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Why I deleted all my Rom Chars

beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Romulan Discussion
It's been a year and while there have been some improvements there's a few things why I won't play another until they're fixed.

1) More ship options for 1-30 that can be bought with your promotion token. Probably seems a bit whinny since we get option to buy the allied ships BUT it would be nice if our flotilla wasn't identifyable by the type of ship most are flying other than Cstore ones.

2) BOFF recruitment/exchange options. The rareity of the BOFF recruitment is insane compared to the other 2 factions and in fact my KDF alligned chars got a ton more Gorn and Naus recruitment missions that all other BOFF recruitment's combined. Last I looked the ROM/REM BOFFS were locked to the faction recruited under which really made for some broken BOFFS if you purchased them on the Exchange. The problem being you couldn't tell WHAT faction they were though. So you buy a Rom BOFF and you're Fed then find out AFTER bought they only have KDF faction options. Got really frustrating and I gave up on my hope for having an all Reman and an all Romulan char crew.

3) With number 2, it's been said many times many ways. Tovan needs to go. KDF and FED have gotten new BOFF sets. BUT unlike Tovan all other's can be dismissed as needed and wanted.

I like to run my crews with the same races. I've got all Andorian crews. All Orion Crews. I really really wanted to do an all reman crew. Thanks to the way the exchange and how Tovan just won't go away even when you remove him from any station DOFF and BOFF he still shows up on your bridge when you go there is just plain intrusive. I get why he needs to be in game but make him a mission contact like Alexander (On a side note was I the only one mad they killed him off?) that way he can still intrude when needed for the story lines but you can get rid of him from the crew.

Because of these things the Romulan option still feels like a red headed step child and no longer interests me. So I'll stick with my KDF and Fed chars I've come to enjoy again.
Post edited by beritpandion on


  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    arnt you overeating a bit?

    1. yes more would be nice but the its not like the ships u can get are awful each one is a good fit for the romulans its only the tier 4 ships that im not fond of but even some are quite good.

    2. yes i agree with you that they are ridiculously hard to get and this is one point i do think cryptic need to address, as i i said in a thread i made it would be better if you could requite romulans in sectors controlled by the empire like the alpha centari sector and what not.

    3. this isnt the end of the world i mean do u really use EVERY bridge officer slot? I did on my first character and soon realized that there were about 3 that wernt assigned to my ship and i almost never took away on ground missions, most of my toons have BO that stay on the ship and come with me on away missions and for the most part there normally all different and not all my BO slots are used. My point is so u cant get rid of him then just dont assign him to anything and leave him to rot in a slot, after u are done with most of the romulans missions he shuts p anyway.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    3. this isnt the end of the world i mean do u really use EVERY bridge officer slot? I did on my first character and soon realized that there were about 3 that wernt assigned to my ship and i almost never took away on ground missions, most of my toons have BO that stay on the ship and come with me on away missions and for the most part there normally all different and not all my BO slots are used. My point is so u cant get rid of him then just dont assign him to anything and leave him to rot in a slot, after u are done with most of the romulans missions he shuts p anyway.
    It's not about bridge officer slots to some people.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1) Agreed, our fleet is rather limited. If you don't want an escort, the choices are few and lacking. 20+ escorts, 4 cruisers and 2 science ships make up the fleet. 0 carriers.

    2) You have to land on new rom (or visit ds9, or both) if you want the BO recruit missions. I was getting plenty until this season, and all of a sudden its super rare now. But I have 3 full rom crews and 4 purchased big ticket ships (all from spare roms, and those the SRO ones so another sackful were discarded due to junky passives) that say it was not "that" rare over the last 10 months. It does help to have multiple roms to recruit them, but given that all 3 of mine have full crews + extras, its not necessary, one rom should be able to earn 1 SRO crew over a few months.

    3) Agreed, but its probably in the works as a low priority fix. He is not bad until you can get a SRO replacement.

