"Damn, the Iconians are dumb."
If the Iconians could easily wipe out the Alpha/Beta quadrants by themselves, they would have done so without all the covert infiltration and subversion. Since we can now conclude that we pose a credible threat to them, they just made the biggest strategic blunder imaginable.
If you want to keep your enemies divided and fighting each other, the very worst thing you could do when they unite is to show up at the party all
Malificent style and start making vague threats. You might as well paint a big target on your head and hold up a sign saying
"I'm the guy who's been TRIBBLE all of you over big-time and you should be united in the close bonds of friendship against me. Would you like my home address?".
We know they're coming. We know they're afraid. And now we've seen their face. They've lost every advantage in psychological warfare that they had over us.
Star Trek Online; Legacy Of Iconia
Coming soon to a PC near you.
But just in case... I will buy a cheap mercenary away team to test this theory before fighting iconians by myself^^
If by "super expensive weapon" you mean vaporizing a few high ranking Klingons, I can do that all by myself with a phaser rifle. Hardly a casual display of great power even by 23rd century standards.
At once? Without that expose-thingy going on?
Now an Iconian pops in, waves 1 hand and kills 6 Klingons before just leaving in contempt like we were roaches.
Iconians don't care if we ally. Just puts us all in 1 place till they are ready to come in guns blazing.
Oh no...by beating the Undine and before them, the Elachi for the romulans, we'd proven to them we could defeat their cannon fodder and do so in times with ease.
So the Iconians are now laying down the guantlet and a warning.
Sorry that'ls psychological warfare at it's best.
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Maybe the 8472 are trying to draw the Iconians out! To defeat in the open? To worship? To ally with?
Either that or the Undine are just stupid.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
It would have worked if they didn't get caught.
*Infiltrator after being unmasked*
"I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling klinks and your stupid targ"
Harden up Princess
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Then it vaporizes them. That's the exploit.
My characters do the same damn thing all day. Not really an impressive display of power.
Yes, your character does it with the help of high powered energy weapons. :rolleyes:
This Iconian on the other hand did just that all with the power of her mind alone.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
To me, it sounded like we kept doing something that was annoying them, and that their goal may be something different than conquering us.
The very same lackeys have the technology to destroy planets, and that's even without those tailor-made planetkillers. What could the Iconians possibly bring that's worse? Blowing up suns? A single trilithium torpedo will do that just fine. I just haven't see the Iconians do anything particularly spectacular yet.
You know what are far more difficult and impressive than weapons of mass destruction? How about weapons of mass creation? Let's see the Iconians do something the Federation has never done before, like creating a planet instead of destroying one.. oh wait.
Have you not been playing the game and paying attention to the storyline? The Iconians absolutely do care if we ally. They're terrified of it. They worked their asses off to stop it happening. If they were so sure of their power, they would have wiped us out or subjugated us already.
Actually that's psychological warfare at its worst. Before, they were little more than a vague threat and their anonymity and remoteness made them far less of a priority than the immediate dangers of the Borg and Undine. They were in a perfect position to gather their strength while staying under the radar as a remote and ill-defined menace that not everyone might have taken seriously. Now what they've done is to give us a tangible target and an imperative to develop new tech even more quickly, to be more vigilant and to fight harder and to stick together.
As for their so-called display of power, give me a technobabble gauntlet that can create bubbles of antigravity in a localized area that also contains a split beam weapon, and I could do the same thing to those Klingon dignitaries. And if we're talking about overwhelming force, the Borg lesson should be enough evidence for the Iconians that resistance is not futile, and that we will find a way to prevail in the face of what appears to be insurmountable odds.
"When you see discord amongst the troops of your enemy, be of good courage; but if they are united, then be upon your guard. When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts."
- Moslih Eddin Saadi
That's quite interesting. So, are the Iconians having an issue elsewhere in the universe, like the Andromeda galaxy and we're distracting them, like when we activated all their gateways? Is there a bigger threat than the Iconians waiting to be encountered by us out there?
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
In that case, it would be in their best interest to appear benevolent towards us so that we'd stop being such a headache for them. If they came to us with open arms and expressed a desire for friendship, we'd have no reason to see them as a threat and unite against them. It might even be a good way to subvert and conquer us with minimal effort if that was still their goal. It worked for the Dominion and Cardassia.
The Iconians sent us the Elachi and if you ever played a Romulan that would be reason enough to saturate them with thalaron radiation and crush the remains in an artificial quantum singularity. They are worse war criminals than the founders.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Not really. In Star Trek the term is used by multiple galactic powers. And just like on contemporary Earth war crimes are what you commit yourself and accuse everyone else of.:D
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Guys, guys, guys.
It's a game. These are science-fiction villains. They're not SUPPOSED to be intelligent. :P
More seriously, now:
The Undine are just pissed off at 99% of everybody, it's not surprising that they won't listen to reason and do seemingly random things like UndineCooper did.
The Iconians...I write them in my fanfics as over-the-top hammy posers, and the Iconian cameo in the FE fits nicely with that picture. I wouldn't be surprised if that instakill telekinesis was some sort of really expensive Iconian weapon, and the Iconians are realy only slightly more powerful than the Undine.
In a nutshell, ignore the stereotypical villainy, and enjoy the intelligent heroes (like Tuvok) taking advantage of teh stoopid OP villains.
Sit back, press spacebar, and eat popcorn. Think of it as STID, just without lens flare, with better acting, and featuring a plot that at least makes sense in context.
Basically, a high-quality summer sci-fi action blockbuster.
And Star Trek is written and created by humans. :P
You have that ALL wrong. That was not an Iconian. THAT was a Forum Troll who found their way in-game. "I warned you, Cryptic! Stop breaking muh game!"
I lol'd
And once again, our characters are completely and utterly cutscene-incompetent. At least give us the option to take a potshot at the Iconian's head, or give her the finger, or something.
Iconian: *you are all doomed spiel*
Eleya: *interrupts* Are you finished? Because I've heard it all before. Bring it on, or shut the phekk up!
Agree completely with the OP: The Iconians made a serious strategic error by showing themselves. They gave us hard proof that they're around, and we've trashed their lackeys at every turn with minimal apparent casualties. All she's managed to do is TRIBBLE off everyone in the region and unite them. And so what if she can incinerate six Klingons with her mind? Nothing I haven't seen done with mundane technology. Once you can duplicate an effect it loses its value as a scare tactic.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
* They were PISSED. That leads to not doing the most rational thing.
* Psychological fear-factor. If they can't win by deception they can show raw might to attempt to deter the allies to stay out of their way. Precisely what this would mean, of course, isn't known - it's possible the Iconians might just let them be if they behaved, instead of making us all Elachi, and look for slaves in the Delta quadrant instead.
* The allies are already rather soundly unified anyway. Further deception will be almost immediately assumed to be the Iconians or the Undine working at their behest. Honestly, in that regard, the most damaging they could do might be nothing, in hopes that 'false positives' will cause resentment to grow - though that would take a very long time indeed.
Been there, done that.
Eh, my characters have vaporized dudes with just the power of their mind....or by kicking them too hard. Weapons not required.