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RE: Duty Officer UI



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    thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I have never felt so strongly opposed to a change in STO as I do this awful new DOFF UI. We are not children, put the old UI back and stop treating us like we are!

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game, probably over a thousand at this point. I love to DOFF, you have taken that away from me. You are not getting another penny from me until you fix this massive mistake you call an "upgrade"!

    Definition of the new DOFF UI ----> http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/thomasp94/Star%20Trek%20Online/STO_DOFF_SUCKS_zps38f6ba0d.jpg

    I've been here since beta
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Devs have proven in the past that they are capable of making good UIs though.

    The current Character Creator is a fantastic improvement over the old one. Also, I really like the current power tray, compared to the all red/all blue one with smaller buttons that we had before.

    There were some UIs that needed work, like the injury repair screen, some redundant fleet tab options, and the social menu. But the doffing one was fine as it was.
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    vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Congratulations Cryptic, you've gone from an hour or two to cycle doff missions on my 9 toons to a little over FIVE HOURS TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING WITH YOUR NEW UI.

    There's your feedback, now get that Fisher Price TRIBBLE OFF the server. This "new" UI has no business existing at all. Less information, less functionality, unwieldy size, strike three, it's OUTTA HERE.
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    havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    the ui change seems entirely superficial, otherwise it functions the same as before. its easier to access department assignments, and its nice to still have the exploration clusters on the sector map.

    things that bother me the most would be that active assignments are sorted in start order, not chronologically. by finish time.

    its tough to scroll rewards/reqs which is surprising considering how clumsy big the Ui is now.

    cursor. memory, so I don't have to drill down through the menu trees to get back to where I just was.

    r&d would be nice if components were there own category, so you don't have clutter being repeated everywhere.
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    somenewnoob1somenewnoob1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Doffing was pretty much the only reason I came back to STO after taking an extended break.
    The new UI is such a complete an utter disaster that I think it's time for another extended break!

    Maybe your "Windows 9" will be out by the time I come back next time.
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    bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2014
    I like the new DOFF UI. It's a nice distraction from the Xindi powercreep.

    (Yeah, combat me bro!)
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
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    sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Devs have proven in the past that they are capable of making good UIs though.

    The current Character Creator is a fantastic improvement over the old one. Also, I really like the current power tray, compared to the all red/all blue one with smaller buttons that we had before.

    There were some UIs that needed work, like the injury repair screen, some redundant fleet tab options, and the social menu. But the doffing one was fine as it was.

    Exactly, the changes you first mention were a good improvement on what we had originally. So hats off to them on that one. But the new UI to the doffing interface is just plain nasty. Why they couldn't have implemented the other changes behind the scenes and kept the original UI in place I'll never know. And as for looking into making things better, if they hadn't have messed with it in the first place then they wouldn't need to be looking into fixing the damn thing, now they've wrecked it. Hopefully if enough people chip and make their frustration known on how poor this UI actually is then cryptic will see some sense and instate the old one.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

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    jpanamajpanama Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Just wanted to say that I NEVER post to the forums, but felt it was necessary to post now. The new Doff UI is unusable. The idea of of having to choose a doff WITHOUT being able to filter the characteristics is insane.

    As an example - the "Officer Exchange" assignements. I would NEVER want to exchange a purple Doff - perhaps a white or a green - but in this new set up, if I try to switch out the doff, I have to look through a list of 500 officers to try and find the one I want to use. There is no ability to filter on the list. How did Cryptic believe that by taking options away - such as removing the ability to sort on Quality or Characteristics was going to make this an easier game? I can understand putting the "best" doffs in the slots - but why cripple my ability to choose?

    There is something the developers/designers at Cryptic should learn that most software companies have learned... NEVER take features away. You can improve them, provide more options, hide them from newbies, but NEVER take them away.

    If anything - I would like to see the feature to sort on doffs that are locked as well. The exchange assignements allow you to use a locked officer (which you cannot sell). This would allow you to gamble for aquiring an officer that you could sell on the exchange.