    Seems kind of odd to delete over these issues though. Rom is a new faction -- ships will be added, and the tovan bug/issue will probably be fixed someday. Officers take time or serious $$ but so does everything else related to building a character for maxed out power. Hopefully the rom recruitment will be less rare going forward... if they stealth nerfed the frequency (opposed to just luck/bad luck) they need to look into that...
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1.) While I'm not really caring about the the lower rank ships, the lvl 40 section is where many of the F2P people stop buying ships but this section is almost empty for romulans.
    Only 3 standard Ships!:mad:
    I know there are all the mirror versions now and the rip-off-box ships now but this is still a joke. One of the reasons I got LTS last year is because I get 1 free T5 ship per toon and the daeinos-destroyer.

    2.) I noticed it too. As fed you get flooded with high quality boffs but you rarely see a romulan or even reman boff recruitment mission.

    3.) While I personally don't really mind him (thanks to all the LTS BO slots ;)) I can see why people hate him. Cryptic allowing us to give him the boot would probably go down in history as best moment in STO.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1.) While I'm not really caring about the the lower rank ships, the lvl 40 section is where many of the F2P people stop buying ships but this section is almost empty for romulans.
    Only 3 standard Ships!:mad:
    I know there are all the mirror versions now and the rip-off-box ships now but this is still a joke. One of the reasons I got LTS last year is because I get 1 free T5 ship per toon and the daeinos-destroyer.

    2.) I noticed it too. As fed you get flooded with high quality boffs but you rarely see a romulan or even reman boff recruitment mission.

    A lot of F2P people work hard to earn dil2zen for a good ship or EC for a box ship. Box ships are not a rip-off, they are extremely good and well worth the EC. Keys / box gambling is a rip-off, of course, if all you want is the grand prize you will be disappointed a lot. There are several solid mirror ships for the free player, at a very low EC cost on the exchange. The free player has more than sufficient options. I was mad @ the fed side free t5 for LT ... talk about lame ships... kdf has the best LT "freebies".

    Um, what high quality BOs can you get as a fed? Most have the most idiotic passive traits, stuff like efficient instead of dps boosters. KDF has nauscissians, at least, but feds have a host of low quality officers at best, most of them 100% useless in space (a greenie is as good as a purple in space for most of the fed boff races).
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Good for the OP that this is simply a game...in real life he probably would have burned down his house, because he didn't like the colour of the couch.
    Go pro or go home
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1. Yeah, I would have to agree that there are not enough level 10 - 39 ships to choose from. I created a Science Romulan toon and I could not choose a science ship until I hit level 40 (Subadmiral I). Therefore, I didn't really begin to use any science abilities until that point. Because of that I am still trying to figure out the science track at max level.

    2. I have not even seen a mission to recruit fellow Romulans. Which Romulan sectors do these very rare Doff missions appear most common in? I would like to have a crew that is mostly Romulan, Reman and Vulcan.

    3. Tovan does not really both me, but I would like the ability to dismiss him after the all the story missions are completed if I wanted to.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    baudl wrote: »
    Good for the OP that this is simply a game...in real life he probably would have burned down his house, because he didn't like the colour of the couch.

    "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1) Even with all the time I spend logged in to the game while actually on the forums, watching TV, eating, out smoking, or whatever...looking at a "fresh" 40 toon shows a period of ~28 hours. Couldn't even begin to guess how much of that wasn't actually spent playing - have to figure more than half, but less than two thirds? Missions just don't take that long and they give a level each. There's also the simple matter of not actually starting at level one.

    So Cryptic should add more ships for ~25ish hours of play if that? Outside of trying to provide consoles and console set bonuses for level 50s...what would be the point? Oh sure, somebody could play half an hour a day and say that it took them a month or more to get to 50...but that's not actually how long it took them. That's how long they took. I could create a new toon and say it took me years to get to level 10 if I didn't do anything with the toon.

    Personally, I'm a fan of the journey game rather than the endgame - but this isn't one of those games. You can create a new toon on a Friday and be 50 come Monday. That's just the nature of the game.

