Hailing all Captains!
Introducing the Odyssey and Bortasqu' uniforms, the latest options available to Captains! UI Artist
Thomas "TheCrypticCat" Marrone showcases the latest fashion to hit Star Trek Online in our latest entry of the
Season 9 News Dev Blog series.
Link to the blog.~LaughingTrendy
I like it, although that fed logo belt is uber tacky on the last pic. No tacky belt buckles in the future, please.
I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
However, I'd really like to have another option for the Odyssey Tactical Uniform pants. I'd much prefer "loose knee-high" pants with a similar style. I really want to use this extra-armored version of the uniform, but I'd rather not see my away team running around in tights. I'm not saying you should get rid of it, but another option would be nice.
Also, can Federation players PLEASE have access to the Bortasqu' Uniform for our Diplomacy Tier IV reward Bridge Officer? I'm out of ideas for a decent uniform without those pieces.
Finally free skirts and non-spiky boot options for KDF females!
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And thank goodness the haphazardly dressed Starfleet NPCs will be more standardized now! This is a welcome change.
A quick question, though -- I've read that the Odyssey template will be available as a choice from that initial drop-down menu in the tailor. Will the enlisted color scheme variant also be a template? Not essential, but it might be a nice touch.
As for the changes - it is very nice to see the hodpodge of NPC uniforms standardised. The tipping point for me was seeing a Vulcan Admiral NPC on New Romulus using the Season 1 TNG Uniform. I'm glad that you have been able to put in place a standard uniform design for NPCs - kudos to you for going back and updating NPCs/missions, etc - you didn't have to do this, but did anyway.
The design itself is also nice - it is relatively sleek and simple - not over the top like some people go with their uniforms. It actually reminds me of the shows - being inspired by them, without being a complete copy.
*Thumbs up*
Please note, since this is a text based method of communication, I'm not being sarcastic. I really would like more dev blogs like that that say things like here is how you do this, or this is how our artists got this look, or maybe a guest blog from someone to tel how they made something creative in the character generator or the tailor, ship or character.
Also, thanks for the KDF skirt, I was missing the option the other day on one of my newer characters.
Nouveau riche LTS member
I love the variety of both uniform sets. My only request would be an open jacket via the C-Store. I want to invest in the flexibility of these uniforms for all my characters, and am happy to pay for account unlocks to do even more with them.
I agree with this! If the same could be done for the KDF Marauding Officers too, it would be great!
Does this mean the KDF Diplomatic reward BoFF and Romulan Borg lobi BoFF will FINALLY have their uniform options fixed?? O.O
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
New Odyssey uniforms are neat, but I'm especially happy about new KDF Bortasqu additions, even though I should say "about time".
Is it bad that I'm more excited for this than the crafting update?
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And I'll finally get my Bortasqu' collar and shoulderpads. Been waiting for those since the manequins at the Starbase. The new Odyssey uniforms look interestnig, I find the tactcal appealing and the other reminds me of the Khan era unforms.
All in all this is a very positive and wellcomed change, especially for standardizing the uniforms on the Federation side. Hope our ship crew be next in line for the Oddy uniform remake.
I can confirm that, on Tribble, my FED captain's Diplomacy BOff (Gorn Engineer) has access to the freely available Bortasqu' uniforms, and the veteran rewards he is entitled to.
Would be nice if unlocking the Odyssey fleet uniforms would grant access to the Bortasqu' fleet ones for him though...
Only thing i don't like: The Belt ("Jupiter Veteran") for the Flag Officer variant seems to be a Veteran reward? Great looking uniform, but without that belt it loses some of its good looks. Go include it into the paid variants or something.
One question though, is the odyssey uniform being removed from the Starbase?
If so, will it be replaced with anything fleet specific?
This is explained in the dev blog.
As to the Bortasqu uniforms - I hate to be blunt, but it's about damn time. Next thing you know, the Marauding Boff will get fixed too. Still nothing for Romulans though? I am disappointed.
Starfleet Academy Skirt is best match.