I find it laughable that a good portion of the feds whining and crying about PvP being about to die are usually the same ones that have made it a deathtrap for escorts: Grav well/Theta rad/web mine/tractor pet/subspace console spammers who cut and run at the first sign of damage.
"Wah wah stop killing muh PvP" Oh, the irony :rolleyes:
Lol what a total pile of trash, as are the rest of these comments about PvP.
The reality is the KDF has always had better ships and an advantage in PvP, it was designed to be PvP only at one point.
Just go to Kerr'at if you look at the stats for it and if you listen to anyone in KDF PvP fleets you'll know that Feds are like shooting fish in a barrel.
PvP in this game has always been unbalanced, weak and TRIBBLE and those that make the laughable assertion that personal skill is meaningful need to consider the fact that two equally skilled players one in a Fed ship and one in a KDF vape boat will result in a 5:2 ratio at best in favour of the KDF boat... or worse it will be a horrid stalemate.
PvP in this game has always been unbalanced and useless, that is why every month or so Cryptic nerf or buff things in some attempt to add temporary value to PvP. The problem being that all it does is change the location of imbalance rather than remove or reduce it.
Honestly it's pathetic and PvP in this game is aptly described as just that, pathetic... and those who measure their e-peen by it are hilarious, go PvP on EVE see how long you last.
I do like the delicious situation though where now KDF PvP goons are crying and whining over Romulan ships beating them. LOL. Maybe you should go and console the Feddies you're starting to sound just like them.
Seriously I often wondered where all the good FED PvP players are, because I play with a lot of excellent FED PvE players... when I asked them if they play PvP those that did, used their KDF / ROM Characters and ships, why? Because FED ships suck at PvP in comparison, that's just the way it is.
Also I think people need to realise that many of the people who play PvP in this game have characters in all 3 factions so this whole idea of Fed's and KDF'rs is a bit of a joke.
Dude, you ever been in a KDF battlecruiser attacked by a fleet tacscort? KDF is weaksauce, has been since Feds started getting really good ships. Srsly, just look at the bort--underpowered, weaksauce brick of a space whale.
Dude, you ever been in a KDF battlecruiser attacked by a fleet tacscort? KDF is weaksauce, has been since Feds started getting really good ships. Srsly, just look at the bort--underpowered, weaksauce brick of a space whale.
You PvP in a KDF battlecruiser...!?
maybe what they say is right...
It takes a special kind of intellect to pick the worst ships to play PvP in, I mean obviously as I said before Fed ships are so bad in PvP that many of the better players use their KDF characters for PvP exclusively, of course they actually choose the best ships for PvP... not a KDF Battlecruiser.
anyone flying around Kerrat in one of those things is either trolling or a Pakled in disguise.
Nice fail attempt to argue KDF ships are poor at PvP... when you know the reality is they have the best ships for PvP (excluding Rom which is cross faction anyways)... it's just the KDF Battlecruiser isn't one of them.
Honestly it's pathetic and PvP in this game is aptly described as just that, pathetic... and those who measure their e-peen by it are hilarious, go PvP on EVE see how long you last.
And yet your comments are the biggest pile of all. There there, your "e-peen" is still bigger than most :rolleyes:
You're about as helpful as the millionth "NO TIER 5 CONNIE EVUR" comment. Translation: I don't like X, and if I don't like it, you shouldn't enjoy it either. Having the entitlement of a 12-year old does not equate to intelligence, sadly. Don't like the PvP? Don't bother wasting your time commenting on it then. If you didn't have your head stuck up your own TRIBBLE, you'd notice we have the same point to make on certain issues (no skill involved, unbalanced and broken). EVE's PvP is better? Good for you. Many games have better graphics and gameplay too. And they're all irrelevant to this one.
