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STO Gateway: Bugs and Technical Issue



  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    bignutter wrote: »
    Firefox claims the Gateway is no longer trusted.

    This is the error Message:

    Similar Error Message Occurs on the Tribble Version of Gateway, ( gatewaytest.startrekonline.com ) Only differences are my current time and web address.
  • noybmannoybman Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    bignutter wrote: »
    Firefox claims the Gateway is no longer trusted.

    This is the error Message:

    Firefox "claims it," because it is true.

    Go-Daddy! wants their money. Pay them Cryptic, and add a bullet to your calendar for renewal before expiration in the future. It's like paying your rent late even though you knew it was due.

    I like the gateway.
  • pdkohlerpdkohler Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I've noticed after the 8.5 release that the warp nacelles on the Aquarius escort no longer deploy when the ship is launched from an Odyssey tactical cruiser. Also noticed that on the Chimera destroyer that the nacelles regress into normal space mode when in sector space, instead of "warp" mode (nacelles extended and pylons moved into the up position) when in sector space.
  • boblfoot812boblfoot812 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Very Surprised - The Gateway appears to work quite well with Centos 6.5 Linux and Firefox ESR 24.3.0.

    Nice job folks.
  • neotrident12neotrident12 Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Provisions are not visible on the Fleet Spire when looking on Gateway. Additionally the donation sliders and contribution buttons do not recognise the discounts gained from the Dilithium Mine.
  • kazabokkazabok Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No renditions of in game items seem to load, that is no portraits or full body shots of Captains or Crew and no images of Ships. I get the default black silouettes of people or the default ship.

    Also on the ship equipment screen, my blue quality consoles have a purple glow. Same for gear on the bridge officers screens.

    I get these bugs on Win7, FF, Chrome and IE.
  • hdspringerhdspringer Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i paid 125 zen to buy delithium to buy weapons an things it took my zen but didnt get the dithium that i paid for:(
  • confedinblueconfedinblue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hdspringer wrote: »
    i paid 125 zen to buy delithium to buy weapons an things it took my zen but didnt get the dithium that i paid for:(
    Then instead of posting on a thread that has nothing to do with your issue--contact support. This thread is for gateway issues (gateway.startrekonline.com).

    Looks like the SSL certificate issue has been resolved, at least.
  • gothsnipergothsniper Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hello game is having issues after last patch can tell if torps are working no visuals on them and recharge time if cool downs for Torp spread 2 and one is not working , example in combat , Use torp spread 2 should have like a 15 sec cooldown before torp spread 1 can fire but the full cooldown from the first goes all the way threw before allowing torp spread to be used , and honestly from what I saw cant tell if torps even fired or did any damage no affects what so ever.
  • iroll21iroll21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It seems after logging in all of my characters are gone and ive tried logging in and out and reinstalling, and nothing just says 3 slots available and no characters. Is this a common issue or what.
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2014
    Guys, this is the STO Gateway bug report thread, not the STO bug report thread.
  • durranosgooddurranosgood Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Sometime at the end of last year I noticed that my DPS seemed to be capped on my tactical officer. I have now confirmed this using the combat log reader & other methods.

    The final straw is I just tested it on CGE and found that my adapted pulse wave & photon grenades now have the same damage value as a standard shot from the pulse wave rifle!?
    Which now makes the special's useless!

    Fully buffed I used to be able to normally hit above 1.5k from the grenades or the special from my fleet sniper rile. But something is now seriously wrong.

    It's really not fair as other players still seem to have their same DPS (engineers still able to take out anything in one with their mines & bombs). But it's like someone has just come along and Nurfed my characters weapons!.

    Has anyone else had this problem?
  • mrtoveymrtovey Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    no sure if this is the right place to post this so please sony shoot me:)

    I'm having a crashing using on my IMac, I've tried several uninstalls and reinstalls with fresh downloads and new patches.

    i load the game select my player click load. the screen gets to about 90% then crashes straight back to desktop. the game is working fine on my mac book pro just not on my iMac? this has happened ever since the down time yesterday. I'm running out of things to try and getting slightly annoyed now.

    in the rare occasion it loads it loads for 2 seconds max and then again crashes....

    please is there anyone that can help I've tried searching everywhere!!

    I'm running

    OS X (10.9.2)
    2.7 GHz Intel core i5
    8Gb 1600 MHz DDR3
    Macintosh HD

    and it was running perfectly fine up until the last down time yesterday.

    please someone else


  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Sometime at the end of last year I noticed that my DPS seemed to be capped on my tactical officer. I have now confirmed this using the combat log reader & other methods.

