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The new Rep System



  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    duaths1 wrote: »
    - you can get EVERYTHING there is in STO without spending a dime (one exception - Red Matter Capacitor), and i surely can't remember i have been spending ANY Zen to gain reputations..

    btw - anybody selling a Code for the Red Matter Capacitor? :D

    That's a funny coincidence ... I was planning to move beyond the good ol' cheap but kind of "gross" aux-to-bat build ( but that requires a lot of EC ), make full use of high aux powers and even thinking of buying the RMC to do so but now that I have to choose a few rep powers, will I choose the T4 passive Nukara rep attack power? Will it be worth? don't know ...

  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Boring to some maybe, but not other's and do we get a voice in that change? NO :mad:
    Such is life.

    I'm mainly just adding a voice as someone who doesn't mind the change and thinks it could be interesting. If they decided not to do not, it wouldn't bother me either.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There is no equality, just imposed limitations now.

    Limitations breed creativity. You can't get things like interesting builds and customisability if everyone just ends up with everything all the time.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Boring to some maybe, but not other's and do we get a voice in that change? NO :mad:

    You get as much a voice as any of us... end of the day though its there game and they will do what they want.

    Its clear they have thought we have been completing PvE to quickly for some time... just look at all the missions the last 6 months or so... every one of them has a set time limit. (no complete and leave its all hold out for X amount of time)... and they have added 60 second "briefings" at the start of everything new.

    We have all been overpowered for awhile... and I think if we are being all honest we should have all seen some Nerfs coming. (Or a massive level increase).... we are grinding the grind to quickly.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ^^ Well said.

    It would have been one thing if they had limited the rep passives to what ppl currently have; but to retroacticely, and blatantly, rob ppl of 8 abilities is quite another. And don't tell me we don't really lose anything, cuz we do.

    Agreed, but try more than 8 because with the possibility of future reps like the undine adding 9 (5 of which are normally active) more to the table it becomes an even larger gap.

    Think what happens when the next is added, 9 (5 of which is normally active) more while we get no more to the 12 total to have active at any given moment.

    With 2 more reps added that's a total of 54 rep skills, for which you can only use 12 of, and 4 of them must be ground.

    While with the current system with 2 more reps added, it would be 54 rep skills 30 that could be active at any given moment, while most are ground skills.

    Hmmm looks like a blatant attempt at limiting player progress to me, so I whole heartedly agree with you.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Limitations breed creativity. You can't get things like interesting builds and customisability if everyone just ends up with everything all the time.

    Limitations also drive off player's, guess they will see how effective their change really is. :rolleyes:

    And as it stands there is no limitation in interesting or customizability currently, and not everyone ends up with everything without spending or grinding the new system isn't going to effect any of that.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    That means the Rotating Weapon Frequency trait will be gone.

    I say good riddance. It was completely eclipsed by the ground sets (instant remodulation on a short enough CD that you could use it whenever you needed it plus a reputation trait beats out RWF any day) and is completely useless when you're not fighting Borg. By replacing it with the graviton pulse module, it will actually be competitive for a slot.

    Great... and until you can get the huge amount of marks and dilithium for the set avoid borg entirely, want the dyson ground set as its better for your play style ? Avoid borg entirely, its silly.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yes. It might not seem like it now. But skip ahead two years, and add three more Reps. With this in place, the limit of 4, 4 and 4 is still there. Instead of a huge gap between someone who's done one rep versus someone who's done all 8 reps in the future STO.

    So if you never become more powerful than a noob, why bother at all? Shouldn't I just spend my time and money in another game where I can grow my character?
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Agreed, but try more than 8 because with the possibility of future reps like the undine adding 9 (5 of which are normally active) more to the table it becomes an even larger gap.

    Think what happens when the next is added, 9 (5 of which is normally active) more while we get no more to the 12 total to have active at any given moment.

    With 2 more reps added that's a total of 54 rep skills, for which you can only use 12 of, and 4 of them must be ground.

    While with the current system with 2 more reps added, it would be 54 rep skills 30 that could be active at any given moment, while most are ground skills.

    Hmmm looks like a blatant attempt at limiting player progress to me, so I whole heartedly agree with you.

    Yes but cutting it at 8 like it is doesnt make people fee llike stuff is being taken OFF them though which is what a lot feel like now.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    paspinall wrote: »
    Great... and until you can get the huge amount of marks and dilithium for the set avoid borg entirely, want the dyson ground set as its better for your play style ? Avoid borg entirely, its silly.