To spell it out for you (coming from a Fed, no less):
FvF PvP is far more populous than KvF. So much so that if you queue for both, FvF will always pop first.... so the "you just killed PvP" comments are moot. Don't want to face raiders? Don't queue for them! (Wow, that was hard) PvP because it's fun, stop when it stops being so. A lot of Feds who whine about the KDF getting ANY benefit seem to be fine with spamfests... as long as they're the ones dishing them out.
"But Ker'rat wah wah" See above. There are better ways to get gear/dil/marks. If it's fun for you, do it! It's not? Well...
You said it yourself. Rommies are the best at PVP.
KDF is UP. Fed is about balanced. Rom is OP.
We all know this. So stop accusing the KDF of being OP when you can fly around in a fleet tacscort or oddy or Avenger when we're stuck in glass-cannon BOPs.
Fed outnumbers KDF 5-1 in ker'rat. With Fed scimitars, KDF is weaksauce; fed sci vessels will reveal you, then the scimitar will kill you. The sheer number of Fed forces in Ker'rat makes torp bombing and BOP 5 on 1 woflpacks the ONLY viable techniques for KDF.
And yet your comments are the biggest trash of all. There there, your "e-peen" is still bigger than most :rolleyes:
You're about as helpful as the millionth "NO TIER 5 CONNIE EVUR" comment. Translation: I don't like X, and if I don't like it, you shouldn't enjoy it either. Having the entitlement of a 12-year old does not equate to intelligence, sadly. Don't like the PvP? Don't bother wasting your time commenting on it then. If you didn't have your head stuck up your own TRIBBLE, you'd notice we have the same point to make on certain issues (no skill involved, unbalanced and broken). EVE's PvP is better? Good for you. Many games have better graphics and gameplay too. And they're all irrelevant to this one.
To spell it out for you (coming from a Fed, no less):
FvF PvP is way more populous than KvF. So much so that if you queue for both, FvF will always pop first.... so the "you just killed PvP" comments are moot. Don't want to face raiders? Don't queue for them! (Wow, that was hard) PvP because it's fun, stop when it stops being so. A lot of Feds who whine about the KDF getting ANY benefit seem to be fine with spamfests... as long as they're the ones dishing them out.
"But Ker'rat wah wah" See above. There are better ways to get gear/dil/marks. If it's fun for you, do it! It's not? Well...
I don't have an e-peen , I don't even PvP in this game because PvP by the designers own admission is unbalanced and broken, poorly designed and suffers from a continual merry-go-round of nerfs and buffs. I do enjoy the stories I hear from my friends who do PvP here of which 99% of those stories are about vaping hapless Feds in Kerrat, the other 1% is about that time where a Fed player almost managed to kill them before they cloaked in boosted off.
If you enjoy PvP in this game then carry on but don't assume that it means anything of value beyond that, because honestly if you like PvP this isn't a game that implements it well at all and anyone who spends their time on this forum arguing that skill plays a meaningful role in this game either at PvE or PvP is deluding themselves.
Anyone who knows the basics in this game doesn't require skill to win. Just the right build and the right key-binds, dexterity and alacrity as well as hand eye co-ordination are not tested in any great way in this game. This is coming from someone who played on-line Space PvP in it's infancy with X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter. :cool:
So let me "spell it out for you" (coming from someone with vastly more experience than you)
Whilst you all whine at each other and moan and whine some more, all you do is push Cryptic back on the Nerf/Buff merry-go-round they so love to ride on, I have no doubt next month there will be some buff or nerf because of whining about Raider powers. But for someone like me looking down from a great height, the actual framework and implementation of PvP was botched from the start and that is why Cryptic seem to play an endless game of Whack-a-Mole with the PvP system.
You said it yourself. Rommies are the best at PVP.
KDF is UP. Fed is about balanced. Rom is OP.
We all know this. So stop accusing the KDF of being OP when you can fly around in a fleet tacscort or oddy or Avenger when we're stuck in glass-cannon BOPs.