    2) It's definitely something where they could expand the areas where they are available, but you're still going to be facing the randomization from the tables. They could do some weighting for certain areas, but you'd still be dealing with RNG. Cause you're not just hitting up tables for those missions with Romulans and Remans, you're hitting up those tables with the BOFF species for your allies as well.

    Wanting a Reman crew is going to be tougher than wanting a Romulan crew, cause there's no issue with having a Romulan crew. Every Romulan will have a Romulan crew...will they have SROs? No, but that's an entirely different matter than just species - and - it wouldn't matter with Remans anyway.

    But yeah, they could add Romulans and Remans to the tables for the following Blocks/Sectors: Psi Velorum, Iota Pavonis, and the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Block. Wouldn't mean that you're going to get DOFF missions for Remans all the time, since you'd still be subject to the tables - but in certain areas their should be some weighting done to increase the odds of Remans if that's what one wants.

    3) Would require a "technology fix" on their part, no? We already see Tovan both under the player's control and not under the player's control, right? Sometime he's your BOFF - sometimes he's a NPC. Even with the replay, sometimes he's just not part of your Away Team - but he's still there. There's not going to be getting rid of him in that way while playing those missions, but overall it suggests that the technology is there to handle having the ability to dismiss Tovan. I call it the Tovan Tax, personally - cause you basically end up having to buy 2 BOFF slots to cover the loss of that 6th BOFF slot and what it allows you to do. Paid it on Willard and have been putting off paying it on R'ebel until I get him to 50...which of course has meant that I started to drag butt on leveling R'ebel once I started thinking about that.

    Though, honestly - regarding #3...it was a trip having to go to my ready room for one of the missions while leveling (I never go inside my ship unless a mission requires it)...and...sitting there in one of the chairs was a Bolian Sci, wearing his nifty Starfleet uniform. The game wouldn't let me shoot him...which sucked, R'ebel being KDF-aligned and all. Even if you had all Remans for your BOFFs, the ship crew thing is so goofed - who knows what you'd end up with there anyway.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It is a trip, with #2...

    So there am I, on New Romulus Command, and I hit up the Personal Assignments.

    Evaluate Gorn Tactical Bridge Officer Applicant

    So, I run all around NRC and I see...how many Gorn there?

    ...it's definitely something where weighting should come into play.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    1. Yeah, I would have to agree that there are not enough level 10 - 39 ships to choose from. I created a Science Romulan toon and I could not choose a science ship until I hit level 40 (Subadmiral I). Therefore, I didn't really begin to use any science abilities until that point. Because of that I am still trying to figure out the science track at max level.

    2. I have not even seen a mission to recruit fellow Romulans. Which Romulan sectors do these very rare Doff missions appear most common in? I would like to have a crew that is mostly Romulan, Reman and Vulcan.

    3. Tovan does not really both me, but I would like the ability to dismiss him after the all the story missions are completed if I wanted to.

    2) New rom, about once a every 2 weeks, should give you a mission to get a rom BO candidate. Reman is "very rare", and is more like about once every 3 months. I think I have a blue reman poked away ... probably kdf aligned ... useless but it looks like palpatine at his most cranky so I kept it.
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    baudl wrote: »
    Good for the OP that this is simply a game...in real life he probably would have burned down his house, because he didn't like the colour of the couch.

    I'm a bit surprised there was only 1 comment like this. Guess maybe most like me are more interested in looking at and commenting on actual issues and not making it about the problems of the person.

    As I said it was a cumulative effect of things with the Romulan faction not a single aspect.

    The BOFF situation was probably the biggest issue even excluding Tovan. The hybrid idea was great in theory and overall for char's it's not bad but it does have a few issues for BOFFS especially if you're willing to buy BOFFS and can't tell what faction they are until after you pay and add them to your crew. That's a good waste of tons of EC (been there done that)

    As to the recrutment I camped a couple chars in New Rom Command and would log in fairly regularly over a few months and never got a rom or Rem recruitment (usually never more than a day between checking) so it was not worth it.