    I can hear the complaints already regarding defara. :rolleyes:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I like it.

    This almost completely removes pointless grinds. There is now no need to grind 5 reps to T5 --- you can't use that much gear and you can't use that many passive/active perks. And new rep, the same.... if there is no item you "gotta have" in the new rep, you can skip it or grind it to T3 for a passive or something but in general a LOT of rep can now be skipped without leaving you weak.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Limitations also drive off player's, guess they will see how effective their change really is. :rolleyes:

    And as it stands there is no limitation in interesting or customizability currently, and not everyone ends up with everything without spending or grinding the new system isn't going to effect any of that.

    Yep, limitations like "You must have grinded this much to play the new Elite event with phat loot and dilithium rewards and new story elements" can really turn off players.

    And I wouldn't be so scared that everyone stops grinding the reps, however. There are people that hunt for achievements in Steam or other games, too, and those don't even offer a reward.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    I like it.

    This almost completely removes pointless grinds. There is now no need to grind 5 reps to T5 --- you can't use that much gear and you can't use that many passive/active perks. And new rep, the same.... if there is no item you "gotta have" in the new rep, you can skip it or grind it to T3 for a passive or something but in general a LOT of rep can now be skipped without leaving you weak.

    If you want to use those higher tier skills you still have to grind them, and without them you still are as you say weak. (None of them made anyone completely OPing as to need limit them)

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    We have all been overpowered for awhile... and I think if we are being all honest we should have all seen some Nerfs coming. (Or a massive level increase).... we are grinding the grind to quickly.

    You're too quick to place the blame on the wrong people. The players are not to blame.

    The blame lies squarely on Cryptic for creating the godsawful grinds in the first place. It is always incumbent on players to overcome those bad design decisions or leave the game.

    So what we have now is Cryptic "fixing" their bad designs with more bad designs. Keeping the grind, but nerfing powers is not going to make this game healthy. The player ROI will be too low to make it worthwhile to buy into the system -- and Cryptic will be wasting time and resources on it when they could be doing something constructive... like making a featured episode series again instead of one offs+ginds.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yep, limitations like "You must have grinded this much to play the new Elite event with phat loot and dilithium rewards and new story elements" can really turn off players.

    And I wouldn't be so scared that everyone stops grinding the reps, however. There are people that hunt for achievements in Steam or other games, too, and those don't even offer a reward.

    Grind is part of any MMO, this game has one of the easiest grinds I have seen yet and doesn't bother me (but this is only an opinion of 1 out of many).

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you want to use those higher tier skills you still have to grind them, and without them you still are as you say weak. (None of them made anyone completely OPing as to need limit them)

    But they did.

    What if I told you my ship...

    Had 8 Damage consoles
    My guns all had 6 mods on them [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 [CrtH]x1.5 [CrtD]x0.5
    A built in Neutronium Armor for free.
    An extra 4000 hit points
    That my ship had 1400 shield regen every 6s second (instead of 700)
    And I had an extra Armor Adapt Mod on my ship that gave me the = of another Neut armor any time I took any fire.
    I also have 2 free Embassy Science cosnoles worth of + shield on Crit hit for free
    Not to mention this ship also has a built in Cloak that lets me fire while I'm cloaked every 5min
    I also have a free Tet Cascade attack every 5min

    You tell me would that ship be considered well balanced to you if I put it that way instead of saying that is what Reputation does for you.

    The above list is WHY the devs correctly consider that to be to much creep.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    But they did.

    What if I told you my ship...

    Had 8 Damage consoles
    My guns all had 6 mods on them [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 [CrtH]x1.5 [CrtD]x0.5
    A built in Neutronium Armor for free.
    An extra 4000 hit points
    That my ship had 1400 shield regen every 6s second (instead of 700)
    And I had an extra Armor Adapt Mod on my ship that gave me the = of another Neut armor any time I took any fire.
    I also have 2 free Embassy Science cosnoles worth of + shield on Crit hit for free
    Not to mention this ship also has a built in Cloak that lets me fire while I'm cloaked every 5min
    I also have a free Tet Cascade attack every 5min

    You tell me would that ship be considered well balanced to you if I put it that way instead of saying that is what Reputation does for you.

    The above list is WHY the devs correctly consider that to be to much creep.