Fed outnumbers KDF 5-1 in ker'rat. With Fed scimitars, KDF is weaksauce; fed sci vessels will reveal you, then the scimitar will kill you. The sheer number of Fed forces in Ker'rat makes torp bombing and BOP 5 on 1 woflpacks the ONLY viable techniques for KDF.
But we're only here to fly around getting insta-popped by stray FAW beams! We signed up for 'monster play' dontcha know, we're just a foil for the noble Starfleet captains and their superb ships-of-the line. We're meant to provide moments of slight excitement before dying glorious pyrotechnic deaths to the real captains. All Fed cruiser captains should be unkillable and do 90k dps on fully buffed targets. :P
On a much less facetious note, I agree with what you've posted in this thread. BoP's desperately needed some love. I would love to see something similar for the Scourge, Raptors, and yes, even the Aquarius.
But we're only here to fly around getting insta-popped by stray FAW beams! We signed up for 'monster play' dontcha know, we're just a foil for the noble Starfleet captains and their superb ships-of-the line. We're meant to provide moments of slight excitement before dying glorious pyrotechnic deaths to the real captains. All Fed cruiser captains should be unkillable and do 90k dps on fully buffed targets. :P
On a much less facetious note, I agree with what you've posted in this thread. BoP's desperately needed some love. I would love to see something similar for the Scourge, Raptors, and yes, even the Aquarius.
Lol to be honest if he can't kill an Oddy in a BoP then he's doing PvP all wrong.
As for "real captains", many players have captains in all the factions, often choosing to use their KDF or ROM characters to use for PvP because they have the better ships for it.
Carrying on as if anyone who does not share your tastes or opinions lacks intellect does much to defeat any point you are trying to make. It's a verbose, arrogant equivalent to "do what you like but what you like SUCKS. My friends tell me so."
I loved X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, as I loved the separate X-Wing and TIE Fighter before it. Comparing the gameplay of a real-time 3D flight simulator to STO is apples and oranges, though. Even if you're piloting an escort, it's a starship, not a one-man fighter. A comparison to the gameplay PC Starfleet Academy -another excellent game- would have been closer to the mark... but the combat/bridge officer mechanics are so drastically different, it could never be implemented.
Carrying on as if anyone who does not share your tastes or opinions lacks intellect does much to defeat any point you are trying to make. It's a verbose, arrogant equivalent to "do what you like but what you like SUCKS. My friends tell me so."
I loved X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, as I loved the separate X-Wing and TIE Fighter before it. Comparing the gameplay of a real-time 3D flight simulator to STO is apples and oranges, though. Even if you're piloting an escort, it's a starship, not a one-man fighter. A comparison to the gameplay PC Starfleet Academy -another excellent game- would have been closer to the mark... but the combat/bridge officer mechanics are so drastically different, it could never be implemented.
Starfleet Academy was never a multi player game with PvP implementation, the acting was also terrible but I enjoyed and if we're going down that route 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites did space combat quite well for 2D.
My point is that games like Homeworld (multiplayer) or EVE (MMO PvP) were built well from the start with good balance, PvP for STO was never much more than an afterthought and as such is plain horrible, it isn't a measure of skill nor of "eliteness" the fact that the entire game is DPS heavy and doesn't encourage combined arms at all says it all about this game.
Whatever you think of my comments (which is immaterial) the reality of the crappy mechanics of this games PvP implementation is self evident by the constant buff/nerfing that goes on every month and continual whining from all side about how their ships are UP and everyone else's are OP (Indeed this entire thread is testament to it). These are the fruits of poor design, whether you like how I convey reality is up to you.
EDIT: I also have to say the way the Aquarius came about is another example of the slapdash way Cryptic do things sometimes... basically players asked for a ship, Cryptic had the assets for it already... but instead of actually bothering to then balance the ships stats out and put time into making it competitive and something that was worth buying they basically rushed it through knowing those that wanted it badly enough to continue to ask for it would buy it anyways gimped or not. It's actually both hilarious and sad that the best thing to ever happen to the Aquarius was that bug where it grew in size exponentially.
