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Season 9 Dev Blog #5: Changes to Reputation Powers



  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    atomictiki wrote: »
    But you only get to choose 4. You don't keep what you currently grinded hard for.

    It's a nerf.

    So? With four sets of four reputation powers you can amass a quite a lot of power in what is explicitly nothing but a grinding perk (whereas ships and equipment have a bit more latitude in how you acquire them.)

    That situation was only set to get worse with time. Hence the nerf, it was a neat idea back when we were only dealing with the romulan and borg reputations but with compounding add-ons there needs to be a limit (which incidentally makes the system a lot more approachable. When you can only have four rep traits active per zone the cost in not having the higher tiers unlocked becomes significantly less. I just put a new character through the rep systems and it would have made the process a hell lot less tedious, and a hell lot less demanding, if I were only unlocking new tactical options at each tier rather than pushing my way to a pseudo 60.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • goddard22goddard22 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So I guess when you are done grinding everything your done then ?

    You won the game... might as well go do something else until the next rep grind is released ?

    Damn I hope most people don't play like that sounds really really unfun.

    well then, you dont get the point...sorry

    is it not part of endgame beeing eager to get the ship to the max? why does anybody break 30, 40, ... 80k dps barrier? because they want to know more, the want to go to the maximum af all abilitys?!
    after that, i hunt for ACCs, some stuff i like to have for gorund combat, see what mission i have not played or i can play. look for a new setup on an other ship....
    i really feel that you dont see my (or any) point

    reducing everyone to the same level wont help newbies, and even not veterans/ long time players


    in a conclusion of your statement everything you do is reproducing more and more new chars?

    i really dont want to fight you, but i think i made it clear, what I feel about this new development
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The way I see this it's actually just more power creep. I think the idea is to have someone be able to start a new character, do a couple lvl 2 reps in 3 days, plunk down 100 bucks or so and crush anything else that hasn't done the same.

    To me the rep at least required a little effort. It slowed the pay to win a little.
    It also seems pretty likely you will be able to buy additional slots later.

    It's not the end of the world to me or anything, just mildly irritating.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • kitsune424kitsune424 Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Right I agree it would make it COST something to slot both Temp consoles. That isn't a bad thing is it ? :) Ship consoles should remain Uni and be limited to 2 per ship... so if you slot both temp consoles... you have to give up other uni consoles... nothing wrong with that.

    Right now there is no cost at all which is why everyone agrees the Temp science ship and the Voth pallisade are both > then all fleet science ship options.

    It should be a choice... if you couldn't slot both Temp consoles with out making the hard choice to say drop the plasmotic leech from your build that would be a good direction for the game to teke.

    THEN lockbox ships become flavor options and not defacto best.

    You just made my point thank you very much, it would make many a unique build invalid and useless, something I disagree with. If you don't like that there are people better then you at this game, go play solitare, at least there there is no one but yourself
    We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    Assuming this will be introduced and ive unlocked all current rep systems to T5.... what should be my motivation playing another Reputation system (like an undine rep system) if I still can only use 4 powers (ground/space/active)?
    To unlock the rep passives and the active ability for situations where they are helpful

    To unlock items such as consoles and weapons and armor

    To unlock transwarp destinations

    Because you are playing the content anyway and you might as well dump the marks
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kitsune424 wrote: »
    You just made my point thank you very much, it would make many a unique build invalid and useless, something I disagree with. If you don't like that there are people better then you at this game, go play solitare, at least there there is no one but yourself

    I'd recommend Trexels. That's still at least a Star Trek game.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kitsune424 wrote: »
    Feels about stupid to me -.-

    2 uni limit? what about the uni's you get from the rep system? what if you have a set that needs 3 uni's? or if you already have the Temporal uni consoles?

    All aboard the USS Stupidity my dear fellow, you, antoniosalieri, and vengefuldjinn have first class seats, they come with a single tack instead of the usual 3. Oh and as a rule you HAVE to sit in the seat, no standing or hovering

    :) its called making a game that isn't a run away creep show.

    Have you ever played another MMO? If you haven't I understand ... if you have though, look at STO with an objective eye.

    Do any other Developers allow you to slot so much + items and so many + passives + a bunch of doffs ect.

    The difference between fully geared up and basics no doff builds are CRAZY. No other developer would have allowed it to get here... NONE.