    The final straw is I just tested it on CGE and found that my adapted pulse wave & photon grenades now have the same damage value as a standard shot from the pulse wave rifle!?
    Which now makes the special's useless!

    Fully buffed I used to be able to normally hit above 1.5k from the grenades or the special from my fleet sniper rile. But something is now seriously wrong.

    It's really not fair as other players still seem to have their same DPS (engineers still able to take out anything in one with their mines & bombs). But it's like someone has just come along and Nurfed my characters weapons!.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    This is a bug thread based for this website: http://gateway.startrekonline.com

    Most Enermies on the ground are don't have that much health to start with. Armek has over 30,000 HP, but he IS the Boss for a 5 on 1. There was one time you got a DOT which did about 2000 DPS per shot, and killed Armek in 16 seconds. Got nerfed a few weeks later.
    mrtovey wrote: »
    no sure if this is the right place to post this so please sony shoot me:)

    I'm having a crashing using on my IMac, I've tried several uninstalls and reinstalls with fresh downloads and new patches.

    i load the game select my player click load. the screen gets to about 90% then crashes straight back to desktop. the game is working fine on my mac book pro just not on my iMac? this has happened ever since the down time yesterday. I'm running out of things to try and getting slightly annoyed now.

    in the rare occasion it loads it loads for 2 seconds max and then again crashes....

    please is there anyone that can help I've tried searching everywhere!!

    I'm running

    OS X (10.9.2)
    2.7 GHz Intel core i5
    8Gb 1600 MHz DDR3
    Macintosh HD

    and it was running perfectly fine up until the last down time yesterday.

    please someone else


    Again this is not really place for it. There are known issues about the game Crashing due to Graphic engine changes, as confirmed in the patch notes by the Devs.

    Now for my Bug Report:

    -Item Rank is Now Correct! (Green Items no longer show as Blue, etc.) Thank you!

    -Captain Ground Portrait still Missing.

    -Fleet holding with Donation Discounts do not reflect on the Donation boxes.

    -NEW! DOFFs for donation now all show as a Square and no name by it.
  • keleas1keleas1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's working now, please disregard.
  • iatethedopefishiatethedopefish Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I recently bough a duty officer from the exchange of the type "Nurse" with active space trait "Increases crew recovery while in combat, when crew is below 75%", but i cannot equip it as active space, only as active ground (!)
    Name: Zossyn K'sev
    Species: Andorian
    Gender: Female
    Color/Rank: Purple


    When i equip more than 1 purple nurses of the same kind as above, but with different names/species, theyre being removed from active space as soon as i load/warp into a different map, except 1 nurse which remains as active.
    Before i got the purple ones i already had 3 blue nurses with the same space trait equipped as active space at the same time and didnt have any issues with them.

    The whole thing is quite upsetting for me because i saved a lot of energy credits for those duty officers. I hope you can help me out. Thanks
  • eera73eera73 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hello i have reopen star trek to do the season 9, but since 2 day i can"t move my ship. Am into the Wolf 359 system. Impossible to accelerate, to move into my desk.

    Any idea ?
  • hoplite12345hoplite12345 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am also having trouble with the season 9 content during fleet action missions against the udine ship doesnt want to move among other things really jacky game play.

    Im wondering if the shard Mat is helping with this issue or not
  • lionandthelamblionandthelamb Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is a technical issue, but firstly, i'd just like to point out how stupid it is that new players can neither talk ingame or post on the forum. How the hell are we supposed to ask for help in a game we've never played before if all forms of communication are blocked? It's just silly.

    To my main point though, the april 24th update has messed everything up for me and now i can't access the game at all. Every time i click to play, either by desktop icon or through steam, this Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate starts with a value of 21MB to be downloaded. So i wait and watch as the number slowly counts down to 0, and when it gets there....lo and behold, it just starts again, downloading the same 21MB over and over whilst never actually doing anything.

    Now I originally had this problem when i downloaded the Arc client launcher to play STO and eventually gave up when I couldn't figure out a solution to this problem. I resolved it by downloading STO through steam and it's been working fine...until now. Now that stupid cryptic launcher autoupdate has appeared out of nowhere again (even if i access through steam too now) and just will not finish and allow me to access the game.