    Perhaps a way to spend some dilithium to unlock doffs might also be useful. 100 for white, 200 for green, 500 for blue and 1000 for purple. This allows for "some" profit on the exchange.
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    stoodoggstoodogg Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    change it back :(
    Panel member, Tribbles In Ecstasy
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    galadimangaladiman Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    No, it does not.

    Previously, you always had to select an assignment first to see specifics. Now you see more about the visible assignemts on your first glance.

    100% disagree. More stuff is 'on the screen'... but LESS actual Useful Information is VISIBLE.

    eg. Indistinguishable pictures of symbols designating officers required are there. ZERO added value.

    A gigantic set of bars denoting success percentages where a small pie chart was there before. ZERO added value. (could have put the '' information as rollovers on the pie chart sections, or just colored 's to the side or below the pie chart (or a small bar chart) with minimal UI impact.)

    Indistingushable rewards graphics. ZERO added value.

    A ton more comments here: http://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/2b0jro/s95_doff_ui/

    It's just... slow, difficult, and unintuitive.
    Please reconsider ARC. Please make it optional, at the least. PLEASE.
    It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
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    architect13architect13 Member Posts: 1,076 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    vawlkus wrote: »
    Congratulations Cryptic, you've gone from an hour or two to cycle doff missions on my 9 toons to a little over FIVE HOURS TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING WITH YOUR NEW UI.


    Conspiracy theory warning

    The new UI is so bad it is time gating doff missions. The players have gotten very efficient at doffing- using alts, doff channels . . . Why do you think they got rid of bridge invites for the colonization chains? The players were running them too fast, too many free rare/very rare doffs.
    Have you tried the new forum on your phone?
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Going to repost some of my feedback here:

    - Manual DOFF selection is pretty bad. Won't argue about that. They need to build in some advanced sorting and filtering. And auto-selecting purples for death assignments is not cool.

    - Assignment requirements appear in this little ribbon that can scroll off to the side and get hidden. I discovered (by accident) that this ribbon actually does scroll. But it's not obvious and it's not intuitive to mouse users. There ought to be visible arrows that make it clear it's a side-scroll. They need that even if they're building the interface with touch screens in mind.

    Other than that, so far I'm okay with the update and pleasantly surprised it's not the total disaster some are making it out to be.

    I won't repeat my crafting feedback here. Just focusing on the DOFF UI.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Going to repost some of my feedback here:

    - Manual DOFF selection is pretty bad. Won't argue about that. They need to build in some advanced sorting and filtering. And auto-selecting purples for death assignments is not cool.

    - Assignment requirements appear in this little ribbon that can scroll off to the side and get hidden. I discovered (by accident) that this ribbon actually does scroll. But it's not obvious and it's not intuitive to mouse users. There ought to be visible arrows that make it clear it's a side-scroll. They need that even if they're building the interface with touch screens in mind.

    Other than that, so far I'm okay with the update and pleasantly surprised it's not the total disaster some are making it out to be.

    I won't repeat my crafting feedback here. Just focusing on the DOFF UI.

    I still don't think it's a good thing.

    I started during my Tier 4 Doffs and half of them will be complete by next week and hopefully the last week after.

    With the new system I'm not doing the crafting system for four of my characters. Due to the whole reputation system change with traits, I only completed the reputartion system for one character(all of them) and only during the main ones for the other characters. I refuse to do the Undine. Since, exploration is now taking out the game. That's something I'm not doing.

    My gameplay is only related the fleets I'm in, finishing the Doffs, and Borg STF's. I did not do the Winter events, Summer Events, and other grind fest stuff Cryptic added after LOR.

    I wonder if Cryptic calls that improvement and obviously no money going come from me to Cryptic.
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    vaklovaklo Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    galadiman wrote: »
    100% disagree. More stuff is 'on the screen'... but LESS actual Useful Information is VISIBLE.

    eg. Indistinguishable pictures of symbols designating officers required are there. ZERO added value.

    A gigantic set of bars denoting success percentages where a small pie chart was there before. ZERO added value. (could have put the '' information as rollovers on the pie chart sections, or just colored 's to the side or below the pie chart (or a small bar chart) with minimal UI impact.)

    Indistingushable rewards graphics. ZERO added value.

    A ton more comments here: http://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/2b0jro/s95_doff_ui/

    It's just... slow, difficult, and unintuitive.