Starfleet Academy was never a multi player game with PvP implementation, the acting was also terrible but I enjoyed and if we're going down that route 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites did space combat quite well for 2D.
Hence my emphasis on "gameplay", not "PvP" (I even used italics for your benefit). Hence, your comments on the acting are, as you are so fond of saying, immaterial.
Hence my emphasis on "gameplay", not "PvP" (I even used italics for your benefit). Hence, your comments on the acting are, as you are so fond of saying, immaterial.
Your opinion is just that. Labeling it "reality" does not change that fact.
Thank you for your irrelevant opinion.
Lol the game mechanics aren't my "opinion" they are fact. My opinion does not coerce Cryptic to buff/nerf elements every month, nor did my opinion poorly design the Aquarius.
These things are self evident reality.
Your erroneous attribution of reality as being a facet of my opinion is irrelevant
to all the people who is celebrating the KDF rider Overpowering: if you really need that hump to do more damage than a spit you should really be quitting the game ASAP and stop ashaming yourselves looking like useless noobs
and to all braggers, just sharp your pilot skills and teach the KDF that no matter how much toys or how much OP they are, we feds are FAR better
You guys NEED to reconsider on the Aquarius front. It *IS* a raider in most player's eyes. It makes no sense to keep it out.
As stated, the Aquarius is an escort or destroyer, not a raider. I mean, come on, its a detachment from the odyssey. It really wouldn't make sense to make it very strong. That's lime making the secondary ship on the d'kyr as strong and versatile as a regular sci vessel.
As stated, the Aquarius is an escort or destroyer, not a raider. I mean, come on, its a detachment from the odyssey. It really wouldn't make sense to make it very strong. That's lime making the secondary ship on the d'kyr as strong and versatile as a regular sci vessel.
No, it's a class of ship all it's own:
A Punchline.
It's too weak to be an Escort, way too fragile to be a Destroyer, and too expensive to be a Shuttle. It's a Raider, or it's nothing.
And if it's not a Raider, give it back the hull and shields that the Raider class strips away, and give it a boost to MAKE it either an Escort or a Destroyer. Because right now, it's nothing but a joke.
Not that it would matter, but it's a very, very EXPENSIVE joke at that. Not giving customers something of actual value for what they spend is a bad thing.
As stated, the Aquarius is an escort or destroyer, not a raider. I mean, come on, its a detachment from the odyssey. It really wouldn't make sense to make it very strong. That's lime making the secondary ship on the d'kyr as strong and versatile as a regular sci vessel.
Would be enough if it was as strong as the HoH'SuS, which is also just a detachment.
For those who disapprove of this kind of conduct by Cryptic, there is only one way you will be truly heard and not simply ignored. It is not here in the forums, or any other conventional mediun, it is with your wallet and your time. Stop paying, stop playing. When their profits and metrics suffer, the message will be loud and clear.
Wow, the Fed whine is strong on this thread...:rolleyes:
OK, KDF guys, remember to be nice to the poor, underpowered Federation players and only shoot them with rainbow turret builds on uncloaked, unshielded birds of prey to give them a fighting chance...:rolleyes:
Seriously. You'd think that Cryptic just nerfed the Avenger to make it slower than the Odyssey and weaker than the pre-revamp Gal-X. This is getting ridiculous.
For those who disapprove of this kind of conduct by Cryptic, there is only one way you will be truly heard and not simply ignored. It is not here in the forums, or any other conventional mediun, it is with your wallet and your time. Stop paying, stop playing. When their profits and metrics suffer, the message will be loud and clear.
You said it yourself. Rommies are the best at PVP.
KDF is UP. Fed is about balanced. Rom is OP.
We all know this. So stop accusing the KDF of being OP when you can fly around in a fleet tacscort or oddy or Avenger when we're stuck in glass-cannon BOPs.
