Shouldn't we receive some sort of compensation for the lost trait retrain tokens we lost??? Can they just remove items we have paid for? I had 6 or 7 which were worth 300 zen each...
If you look at the new trait system, its all made to make the game really EASY. Not the opposite. Where do you see that cryptic made the game harder??? in dreams?? the game is even easier than before now. Before the patch it was a pew pew grinding nation, now it is a pew pew hyper mega grinding nation.
Edgecryger, still waiting for you to put out your own version of STO. That goes for every other person on the forums that say they can program this game better.
The graphics have been cleaned up, but the minimum requirements have changed for the video cards. One person I was playing with last night was pushing his 8600GT to the maximum in the Undine zone, and a few other areas that previously didn't. The old 512Mb cards just aren't going to be able to keep up anymore.
While the game engine itself is old, it doesn't mean the graphics quality it. I reset mine and everything is sharper than before. Edge cropping isn't happening as much now as it did before.
And before you try to knock my system, here's the specs:
AMD FX-8350 running 4.4 GHz
16Gb DDR3-1866MHz
240Gb SSD
500 Gb 7200 RPM drive (where everything but Windows and Office run)
Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!
They may have been unfair to you in your opinion, you do not speak for me. I like the change to the traits. It now requires a bit of thought and also it is now free to change them.
LOL. "A bit of thought" really?? did you played before season 9?? so, in your opinion, activating ALL space traits or ground ones and forgetting about it, is more challenging?? really?? well, maybe you want a "do everything for me" button and thats it? that is a 8 years old thinking, seriously. I go to a space zone, i activate all my space traits. I go to a ground zone , i activate all my ground traits. Whats the deal?? seriously?
Some of you seem to embrace things as they get easier and more insulting. With people with those thinkings i really understand why the game is geting so bad season after season.
Wow, how short sighted of you and ignorant of you. Tribble server players have been telling the devs for a while that this was a bad idea, I am not creating the issue, the devs did. And these "toys" that were taken from me, are toys that I paid for, yet am grown up enough to know that if they are taken the best thing I can do is leave. So when people start to leave STO because of the repetitive grinding and lack of loyalty to players- we will see who is left for you to play with your "toys" with.
And you forgot to read the EULA/TOS which is quite common throughout MMOS. Ya know the catch all of PWE or any other game company for any other game can and will change this game how they see fit regardless of what you or I think.
Frankly this was a good move considering they are adding in the Udine, and possibly more rep grinds beyond that. What's that 20-30 40 50 buffs being tacked onto a character? Sorry that's just blatent power creep.
And right now it's 4 abilities for space and 4 for ground, but what's to say as time goes on that number isn't lifted to say 10.
Again you're merely throwing a temper tantrum and if you leave so what. Another sucker born every second in this game to take your place. You're simply letting your ego talk for you like you are SO important to PWE to keep you and others. Want walk fine.
What I tell players in EVERY single online game I play and I've played a few. Walked from a few also, guess what those companies DGAF. Nor will they.
Wake up and smell the coffee, PWE DOES NOT CARE. And guess what, they have enough people who agree with the change and like it, they can afford to lose the disenfranchised and still turn a proffit.
Cause guess who is more likely to spend money on the game? Vets who basically have everything, or a new player just starting out?
Simple game econimics. Again told ya before and I'll say it again. Get with the program or get out.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Just do what i did, cancel your sub (if you have one).
This season 9, except for the very ending of the FE, is utter TRIBBLE.
I was playing it when it hit me, why the f would i stomach yet another grind?
Yes mmo's have grind thats true, but this game somehow manages to make it more boring then usual.
Its not just that though, its the bias towards FED (klingon costumes.. good luck getting new tailor options to look good with all the clipping.. even the new armor looks basicly FED)
I just cant even be bothered to really play, i tried the STF's, but i get the feeling most people are so used to "simplicity" they dont even know what to do or how to do it.
(that new 3 lane undine elite STF with the annoying asteroids, was tanking and killing 90% alone.. fun! )
Its just all so poorly designed except ofcourse the new spacedock.. really did the game need that? no.
I refuse to spend another cent on this game at any rate.
Go broke soon please.