    Mainly it was just to put my feedback on the Romulan faction. /shrug Otherwise I'm happy over all with things in STO. I even broke down lately and got the Androian ship and few other things. So putting my money up for things. :)

    I just can't see right now doing any more for the Romulan side and that's mainly a personal opinion but it seems other's agree with me even if they don't go to the extreme like I did and delete the chars. It's a bit frustrating though since I did buy the Reman char but maybe sometime they'll fix the problems. :)
  • crappyturbocrappyturbo Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    For the most part I have no issue with most of the points you brought up I can take them or leave them but I agree that we should be allowed to get rid of Tovan if that means that we cannot replay the story missions then oh well I do not replay the story missions so that is not an issue to me

    One solution is to give us a free BOFF slot to replace the one that he claimed for his own.

    I like your forum handle. The books are great I have had to replace 2 of them because I broke the spines
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    For the most part I have no issue with most of the points you brought up I can take them or leave them but I agree that we should be allowed to get rid of Tovan if that means that we cannot replay the story missions then oh well I do not replay the story missions so that is not an issue to me

    One solution is to give us a free BOFF slot to replace the one that he claimed for his own.

    I like your forum handle. The books are great I have had to replace 2 of them because I broke the spines

    Thanks and I feel you I have to get them all again (mine got flooded out during a move :( )

    To me the easiest solution is make Tovan like Alexander or Ch'Gran where you can replace him with an other officer and they give his pop up messages instead.

    Like other's have said though I think someone has a thing for Tovan as he's the most intrusive char I've ever seen in STO and frankly he's getting to a Jar Jar level at this point.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tovan is the "baby" of someone high up in Cryptic/PWE .. .We will never be rid of him, because of that.

    As to your other points:

    Ships are pretty much disposable at lower levels, you rarely keep one for more thna a couple of hours ... I have the LoR Pack, so I get several low level C-Store ships, but quite frankly, I never use them! Apart from a couple of Consoles, and the ability to use a few variable skins on he ships, they aren't really an issue.

    BoFF's are an ongoing issue though ... The Recruitment Rate is pathetically low for Romulan BoFF's, and virtually non-existent for Reman BoFF's so that's problem number one.

    Also the "Vendor" on New Romulus should be the same as both of the others on ESD and Qo'noS, it should have at the least Romulan Candidates, Reman Candidates and Alien Candidates!

    The issue with BoFF's retaining their former captains "Alliance" is something that many players didn't even know, and I know that Cryptic has now seen this "bug" mentioned several times, so they can't say they aren't aware of it.

    Will they fix it? Probably not.

    Amusingly (and really pathetic and adolescent behavior) I and others have brought up these questions for consideration during Captain Smirks weekly Live Streams ... The best part is, that he has even answered several of my questions, but has pointedly ignored the ones IN THE SAME POST regarding anything to do with Romulan's or New Romulus.

    A mature person would say "I'm sorry I cant answer that part" but to ignore them completely? That is is juvenile and contemptible.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Tovan doesn't really bother me. Also... he's kinda required for the Nimbus missions because of his sister.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Each is to their own when it comes to their game time.

    To me I kept my Romulan, and its on of my top fun characters to play. It goes hand in hand with my Fed and KDF To round out my 3 I usually play.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Tovan doesn't really bother me. Also... he's kinda required for the Nimbus missions because of his sister.
    That's not actually true, non-Romulans can do those missions and rescue Tovan's sister, without having Tovan. In fact, due to the Vanishing Boff Bug, Tovan actually disappears all the time, and some random NPC just takes over his slot.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    There's different dialog for Romulans, and Tovan speaks to his sister.
    They had to make a variation for Fed and KDF players since Nimbus was open to all. However for a while, Tovan still showed up even for them. Was kinda annoying to hear Tovan's voice come from a female Andorian BOff though.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I like Tovan, but I agree he should be dismissible. And I'd love for it to be easier to get Reman boffs.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    That's not actually true, non-Romulans can do those missions and rescue Tovan's sister, without having Tovan. In fact, due to the Vanishing Boff Bug, Tovan actually disappears all the time, and some random NPC just takes over his slot.

