That's a little bit of an overly dramatic comparison, don't you think? A bit of irony I think considering you are accusing OP of being overly dramatic...
If OP has an opinion, even a negative one-I think he/she doesn't deserve to be shouted down for merely holding a view which you don't share.
Some people may feel 'entitled' to certain benefits which 'full' factions such as the KDF and Federation already have. They are not automatically wrong and these desires are not automatically unreasonable. You seem to be under the wrongful impression that any sense of entitlement=false sense of entitlement.
Deleting characters is a perfectly reasonable response to becoming bored with a character. Same with uninstalling games-people do it all the time. Heck, there are people on the forums here that I have heard mention that they delete their characters when reach level 50- the end-game content just doesn't 'grab' them-It would be rather silly to accuse them of 'burning down the restaurant' then, and it is here too.
let's just say that when you play ONE romulan character, and you dislike ALL the points mention in the OP, and then delete this ONE character, that is perfectly reasonable. If you don't like it, don't play it, but atleast you tried it.
But creating atleast 2 rom. faction chars makes no sense with the expectations he had. Did he expect that there would be more ships with his seconf char? Did he expect tovan to be delete able?
And ontop of that, what difference does deleting those chars make in the end?
It serves no purpose other than dramatising the fact that he dislikes the rom. faction.
Especialy when dramatising issues that aren't even relevant enough to draw a devs attention, since the people complaining about it are a minority.
Nobody really cares about the lack of low tier romulan endlevel they got a huge selection of ships.
Tovan is a fine BOFF on paper. Has good traits, the rest is customizable anyway.
The "entitlement" statement came from the notion that the OP felt it necessary to give his opinion about the romulan faction an extra dose of drama and importance by stating that he deleted them ALL. When infact it only illustrated his false sense of importance of the problems the romulan faction, he thinks, has.
His opinion is only a negative one in a spectrum ranging from "best thing since jesus" to "i'd rather have AIDS" concerning the romulan faction. He could level and delete another 10 romulan chars and it wouldn't make his opinion any more valid than the opinion of somebody that loves romulan faction as it is.
3) With number 2, it's been said many times many ways. Tovan needs to go. KDF and FED have gotten new BOFF sets. BUT unlike Tovan all other's can be dismissed as needed and wanted.
I like to run my crews with the same races. I've got all Andorian crews. All Orion Crews. I really really wanted to do an all reman crew. Thanks to the way the exchange and how Tovan just won't go away even when you remove him from any station DOFF and BOFF he still shows up on your bridge when you go there is just plain intrusive. I get why he needs to be in game but make him a mission contact like Alexander (On a side note was I the only one mad they killed him off?) that way he can still intrude when needed for the story lines but you can get rid of him from the crew.
Because of these things the Romulan option still feels like a red headed step child and no longer interests me. So I'll stick with my KDF and Fed chars I've come to enjoy again.
He's already a BOFF, that lots of players use, compared to maybe the dozen or so who cry about him on the forums. They aren't going to remove him as a boff and make him a mission contact because a handful of people don't like him.
He's already a BOFF, that lots of players use, compared to maybe the dozen or so who cry about him on the forums. They aren't going to remove him as a boff and make him a mission contact because a handful of people don't like him.
You said this in the "Why is the horse dead and not Tovan?" thread too, but I have seen no poll or other evidence showing that this opinion is true. Going by my own anecdotal evidence in-game most folks seem to resent him to some extent.
On Risa, some chap named 'Tovan Khev' beamed down and started asking if anyone saw his sister in Zone chat. (the player did this last year too). Judging by all the vitriol 'Tovan Khev' received both times I saw him appear, I'd say that those who dislike him are not insignificant.
And I'd love for it to be easier to get Reman boffs.
This this this! I spent over 40mill for 2 all-Reman crews. Compared to my other crews, their price was simply not justifiable. Ignoring the fact that I actually out the EC for 'em...
let's just say that when you play ONE romulan character, and you dislike ALL the points mention in the OP, and then delete this ONE character, that is perfectly reasonable. If you don't like it, don't play it, but atleast you tried it.
But creating atleast 2 rom. faction chars makes no sense with the expectations he had. Did he expect that there would be more ships with his seconf char? Did he expect tovan to be delete able?
And ontop of that, what difference does deleting those chars make in the end?
It serves no purpose other than dramatising the fact that he dislikes the rom. faction.
Especialy when dramatising issues that aren't even relevant enough to draw a devs attention, since the people complaining about it are a minority.
Nobody really cares about the lack of low tier romulan endlevel they got a huge selection of ships.
Tovan is a fine BOFF on paper. Has good traits, the rest is customizable anyway.
The "entitlement" statement came from the notion that the OP felt it necessary to give his opinion about the romulan faction an extra dose of drama and importance by stating that he deleted them ALL. When infact it only illustrated his false sense of importance of the problems the romulan faction, he thinks, has.
His opinion is only a negative one in a spectrum ranging from "best thing since jesus" to "i'd rather have AIDS" concerning the romulan faction. He could level and delete another 10 romulan chars and it wouldn't make his opinion any more valid than the opinion of somebody that loves romulan faction as it is.
He's already a BOFF, that lots of players use, compared to maybe the dozen or so who cry about him on the forums. They aren't going to remove him as a boff and make him a mission contact because a handful of people don't like him.
On Risa, some chap named 'Tovan Khev' beamed down and started asking if anyone saw his sister in Zone chat. (the player did this last year too). Judging by all the vitriol 'Tovan Khev' received both times I saw him appear, I'd say that those who dislike him are not insignificant.
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