Let me start by saying that I am not terribly active in posting to fourms, but I have been playing STO since day one. STO has been a large part of my free time activities; I have 6 level 50 toons, several with max reputation. I am a paying gold member, have been for a long time now. I dont purchase a lot of zen, maybe a couple hundred euros worth over the years. Now I have seen STO do some radical changes, and it is fair to say thay this is not the same game that was released, however I have not seen a season or a patch that has screwed over as many of the players as season 9.
Many people who have been playing for a while have spent considerable resources in the reputation system. I have sepnt hundreds of thousands of refined dilithum over my toons to buy rep gear and weapons. Now the reputation system gives out this expensive store gear for the simple task of slotting a project. on my newestt reman toon, who I just got to level 50 right before this season came out, slotted a romulan rep project and was rewarded with the same mk xi romulan plasma cannon that I spent 17k dilithum, 3 days of refining, hours of collecting romulan marks (which is now given much easier) and time of my life to obtain! Now the gear is only MK XII in my other toons rom rep system, which is 24k dil when the mk XI was only 17k dil before, and I was perfectly happy and successful with the mkXI. So I am forced to spend many more of my resources for minimal improvement!
The trait system is also unfair to us. We are forced to use four space traits, and four ground traits from the rep system, which again screws over us who have spent resources to unlock those traits, that we enjoyed use of, and now are denied. People who have spend resources on the retrain tokens are also screwed in this process. Why do we pay for a house and forced to live in a trailer?
You completely look over us who have played since early on in the games life. In the past I have not complained about the updates because there was an equal trade off. we lost something but we gained something. Here he have none of that! You take our resources and dont care about us. After all the time and money (about 200 more euro trying to get jem'hadar atrack ship this month) I am no longer having fun with STO if I only get screwed like this. Obviously you dont care, but I fully intend to cancel my subscription and go back to Blizzard. If this is the future of STO, maybe it is time for it to die.
quit/ragequit threads are not allow on here if thats what your intention was.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
as a 3 year vet to this game i felt that this new trait system was a step in the right direction with all the reps you can do the passives will have a noticeable effect on how you perform in a game however this system allows you to look at your character find out what you need at that moment customize and play the mission it's pretty cool and makes you think about what you really need and what you do not need. I like a lot of vets had maxed out most of my reps and yes it was fun to have all those passives but i found i gravitated to those toons more because they were stronger now it gives me more incentive to work on my other characters and bring them up this new system puts them on a more even playing field than my older toons which is what this game needs.
All I got out of that long drivel was "PWE took away my toys and I can't have fun my way! I am going to attempt to rile up everybody else like many others have done so I can have my toys back! Or I'm going to stamp my feelt and cry like a small child!"
Seriously grow up. My god they now force you to choose which abilities to have on. You actually have to put some forethought into how you want to do business. Which makes it more critical to how you build your charactres and guess what! YOU CAN CHANGE IT ON THE FLY!!
My god much to do about nothing and foricing players to make more tactical and strategic choices. And ofcourse people whine about it because it's no grind everything tailor 1 maybe 2 builds and rule them all.
Seriously grow up.
Clearly you can't read. His gripe goes beyond tbe rep system. He is mad that he burned time and resources on Rep gear, only for it to become cheaper and easier to get for noobs, who are basically getting handouts as incentive to keep playing. Season 9 was a slap in the face to long time players, all in the name of pandering to noobs.
It is not a temper tantrum when people are angry when they have been legitimatly screwed over. You seem to have your noes so far up the dev team's backside that you are unable to realize that Season 9 was a huge TRIBBLE job for the players.
Call it a temper tantrum if you want...but when the METRICS show a drop in player activity, reputation activity, and overall time spent playing the PVE content, and Cryptic decides to buff the rep system back to, or close to, its original design...we are going to laugh so hard.
I am sure you will be the first one coming to the forums and crying foul and dropping your toys.
If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
But what really confuses me is that "power creep" I keep reading about. What was the problem? That a player who put more time to the game was stronger?
What do you balance new content for? People with 5 reputations and all Fleet and Reputation Mark XI gear, or the people that just arrived at Level 50? Remember, the Guy that just reached Level 50 might have actually been with the game as long as you are, but he may just not be able to play a few hours every day, but only 2-3 days a week, or even 2-3 days a month.
He probably doesn't want to rerun any old content ten times just to gear up. He wants to see something new, but he can't, because he needs to gear up first. Some may say "boohoo, sucks to be you, train more, or are you just some overly entitled gamer?" - but that guy might say. "Oh you know what, I can play something else".
