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The new Rep System



  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Rofl yeah its flowing alright. They might reconsider it after the game is almost completely dead like it was in season 4.
    grevdogg wrote: »
    Seriously? Quitting the game because you're losing half of the rep powers you have right now?

    As far as killing progression entirely, there is an easy way to fix that. I can't imagine they'll leave the rep trait cap at 4x4x4 when we're at 10 reps with 80 passives to choose from. So maybe it is 4x4x4 with only 5 reps, but you get another 1x1x1 for each rep you get to tier 5 after these first 5. So just like increasing the level cap in other games adds abilities that you have to CHOOSE between, you'll get a growing pool of rep traits to choose from and a growing number of slots for them. But these post 50 powers/traits are infinitely respec-able.

    Yes, we got nerfed. It happens in every MMO from time to time. Take your ball and go home.

    Yeah it got nerfed but its the final blow after years of this kinda treatment to the player base and to a higher extent the KDF.

    Although I can understand for a newer player like yourself it won't affect you much. The point you are missing is this does nothing for the power creep since its not even the problem. Problem is I have probally spent 100's of hours getting them all just to be forced to choose between a select few. I could care less about choosing between them or respecing them. Problem mainly they have you grind and grind just to take it away and that is not going to fly so after enough of this I am done. What that does if I leave there are others like me so its only going to hurt the newer players without people like me who have left and most of the decent players I've known over the years have quit anyways so it was inevitable I suppose. So in the end Cryptics history of blaming the player base is just resulting in their own downfall.
  • vhiranikosvhiranikos Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    it will level the playing field somewhat between "vets"(read: olde farts who hate change) and "newbs" (read: fresh players who are just starting out)

    what a steaming crock. rep powers are about the last thing that affected power creep. it was always primarily overpowered doffs, scary dps builds that can vape you or anything in two seconds, and ships getting released stronger and stronger. THOSE are what seperated the 'vets' and the 'newbs'

    the bonuses the reps provided were just that: bonuses. hardly unbalancing. Now, instead of grinding for the bonuses, you're grinding for the honor of possibly picking another bonus. And nothing will change, because some bonuses are clearly better than others and most players (not the RPing minority) will simply gravitate towards the 'best' overall abilities, just like before.

    I understand eventually the system would get too big for itself, but i'm kind of surprised it took them this long to figure it out.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vamerras wrote: »
    The design of the preferred ships is an ultimate fail in Mirror Universe Elite (and in the new Undine STF on the Tribble).

    On paper preferring science ships to close rifts and cruisers to power up relays sounds good.

    In reality the preferred ships are escorts with ultrahigh DPS. A pair of high DPS escorts will close a rift faster then a tank+science pair: they kill the mobs faster and who cares if the actual closing interaction is a littlebit slower.

    and yet my science ship solo closes rifts faster than i have seen many pairs do, regardless of their make up.
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just finishing up the rep on a third char. Any lost time on withdrawn abilities can be converted to Zen, and put into my account. Nothing unreasonable... ;)

  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I feel like i am been robed with the rep change ive maxed all reps out n will only be able to use 4 passive space ground traits at a time. Ive not loged on since i read the blog and dont see any reason to grind out more reps in this game i was only doing them for the passives. As ive got full mk xii fleet or rep stuff for all 5 of my chars.
  • grevdogggrevdogg Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Although I can understand for a newer player like yourself it won't affect you much. The point you are missing is this does nothing for the power creep since its not even the problem. Problem is I have probally spent 100's of hours getting them all just to be forced to choose between a select few. I could care less about choosing between them or respecing them. Problem mainly they have you grind and grind just to take it away and that is not going to fly so after enough of this I am done. What that does if I leave there are others like me so its only going to hurt the newer players without people like me who have left and most of the decent players I've known over the years have quit anyways so it was inevitable I suppose. So in the end Cryptics history of blaming the player base is just resulting in their own downfall.

    I've been playing since the open beta. Hence me saying "WE got nerfed". How long did you spend "grinding" out XP to get to level 50 only to have to choose which skills to put points into? Yes, the rep stuff takes longer than leveling, but mostly because it is time gated.

    Keeping people playing an MMO after they've gotten to the level cap is tricky. If you want to just keep upping the level cap, you have two problems. First, new players will be turned off by the idea of having to get form level 1 to 11billion; second, you have to be able to add enough content to not only level vets to the new cap but to keep them busy when they get there. Adding content costs money, and given that STO is free to play that probably isn't feasible. They can't convince us to have a million alts because of the limited number of character slots. The Rep system is a new progression for lvl 50 players. It takes time and grind. Grind is cheap in terms of development and time is the only thing you can't get any faster if you have better gear. This won't make every newb equal to a vet anymore than all top tier ships having 10 console slots will.

