Are you talking about the special consoles that come with the lockbox ships? Or the universal consoles that come in the lockboxes themselves?
What about lobi store gear?
Way I see it, let them turn their eye to those next. I really want them to ! It will save me a fortune
I think they need to be treated as the same thing.
If it was my game I would remove one Console slot from every ship... and Add 2 Universal Console slots... that could only slot Uni Consoles. (including ship power consoles).
Some ships that come with large console sets... I would change the sets and designate some of those consoles as a specific type. So for instance... The Vesta set could see 2 of the consoles in the set become Science conosles and have one of them remain Universal.
They have to do something to limit the number uni skill consoles in the game. It would also mean lockbox ships might have access to an interesting advantage console... but they would at least have to trade one of there Uni console slots instead of which ever Type of slot they are using as a console dump region. lol
I own probably a dozen lock box ships and tbh I wouldn't be upset if a few received a critical review as well. But in all reality, certain doffs and uni console saturation are bigger concerns in terms of balance and power creep. With the right doffs and consoles I can heal a team nearly as well in my Fleet Star Cruiser as I can in my Recluse. It would likely be even closer if I played around with a Sci Oddy. Given their respective station setups the only reason the numbers are even close has a lot to do with the power of 6 doff slots and 4 uni consoles.
yeah, definitely, all I mean is that these rep powers are miniscule compared to the $$$ toys.
I do feel robbed with this change just on principal. I'll still play and enjoy things, but maybe not any more rep projects.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
except, as i stated before, cryptic is adding more of a grind to the reputation system. they are doing away with the commendations and the ability to do unlimited hourlies like you could in the dyson rep so, no the new rep systems will not be faster. knowing cryptic they will now take longer.
They're making the grind less, and the whole thing go by faster.
They said so right in the dev blog about those changes.
Not RNG boxes that give me weapons and I serious doubt I am going to get a MACO MK XII Deflector on a T0 RNG Reward box, likely I get a Rare MK XII Antiproton weapon since ...
and contained goodies that could only be found within that reputations Dilithium stores
With the changes the MK XII will be spread THROUGH OUT EACH REPS 5 tiers not all at tier 5
Just one piece being at tier 5 doesnt lock the set behind it, it locks ONE piece and ONE bonus at best, and many of the sets are perfectly good without all 3 (or 4) piece anyway
I do feel robbed with this change just on principal. I'll still play and enjoy things, but maybe not any more rep projects.
Here's why I don't feel robbed at all:
Hull-Repairing Nanites: Doubled the amount of hull regeneration provided by this power. In addition this power now provides double its regeneration bonus outside of combat.
One of my characters has that power. And it's going to be twice as good as it is right now.
One of my characters has that power. And it's going to be twice as good as it is right now.
Good for you,
its still absolutely rubbish compared to many of the other powers because despite them wanting the reduction in power creep and the many options those powers are nowhere near equivalent to one another.
Does this change not just make it less grindy getting them Rep ?
It would seem that under the old systems ALTS where painful.
Now you COULD have 2-3 alt toons all working on different Rep tracks meaning you could play for an hour doing different missions on every toon.
I'm not seeing how this makes new toons more painful for you, think one of us is missing something here.
my point is: making a new toon feels useless to me, since i dont need time for leveling to 50, i dont need time for rep systems.
tbh, i like spending time on one toon, until he is ready. i loved giving him all passives, actives, other things that.... well, help.
it is something what made the game worth time for me. reputation needed time and grinding because i got a lot of it (meh... dont tell me formulars about what is useful and what not... i accept every passive i got =D ), now i'm reduced to any other new player without any clue what he/she/it is doing. in fact i'm reduced to all noobs, pugs and annoying spammers, who think i cheat because i have the same powers but more experience...
every char i made, needed time, money/dill and endurance... now everything will be compressed to a lousy weekend, with a week work... sorry but it is not worth the time for me anymore.
i feel very disappointed about the current development ( wait...developement... was it not something positive^^ ?, just asking)
i just cancelled the idea of buying anything else in the game for the next month, deleted my new chars and will sit and wait what to come
to all balancing fans:
you know, balancing means: making every class working, giving new players the chance to get slowly into the game, until they are pros, NOT making everything a choise, so the new players are overwelmed with it.
best example are Warpcores...