And the player that maxed out all reps - he's looking for new challanges, stuff that actually requires the toys he got. But if Cryptic builds this stuff, only very few players can use it - so it's very uneconomical use of their time.
I think that's ultimately the reason why every MMO has an "endgame" and stops the levelling curve. It's not like it is difficult making numbers even bigger, it just it's very pointless to do so, and creates problems. You could auto-scale all content, but then, you make the advancement totally meaningless, it's just an abstract number that's a big higher. But if you don't, and still allow to add stuff, then you have to deal with grand power disparities, and always are forced to create content that not everyone can enjoy, or make it impossible for veterans to actually find challenging content (which is very bad, because many - not all, but many - veterans are so good because they constantly look to challenge themselves, trying to complete missinos faster or more succesful than before.)
Meaningful endgame advancements has to come from generating more choices and more options to explore. (If you want to crazy, it would be smarter for Cryptic to invent Reputation stuff that allowed players to turn an Escort into a healer, then to make an escort an even better DPS machine.)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Rep passives were a small part of the power creep.
Fleet gear is the biggest cause of power creep IMO. However...the devs will NEVER nerf a sink hole. The reps will be the only thing that will get nerfed because it doesn't make money and it is all free.
If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
I just don't understand why didn't the trait system suffer the same nerf like all things do in all mmos?
Instead of 4 slot space\ground why not just nerf the skills? alot are just "%" of chance to do "x" something right? nerf the "%"... or the "x" value. or both!
That way would have been better in my opinion. Still nerfed, but without the feeling of time wasted on those reps. Even makes sense since alot of skill are basically the same.
Please note that this is my personal opinion, no disrespect intended!
Provide the links to the "metrics" you have from an unbiased third party who has done data mining on Cryptics STO servers. If you can't provide it you are just talking out your bum. :rolleyes:
The term "metrics" is frequently used by the dev team to communicate how thdy measure aspects of the game. The metrics are internal...but it is what they use to make almost all their decisions.
The metrics, however, are not for public viewing. The devs talk about the "metrics" on the forums and I have seen them discussed on Tribble.
If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
As I only pug STFs, I enjoy the challenge of having to carry a weak team, and I enjoy the swift destruction of my enemies when in a strong team (a bit more to be honest). Balance never
seemed much of a problem.
In good non-time-gated missions, stronger teams finish quicker, that's a reward in itself, and after a good run, I am usually gagging for another one.
If I was that desperate for a challenge I'd do Hive or NWS; or just play an un-repped alt.
Provide the links to the "metrics" you have from an unbiased third party who has done data mining on Cryptics STO servers. If you can't provide it you are just talking out your bum. :rolleyes:
He wasn't saying he had the metrics. He was saying that when their metrics show a drop in rep activity, player activity, etc, we will see them start restoring it, and then we will commence laughing.
He was making a prediction. Quite a solid prediction at that too.
Thats just annoying we spent so many time to farm reps and now i can use half of the previous ones i was builded specialy under rep traits and now.
But now is the funny thing in next or after next season we will get for sure one or two more slots to put more rep traits... and in next 3 or 4 seasond we will be denied them and back to 4 again whats the point?
Why dont u just made traits weak and lots of them to customize ship now every ones pick obvious traits crit crit sev and two others that names i forgot.
And why the hell we are forces to pick ground traits im not speced in skill tree so why i should pick ground traits i dont even use ground doffs ffs.
Stop crying, noone forces you to pay it's F2P for a reason. Don't like? Don't pay. Simple as that. Noone is interested in your attention grab attempts.
I'll end with an advice of mine that proved inrefutably true over time:
Are you a paying member and you feel you ain't getting your money's worth? Do not worry, I am F2P and I AM getting your money's worth!
Ain't got time to grind? Pay up and stop crying. Sounds familiar? Bingo - that's F2P.
LOL. "A bit of thought" really?? did you played before season 9?? so, in your opinion, activating ALL space traits or ground ones and forgetting about it, is more challenging?? really?? well, maybe you want a "do everything for me" button and thats it? that is a 8 years old thinking, seriously. I go to a space zone, i activate all my space traits. I go to a ground zone , i activate all my ground traits. Whats the deal?? seriously?