Fed outnumbers KDF 5-1 in ker'rat. With Fed scimitars, KDF is weaksauce; fed sci vessels will reveal you, then the scimitar will kill you. The sheer number of Fed forces in Ker'rat makes torp bombing and BOP 5 on 1 woflpacks the ONLY viable techniques for KDF.
Exactly Right, once Rommies showed up with their Tvaro's a T'liss's and made the BOP obsolete KDF players have had to resort to these techniques. Even so, I have no problem owning BoPs in my Fleet Defiant or Dhelan. A well placed BO can often destroy them in one hit. The raider improvements are a good start and hopefully will lead to an overhaul of the BoP line. I'd really like to see a Fleet Heghta Bird-of-Prey.
I could be wrong, but a lot of the whining seems to be about the previous teams failures. Having come back from an extended absence it now seems like the new exec seems to be implementing new things to help balance the game at a good rate. Why don't we give him a bit of time to do his job, rather than moaning 'x is op' and other such TRIBBLE?
In game addy @thesaxlad invites for STF's and PUG PvP's welcome
Wow, the Fed whine is strong on this thread...:rolleyes:
OK, KDF guys, remember to be nice to the poor, underpowered Federation players and only shoot them with rainbow turret builds on uncloaked, unshielded birds of prey to give them a fighting chance...:rolleyes:
Seriously. You'd think that Cryptic just nerfed the Avenger to make it slower than the Odyssey and weaker than the pre-revamp Gal-X. This is getting ridiculous.
Yes, the whine is strong in this one. Don't forget to add, use pretty pink unicorn magic at the Feds too.;)
Seriously, I have a Gorn that I planned to fly Birds of Prey, even before I heard about the buff, so I'm happy to hear this, and no, this isn't jumping on the bandwagon.
Still wondering if anybody can verify the tooltip with a Sub BOFF in place - whether it's +25% (they don't stack) or +35% (they do stack) with the Improved Ambush (base +25% instead of +15%).
Because Fed. players need to fill a daily quota of whining about something, otherwise their sky might fall on them.
Which is necessary to round out the KDF playerbase's constant whining about developer neglect, and the old "BAAAWWWW FEDZ STOLED (Fill in game related item here) FRUM KDF!!111!ELEVENTY1! WE IZ SPEZUL SNO-FLAKES1111!!!!!11" b***hing that goes on frequently here.
The same tired TRIBBLE strawman counter argument, which is completely irrelevant. Contrary to the usual fanboi whining on these boards, the Romulan Republic, for all intents and purposes, is a separate faction.
His/her point is still valid.
But, by all means, carry on. At least you are maintaining your excellent track record, here of late, of trolling and spam posts/threads.
Second: Aquarius is laughably UP now. Unless you set it up a bit like the Risian Corvette speed demon builds that I've seen rip apart PVP cap-and-splode queues, it's not worth the expense, and even with a speed demon build it's weaksauce. HOWEVER, having said that, I approve of the decision to not "Raider-ify" the Aquarius. Raiders should be a KDF thing, with the exception of the Plesh Brek, which is not really a "true" raider (no cloak, higher flanking damage but no ambush bonus).
Agreed that the Aquarius Class is underpowered. However...
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, odds are that it's a duck. Flanking was supposed to be the central feature to the raider type update. The Plesh Brek has this feature. It also compensates for the lack of cloak with it's sensor disruption field console, and being faster/more durable than a BoP (hence the designation "Heavy Raider").
So, yeah, it's a true raider. It's just of a slightly different flavor.
As far as the KDF exclusive deal, the Plesh Brek pretty much let that cat out of the bag during the Winter Event. So, I see no harm in the Aquarius being re-worked into a non-cloaking heavy raider, in same mold as the Breen example.
Lol what a total pile of trash, as are the rest of these comments about PvP.