I agree, I mean yes I enjoy the bonuses we now get with the warpcores/singularity cores, but seriously? any more nerfing and this won't even BE Star Trek Online anymore, it'll be Nerfed Trek Online. Whatever happened to wanting a profit Cryptic? do you see all these people, who are truly using logic, and telling you that this is a bad idea, are saying??
We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
One of my characters has that power. And it's going to be twice as good as it is right now.
Every single passive power is changed. Improved.
you can now get that without doing all the work that we've done. that work is erased. that's the principal.
on the plus side i was an idiot way back when i started and chose some defense abilities so i can at least get rid of those.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
only 1 way to ever get cryptic to listen to anything the community asks or wants, dry up their revenue streams. stop spending money on this game and they Will listen. as it stands only very few of the players that were here when I started 4 years ago still play . as a paying gold member during this time this is the last nail for me the countless hrs of grind for my rep has been tossed. well u tossed my wallet with it . I will not spend 1 more dollar on a game that does not listen to the community or cares for the people who made this game go with their money if u care about this game stop spending ur hard eaned money on it and very fast they will listen.
only 1 way to ever get cryptic to listen to anything the community asks or wants, dry up their revenue streams. stop spending money on this game and they Will listen. as it stands only very few of the players that were here when I started 4 years ago still play . as a paying gold member during this time this is the last nail for me the countless hrs of grind for my rep has been tossed. well u tossed my wallet with it . I will not spend 1 more dollar on a game that does not listen to the community or cares for the people who made this game go with their money if u care about this game stop spending ur hard eaned money on it and very fast they will listen.
Cryptic has been lying and nerfing so long I haven't been able to reward them with cash since they went F2P. Too many boneheaded and stupid decisions every.single.season.
Y'know the idea of less things to slot but the things you do have slotted being more meaningful really should be put into practice in the actual combat area of th game; namely the bridge officer, captain, and other such clickables that clog up our power tray bars.
So, who wants to see a limit on how many abilities like Tactical Teams, or Emergency Power to Weapons, you can actually slot? That would really make a start on fixing power creep, and hopefully actually get Cryptic to start making a wider range of bridge officer powers at all ranks.
da hell, we all were noobs and we all searched for answers ( why does god need a spaceship?), we went to the guys who had more clue then we did.
they told us what is wrong and what is right. They showed us how to run a ship, not cryptic, so:
THAT is called developement, theese Guys, veterans, noob-helpers, theese guys are real DEVs!!!
its still absolutely rubbish compared to many of the other powers because despite them wanting the reduction in power creep and the many options those powers are nowhere near equivalent to one another.
Essentially this thread proves that a lot of the people playing this game are bad at math.
especially the part where i can switch them up whenever i want so i can do borg ground again .. normally i didnt cause i never took the increased assimilate time power from omega t3. now i can easily switch.
also nice is that when they make new reps with bad powers i can easily ignore them
In light of the proposed changes please look at the Science ships, they are almost to weak to use now but after the passives are reduced they will just blow up after a couple of hits. As a Science Captain level 50 with all of the passives from all of the current reputations to tier 5, is the only way I can use a Science ship.
What I don't understand is how this is really going to help the "new player"
Because as I see it new players with new toons, are still gonna have to do some pretty hefty leveling up and simple aquiring to get to the level of vet players anyway won't they?
They simply are not going to be able to hit the floor running.
Not until they've gotten all the purple must have doffs, ground for those mark 12 ultra rare consoles and fleet gear, they are still gonna have to grind to get fleet credits, fleet ship modules to get those fleet ships. Play the lock box game to get those lock box ships.
Then they are going to have to grind to get enough passives to chose the ones they want to use.
They simply can't expect to be on the same level with a vet character from the get go.
I understand that this is nipping a problem that will only get worse in the bud, but I put it to you, only one particular bud, an a very healthy bush.
To be effective, there has to be A LOT of pruning.
The game is gonna have to change.
The game is a grind by design, and power creep is sold intentionally. The only way to keep people grinding is to offer the new shiny.
And the only way to keep people spending is to offer a new shiny.
So each new shiny has to bring something new to the mix, (or else why bother), which will always stand the chance of interacting with this that or the other thing. The game gets more complex every day.
Doesn't this offset any changes being made?
I'm not intentionally trying to troll, I just see a bigger issue here, one that conflicts with the very model this game uses.