Some of you seem to embrace things as they get easier and more insulting. With people with those thinkings i really understand why the game is geting so bad season after season.
I have played the game since free to play was launched, because before that I hadn't even heard of it, no publicity that I remember.
How is choosing and forgetting now, as you put it, any different from the old way of choosing and forgetting. Now you can choose according to the situation. Do you want to do more DPS or do you want more survivability.
To me its more like this, I just ordered a car from the dealer, I payed extra for leather seats, tinted windows, sunroof and the 8 channel stereo system . we settled on a price for all this, all parties are agreed. Now however, I get my car, it doesn't have the leather seats, or the groovy stereo I wanted. Would I complain, oh hell yes. Does that make me a baby crying about my toys? No, at least I don't think so, I've just been ripped off.
Whether you are paying with your time or your money, shouldn't make any fundamental difference to the argument.
Not that I'm really fussed yet, just noticing the ebb and flow of whats been going on with it. I don't agree with the changes but that doesn't mean i'm not going to give it a chance. As many others have said before, just don't give them any more money, and I wont until i'm happy with what is going on.
I have spent two years playing this game on gold, and I really don't see the fuss. All I've wasted is time, which quite frankly would have been wasted doing something else anyway.
You can't use all your traits at once? "You can't stomach another grind?" Let me remind you how fracking easy they've made it to get to that spot. The requirements used to be higher, the cool downs much longer. the projects used to have 40 hour cool downs and the tier up projects used to required D as well.
First, they cut the cool down and in the input requirements. Then they came out with the token system. So let's review. Best case scenario in season 7 when the system was created, tier one would have taken about 4 to 5 days. Now, on a toon with a rep token, it takes ONE DAY. Not ever, more like 20 hours and 5 seconds. And for the record, due to that XP bouns event, I was able to level a toon from start to 50 in less time than running a rep daily.
The "grind" in "Rep Grinding" has been gone for months. Toons with tier 5 across the board we're buffed up six ways to Sunday, and you cry like they robbed your life savings because they brought you back down to Earth?
Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
I just don't understand why didn't the trait system suffer the same nerf like all things do in all mmos?
Instead of 4 slot space\ground why not just nerf the skills? alot are just "%" of chance to do "x" something right? nerf the "%"... or the "x" value. or both!
That way would have been better in my opinion. Still nerfed, but without the feeling of time wasted on those reps. Even makes sense since alot of skill are basically the same.
Please note that this is my personal opinion, no disrespect intended!
This is also what I had hoped would be the alternative, better choice. Dropping the percentages while keeping the broad variety of boosts. Alas, now we have to either micromanage each different type of encounter, or jam it all into deeps and fuhgeddaboutit.
Please reconsider ARC. Please make it optional, at the least. PLEASE.
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
Is this a slap in the face? Kinda. But all and all, i like the changes. It means new players are timelocked out of pvp because the have to grind to get their toons stronger. It makes the grind SOOOO much easier and cheaper. You can get all the marks needed for your dailies IN ONE MISSION. With an average time of twenty minutes per mission youre done with all dailyies in an hour. Then on to the next toon, grinding for the day if thats your only toon. And sure i paid ALOT for gear, but now i dont, PLUS! Chill out people, adapt and overcome.
To me its more like this, I just ordered a car from the dealer, I payed extra for leather seats, tinted windows, sunroof and the 8 channel stereo system . we settled on a price for all this, all parties are agreed. Now however, I get my car, it doesn't have the leather seats, or the groovy stereo I wanted. Would I complain, oh hell yes. Does that make me a baby crying about my toys? No, at least I don't think so, I've just been ripped off.
Whether you are paying with your time or your money, shouldn't make any fundamental difference to the argument.
Not that I'm really fussed yet, just noticing the ebb and flow of whats been going on with it. I don't agree with the changes but that doesn't mean i'm not going to give it a chance. As many others have said before, just don't give them any more money, and I wont until i'm happy with what is going on.
Except you didn't read the fine print like I DID. In the TOS/EULA it CLEARLY states as owner of this game they can and will change this game in any way they see fit to do so. So you feeling ripped off because you flatly ignored the fine print that many people SHOUD READ, well that's your look out pal, not PWE.