The reality is the KDF has always had better ships and an advantage in PvP, it was designed to be PvP only at one point.
Just go to Kerr'at if you look at the stats for it and if you listen to anyone in KDF PvP fleets you'll know that Feds are like shooting fish in a barrel.
PvP in this game has always been unbalanced, weak and TRIBBLE and those that make the laughable assertion that personal skill is meaningful need to consider the fact that two equally skilled players one in a Fed ship and one in a KDF vape boat will result in a 5:2 ratio at best in favour of the KDF boat... or worse it will be a horrid stalemate.
PvP in this game has always been unbalanced and useless, that is why every month or so Cryptic nerf or buff things in some attempt to add temporary value to PvP. The problem being that all it does is change the location of imbalance rather than remove or reduce it.
Honestly it's pathetic and PvP in this game is aptly described as just that, pathetic... and those who measure their e-peen by it are hilarious, go PvP on EVE see how long you last.
I do like the delicious situation though where now KDF PvP goons are crying and whining over Romulan ships beating them. LOL. Maybe you should go and console the Feddies you're starting to sound just like them.
Seriously I often wondered where all the good FED PvP players are, because I play with a lot of excellent FED PvE players... when I asked them if they play PvP those that did, used their KDF / ROM Characters and ships, why? Because FED ships suck at PvP in comparison, that's just the way it is.
Also I think people need to realise that many of the people who play PvP in this game have characters in all 3 factions so this whole idea of Fed's and KDF'rs is a bit of a joke.
You PvP in a KDF battlecruiser...!?
maybe what they say is right...
It takes a special kind of intellect to pick the worst ships to play PvP in, I mean obviously as I said before Fed ships are so bad in PvP that many of the better players use their KDF characters for PvP exclusively, of course they actually choose the best ships for PvP... not a KDF Battlecruiser.
anyone flying around Kerrat in one of those things is either trolling or a Pakled in disguise.
Nice fail attempt to argue KDF ships are poor at PvP... when you know the reality is they have the best ships for PvP (excluding Rom which is cross faction anyways)... it's just the KDF Battlecruiser isn't one of them.
And yet your comments are the biggest pile of all. There there, your "e-peen" is still bigger than most :rolleyes:
You're about as helpful as the millionth "NO TIER 5 CONNIE EVUR" comment. Translation: I don't like X, and if I don't like it, you shouldn't enjoy it either. Having the entitlement of a 12-year old does not equate to intelligence, sadly. Don't like the PvP? Don't bother wasting your time commenting on it then. If you didn't have your head stuck up your own TRIBBLE, you'd notice we have the same point to make on certain issues (no skill involved, unbalanced and broken). EVE's PvP is better? Good for you. Many games have better graphics and gameplay too. And they're all irrelevant to this one.
To spell it out for you (coming from a Fed, no less):
FvF PvP is far more populous than KvF. So much so that if you queue for both, FvF will always pop first.... so the "you just killed PvP" comments are moot. Don't want to face raiders? Don't queue for them! (Wow, that was hard) PvP because it's fun, stop when it stops being so. A lot of Feds who whine about the KDF getting ANY benefit seem to be fine with spamfests... as long as they're the ones dishing them out.
"But Ker'rat wah wah" See above. There are better ways to get gear/dil/marks. If it's fun for you, do it! It's not? Well...
You said it yourself. Rommies are the best at PVP.
KDF is UP. Fed is about balanced. Rom is OP.
We all know this. So stop accusing the KDF of being OP when you can fly around in a fleet tacscort or oddy or Avenger when we're stuck in glass-cannon BOPs.
Fed outnumbers KDF 5-1 in ker'rat. With Fed scimitars, KDF is weaksauce; fed sci vessels will reveal you, then the scimitar will kill you. The sheer number of Fed forces in Ker'rat makes torp bombing and BOP 5 on 1 woflpacks the ONLY viable techniques for KDF.