    So I am both on one hand glad to see Cryptic at last realizing they need to change things if the game is going to survive at all.... at the same time I am a bit sad it has taken them this long frankly. I just hope they have the fortitude to power through the wine and fix this thing.

    The 2 uni console slots... yes I think no ship should have access to more then 2... Ships with large console sets should have 2 of them changed to fit in one of the 3 regular slots (engi / sci / tac).... Yes like it or not People view Lockbox ships as P2W and in general bad for game balance. People could still slot 2 console lockbox ship sets... but at the expense of other Uni consoles... I don't see that as an issue myself.

    You would call it a nerf... and that is fine... Nerf isn't a bad word. In the name of game balance and moving forward something like that needs to happen next / as well as the current round of changes we know are coming.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    To unlock the rep passives and the active ability for situations where they are helpful

    To unlock items such as consoles and weapons and armor

    To unlock transwarp destinations

    Because you are playing the content anyway and you might as well dump the marks

    And to unlock costume options. Which are now getting even easier to utilize once you do the grind for them.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    To unlock the rep passives and the active ability for situations where they are helpful

    To unlock items such as consoles and weapons and armor

    To unlock transwarp destinations

    Because you are playing the content anyway and you might as well dump the marks

    Rep passives are very rarely useful against a certain enemy type.

    The other reps already gave just as good consoles and weapons and armor.

    Transwarp destinations are not that useful, and certainly not worth grinding a rep out for.

    Why should I play the content? I'll do it once, than be done with it.
    I can just make an alt and rather do omega rep again, if its more suitable for me.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    That situation was only set to get worse with time. Hence the nerf, it was a neat idea back when we were only dealing with the romulan and borg reputations but with compounding add-ons there needs to be a limit (which incidentally makes the system a lot more approachable. When you can only have four rep traits active per zone the cost in not having the higher tiers unlocked becomes significantly less. I just put a new character through the rep systems and it would have made the process a hell lot less tedious, and a hell lot less demanding, if I were only unlocking new tactical options at each tier rather than pushing my way to a pseudo 60.)

    Power creep is what MMOs are all about. The only thing that gets worse over time is the exponential amount of grinding Cryptic loves to push players through. And they should reduce the grind on old things as new ones are introduced. That's only where the problem lies -- too much grind.

    I don't see where people are getting all up in a tizzy because some player does more damage than they are in a STF or other group mission -- It means we get it done a lot faster and probably can hit the optional. More power to that guy or gal for grinding out those powers.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • matrix0matrix0 Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So what is the point of playing lot then? The whole idea of grinding rep system is to obtain the rep powers. For example, Nukara gears are ulber craps. The only reason I finished the Nukara rep because of the rep powers. Since now that we can only equip only 4 powers at a time, there is no point grinding for new rep anymore.

    The whole point of sticking to and playing a mmo is to accumulate money/items/skills. This change is like an oxymoron imo. The devs want ppl to play a lot but decide to make changes that telling players that there is no point of playing a lot.

    Whoever thought of this TRIBBLE should have his/her brain exam. Well, whatever, if they want to alienate veterans players, so be it.
  • megamanx82megamanx82 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yet another "Improvement" forced on us. Why is it when we get into a decent rhythm, they call it a "Exploit" and make it that much harder for everyone? It doesn't make any logical sense. Now they want to redo the rep system that many of us have spent a lot of time to fill and configure to work the way we want it. I'm assuming that they would give us "Free" respec tokens too.... Unlikely. Seriously Devs... Stop wasting time on irrelevant "Improvements" and start focusing on Bug Repairs instead.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm ambivalent about this. On one hand, it's a huge nerf to those of us who have maxed out many reps on many toons. On the other hand, PvP was getting a bit overloaded with this stuff, becoming increasingly inaccessible to those who didn't have it. And it saves me the bother of grinding some of this stuff now. I'm willing to give it a chance and see how this spins out.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Rank 1 in ALL of the reps takes what, 2 days? And that's only due to time gates.

    Rank 2 takes another two days or so?

    So the Brand New player hits 50. Has some work done already on the Borg rep (level 45). And then can add in all the other reps. And within a week, has access to all those second level space abilities and first level ground abilities to mix and match together.