The only thing better about lockbox ships are consoles.... and I think many of us hope they turn there eye to Universal consoles in general next.
I disagree, the universal consoles are fine the way they are, I means lets look at it this way, take away the universal consoles and then you are going to have to choose between say, for the Temporal vessel's consoles, you'll have to decide a lot mroe strictly if you want certain science consoles over the temporal consoles. How you THAT make it better? Sorry, NO IT WOULDN'T! In fact, it would make it worse for all involved especially those that finally have their build exactly the way they wanted. Remember, every single one of those consoles would have to be given a type, Sci, Tac, Eng, and that takes away from the point of having them in my honest opinion.
"What you allow, will continue"
We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
But you only get to choose 4. You don't keep what you currently grinded hard for.
It's a nerf.
You realize right now you only equip 8 space passives total right? So they doubled the impact of the passives and halved the number you can equip.
Giving you the flexibility to change it on the fly. And the flexibility to change and mix and match.
At the end of this implementation, because of the higher impact of the improved passives, I'm going to be situationally more effective than before. With the flexibility to change whenever I want before entering a situation.
All this does is curb things going forward. It's not the nerf this thread is making it out to be. I'd rather have 5% crit chance, and double the damage bonus to stack. Which as you'll see, so will everyone else.
So, what should Cryptic do? "Star Trek: Online" is currently top heavy; thus, the majority of the players have been around for a long time. Prices on the exchange prove my point. If the population consisted of equal halves (50% new and 50% veteran), the prices on the exchange would not be sitting so high.
OMG did you flunk ECON 101? the exchange prices are the way they are because of how many "veterans" there are? that statement invalidated anything you were trying to make a point about. the prices are as high as they are for some items because they are very rare to find in a drop and if they are people will either keep it if they need it or sell it and make mega millions. Which is what should happen.
I am so sick of the "ooo I'm new but entitled to have all the best stuff like the guys that have been playing for longer than me. Give me, Give me, Give me." barf.
yeah, definitely, all I mean is that these rep powers are miniscule compared to the $$$ toys.
I do feel robbed with this change just on principal. I'll still play and enjoy things, but maybe not any more rep projects.
I am not sure they are so miniscule though. I agree with what many are saying... yes there are lots of creep issues they need to address... that doesn't mean this isn't one of them though.
Frankly the Romulan tier 4s have been super powerful. The shield healing on Crit is a huge bonus to shield tanks... and the placate (I know its changing) is really really good in PvP at least.
Right now look at how NONE trivial these rep passives are. (looking at space)
Omega Tier 2
+30 weapons This is a FREE DMG console, not only that ships running both energy and kinetic get the +30 twice basicly. So its like one free Mk XII purple Energy DMG concole and one free MK XII purple Torpedo Dmg console.
Other option is hull regen... not great but still free healing I guess
Romulan Tier 2 3% crit
- this is = to 1 1/2 CrtH mods.
Other option is a MK XII purple Science +shield console
Dyson tier 2
- Half a CrtD mod (right now anyway)
- or half a Neutronium console
Nukura tier 2
- 5% more hull
- or 2.5% bleed
Omega tier 4
- DOUBLE shield regen
- or a bit more bleed dmg
Romulan Tier 4
- Placate passive
- Or free shield heal
Dyson Tier 4
- Active resist or Active resist pen
Nukura Tier 4
- Aux powered resist or offense. (for many ships this is = to 1+ consoles of resistance or dmg)
So I list all this stuff to make this point....
Lets compare Standard level 50 setup with the Rep boosted Level 50
Level 50 ships
4 Tac Console slots
Weapons with 3 mods
Standard Shield Regen rate
Level 50 Full Rep
Free Shield heals when hit by critically hit
6-6.5 Tac Console slots (4 tac console ship + rep passives)
Weapons with 5 mods. (3 mods + 1.5 CrtH and .5 Crtd)
Double Shield Regen Rates - or Free placates
One extra Engi Console worth of armor when under fire
+5% extra hull or 2.5% shield pen bonus
I don't know I don't find that to be a trivial boost myself... its pretty major. Throw on top of that pile a couple free Rep tier 5 skills and it starts to feel pretty level 50++++ to most people. Limiting people to only 4 of those bonuses at a time makes them much easier to balance content around.
What I don't understand is how this is really going to help the "new player"
Because as I see it new players with new toons, are still gonna have to do some pretty hefty leveling up and simple aquiring to get to the level of vet players anyway won't they?