I don't have an e-peen
If you enjoy PvP in this game then carry on but don't assume that it means anything of value beyond that, because honestly if you like PvP this isn't a game that implements it well at all and anyone who spends their time on this forum arguing that skill plays a meaningful role in this game either at PvE or PvP is deluding themselves.
Anyone who knows the basics in this game doesn't require skill to win. Just the right build and the right key-binds, dexterity and alacrity as well as hand eye co-ordination are not tested in any great way in this game. This is coming from someone who played on-line Space PvP in it's infancy with X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter. :cool:
So let me "spell it out for you" (coming from someone with vastly more experience than you)
Whilst you all whine at each other and moan and whine some more, all you do is push Cryptic back on the Nerf/Buff merry-go-round they so love to ride on, I have no doubt next month there will be some buff or nerf because of whining about Raider powers. But for someone like me looking down from a great height, the actual framework and implementation of PvP was botched from the start and that is why Cryptic seem to play an endless game of Whack-a-Mole with the PvP system.
But we're only here to fly around getting insta-popped by stray FAW beams! We signed up for 'monster play' dontcha know, we're just a foil for the noble Starfleet captains and their superb ships-of-the line. We're meant to provide moments of slight excitement before dying glorious pyrotechnic deaths to the real captains. All Fed cruiser captains should be unkillable and do 90k dps on fully buffed targets. :P
On a much less facetious note, I agree with what you've posted in this thread. BoP's desperately needed some love. I would love to see something similar for the Scourge, Raptors, and yes, even the Aquarius.
Lol to be honest if he can't kill an Oddy in a BoP then he's doing PvP all wrong.
As for "real captains", many players have captains in all the factions, often choosing to use their KDF or ROM characters to use for PvP because they have the better ships for it.
Carrying on as if anyone who does not share your tastes or opinions lacks intellect does much to defeat any point you are trying to make. It's a verbose, arrogant equivalent to "do what you like but what you like SUCKS. My friends tell me so."
I loved X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, as I loved the separate X-Wing and TIE Fighter before it. Comparing the gameplay of a real-time 3D flight simulator to STO is apples and oranges, though. Even if you're piloting an escort, it's a starship, not a one-man fighter. A comparison to the gameplay PC Starfleet Academy -another excellent game- would have been closer to the mark... but the combat/bridge officer mechanics are so drastically different, it could never be implemented.
Starfleet Academy was never a multi player game with PvP implementation, the acting was also terrible but I enjoyed and if we're going down that route 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites did space combat quite well for 2D.
My point is that games like Homeworld (multiplayer) or EVE (MMO PvP) were built well from the start with good balance, PvP for STO was never much more than an afterthought and as such is plain horrible, it isn't a measure of skill nor of "eliteness" the fact that the entire game is DPS heavy and doesn't encourage combined arms at all says it all about this game.
Whatever you think of my comments (which is immaterial) the reality of the crappy mechanics of this games PvP implementation is self evident by the constant buff/nerfing that goes on every month and continual whining from all side about how their ships are UP and everyone else's are OP (Indeed this entire thread is testament to it). These are the fruits of poor design, whether you like how I convey reality is up to you.
EDIT: I also have to say the way the Aquarius came about is another example of the slapdash way Cryptic do things sometimes... basically players asked for a ship, Cryptic had the assets for it already... but instead of actually bothering to then balance the ships stats out and put time into making it competitive and something that was worth buying they basically rushed it through knowing those that wanted it badly enough to continue to ask for it would buy it anyways gimped or not. It's actually both hilarious and sad that the best thing to ever happen to the Aquarius was that bug where it grew in size exponentially.
Hence my emphasis on "gameplay", not "PvP" (I even used italics for your benefit). Hence, your comments on the acting are, as you are so fond of saying, immaterial.
Your opinion is just that. Labeling it "reality" does not change that fact.
Thank you for your irrelevant opinion.