    If they keep adding reps but don't increase the number of slots, the rep system will probably be ignored in the future. People will grind out the 4 (or 8 if you care about ground) "best" passives and then go for whatever gear they want, ignoring all the rest. But if increasing the number of Rep Trait slots is based on how many factions you've gotten to Tier V, vets that grind out more reps will have an advantage over those that don't (admittedly smaller than the one they have now).

    All of that aside, if you don't think the game is fun then why are you playing it? If you've already maxed out all the reps, and you're already geared to the nines, what are you doing in the game? Is the game really going to be less fun for you because you don't have that +30 to Weapons Proficiency AND the +3% CritH?
  • mondoidmondoid Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The whole point of this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR5FEQnmOcc
  • jrwithjrwith Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yeah, except now you have 8 less permanent abilities. :P

    And what's with all this faux self-empowered 'choice' bit? It reminds me of when I first visited the States, and found myself dumbfounded at seeing so many ads on TV, like every 30 seconds or so; meanwhile hearing the advertisers try and sell it as 'The right to choose!' And ppl buying it, hook, line, and sinker. LOL. So funny.

    Anyway, how about I choose *not* to give up my 8 permanent abilities!? Can I do that too?

    also if I'm reading right you can slot abilities together you wouldn't have previously had the option to as there was a choice between them.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A huge advantage caused by this change is that it gives a reason to not get to Tier 5 in each reputation. If you don't like the Tier 5 power, the equipment, or the passives, then there is no reason to do the Reputation. You can go as far as you want in a Reputation. So if you like just one power at Tier 3 in a Reputation, then you don't need to go any farther than that. This system actually makes it far easier for alts since people won't need to do 10 different reputations on 10 different alts.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    A huge advantage caused by this change is that it gives a reason to not get to Tier 5 in each reputation. If you don't like the Tier 5 power, the equipment, or the passives, then there is no reason to do the Reputation. You can go as far as you want in a Reputation. So if you like just one power at Tier 3 in a Reputation, then you don't need to go any farther than that. This system actually makes it far easier for alts since people won't need to do 10 different reputations on 10 different alts.

    I disagree when it comes to the Romulan and Dyson reputations. The 32K dilithium you get for finishing those reputations is worth more than what you put in to that last tier. That's excluding the other rewards you get, such as the 750 reputation marks that can be used to get more dilithium. The Borg and Nukara reputation I agree.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Good example. Unfortunately not accurate.

    A more correct example would be if you were were on infinite pay and then your boss cut you down to your current pay level. Why infinite pay? Because in-game you are going from a system where you can possess every rep power in existence to a portion of all of those rep powers.

    Ah! But wer're *not* getting 'cut you down to our current pay level,' are we?! If only that were the case! If only they had said: "Look, boys & girls, enough already with all the rep abilities (wich we ourselves pushed onto you, btw); from here on in, we're going to keep you at the amount you already have."

    Nope. We had 12 rep space abilities, of which we ony get to keep 4 on 'active' now. That's a whopping 2/3 Nerf. And don't tell me it isn't. Imagine only being able to slot 1 Active Doff from now on, and then tell me again you don't lose anything!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jrwith wrote: »
    also if I'm reading right you can slot abilities together you wouldn't have previously had the option to as there was a choice between them.

    Like slotting Placate and Emergency Secondary Shielding together? Nice, if it's true. Too bad, though, that wee combo alone takes up half what you can slot on Active.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Ah! But wer're *not* getting 'cut you down to our current pay level,' are we?! If only that were the case! If only they had said: "Look, boys & girls, enough already with all the rep abilities (wich we ourselves pushed onto you, btw); from here on in, we're going to keep you at the amount you already have."

    Nope. We had 12 rep space abilities, of which we ony get to keep 4 on 'active' now. That's a whopping 2/3 Nerf. And don't tell me it isn't. Imagine only being able to slot 1 Active Doff from now on, and then tell me again you don't lose anything!

    I count 18 space rep abilities. You could only ever have 10 at a time, though. That means you're losing 2. But you're also able to choose combinations that you couldn't before.

    All this over losing 2 rep abilities. Hmmm.

    As for only being able to slot on DOFF, I wouldn't care if it affected everyone equally. Gaining or losing stuff only really matters if it's not done equally to everyone.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The more they try to defend this new rep system the more I laugh because the only thing that kept the ppl who hadn't quit after the disaster which season 7 was and the dinosaur hunt of season 8. The only thing at end game they had been using to keep ppl grinding was for those traits. So now they are going to cut off their own limbs at two points. First one is people like myself who already grinded up reps will be like uh yea can only choose this many so I don't need to grind any more. The second is because they are removing the reason the cross faction ques had ppl in them they are going to be dead.