They left it open to be read at any time. So feel ripped off all ya like, not going to change squat that you simply did not read and then got shocked when a gaming company did something that is well within their rights to do so.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Shouldn't we receive some sort of compensation for the lost trait retrain tokens we lost??? Can they just remove items we have paid for? I had 6 or 7 which were worth 300 zen each...
This is serious
It looks like the Devs think they CAN take away items we have paid real money for. And they are not shy about doing it. They already have our money, so they don't have to fell bad either.
It looks like the Devs think they CAN take away items we have paid real money for. And they are not shy about doing it. They already have our money, so they don't have to fell bad either.
If you had read the reply you would see that you need to open a support ticket and they will compensate, It has been said in other threads on this too.
Except you didn't read the fine print like I DID. In the TOS/EULA it CLEARLY states as owner of this game they can and will change this game in any way they see fit to do so. So you feeling ripped off because you flatly ignored the fine print that many people SHOUD READ, well that's your look out pal, not PWE.
They left it open to be read at any time. So feel ripped off all ya like, not going to change squat that you simply did not read and then got shocked when a gaming company did something that is well within their rights to do so.
So you think it's okay for us to pay real money for something in this game and the devs to then take it away without so much as an apology or a refund? I wouldn't mind if I was refunded a percentage of Zen for what I have spent on the item(s)/services.
It looks like the Devs think they CAN take away items we have paid real money for. And they are not shy about doing it. They already have our money, so they don't have to fell bad either.
Here's a fallacy you all just need to understand. We as players do NOT, repeat NOT own a thing. PWE/cryptic owns it. We pay or grind or what have you for a SERVICE. That nice 2500 zen shiny ya paid for. You paid for a service to USE said shiny. You do not in any way shape or form own titles, liscencing, or any other leagal jargon stating you own anything.
See kids what we pay for is basically like going to a theme park. Guess what, that theme park can change and or remove things as they see fit. Granted it might tick off certain customers, but guess what they are catering to the LARGER base that will bring them MORE MONEY.
Face it guys, we are nothing but $$$ to gaming companies. We don't own anything. That nice electronic signature we all clicked to play this game that stated "we understand the TOS/EULA rules and regulations".
Let me ask this, how many of you players actually READ this instead of just clicking the box and hitting yes?
This is why I laugh at people when they are suddenly shocked something got changed and you suddenly have a right to have it go back the way it was.
We don't have rights to TRIBBLE. Nor do we own anything unless you own stocks in PWE or cryptic. And even then unless you're a majority stock holder you STILL have little to no say.
Face it guys, you can throw temper tantrums, point at this that and the other. You me all of us have ZERO rights nor do we own anything nor do we really have ANY control over anything PWE does. They are the alpha, we are not even at the omega status.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
If you had read the reply you would see that you need to open a support ticket and they will compensate, It has been said in other threads on this too.
:eek: oh, awesome that! Wish I had know about that when they took out the ship costumes! Is there a time limit to fill out a support ticket? Can you give me a link to get more info about that??
Here's a fallacy you all just need to understand. We as players do NOT, repeat NOT own a thing. PWE/cryptic owns it. We pay or grind or what have you for a SERVICE. That nice 2500 zen shiny ya paid for. You paid for a service to USE said shiny. You do not in any way shape or form own titles, liscencing, or any other leagal jargon stating you own anything.
See kids what we pay for is basically like going to a theme park. Guess what, that theme park can change and or remove things as they see fit. Granted it might tick off certain customers, but guess what they are catering to the LARGER base that will bring them MORE MONEY.
Face it guys, we are nothing but $$$ to gaming companies. We don't own anything. That nice electronic signature we all clicked to play this game that stated "we understand the TOS/EULA rules and regulations".
Let me ask this, how many of you players actually READ this instead of just clicking the box and hitting yes?
This is why I laugh at people when they are suddenly shocked something got changed and you suddenly have a right to have it go back the way it was.
We don't have rights to TRIBBLE. Nor do we own anything unless you own stocks in PWE or cryptic. And even then unless you're a majority stock holder you STILL have little to no say.
Face it guys, you can throw temper tantrums, point at this that and the other. You me all of us have ZERO rights nor do we own anything nor do we really have ANY control over anything PWE does. They are the alpha, we are not even at the omega status.