Lol the game mechanics aren't my "opinion" they are fact. My opinion does not coerce Cryptic to buff/nerf elements every month, nor did my opinion poorly design the Aquarius.
These things are self evident reality.
Your erroneous attribution of reality as being a facet of my opinion is irrelevant
and to all braggers, just sharp your pilot skills and teach the KDF that no matter how much toys or how much OP they are, we feds are FAR better
end transmission
As stated, the Aquarius is an escort or destroyer, not a raider. I mean, come on, its a detachment from the odyssey. It really wouldn't make sense to make it very strong. That's lime making the secondary ship on the d'kyr as strong and versatile as a regular sci vessel.
No, it's a class of ship all it's own:
A Punchline.
It's too weak to be an Escort, way too fragile to be a Destroyer, and too expensive to be a Shuttle. It's a Raider, or it's nothing.
And if it's not a Raider, give it back the hull and shields that the Raider class strips away, and give it a boost to MAKE it either an Escort or a Destroyer. Because right now, it's nothing but a joke.
Not that it would matter, but it's a very, very EXPENSIVE joke at that. Not giving customers something of actual value for what they spend is a bad thing.
For those who disapprove of this kind of conduct by Cryptic, there is only one way you will be truly heard and not simply ignored. It is not here in the forums, or any other conventional mediun, it is with your wallet and your time. Stop paying, stop playing. When their profits and metrics suffer, the message will be loud and clear.
OK, KDF guys, remember to be nice to the poor, underpowered Federation players and only shoot them with rainbow turret builds on uncloaked, unshielded birds of prey to give them a fighting chance...:rolleyes:
Seriously. You'd think that Cryptic just nerfed the Avenger to make it slower than the Odyssey and weaker than the pre-revamp Gal-X. This is getting ridiculous.
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I know, right?
The whine is strong with that one...
Exactly Right, once Rommies showed up with their Tvaro's a T'liss's and made the BOP obsolete KDF players have had to resort to these techniques. Even so, I have no problem owning BoPs in my Fleet Defiant or Dhelan. A well placed BO can often destroy them in one hit. The raider improvements are a good start and hopefully will lead to an overhaul of the BoP line. I'd really like to see a Fleet Heghta Bird-of-Prey.
Yes, the whine is strong in this one. Don't forget to add, use pretty pink unicorn magic at the Feds too.;)
Seriously, I have a Gorn that I planned to fly Birds of Prey, even before I heard about the buff, so I'm happy to hear this, and no, this isn't jumping on the bandwagon.
That should answer all your questions right there, folks. Troll-bait from an armchair quarterback.
Which is necessary to round out the KDF playerbase's constant whining about developer neglect, and the old "BAAAWWWW FEDZ STOLED (Fill in game related item here) FRUM KDF!!111!ELEVENTY1! WE IZ SPEZUL SNO-FLAKES1111!!!!!11" b***hing that goes on frequently here.
The same tired TRIBBLE strawman counter argument, which is completely irrelevant. Contrary to the usual fanboi whining on these boards, the Romulan Republic, for all intents and purposes, is a separate faction.
His/her point is still valid.
But, by all means, carry on. At least you are maintaining your excellent track record, here of late, of trolling and spam posts/threads.
Agreed that the Aquarius Class is underpowered. However...
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, odds are that it's a duck. Flanking was supposed to be the central feature to the raider type update. The Plesh Brek has this feature. It also compensates for the lack of cloak with it's sensor disruption field console, and being faster/more durable than a BoP (hence the designation "Heavy Raider").
So, yeah, it's a true raider. It's just of a slightly different flavor.
As far as the KDF exclusive deal, the Plesh Brek pretty much let that cat out of the bag during the Winter Event. So, I see no harm in the Aquarius being re-worked into a non-cloaking heavy raider, in same mold as the Breen example.
I cant agree more one of the most stupid thing i've heard to date