss the department heads... while purely cosmetic, it did enhance the feel that my bridge officers were in fact just that, not just pets I take down with me to planets to shoot things.
    • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      Another idea for the UI, a way to "favorite" certain missions so they're highlighted above and beyond the current color coding for rarity.
    • alexvio1alexvio1 Member Posts: 389 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      I hate this UI so I don't need any improvements in it.
    • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      Well, having spent some time with, I have to agree. The new user interface is clunky and downright unsightly. Also, the auto-select of doffs needs an option to be turned off. Furthermore, I miss the department heads... while purely cosmetic, it did enhance the feel that my bridge officers were in fact just that, not just pets I take down with me to planets to shoot things.
      Department head missions are still there - I just slotted a bunch last night. Sure, you can't use them in the clusters anymore, but that's a separate issue.

      The only problem I have with the auto-select is that when you go to change the pre-selected doff, that doff (and any other pre-selects) are in your list, which takes some getting used to. At least now, should you choose to use the auto-selects, they're somewhat reasonable when compared to the old UI.

      For me, I don't mind the new UI. Once this patch adds back sorting, it should be fine. But then, I'm not resistant to change. Resilient must be on my doff roster entry ... ;)
      "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
      --Red Annorax
    • seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      Since Al asked for specific feedback on the ui, the slider for needed items/doffs needs to be worked on, for some reason i have problems clicking on it.

      Question for the devs, do we still have the same number of doff missions available at any one time? Before the change i could fill up my queu twice a day and almost never go to the department heads if i did not want to, now its necessary, and even then i can have a hard time filling the list.
      New home of the Romulan Republic.
      I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
      I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
      I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
    • thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      My feedback after the 7/21 patches on Tribble:

      The officer selection windows is still TOO SMALL. The officer selection needs to take place in the existing doff windows (like it did before this "upgrade"), not a new pop-up screen that that only shows 5 officers. I have hundreds of officers, that good is looking at 5 supposed to do? It also needs to sort by department by default.

      TOO SMALL! ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/DOFF_TOO_SMALL_zps2455e7ec.jpg

      I've been here since beta
    • thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      Feedback after 7/22 Holodeck patch:

      -The officer selection screen is too small.
      Example photo ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/DOFF_TOO_SMALL_zps2455e7ec.jpg
      Ideally the officer selection should not be a separate pop-up, it should be in the existing DOFF window, like it used to be. IF it is not possible to have the officer selection take place in the existing window and the section pop-up window is made resizable then IT MUST remember the size a user makes it and IT MUST remain that size indefinitely. We don't want to be having to resize the selection window every single time it pops up.

      -The officer selection window is still showing officers already assigned to the project. Once an officer is assigned to the project it should not still be showing up as available in the selection window.

      -The auto selection algorithm is selecting officers for assignments that do not match the success criteria for that assignment. One example is "Assist With Demolitions for Dilitium Mining". For success focus with no chance of disaster you want explosive expert officers but the system is suggesting other officers with higher disaster chances even though I have proper ones to use. Granted, the auto selected officers give a higher crit, but should the system not also take disaster chance into account and try to minimize it?
      See example photos below:
      Auto doff selection ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/doff_before_zps0830422f.jpg
      Manual doff selection ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/doff_after_zps1a14f959.jpg

      *Edit #1 - Additional issues found:

      -When manually selecting officers for a mission once rarity check boxes are unchecked they need to stay unchecked. Currently all the rarity boxes are checked every time the selection window pops up, it should remember our previous settings and keep them until either we launch the mission or close out of the doff assignments window.

      *Edit #2 - Additional issues found:

      -The check boxes for rarity appear to be "laggy". I find that I'm having to click on the same box several times to get it to un-check.

      I've been here since beta
    • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      My feedback after the 7/21 patches on Tribble:

      The officer selection windows is still TOO SMALL. The officer selection needs to take place in the existing doff windows (like it did before this "upgrade"), not a new pop-up screen that that only shows 5 officers. I have hundreds of officers, that good is looking at 5 supposed to do? It also needs to sort by department by default.

      TOO SMALL! ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/DOFF_TOO_SMALL_zps2455e7ec.jpg

      Umm, I have a fear if they make it larger, it will fill my whole screen and not be resizable.

      It needs to get resizable. My 1366x768 screen is already filled with so much useless UI I definitely don't want more of it.

      What I highlighted in green would be great and help me tremendously.

      The bigger problems currently are all the checked boxes of doff professions and the reset of filters at every doff slot.

      In other words, the new Doff UI is still useless compared with the old one.
      TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
      Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
      Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

      Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
    • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      The doff selection window absolutely needs to be resizable. That should have already been put in with the previous window.

      There also needs to be a way to "select none" and "select all" for the specialization options. If I want to look for a specific specialization, it's a pain in the TRIBBLE to have to deselect so many other specializations to start narrowing things down.

      At the very least, it needs to remember your last selection when doing the same mission. I want a doff with x/y trait and z specialization for this mission, only show me the doffs that match this criteria.

      Also the list needs to be broken up into categories again. Being able to deselect all Tactical doffs would go a long way toward returning it to how it used to be.
    • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      -The auto selection algorithm is selecting officers for assignments that do not match the success criteria for that assignment. One example is "Assist With Demolitions for Dilitium Mining". For success focus with no chance of disaster you want explosive expert officers but the system is suggesting other officers with higher disaster chances even though I have proper ones to use. Granted, the auto selected officers give a higher crit, but should the system not also take disaster chance into account and try to minimize it?
      See example photos below:
      Auto doff selection ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/doff_before_zps0830422f.jpg
      Manual doff selection ---> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/WTF/doff_after_zps1a14f959.jpg

      Another option would be to make it so you can choose your priority. That way people who want to focus on critical successes can accept higher risks while other players can play it safer.
    • thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      toiva wrote: »
      Umm, I have a fear if they make it larger, it will fill my whole screen and not be resizable.

      It needs to get resizable. My 1366x768 screen is already filled with so much useless UI I definitely don't want more of it.

      This is why I feel that the manual officer selection needs to take place in the existing window, not in an additional pop-up window like it does now. In the original DOFF system manual selecting officers happened in the same window, there is no reason it needs to be in a new window.

      Secondly, I fear that if they make it resizable, rather than just making it larger, then every time the selection window pops up it is going to be small be default and every single time I assign and officer I am going to have to first take the time to enlarge the pop-up window. If the selection windows is make to be resizable IT MUST remember the size a user makes it and IT MUST remain that size indefinitely.

      I've been here since beta
    • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
      edited July 2014
      One positive from the new sorting interface is that it highlights traits and specializations needed for a mission.

      Also, it still doesn't filter out doffs that you've already selected for a mission.
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