I wasn't throwing a "temper tantrum" as you put it. If I'd have known this was how they (Cryptic/PWE) conduct business, I wouldn't have spend ANY of my money on this game. Knowing this now means I'm even LESS likely to do so. Your analogy is off point as well as theme parks don't make those changes while people are there. They do it when they have closed down for a season, or they block off that section of the park. They don't take your money for a ride then close it down while your on it!
Just because you don't agree with what I have said, that is no justification to insult me or anyone else who has a similar opinion.
Make a support ticket in game.
Edgecryger, still waiting for you to put out your own version of STO. That goes for every other person on the forums that say they can program this game better.
The graphics have been cleaned up, but the minimum requirements have changed for the video cards. One person I was playing with last night was pushing his 8600GT to the maximum in the Undine zone, and a few other areas that previously didn't. The old 512Mb cards just aren't going to be able to keep up anymore.
While the game engine itself is old, it doesn't mean the graphics quality it. I reset mine and everything is sharper than before. Edge cropping isn't happening as much now as it did before.
And before you try to knock my system, here's the specs:
AMD FX-8350 running 4.4 GHz
16Gb DDR3-1866MHz
240Gb SSD
500 Gb 7200 RPM drive (where everything but Windows and Office run)
Our Battles
LOL. "A bit of thought" really?? did you played before season 9?? so, in your opinion, activating ALL space traits or ground ones and forgetting about it, is more challenging?? really?? well, maybe you want a "do everything for me" button and thats it? that is a 8 years old thinking, seriously. I go to a space zone, i activate all my space traits. I go to a ground zone , i activate all my ground traits. Whats the deal?? seriously?
Some of you seem to embrace things as they get easier and more insulting. With people with those thinkings i really understand why the game is geting so bad season after season.
And you forgot to read the EULA/TOS which is quite common throughout MMOS. Ya know the catch all of PWE or any other game company for any other game can and will change this game how they see fit regardless of what you or I think.
Frankly this was a good move considering they are adding in the Udine, and possibly more rep grinds beyond that. What's that 20-30 40 50 buffs being tacked onto a character? Sorry that's just blatent power creep.
And right now it's 4 abilities for space and 4 for ground, but what's to say as time goes on that number isn't lifted to say 10.
Again you're merely throwing a temper tantrum and if you leave so what. Another sucker born every second in this game to take your place. You're simply letting your ego talk for you like you are SO important to PWE to keep you and others. Want walk fine.
What I tell players in EVERY single online game I play and I've played a few. Walked from a few also, guess what those companies DGAF. Nor will they.
Wake up and smell the coffee, PWE DOES NOT CARE. And guess what, they have enough people who agree with the change and like it, they can afford to lose the disenfranchised and still turn a proffit.
Cause guess who is more likely to spend money on the game? Vets who basically have everything, or a new player just starting out?
Simple game econimics. Again told ya before and I'll say it again. Get with the program or get out.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
This season 9, except for the very ending of the FE, is utter TRIBBLE.
I was playing it when it hit me, why the f would i stomach yet another grind?
Yes mmo's have grind thats true, but this game somehow manages to make it more boring then usual.
Its not just that though, its the bias towards FED (klingon costumes.. good luck getting new tailor options to look good with all the clipping.. even the new armor looks basicly FED)
I just cant even be bothered to really play, i tried the STF's, but i get the feeling most people are so used to "simplicity" they dont even know what to do or how to do it.
(that new 3 lane undine elite STF with the annoying asteroids, was tanking and killing 90% alone.. fun!
Its just all so poorly designed except ofcourse the new spacedock.. really did the game need that? no.
I refuse to spend another cent on this game at any rate.
Go broke soon please.
quit/ragequit threads are not allow on here if thats what your intention was.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Clearly you can't read. His gripe goes beyond tbe rep system. He is mad that he burned time and resources on Rep gear, only for it to become cheaper and easier to get for noobs, who are basically getting handouts as incentive to keep playing. Season 9 was a slap in the face to long time players, all in the name of pandering to noobs.
It is not a temper tantrum when people are angry when they have been legitimatly screwed over. You seem to have your noes so far up the dev team's backside that you are unable to realize that Season 9 was a huge TRIBBLE job for the players.
Call it a temper tantrum if you want...but when the METRICS show a drop in player activity, reputation activity, and overall time spent playing the PVE content, and Cryptic decides to buff the rep system back to, or close to, its original design...we are going to laugh so hard.