    Then they can decide if they want to go further. Which most probably will for the Mk XII gear access (you'll have some of it open up before, but to get like the full set, you have to go onward), and some folks want the fancy armor graphics too.

    I agree that this is lightening up the rep load somewhat.

    What I was trying to convey though is I can see the new player being put off because he or she doesn't have the latest lock box ships, filled with all the necessary purple mark 12 consoles and weaps and gear and doffs, and bridge officers and such ect. ect.

    Someone who's been in the game longer, is STILL gonna have more of the best stuff. You know?

  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goddard22 wrote: »
    well then, you dont get the point...sorry

    is it not part of endgame beeing eager to get the ship to the max? why does anybody break 30, 40, ... 80k dps barrier? because they want to know more, the want to go to the maximum af all abilitys?!
    after that, i hunt for ACCs, some stuff i like to have for gorund combat, see what mission i have not played or i can play. look for a new setup on an other ship....
    i really feel that you dont see my (or any) point

    reducing everyone to the same level wont help newbies, and even not veterans/ long time players


    in a conclusion of your statement everything you do is reproducing more and more new chars?

    i really dont want to fight you, but i think i made it clear, what I feel about this new development

    I think I see your point I just don't think the current system of unlimited power creep is good. Cryptic knows its not good... its bad design... and in the end will lead to a dead game. Simple as that, if you don't like playing with other people it won't effect you much until the server shuts down I guess.

    If I sounded harsh in my last response I apologize I enjoy a good argument, I wouldn't call that "fighting" we can argue and disagree and still remain Trek brothers from a different mother. lol :)

    I enjoy playing my toons that are maxed out... I have way to much rep marks and stuff on a few of the toons I have the most fun with... but I don't play the content anymore to progress... I do it (well ok I admit I do less and less lately) cause I find it fun.

    In any event, not up to me to tell you have to enjoy the game. If what you do is fun for you that is all that really matters right.

    This new system though doesn't stop people from earning ALL the reps... and it doesn't NOT reward you for earning them either. Like in other MMOs the traits are now all UNLOCKS which you can choose to slot once, all the time, or never. Up to you and how you want to play. With this change they can keep putting more and more grinds that unlock new traits for you though and you can choose what to use when.

    If you get to a point where your ship is perfect as you see it... and you still have a rep to do. You can complete it anyway for the satisfaction... just like you do when you go back and complete missions you didn't finish. Or you can even pick up another ship that might benifit from the new rep and have a second ship setup with different sets of traits activated.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kitsune424 wrote: »
    You just made my point thank you very much, it would make many a unique build invalid and useless, something I disagree with. If you don't like that there are people better then you at this game, go play solitare, at least there there is no one but yourself

    Don't think I did make your point for you....

    Slotting 20 Uni consoles isn't a unique build my friend. lol

    I also didn't state anywhere in there that I was better then anyone... may be true, however I didn't state it. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • ktetchktetch Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    There are no respecs involved in the Reputation Trait power selection. Any time you are out of combat, you can choose to slot any Reputation Trait to which you've unlocked access.

    Ok, so, the big question I've not seen answered (or clarified)

    Say I've done all the reps, T5 throughout (which I have)
    Under the new system, do I have a choice of 4 space and 4 ground out of all 32 available, or only the 16 I'd previously selected.

    My reading is the former, but everyone's talking about the latter.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    finally some nerfing..
    i like it

    especially the part where i can switch them up whenever i want so i can do borg ground again .. normally i didnt cause i never took the increased assimilate time power from omega t3. now i can easily switch.

    also nice is that when they make new reps with bad powers i can easily ignore them ;)

    assuming they even bring that power back, as it currently isnt one of the new powers. amd the whole take home was that you now get to do the nefera ground before getting omega armour, really ?
    Um they are buffing the reps....

    So if you want to take just 4 super defensive ones you will be even more tanky then you are now.

    You can also after this change happens slot BOTH nukura Aux power bonus skills... which is a huge buff for science ships.

    I have no idea in what universe you think 4 'super' tanky new traits is going to be so much better than 8 defensive traits, especially when the defensive traits are often weaker than the damage ones and by no means have all been doubled in power.
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Can you believe it? Everyone worked so hard to get that powercreep, and now they nerf it!