    Why yes I would considering anyone who grinds a rep has those abilities as well, but not like they prevent people from being vaped in seconds oh noooo. :rolleyes:

    Again balance would come better from revised everything, not a limit to rep skills alone.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why yes I would considering anyone who grinds a rep has those abilities as well, but not like they prevent people from being vaped in seconds oh noooo. :rolleyes:

    Again balance would come better from revised everything, not a limit to rep skills alone.

    But it's nice to see them start somwhere.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    But it's nice to see them start somwhere.

    What by limiting player's advancement by removing semi decent but not OPing skills, for less skills but way more destructive in nature?

    Yeah that will go over nicely!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Limit the grind?..Simple, make reputation account wide and allow for it to contributed to by multiple characters on the 20hr cycle or cap it on a weekly basis, like TOR. This will encourage people to level alts and allows for either powering through for hard core types but doesn't make it impossible for casual players.

    Or allow for the leveling missions to grant rep points, comms, w/e. This way allows for people to level rep while leveling a character or duringepisode replay. Also, players will have had a head start once they finish the episodes and makes the grind less of a grind at end game. The only rep that wouldn't be affected is Nukara.

    Want to stop power creep, make things hit harder or NPC AI smarter. Also, add a level of difficulty that requires the trinity or make it so all weapon types are needed. Example, AP will devastate Borg, but Undine would laugh and point at you. There are enough baddies at endgame that would make this viable.

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lowy1 wrote: »
    Limit the grind?..Simple, make reputation account wide and allow for it to contributed to by multiple characters on the 20hr cycle or cap it on a weekly basis, like TOR. This will encourage people to level alts and allows for either powering through for hard core types but doesn't make it impossible for casual players.

    Or allow for the leveling missions to grant rep points, comms, w/e. This way allows for people to level re while leveling a character or episode replay. Also, players will have had a head start once they finish the episodes and makes the grind less of a grind at end game. The only rep that wouldn't be affected is Nukara.

    Want to stop power creep, make things hit harder or NPC AI smarter. Also, add a level of difficulty that requires the trinity or make it so all weapon types are needed. Example, AP will devastate Borg, but Undine would laugh and point at you. There are enough baddies at endgame that would make this viable.

    I can agree and disagree, as grind is annoying but is the only way they can keep player's playing due to little expansions that have very little time needed to complete.

    It is also their number 1 way to keep people needing or wanting to pay for ways to quicken this, and I can't blame them for using this method if it works for them.

    Unlike other MMO's that charge you for an expansion that may have lengthy missions and provide 4-10 of those missions, this method throws in the RNG with high end loot possible to keep driving player's to play, STO doesn't use such a system but instead incorporate short missions with high grind involved, but their grind guarantees when completed those nifty toys.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • undedavengerundedavenger Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    trwarbuck wrote: »
    I really don't like this. I figure as the Reputation system is now I have 8 Ground abilities and 8 space abilities and the special 5th tier abilities (4 of those). Now if I understand correctly I am losing 8 abilities (4 ground and 4 space) in this revamp of the system. I don't like this.
    I for one want the Reputation system not to change. I chose those abilities for a reason and I don't want to lose any of them. I really don't care if the abilities is being beefed up. If they did it this way:
    You get 1 Reputation trait slot per tier level per Reputation area (Nukara, Omega, New Romulus, Dyson, and Undine) that would be a total of 20 Reputation Trait slots. The 5th tier Reputation Trait is a set one that would not take up any of the Reputation trait slots. 1 per Reputation tier level times 5 Reputation areas = 20 Reputation slots. Of these; 10 would be ground traits and 10 would be space traits.
    Each Reputation area (Nukara, Omega, New Romulus, Dyson, and Undine) would give twice the number of Reputation Traits. Currently 4 ground and 4 space, would become 8 ground and 8 space. So twice the number would be available per tier that you went up or 4 per tier. As you go up in tier you gain only one of the 4 Reputation trait slots that comes available for you to chose from. So by the time you gain 5th tier you get 2 Ground and 2 space from a choice of 16 ground and 16 space. The Reputation trait gained at tier 5 would still be obtained.

    This keeps the system with 2 ground and 2 space plus the tier 5 traits that is currently there.

    In other words, you want to have EVERYTHING, right? Instead of actually fitting into a role that is a valuable COMPONENT to a TEAM? In a MULTIPLYER game?

    Obviously you are one of the very reasons we have a game where almost everyone is in some sort of high DPS boat with a billion cannons and no strategy.