I am sure you will be the first one coming to the forums and crying foul and dropping your toys.
What do you balance new content for? People with 5 reputations and all Fleet and Reputation Mark XI gear, or the people that just arrived at Level 50? Remember, the Guy that just reached Level 50 might have actually been with the game as long as you are, but he may just not be able to play a few hours every day, but only 2-3 days a week, or even 2-3 days a month.
He probably doesn't want to rerun any old content ten times just to gear up. He wants to see something new, but he can't, because he needs to gear up first. Some may say "boohoo, sucks to be you, train more, or are you just some overly entitled gamer?" - but that guy might say. "Oh you know what, I can play something else".
And the player that maxed out all reps - he's looking for new challanges, stuff that actually requires the toys he got. But if Cryptic builds this stuff, only very few players can use it - so it's very uneconomical use of their time.
I think that's ultimately the reason why every MMO has an "endgame" and stops the levelling curve. It's not like it is difficult making numbers even bigger, it just it's very pointless to do so, and creates problems. You could auto-scale all content, but then, you make the advancement totally meaningless, it's just an abstract number that's a big higher. But if you don't, and still allow to add stuff, then you have to deal with grand power disparities, and always are forced to create content that not everyone can enjoy, or make it impossible for veterans to actually find challenging content (which is very bad, because many - not all, but many - veterans are so good because they constantly look to challenge themselves, trying to complete missinos faster or more succesful than before.)
Meaningful endgame advancements has to come from generating more choices and more options to explore. (If you want to crazy, it would be smarter for Cryptic to invent Reputation stuff that allowed players to turn an Escort into a healer, then to make an escort an even better DPS machine.)
Fleet gear is the biggest cause of power creep IMO. However...the devs will NEVER nerf a sink hole. The reps will be the only thing that will get nerfed because it doesn't make money and it is all free.
Instead of 4 slot space\ground why not just nerf the skills? alot are just "%" of chance to do "x" something right? nerf the "%"... or the "x" value. or both!
That way would have been better in my opinion. Still nerfed, but without the feeling of time wasted on those reps. Even makes sense since alot of skill are basically the same.
Please note that this is my personal opinion, no disrespect intended!
The term "metrics" is frequently used by the dev team to communicate how thdy measure aspects of the game. The metrics are internal...but it is what they use to make almost all their decisions.
The metrics, however, are not for public viewing. The devs talk about the "metrics" on the forums and I have seen them discussed on Tribble.
As I only pug STFs, I enjoy the challenge of having to carry a weak team, and I enjoy the swift destruction of my enemies when in a strong team (a bit more to be honest). Balance never
seemed much of a problem.
In good non-time-gated missions, stronger teams finish quicker, that's a reward in itself, and after a good run, I am usually gagging for another one.
If I was that desperate for a challenge I'd do Hive or NWS; or just play an un-repped alt.
He wasn't saying he had the metrics. He was saying that when their metrics show a drop in rep activity, player activity, etc, we will see them start restoring it, and then we will commence laughing.
He was making a prediction. Quite a solid prediction at that too.
But now is the funny thing in next or after next season we will get for sure one or two more slots to put more rep traits... and in next 3 or 4 seasond we will be denied them and back to 4 again whats the point?
Why dont u just made traits weak and lots of them to customize ship now every ones pick obvious traits crit crit sev and two others that names i forgot.
And why the hell we are forces to pick ground traits im not speced in skill tree so why i should pick ground traits i dont even use ground doffs ffs.
I'll end with an advice of mine that proved inrefutably true over time:
Are you a paying member and you feel you ain't getting your money's worth? Do not worry, I am F2P and I AM getting your money's worth!
Ain't got time to grind? Pay up and stop crying. Sounds familiar? Bingo - that's F2P.
I have played the game since free to play was launched, because before that I hadn't even heard of it, no publicity that I remember.
How is choosing and forgetting now, as you put it, any different from the old way of choosing and forgetting. Now you can choose according to the situation. Do you want to do more DPS or do you want more survivability.
To me its more like this, I just ordered a car from the dealer, I payed extra for leather seats, tinted windows, sunroof and the 8 channel stereo system . we settled on a price for all this, all parties are agreed. Now however, I get my car, it doesn't have the leather seats, or the groovy stereo I wanted. Would I complain, oh hell yes. Does that make me a baby crying about my toys? No, at least I don't think so, I've just been ripped off.