    I agree. The pie chart was better. The old interface was better. Please go back to the old way. Also, there is far too few missions on the same screen because each items is so large. Get at least twice as many items on one page.
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Since doffing was 90% of what I did in STO - they have almost removed me from the game with these new changes.

    The new UI is extremely hard to transition to - it just too much clutter - too much un-needed info.


    for 10 min to slot 22 doff missions to 45min+ IS NOT COOL CRYPTIC!!:(

    The system was not broken - so you needed to break it - what - for fun??
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    arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    * The desire for the UI to be tablet/Mobile-friendly, e.g. gateway
    i really doubt that's the case, unless they're planning to downscale the engine graphics a whole lot and port the game to tablets.

    gateway wouldn't need any gui changes in the client, all it does is sending and receiving data from the server using its own most likely php based gui.

    unless they're planning to turn gateway into some kind of an emulator that runs the client in the background and displays pieces of it in itself, it wouldn't need any changes at all.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Going to repost some of my feedback here:

    - Manual DOFF selection is pretty bad. Won't argue about that. They need to build in some advanced sorting and filtering. And auto-selecting purples for death assignments is not cool.

    - Assignment requirements appear in this little ribbon that can scroll off to the side and get hidden. I discovered (by accident) that this ribbon actually does scroll. But it's not obvious and it's not intuitive to mouse users. There ought to be visible arrows that make it clear it's a side-scroll. They need that even if they're building the interface with touch screens in mind.

    Other than that, so far I'm okay with the update and pleasantly surprised it's not the total disaster some are making it out to be.

    I won't repeat my crafting feedback here. Just focusing on the DOFF UI.

    On mac scrolling sideways is less then reliable. Most of the time it wiggles the whole Doff window left and right. Hiding input requirements surely makes the whole UI a lot more beginner friendly.
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Just repeating one point since there are so many threads....

    My biggest issue is that ist just tooo freaking big. I used to be able to open the interface and see ALL the assignments. So I could quickly get Colonial or trade or what ever and then go the Dept Head menu if none were available.

    Now its a scroll fest. I see a couple of missions and scroll. Couple more and scroll. Scroll. Scroll Scroll. And I have a big monitor. So there is no reason I should be able to see all at once.

    Often the "header" isn't easily visible so then I have to scroll some more... are these espionage or Military. Lets scroll some more to find out.

    Scroll, Scroll, Scroll and more scroll.

    What once took me all of 30 secs now takes about 5 minutes

    (oh and the lack of a BACK button)
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Going to repost some of my feedback here:

    - Manual DOFF selection is pretty bad. Won't argue about that. They need to build in some advanced sorting and filtering. And auto-selecting purples for death assignments is not cool.

    - Assignment requirements appear in this little ribbon that can scroll off to the side and get hidden. I discovered (by accident) that this ribbon actually does scroll. But it's not obvious and it's not intuitive to mouse users. There ought to be visible arrows that make it clear it's a side-scroll. They need that even if they're building the interface with touch screens in mind.

    Other than that, so far I'm okay with the update and pleasantly surprised it's not the total disaster some are making it out to be.

    I won't repeat my crafting feedback here. Just focusing on the DOFF UI.

    for the amount of space the items take up, THERE IS NO REASON anything should be truncated and require a side scroll.

    That is simply poor design. Poor design. Just tweaking the size would make everything fit. To me ot seems more like something an IT person would do rather than an actual designer.
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    kragg13kragg13 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Just awful. I was considering quitting after the last update...decided to hang around in the hopes things would get fixed. My mistake. Won't happen again. After seeing the mess that is the new DOFF UI I'm hanging up my uniform.

    Instead of fixing things that aren't broken,why not take care of technical glitches in the actual gameplay? The old UI was just fine and if a person couldn't figure it out, maybe this wasn't the game for them anyway. You've seen the last of my money,won't be spending another cent on this game or any of the others I used to play but now won't. Best of luck to all and happy gaming!
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    policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    kragg13 wrote: »
    Just awful. I was considering quitting after the last update...decided to hang around in the hopes things would get fixed. My mistake. Won't happen again. After seeing the mess that is the new DOFF UI I'm hanging up my uniform.