    Now you will need to figure out a role before entering a mission and actually CONTRIBUTE to the team instead of buzzing around trying to rack up damage while leaving the other players to cover your tail and get less reward.
    Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why yes I would considering anyone who grinds a rep has those abilities as well, but not like they prevent people from being vaped in seconds oh noooo. :rolleyes:

    Again balance would come better from revised everything, not a limit to rep skills alone.

    Both need to happen.

    Sorry traits could not continue to exist as they are. Cryptic is going to keep doing quick and dirty reps for as long as the servers are up... so yes something has to give there.

    I can role with arguments for keeping everything we have now and limiting anything new... but something has to change... we can not have a game with 10+ reps all free to use everything always on. Which WILL happen I know there are not 10 now... but 2 years ago there where none... then one then two then 3 and 4... and now we will have 5. It can't continue... unless they make them so weak people would complain about that.

    I do agree though...

    - they need to address the doff system... and perhaps make major changes... but at the least make 3 or 4 changes to a few key doffs that are 2 good in there current implementation.

    - they need to address the stacking of bonuses from bridge officers. Going forward they should all be subject to a diminishing return formula.

    - they need to address a few issue skills like Fire at Will, Always Hit Torpedo Spread.

    - they need to address in general the way the games counter system works. Right now debuffs and clears are spread all over the place... with Hazard Emitters clearing things it should not clear at all like Tykens Rifts and Energy Siphens... Ideally and for simplicity sack.... Only Team skills should clear. They should all have 5s durations (inlcuding Tac team). Tac Debuffs cleared by tac team as it works now... Engi Debuffs cleared by Engi team... (Aceton, Eject Warp plasma... and yes even Boarding Party)... Sci debuffs cleared by science team (mostly as it is now accept for some of the stuff hazards does for some odd reason)

    - Console Power creep also needs to be addressed. I suggested every ship loosing one console slot and gaining 2 general purpose (universal) console slots... and I think that would be the most reasonable way to deal with the issue... with Cryptic doing a balance pass on consoles taking some consoles and removing there Universal statues and forcing them into a slot type.

    - Weapon power drain... they had it right 3 years ago... the new system of auto returning of power is broken... and is one of the main issues with the current games dmg mechanics... that needs to be reverted.

    That is my main list of things that really honestly need to happen in STO. Like I have said if I was Crypiics lead Dev you guys would all hate me within a day... honestly though I believe that after a few weeks everyone would get it and the game would move forward. lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In other words, you want to have EVERYTHING, right? Instead of actually fitting into a role that is a valuable COMPONENT to a TEAM? In a MULTIPLYER game?

    Obviously you are one of the very reasons we have a game where almost everyone is in some sort of high DPS boat with a billion cannons and no strategy.

    Now you will need to figure out a role before entering a mission and actually CONTRIBUTE to the team instead of buzzing around trying to rack up damage while leaving the other players to cover your tail and get less reward.

    Yes because with these changes it will not be a DPS oriented game? Hmm funny how most of the rep changes only encourage and add more dps to the mix, instead of adding small amounts over many traits.

    People fitting a role is already available, with these changes it will still be a dps battle no matter what they are just simply adding a cap to advancement when it comes to rep traits is all.

    Now we can think of our toons as tier 5 ships with 12 slots, and massive abilities that can be slotted, yeah this is what some people want as far as game advancement.....Limits. :rolleyes:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • nakedcrooknakedcrook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    I like the new system ... Not only because it will level the playing field somewhat between "vets"(read: olde farts who hate change) and "newbs" (read: fresh players who are just starting out)


    "Vets" (read: players who have spent their time and paid their dues and earned their rewards) and "newbs" (read: Players who want to have the same perks as vets without the same investment of time and effort)

    I think mine is more accurate.

    If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Both need to happen.

    Sorry traits could not continue to exist as they are. Cryptic is going to keep doing quick and dirty reps for as long as the servers are up... so yes something has to give there.

    I can role with arguments for keeping everything we have now and limiting anything new... but something has to change... we can not have a game with 10+ reps all free to use everything always on. Which WILL happen I know there are not 10 now... but 2 years ago there where none... then one then two then 3 and 4... and now we will have 5. It can't continue... unless they make them so weak people would complain about that.

    I do agree though...

    - they need to address the doff system... and perhaps make major changes... but at the least make 3 or 4 changes to a few key doffs that are 2 good in there current implementation.