    Haha I have no words for this. But funny at the same time.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ktetch wrote: »
    Ok, so, the big question I've not seen answered (or clarified)

    Say I've done all the reps, T5 throughout (which I have)
    Under the new system, do I have a choice of 4 space and 4 ground out of all 32 available, or only the 16 I'd previously selected.

    My reading is the former, but everyone's talking about the latter.

    huh i dont see everyone talking the latter, you are correct its the former.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Someone who's been in the game longer, is STILL gonna have more of the best stuff. You know?


    But hopefully this is where having a wider variety of reps (more are coming) and some other stuff, as well as the basic core fun of this being Star Trek, can help people not feel instantly overwhelmed.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    You can also after this change happens slot BOTH nukura Aux power bonus skills... which is a huge buff for science ships.

    Yeah, and this is how cryptic bravely combat power creep?

    Seems some of the apologists are trying to have it both ways.

    Apparently its both a trivial change and an excellent boost.

    It mitigates power creep by enabling more powerful builds.

  • kitsune424kitsune424 Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    :) its called making a game that isn't a run away creep show.

    Have you ever played another MMO?

    I have played many a MMO, Scarlet Blade included, and you want a top heavy game? look at WoW from WoTLK back, dunno about farther then that, haven't played it since
    If you haven't I understand ... if you have though, look at STO with an objective eye.

    Do any other Developers allow you to slot so much + items and so many + passives + a bunch of doffs ect.

    Wouldn't know due to this being the only game that I have played that had that ability(that I know of)
    The difference between fully geared up and basics no doff builds are CRAZY. No other developer would have allowed it to get here... NONE.

    Life isn't fair, I don't buy my ships, in fact I only have the TSV because it was given to me as a birthday gift last year, do I begrudge the others who have better gear than me because they have better gear than me? No I don't, nor do I begrudge them at all, why should I? They are the ones that spent their hard-earned money on this stuff, so why should I be upset at them for having better gear? I shouldn't, and neither should you
    So I am both on one hand glad to see Cryptic at last realizing they need to change things if the game is going to survive at all.... at the same time I am a bit sad it has taken them this long frankly. I just hope they have the fortitude to power through the wine and fix this thing.

    I don't disagree that SOMETHING should have happened, and I agree with alot of what is for the most part, but down to 4? that is going to make OMEGA almost impossible(I do believe it is less popular than the other ones yes?), and when ROM gets old, same with it too
    The 2 uni console slots... yes I think no ship should have access to more then 2... Ships with large console sets should have 2 of them changed to fit in one of the 3 regular slots (engi / sci / tac).... Yes like it or not People view Lockbox ships as P2W and in general bad for game balance. People could still slot 2 console lockbox ship sets... but at the expense of other Uni consoles... I don't see that as an issue myself.

    Therein lies the problem, perhaps you do fail to realize is that we already do give something up to use them, yeah yeah they give special abilities, but YOU seem to forget that some uni consoles come in sets of THREE not 2, and btw, I fly a ship with rep uni's for the most part, if they REALLY do decide to do this, and no it would not be a nerf, it would be one of the worst decisions they could have ever made, but I digress, if they do decide to do this "improvement" you suggest, I will stop playing, that isn't a nerf, that is killing this game entirely. Man I digressed quite a bit from my first thought, anyway, they DO give us special abilities, but at a cost, you lose a console slot that could have been used to increase your defenses, or your offenses. there is a reason people don't run on 100% universal consoles, it makes your vessel squishy
    You would call it a nerf... and that is fine... Nerf isn't a bad word. In the name of game balance and moving forward something like that needs to happen next / as well as the current round of changes we know are coming.

    To balence something is one thing, to take something that is on one extreme, and shift it to the other is quite another
    We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    paspinall wrote: »
    I have no idea in what universe you think 4 'super' tanky new traits is going to be so much better than 8 defensive traits, especially when the defensive traits are often weaker than the damage ones and by no means have all been doubled in power.

    Well if you are making all of your trait options right now defensive ones... I think I know why your sci ship feels <.

    Yes with this change they are improving the passives... so if you want to min max things you can much better.

    Which is why a few people are seeing how they can make there ships stronger with these changes.

    Yes you can forget about the weaker options now and instead slot stonger versions of the skills that effect your build. Yes this is a buff in many cases... don't be distracted by a simple numbers game.