    So looking at it through my views of why its not an ultimatum that I'm leaving STO it comes down to a few topics. First thing is I won't have any reason to grind reps the second is the KDF is mostly a lot of gimmick ships that are canon but have no purpose in this "power creep" they no longer stand tall with federation ships and are way under powered vs stats of romulan abilities. As well as the fact that KDF production is almost non-existent so here's the bottom line. No rep grind no reason to grind up any kind of marks anymore and the other no need to grind dilithium since I have enough federation ships and romulan ships, and kdf production is so limited to non-existent that I no longer need to grind dilithium. So therefore nothing left to play for and pvp is just so damn boring I wouldn't even bother doing that. Reminds me of a saying about if you give someone enough rope...
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I count 18 space rep abilities. You could only ever have 10 at a time, though. That means you're losing 2. But you're also able to choose combinations that you couldn't before.

    All this over losing 2 rep abilities. Hmmm.

    Hmmm, when you put it like it, it suddenly all sounds a lot less egregious. :)
  • crownvic351crownvic351 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hmm lets rethink your math... counting teir 5 skills you have 10 space skills u can currently use.. Now you can only have 4 active...Wow I must have went to the wrong school... I was taught that 10 - 4 = 6... That means you had 10 space skills currently now they tell you you can only have 4 space skills... That means you loose 6 of your current space abilities.. Now that's whats going on... Think about it that way!!! Totatly bogus... They are taking away things that every one can get by working for it. My ambassador use to get smashed by ganks.. now I am able to fight back and resist ganks thanks to grinding and getting the gear required to survive.

    You want to stop the big damage or your "power creap" nerf the outa cloak damage bonus. Cut that down some. IM not sayin make it pointless just drop damage bonus some.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hmm lets rethink your math... counting teir 5 skills you have 10 space skills u can currently use.. Now you can only have 4 active...

    And 4 passive. :) So, you can have a total of 8 rep space abilities slotted.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hmm lets rethink your math... counting teir 5 skills you have 10 space skills u can currently use.. Now you can only have 4 active...Wow I must have went to the wrong school... I was taught that 10 - 4 = 6... That means you had 10 space skills currently now they tell you you can only have 4 space skills... That means you loose 6 of your current space abilities..

    Actually, you can have 4 "space only" passives and 4 "any time" passives on in space. Which brings it up to a total of 8. Not much of a change.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by Meimetoo
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I look at this change, in conjunction with the changes to the rep system grind itself, and see this entire ball of feedback being so similar to the Galaxy Reboot feedback.

    Once people get a chance to sit down with the new powers and see their effects are improved and see the flexibility to swap into them, a lot of players will start to min-max them.

    And will start to see increases in their effectiveness.

    Just like how the day the Fleet Galaxy X went live, even though it didn't get the changes it "deserved" and didn't get a Lt. Commander Tactical BOFF, people started posting builds that showed a ton of improvement from the non-fleet version. With one thread showing a 30K DPS parse.

    The complaints are largely overlooking the boosts to the passives. And only focusing on the limitation aspect.

    Just like the complaints on the GX largely overlooked the small boosts and how they'd affect the ship's overall effectiveness and only focused on the Lt. Commander Tactical BOFF that it didn't get.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I look at this change, in conjunction with the changes to the rep system grind itself, and see this entire ball of feedback being so similar to the Galaxy Reboot feedback.
    *rubs hands together*
    Once people get a chance to sit down with the new powers and see their effects are improved and see the flexibility to swap into them, a lot of players will start to min-max them. And will start to see increases in their effectiveness.

    Just like how the day the Fleet Galaxy X went live, even though it didn't get the changes it "deserved" and didn't get a Lt. Commander Tactical BOFF, people started posting builds that showed a ton of improvement from the non-fleet version. With one thread showing a 30K DPS parse.

    The complaints are largely overlooking the boosts to the passives. And only focusing on the limitation aspect.

    Just like the complaints on the GX largely overlooked the small boosts and how they'd affect the ship's overall effectiveness and only focused on the Lt. Commander Tactical BOFF that it didn't get.

    First off, throwing in a reference to the Galaxy Revamp isn't exactly what you intended, right? Although there has been various amounts of success with the Galaxy-X (a la fleet), the Galaxy/Fleet Galaxy remains untouched and at the bottom of the list of effective cruisers. For a "Galaxy Revamp", the Galaxy or its fleet variant didn't get a thing changed.