    - they need to address the stacking of bonuses from bridge officers. Going forward they should all be subject to a diminishing return formula.

    - they need to address a few issue skills like Fire at Will, Always Hit Torpedo Spread.

    - they need to address in general the way the games counter system works. Right now debuffs and clears are spread all over the place... with Hazard Emitters clearing things it should not clear at all like Tykens Rifts and Energy Siphens... Ideally and for simplicity sack.... Only Team skills should clear. They should all have 5s durations (inlcuding Tac team). Tac Debuffs cleared by tac team as it works now... Engi Debuffs cleared by Engi team... (Aceton, Eject Warp plasma... and yes even Boarding Party)... Sci debuffs cleared by science team (mostly as it is now accept for some of the stuff hazards does for some odd reason)

    - Console Power creep also needs to be addressed. I suggested every ship loosing one console slot and gaining 2 general purpose (universal) console slots... and I think that would be the most reasonable way to deal with the issue... with Cryptic doing a balance pass on consoles taking some consoles and removing there Universal statues and forcing them into a slot type.

    - Weapon power drain... they had it right 3 years ago... the new system of auto returning of power is broken... and is one of the main issues with the current games dmg mechanics... that needs to be reverted.

    That is my main list of things that really honestly need to happen in STO. Like I have said if I was Crypiics lead Dev you guys would all hate me within a day... honestly though I believe that after a few weeks everyone would get it and the game would move forward. lol

    Well that's a decent list to start, but tons more need be applied. If we want balance in pvp you need eliminate all use of doff's/boff traits/rep traits/all ship consoles except the unique ship ones/allow only batteries and weapon platform devices/forced plain jane ship gear (no fleet/lobi/store or rep).

    Only than would this bring a huge balance to the game from a pvp perspective, but good luck getting this to happen.

    This would

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    nakedcrook wrote: »

    "Vets" (read: players who have spent their time and paid their dues and earned their rewards) and "newbs" (read: Players who want to have the same perks as vets without the same investment of time and effort)

    I think mine is more accurate.
    Well, that's just completely wrong. Largely since they (the newbs) still need to do the rep grinds to get the things. The vets are just more limited in what they had previously.

    Which isn't as big a deal as people here are making it out to be, since they'll still have everything they just need to pick and chose what they want active instead of just having everything active.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you want to use those higher tier skills you still have to grind them, and without them you still are as you say weak. (None of them made anyone completely OPing as to need limit them)

    Of course you do need to grind what you will use!
    But if you do not play much ground, as is the case for a lot of players (myself included) --- well the only space rep clicky I use regularly is the +science one so right off the bat I could skip 3/4 tier 5 grinds unless I wanted something from one of the stores (which I will, of course, but not from all 3 of those, maybe ONE of the three, probably omega but with the revamp to the items, who knows which will be neat?). So the grind is cut 50% for semi-casual space-centric players already. And looking forward, the more they add, the less of it you "have" to do; you can cherry pick.

    As for OP, no, it was not, but add 3 more reps and all those passives, it adds up over time. Before this I felt compelled to get t5 in all the reps just for the passives, as I do want to do the best I can with my characters. Now I have to make a choice, rather than have it all, which is flavor & customization (good things to have!) and that choice removes some of the tedium (also a good thing).

    Would I rather have it all? Sort of --- everyone likes to be powerful. But having it all going forward is, as many others already said, not healthy for the game given the lack of a level cap increase and tougher enemy.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    Of course you do!
    But if you do not play much ground, as is the case for a lot of players (myself included) --- well the only space rep clicky I use regularly is the +science one so right off the bat I could skip 3/4 tier 5 grinds unless I wanted something from one of the stores (which I will, of course, but not from all 3 of those, maybe ONE of the three, probably omega but with the revamp to the items, who knows which will be neat?). So the grind is cut 50% for semi-casual space-centric players already. And looking forward, the more they add, the less of it you "have" to do; you can cherry pick.

    Fine for some, but very few would settle with one rep skill out of 54.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Fine for some, but very few would settle with one rep skill out of 54.

    More than you think, I would bet. Not a lot of the forum folks who tend to be serious about the game and builds, but countless current players currently do not have all 4 reps at t5. This is a buff for those people, while its a nerf for those who earned it all. I am probably one of the most hurt by the way... 4/6 chars at t5 in all 4, played about 4 months, lot of wasted EC & time to get those passives just to lose them soon. But I understand the why of it, and approve.
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