    Actually, it'd be really cool if we could recruit Rinna as a boff, now that you mention it; I always wondered what we did with her after we rescued her from the Tal Shiar/Elachi exeriments. An Assignment Chain where you provide her with medical care, therapy and career training would be pretty cool, with her being the reward at the end. Maybe an Engineering or Science boff w/ Creative, Superior Mental Discipline, Basic Romulan Operative, and Subterfuge (or whatever Trait and tier distribution the devs allocate) available to all factions the way Embassy boffs are?

    As far as the rest for the OP...

    1) More 1-30 options would be nice, but as you said you can use your ally's ships at that tier as well. You technically have access to more ship options than either Starfleet or Klingon Defense Force captains at those same levels... though it would be nice if you could actually use the rank-up token on those options.

    2) Yeah, the rates for boff recruitment are pretty low... and you only seem to get allied-faction Alien recruitment (really, really rarely). I hate to say it, but that's part of why I always log out at New Romulus Command... so I can see if I have a shot at a decent boff. I wonder, has anyone maxed the doffing with their RRF characters and seen <CXP> Achievement: <Species> Bridge Officer Candidate (or whatever it's called) show up for RRF species? In any case, the extreme rarity of boff recruitment certainly makes your free boff candidate selection as you level more important...

    3) Yeah, or give all factions a bonus boff slot when they acquire their faction "superstar" boff... then you can keep the supporting cast without being shoehorned into using those boffs.

    As far as deleting the characters... eh, I'll keep mine. Once you hit 40 the 1-30 selection really is a moot point, and the rest is a minor inconvenience. Plus, you forget that in trade for the limitations you mentioned RRF characters get access to 11 doff recruitment assignments per cycle and better boff Traits when the assignments finally show up (if you're lucky in the quality/Trait roll); Efficient has little to no effect (as a boff Trait), and neither Leadership nor Pirate have Superior/Basic variants. D'Vex is pretty cool as a Ground boff, too, though like Efficient his Space Warfare Specialist really is a tiny bonus.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And why should we care about you deleting your Roms?
  • caediciuscaedicius Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    About Tovan's sister - I would say it would be very well "enough" if she could at least be won as Doff (did some others here also had the problem that they "should got" Hassan the Undying as reward since they did not kill him, but did not got him?) similar to Rai, the rare Biochemist which could recruited in Mining the Enemy...
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    woodwhity wrote: »
    And why should we care about you deleting your Roms?

    There is this thing called "entitlement" and the OP has plenty of it, plus a sense for dramatisation. If you don't get exactly what you want at a restaurant, you don't just go to a different one, no, you gotta burn it down!
    If you just say:"Meh, that restaurant sucks." nobody cares, but if you burn it down, you make it to the evening news.
    Go pro or go home
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    baudl wrote: »
    There is this thing called "entitlement" and the OP has plenty of it, plus a sense for dramatisation. If you don't get exactly what you want at a restaurant, you don't just go to a different one, no, you gotta burn it down!
    If you just say:"Meh, that restaurant sucks." nobody cares, but if you burn it down, you make it to the evening news.
    That's a little bit of an overly dramatic comparison, don't you think? A bit of irony I think considering you are accusing OP of being overly dramatic...

    If OP has an opinion, even a negative one-I think he/she doesn't deserve to be shouted down for merely holding a view which you don't share.

    Some people may feel 'entitled' to certain benefits which 'full' factions such as the KDF and Federation already have. They are not automatically wrong and these desires are not automatically unreasonable. You seem to be under the wrongful impression that any sense of entitlement=false sense of entitlement.

    Deleting characters is a perfectly reasonable response to becoming bored with a character. Same with uninstalling games-people do it all the time. Heck, there are people on the forums here that I have heard mention that they delete their characters when reach level 50- the end-game content just doesn't 'grab' them-It would be rather silly to accuse them of 'burning down the restaurant' then, and it is here too.
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    BOFF recruitment doesn't really bother me. I seem to get plenty enough BOFFs whilst levelling up. I happen to be fine with mix-raced crews. But I get why its an issue with other players who want things 'just so.' Though that being said, more Romulans and Remans to recruit would allow me to further tailor my crew.