    Instead of fixing things that aren't broken,why not take care of technical glitches in the actual gameplay? The old UI was just fine and if a person couldn't figure it out, maybe this wasn't the game for them anyway. You've seen the last of my money,won't be spending another cent on this game or any of the others I used to play but now won't. Best of luck to all and happy gaming!

    They wasted efforts and time and probably money designind a new ESD that was completely unnecessary, and they could just invested those efforts fixing the most annoying bugs in-game, now they design a terrible new doff ui because they want to, even if all the player base dont, instead of investing those efforts fixing bugs, i now how you feel. But this is cryptic, dont find any reasonable explanation. Just play the game.. :P i stoped paying money for this game time ago... i guess i have less patience than you do lol.
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    thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    To me ot seems more like something an IT person would do rather than an actual designer.

    As an "IT Person", I would never make something this shoddy. :)

    I've been here since beta
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    the side scroll bar also BARELY works. If you don't click in the proper spot you end up moving the window and not the slider.

    So everything is needlessly big but the bar you need to side scroll.

    I have a set of officers I use daily for marauding assignements. I have the exact amount I need to fill all "Attack TRIBBLE Freighter". Now many of those don't even show up as an option.

    Some missions now seem to require the specific officer, ie you MUST use Energy Weapons officer and not Projectile while others take anyone.
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And really.. is it so hard to add a BACK button to all the screens we are forced to open....
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    gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    What's the problem with the new DOFF UI? Why are some people upset? I mean when I first looked at it and fiddled with it, I hated it, but after playing with it for a bit, I'm used to it now, and it seems fine to me. Whatever algorithm they're using is much better than the "suggestions" you used to get (I've been checking, I can't ever find anyone better to slot other than the suggested DOFFs).

    I guess it feels a bit more mechanistic - you just click through now. Is that it? Maybe it feels a bit less proactive?
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    policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    gurugeorge wrote: »
    What's the problem with the new DOFF UI? Why are some people upset? I mean when I first looked at it and fiddled with it, I hated it, but after playing with it for a bit, I'm used to it now, and it seems fine to me. Whatever algorithm they're using is much better than the "suggestions" you used to get (I've been checking, I can't ever find anyone better to slot other than the suggested DOFFs).

    I guess it feels a bit more mechanistic - you just click through now. Is that it? Maybe it feels a bit less proactive?

    If by now, after enumerating ALL the problems the new doff system could carry on several posts, you dont know what is the problem... then.. you maybe started doing doffing 1 day ago, or you are really really noob... its not about being "used" to it, its about being practical, fast and well-made. The old system was perfect, in every aspect, now you have a new system that lacks functionallity in every step of the way. Why cryptic keep feeling the "need" of replacing things with unpractical revamps, i will never understand, not me , not every reasonable person on these forums.
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    gurugeorge wrote: »
    I can't ever find anyone better to slot other than the suggested DOFFs).

    lol... that's one of the problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know I have better because Ive done the mission everyday or every few days for 3 years. There is no rhyme or reason as to the choices you are provided
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    thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    UI Artist Thomas the Cryptic Cat will be on Priority One Podcast this evening!
    Ask questions here: https://www.facebook.com/PriorityOnePodcast/posts/572513262858075

    I've been here since beta
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    kwyjenkwyjen Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Please switch the doffing back to the previous way it looked. I absolutely hate the new interface. I hate I have to scroll thru 100's of doffs to find what I want to use. I don't necessarily want to use the doffs it recommends, as anyone that does doffing knows, sometimes by changing the doff combinations will increase your crit chance.
    It is just mind numbing all the extra stuff you have to do compared to the previous version. Also a BIG PAIN :mad: the extra materials you have to have to do particular missions that did not require so many or such a wide variety of items to even start a mission. Guys try and power up an alien artifact now and you will see what I mean.
    We now will have to spend all our time searching for commodities just to do simple doff missions, it has basically gotten to the point , I don't even want to bother with doffing anymore.
    Sometimes if things aren't broken, they don't need fixing. Doffing "was" something that wasn't broken but now is.. Please switch it back... :(
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