    I've searched the web and have found others with the same problem but no solutions were offered and the posts were from 2012/13. I've rebooted PC and modem countless times, assigned different default browsers, cleared caches, allowed exceptions on firewalls and every possible solution i can think of but all to no avail. I was really getting into STO and would like to play it again but this autoupdater is driving me crazy. Please help

    EDIT:Oh and the gateway doesn't work for me either. I log in and it just shows the blank back ground of the Federation symbol. Apparently its the character selection page bt i see nothing, no characcters, no buttons and it appears to have stopped loading, so i guess that's not an option either :(
  • confedinblueconfedinblue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Dudes--before you post, pay attention to the thread subject. This thread is for Gateway (gateway.startrekonline.com) issues ONLY. There is ingame support for issues and other places to post for bug reports. Please go there--you're not going to get any help on this thread.
  • johnluckpicardjohnluckpicard Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    my actions on action bar keep resetting to useless empety slots.

    i tried changing the number, putting my actions in differend bars etc etc. i locked the bars..

    everytime after a mission, or switching from ground to space, space to ground my action bar is reset to useless nothingness very anoying when you warped into enemie space and you first have to put all your actions back!
  • krio09krio09 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm having trouble with gateway it will log in then display 'loading command console' and then go blank with only the back ground visible.

    Also I saw an interview stating that they we're thinking of shutting down gateway due to lack of numbers using it. The only reason for this, is because it's glitchy. It needs to made into a iOS and android app for mobile use, with no or little glitches, then people will use it. The fact is I have to 'save my browser' every time I use the application at work, which is time consuming and off putting.
    Then sometimes when the app works and you try to allocate things to your fleet projects it doesn't register.
    To say that people don't like the idea of it is flawed, it's literally because it doesn't work very well. Improve it and people will use it ;-)

    The idea is great and definitely feels like it's in beta or even alpha. I doubt the devs really read this but if they did they may get some insight.

    Just some thoughts
  • smhssmhs Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Delete this
  • smhssmhs Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Last my post is not correct.

    i mean this QUOTE
    my actions on action bar keep resetting to useless empety slots.

    i tried changing the number, putting my actions in differend bars etc etc. i locked the bars..

    everytime after a mission, or switching from ground to space, space to ground my action bar is reset to useless nothingness very anoying when you warped into enemie space and you first have to put all your actions back!

    I have exactly the same problem.

    If you go to ground mode and back to space mode, disappeared many skills from the panels. And Duty Officers will roll back on at some SETUP before as skills.

    And also, there is another - that window constantly drawing black loot disappears after 30-40 seconds. It's a little annoying.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not sure if that wasn't mentioned earlier. If I set in game that my build is hide for other players at gateway it become hidden even for myself. I can check in gateway what ship I fly, but nothing more about it. No equipment, no boff stations and skills.
  • fuglassfuglass Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I hope this isn't a double post, but I've search this thread and the forum (found another person or people with the same issue).

    None of the items this week I have listed for sale on the exchange are showing up in the buy tab for others to view.
    I have switched toons and even listed items under other toons but the simply do not appear in the exchange list. I understand the exchange is slow at the moment, however 3 of these items have been posted since Saturday 4-26-14. 1 of which was returned to me already (3 days listed). If this is an isolated issue pls let me know I'll turn in a proper support ticket.

  • smhssmhs Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The problem is still relevant.
    If i go to ground mode and back to space mode, changin many skills from the panels + Active Duty Officers

    Shown in the video link - http://youtu.be/Jx-tqqKi-Lo

    Traits - Normal

    panel skills - fail

    Active Duty Officers - fail
  • squaliixsqualiix Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Since the Season 9 Update went live I cannot enable visuals on my Federation character's armor. I can disable or enable visuals on my ship, on my Bridge Officers, but not my main character.

    It may be that because his visuals were disabled when the update went live it's caused an issue while the others were all enabled and so fine, whatever the case is I'd like the option to swap between showing my armor and showing my uniform and currently I can't!
  • bluejacketbluejacket Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My ships still can't bank and turn like they did before the launch of Season 9. I also did not see this bug listed in the known game play bugs. So I am bringing this up again in the hopes that someone in Cryptic will see this post and at least list it in the known bugs.
  • thelastlinethelastline Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    So I'm on Chrome, and its timing out every time? It doesn't even let me go to character selection. Im assuming its because it takes forever for my game to 'patch' everytime I open the little thing that connects me to the gateway. Any help you can give me?
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