    I play as a Romulan female and I accept Tovan, Veril, Satra and Hiven into my crew without any problems. I customize their appearances a bit to suit me but given the storyline it seems fitting to have a rag-tag crew of different races and backgrounds. When I ally with Starfleet I do recruit a human female Starfleet officer into my crew. We're allies so having a token human fits. ;) That being said I prefer a Romulan-dominant crew with only two or three aliens in it. Veril and the human do nicely.

    Its the same with my Starfleet and KDF characters. My Starfleet Captain is human and her crew is primarily human with the odd Vulcan, Caitian and Betazoid thrown in for good measure. My KDF Captain is Klingon and her crew is primarily Klingon with one Orion and one Gorn in it.

    My Romulan Captain is tactical so the warbirds fitted right into my design, I can't say I had any problems with the lack of ships except the time when the D'D was forced on lvl 30 players. (Though Cryptic fixed that, so thank you. ;) ) But I have a second low level science Romulan and the lack of science options is noticeable. A science ship for low levels and a couple more at VA would be nice. I know we have access to our allied ships but I play Romulan to be Romulan flying in Romulan ships.

    Tovan. Ahh, Tovan.

    Most of the time I don't mind him. He's a competent Tac officer so I accept him into my crew well enough, just like I did with Elisa Flores and K'Gan. I accept he's an important part of the storyline until the defence of new Romulus and just accept that its best to keep him both in my away team and in a bridge officer slot. A little re-skilling him and he serves well enough.

    However I admit the whole "Charva/Rinna" part of the storyline does really annoy me. Tovan gets especially whiny during that time and it gets on my nerves. Charva should have never existed, or at least she should have been The Captain's childhood friend or something. This is OUR story. NOT Tovan's. I don't give a TRIBBLE about Charva and I'm only content to search for Rinna as part of our normal missions. Casually asking "Seen Rinna?" To various npcs you encounter anyway is fine. Going on actual missions with the sole purpose of trying to find Rinna isn't. Regarding Charva I'd have been happy just to tell her to sod off and go about my business.

    Other than that, I don't really mind Tovan. I'd have appreciated an extra BOFF slot to accomadate him though. Its not fair to have to buy two more slots to work around him.

    But I don't play my Romulan much anymore. My reason is equally trivial but I won't serve D'Tan who is stupid enough to try to hold not on but two Dyson Spheres. The Republic can't even hold onto their own planet from the Elachi without Starfleet/KDF help, let alone two Dyson spheres. Besides the Jenolan sphere was found by Starfleet first over 40 years ago. Its theirs. Aggravating two allies that you rely on for survival itself is just.... foolish. I can't serve that idiot.
  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    dont know what your talking abouth i love my romulan toon and she rock the hell over her enemy's,if you dont like the rom ship in the game buy one from exchange dint try the batle cruiser but i have a destroyer and i love it ,would use it on a fed toon do but after all it's a tal shiar ship..would never trash my romulan caracter never...
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is the feedback forum for Romulan Gameplay.

    What I stated were my personal opinions (AKA Feedback) regarding Romulan gameplay. I had no entitlement feeling when I posted it or any other intentions other than giving my feedback in the correct forum regarding the faction play.There are enough other posts about Tovan specifically and other issues so I thought to sum up the issues into one neat post.

    Disagree all you want with regards to either my action or opinion however that doesn't make me entitled it just means that I used the forum in the intended manner to give feedback regarding the faction issues. I remember KDF being low on the totem pole too but now I love playing them as much as my Federation chars.

    Point being that progress doesn't happen without feedback.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    @ the OP - Dude, are you explaining to us? Or are you justifying to yourself? Just sayin'
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I see OP's point. Romulan "subfraction" does not have romulan "atmosphere". Playing it won't give you a proper impression.
    I was one of those who was expecting a full faction, The Star Empire. We got what we got. I am playing as romulan, but I have made my own storyline and I am not participating in the Cryptic one. My imagination can do alot, but can not kick Khev.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
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