    Yes 4 traits is half of 8... but most of the traits are getting buffed at least 50% with a few doubling in effect. So for anyone that has a properly min maxed ship this is a buff.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • ktetchktetch Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well if you are making all of your trait options right now defensive ones... I think I know why your sci ship feels <.

    Yes with this change they are improving the passives... so if you want to min max things you can much better.

    Which is why a few people are seeing how they can make there ships stronger with these changes.

    Yes you can forget about the weaker options now and instead slot stonger versions of the skills that effect your build. Yes this is a buff in many cases... don't be distracted by a simple numbers game.

    Yes 4 traits is half of 8... but most of the traits are getting buffed at least 50% with a few doubling in effect. So for anyone that has a properly min maxed ship this is a buff.

    I think the problem is "But but Change!"
    It's harder for those people to follow guides when the guides get made as obsolete as this change does.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Yeah, and this is how cryptic bravely combat power creep?

    Seems some of the apologists are trying to have it both ways.

    Apparently its both a trivial change and an excellent boost.

    It mitigates power creep by enabling more powerful builds.


    There is a a down side to doing that... it means you are going to drop something like... double shield regen... or Free shield heals on crit hits... or perhaps you are going to turn in your free Damage console from Omega tier 2 to pay for that choice.

    It is a buff to specific min maxed builds... however it still makes them weaker in other respects.

    Right now everyone has it all... everyone has to much offense to much defense. Tanks can dish it out with 6 dmg consoles worth of DPS thanks to rep bonuses while retaining free shield heals and double shield regen rates ect.

    After this change... the offensive options and defensive options get stronger. I was pointing out one way in which a Science ship will be REWARDED under the new system for playing as a science ship with 130 aux power up.... they are going to trade to achieve that though.

    There is no apologies going on here.... this is a standard MMO mechanic where The number of passives are limited to a specific number.

    STO is the ONLY MMO I can think of that allowed people to slot an unlimited amount of UNLOCKED traits.

    These should never have simply been "EARNED" they should have been UNLOCKED. That is how every other MMO since EQ has done it. Frankly the dev that started the entire REP system and didn't put it in place from day one should be caned.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Yeah, and this is how cryptic bravely combat power creep?

    Seems some of the apologists are trying to have it both ways.

    Apparently its both a trivial change and an excellent boost.

    It mitigates power creep by enabling more powerful builds.



    I never said it mitigated power creep.

    I think it prevents a long term power creep. As in, 4 or 5 more Reps from now, it'll definitely have curbed THAT power creep.

    But right now? It's not looking like a nerf to me at all.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think the new Head Mr. D gets that for this game to slowly twilight over the next 5-6 years instead of simply dying off in the next 1-2 years... they are going to have to reign in the creep hard.
    So for anyone that has a properly min maxed ship this is a buff

    I take it your view on this change has...'evolved'
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well if you are making all of your trait options right now defensive ones... I think I know why your sci ship feels <.

    Yes with this change they are improving the passives... so if you want to min max things you can much better.

    Which is why a few people are seeing how they can make there ships stronger with these changes.

    Yes you can forget about the weaker options now and instead slot stonger versions of the skills that effect your build. Yes this is a buff in many cases... don't be distracted by a simple numbers game.

    Yes 4 traits is half of 8... but most of the traits are getting buffed at least 50% with a few doubling in effect. So for anyone that has a properly min maxed ship this is a buff.

    no idea why you are on about a sci ship as i never mentioned one, but SOME powers are getting buffed yes, but most arent getting buffed by "at least" half

    Infact there are precisely TWO defensive powers you can claim have a 50% increase and the only one you could even argue to have over that would be the weapon offline proc, which you want to boost your crit for with the other powers anyway.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ktetch wrote: »
    I think the problem is "But but Change!"
    It's harder for those people to follow guides when the guides get made as obsolete as this change does.

    No, the problem is you can't trust Cryptic. They've stated this isn't about PvP, which leaves the reasoning that being in an STF with a powerful vet hurts the fee fees of a noob player, so the nerf is necessary. Ridiculous. This is a nerf aimed at some kind of monetization scheme, which fits with Cryptic MO since being bought by PWE.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
This discussion has been closed.