    In regards to passives. There's no doubt that, with the upgrades each passive will get according to Dev Blog 5, there will be changes to the builds and playstyles of players in PvE and PvP. That doesn't mean the reputation revamp will be a complete success, given time. Cryptic denied a true revamp of the Galaxy. Cryptic will do it again; and this time, by making less but more potent passives, I'm not entirely convinced they are reducing power creep at all, merely creating a facade of one.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Actually, you can have 4 "space only" passives and 4 "any time" passives on in space. Which brings it up to a total of 8. Not much of a change.

    Yes. Initially I got a little confused on the meaning of 'Active' (as in Active space doffs slots), whereas the rep also knows both Active and Passive space powers. So, to quote the dev verbatim:

    "All players will have four slots for passive Ground powers, four slots for passive Space powers, and four slots for Active powers"

    So, the way I read that, is 1 group of 4 passive ground powers, and 1 group of 4 passive space powers, plus 1 group of 4 active powers, period (ground or space). So, 8 space power in total, if you want.

    EDIT: 8 space powers slotted (vs. the 10 you had) does mean, of course, only 4 ground powers left. But since I loathe ground anyway, I suppose I can live with that.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    EDIT: 8 space powers slotted (vs. the 10 you had) does mean, of course, only 4 ground powers left. But since I loathe ground anyway, I suppose I can live with that.

    Actually, it is 6 or 7 space powers depending on what the Undine Reputation is. There is the Romulan active space power and Nukara active space power. The 8 space powers will come about from some future reputation since we don't currently have 4 active space powers.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    Actually, it is 6 or 7 space powers depending on what the Undine Reputation is. There is the Romulan active space power and Nukara active space power. The 8 space powers will come about from some future reputation since we don't currently have 4 active space powers.

    Hmm, so basically we're back to only being able to use 4 (out of heretofore 8) passive space powers then?! So, that's a 50% nerf then.

    That would be funny, if it weren't so sad.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You guys will not ever see Undine rep until this system is in place.

    Which means it will also be in place for later reps.

    You can't claim you are loosing traits from the new rep... because it WILL NOT Exist in the current system.

    There for you are not having it taken away from you.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Best way to define this nerf is like saying:

    We have 5 doors to chose from, each requiring you to grind to reveal what is behind them.

    Grind door #1 and open: You just won a brand new car
    Grind door #2 and open: You just won the keys to that car
    Grind door #3 and open: You just won the remote to the car security system
    Grind door #4 and open: You just won the gasoline to fill up that car
    Grind door #5 and open: You just won the engine to that car

    Ok here's where they throw in the catch with fine print:
    You can chose any of the 5 door prizes you like, but can only have 4 in your possession at any given time.

    At no point can any of these 5 prizes be modified, changed, altered, exchanged by either you or any other person or outside source.

    All 5 prizes must remain here and only used by you, at no point can you have another outside source or person aid or help you with these prizes other than to offer advise.

    None of these prizes can be taken home or leave this exact location.

    Only 4 of the 5 items can be in proximity of each other, as in on or in and around the car itself, or location of any of the other prizes at any given moment, example means you cannot put gas in car along with the engine, than get the keys and security remote and start the car, because this would violate the rules of all 5 items being within close proximity of each other.

    Good luck, and enjoy your new car.

    Well at least you can sit in it and make vroom noises all while playing the stereo and flashing the lights, beeping the horn, spraying the window washer, turning on/off the wiper blades, tilting the steering wheel and seats, putting the windows up and down, adjusting the mirrors, etc.

    These are how your list of fun options go with this change to rep passives, lots of toys to play with, but never a complete running automobile.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • gerudongerudon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Best way to define this nerf is like saying

    No, it isn't.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Best way to define this nerf is like saying:


    #1 You don't need to grind to see what's behind the door. You can see it upfront. Nothing in STO is a surprise, everything is laid out for you from the moment you create a character.

    #2 On one hand you claim that the rep powers are so minor that a "nerf" wasn't necessary, on the other hand you claim that they are the one and only reason to grind a rep and your playstyle is completely screwed now.

    #3 Grinding those reps still grant you more passives to choose from and thus an situational advantage over players that don't.

    Of course you will only choose the damage increasing traits now - which means the dps dealing escorts loose a whole bunch of health, regen and resists. If they choose to do so, it's a good thing since now you need to specialize your build instead of having all of it. I don't see why this is a problem. You might feel like something is taken away from you (which you claim is so minor anyway) but you keep all of it and it's even improved.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You can't claim you are loosing traits from the new rep... because it WILL NOT Exist in the current system.

    There for you are not having it taken away from you.

    How's about 4 out of 8 passive space bonuses that have been taken away from me?! Do those count?!
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    gerudon wrote: »
    No, it isn't.

    Well you can't seem to offer up a better one, so instead you throw up this small lame post in it's place. :eek:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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