Whether you are paying with your time or your money, shouldn't make any fundamental difference to the argument.
Not that I'm really fussed yet, just noticing the ebb and flow of whats been going on with it. I don't agree with the changes but that doesn't mean i'm not going to give it a chance. As many others have said before, just don't give them any more money, and I wont until i'm happy with what is going on.
You can't use all your traits at once? "You can't stomach another grind?" Let me remind you how fracking easy they've made it to get to that spot. The requirements used to be higher, the cool downs much longer. the projects used to have 40 hour cool downs and the tier up projects used to required D as well.
First, they cut the cool down and in the input requirements. Then they came out with the token system. So let's review. Best case scenario in season 7 when the system was created, tier one would have taken about 4 to 5 days. Now, on a toon with a rep token, it takes ONE DAY. Not ever, more like 20 hours and 5 seconds. And for the record, due to that XP bouns event, I was able to level a toon from start to 50 in less time than running a rep daily.
The "grind" in "Rep Grinding" has been gone for months. Toons with tier 5 across the board we're buffed up six ways to Sunday, and you cry like they robbed your life savings because they brought you back down to Earth?
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
This is also what I had hoped would be the alternative, better choice. Dropping the percentages while keeping the broad variety of boosts. Alas, now we have to either micromanage each different type of encounter, or jam it all into deeps and fuhgeddaboutit.
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
Except you didn't read the fine print like I DID. In the TOS/EULA it CLEARLY states as owner of this game they can and will change this game in any way they see fit to do so. So you feeling ripped off because you flatly ignored the fine print that many people SHOUD READ, well that's your look out pal, not PWE.
They left it open to be read at any time. So feel ripped off all ya like, not going to change squat that you simply did not read and then got shocked when a gaming company did something that is well within their rights to do so.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
It looks like the Devs think they CAN take away items we have paid real money for. And they are not shy about doing it. They already have our money, so they don't have to fell bad either.
If you had read the reply you would see that you need to open a support ticket and they will compensate, It has been said in other threads on this too.
So you think it's okay for us to pay real money for something in this game and the devs to then take it away without so much as an apology or a refund? I wouldn't mind if I was refunded a percentage of Zen for what I have spent on the item(s)/services.
Here's a fallacy you all just need to understand. We as players do NOT, repeat NOT own a thing. PWE/cryptic owns it. We pay or grind or what have you for a SERVICE. That nice 2500 zen shiny ya paid for. You paid for a service to USE said shiny. You do not in any way shape or form own titles, liscencing, or any other leagal jargon stating you own anything.
See kids what we pay for is basically like going to a theme park. Guess what, that theme park can change and or remove things as they see fit. Granted it might tick off certain customers, but guess what they are catering to the LARGER base that will bring them MORE MONEY.
Face it guys, we are nothing but $$$ to gaming companies. We don't own anything. That nice electronic signature we all clicked to play this game that stated "we understand the TOS/EULA rules and regulations".
Let me ask this, how many of you players actually READ this instead of just clicking the box and hitting yes?
This is why I laugh at people when they are suddenly shocked something got changed and you suddenly have a right to have it go back the way it was.
We don't have rights to TRIBBLE. Nor do we own anything unless you own stocks in PWE or cryptic. And even then unless you're a majority stock holder you STILL have little to no say.
Face it guys, you can throw temper tantrums, point at this that and the other. You me all of us have ZERO rights nor do we own anything nor do we really have ANY control over anything PWE does. They are the alpha, we are not even at the omega status.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
:eek: oh, awesome that! Wish I had know about that when they took out the ship costumes! Is there a time limit to fill out a support ticket? Can you give me a link to get more info about that??
I wasn't throwing a "temper tantrum" as you put it. If I'd have known this was how they (Cryptic/PWE) conduct business, I wouldn't have spend ANY of my money on this game. Knowing this now means I'm even LESS likely to do so. Your analogy is off point as well as theme parks don't make those changes while people are there. They do it when they have closed down for a season, or they block off that section of the park. They don't take your money for a ride then close it down while your on it!
Just because you don't agree with what I have said, that is no justification to insult me or anyone else who has a similar opinion.