Rank 1 in ALL of the reps takes what, 2 days? And that's only due to time gates.
Rank 2 takes another two days or so?
So the Brand New player hits 50. Has some work done already on the Borg rep (level 45). And then can add in all the other reps. And within a week, has access to all those second level space abilities and first level ground abilities to mix and match together.
Then they can decide if they want to go further. Which most probably will for the Mk XII gear access (you'll have some of it open up before, but to get like the full set, you have to go onward), and some folks want the fancy armor graphics too.
Are you talking about the special consoles that come with the lockbox ships? Or the universal consoles that come in the lockboxes themselves?
What about lobi store gear?
Way I see it, let them turn their eye to those next. I really want them to ! It will save me a fortune
Why don't we just remove EVERYTHING that anyone can buy fromt he game and basically turn this into a 100% P2P game because, if they do they will have to for the simple reason of trying to keep the game server active sorry but that is the most illogical and the most unintelligent thing I have heard since... Well the last person that said that
We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
I disagree, the universal consoles are fine the way they are, I means lets look at it this way, take away the universal consoles and then you are going to have to choose between say, for the Temporal vessel's consoles, you'll have to decide a lot mroe strictly if you want certain science consoles over the temporal consoles. How you THAT make it better? Sorry, NO IT WOULDN'T! In fact, it would make it worse for all involved especially those that finally have their build exactly the way they wanted. Remember, every single one of those consoles would have to be given a type, Sci, Tac, Eng, and that takes away from the point of having them in my honest opinion.
"What you allow, will continue"
Right I agree it would make it COST something to slot both Temp consoles. That isn't a bad thing is it ? Ship consoles should remain Uni and be limited to 2 per ship... so if you slot both temp consoles... you have to give up other uni consoles... nothing wrong with that.
Right now there is no cost at all which is why everyone agrees the Temp science ship and the Voth pallisade are both > then all fleet science ship options.
It should be a choice... if you couldn't slot both Temp consoles with out making the hard choice to say drop the plasmotic leech from your build that would be a good direction for the game to teke.
THEN lockbox ships become flavor options and not defacto best.
my point is: making a new toon feels useless to me, since i dont need time for leveling to 50, i dont need time for rep systems.
tbh, i like spending time on one toon, until he is ready. i loved giving him all passives, actives, other things that.... well, help.
it is something what made the game worth time for me. reputation needed time and grinding because i got a lot of it (meh... dont tell me formulars about what is useful and what not... i accept every passive i got =D ), now i'm reduced to any other new player without any clue what he/she/it is doing. in fact i'm reduced to all noobs, pugs and annoying spammers, who think i cheat because i have the same powers but more experience...
every char i made, needed time, money/dill and endurance... now everything will be compressed to a lousy weekend, with a week work... sorry but it is not worth the time for me anymore.
i feel very disappointed about the current development ( wait...developement... was it not something positive^^ ?, just asking)
So I guess when you are done grinding everything your done then ?
You won the game... might as well go do something else until the next rep grind is released ?
Damn I hope most people don't play like that sounds really really unfun.
In light of the proposed changes please look at the Science ships, they are almost to weak to use now but after the passives are reduced they will just blow up after a couple of hits. As a Science Captain level 50 with all of the passives from all of the current reputations to tier 5, is the only way I can use a Science ship.
Um they are buffing the reps....
So if you want to take just 4 super defensive ones you will be even more tanky then you are now.
You can also after this change happens slot BOTH nukura Aux power bonus skills... which is a huge buff for science ships.
Why don't we just remove EVERYTHING that anyone can buy fromt he game and basically turn this into a 100% P2P game because, if they do they will have to for the simple reason of trying to keep the game server active sorry but that is the most illogical and the most unintelligent thing I have heard since... Well the last person that said that
Absolutely. I loved your idea earlier in the thread about a two-uni limit. That feels about right.
Feels about stupid to me -.-
2 uni limit? what about the uni's you get from the rep system? what if you have a set that needs 3 uni's? or if you already have the Temporal uni consoles?
All aboard the USS Stupidity my dear fellow, you, antoniosalieri, and vengefuldjinn have first class seats, they come with a single tack instead of the usual 3. Oh and as a rule you HAVE to sit in the seat, no standing or hovering
In light of this comment, vengefuldjinn has been upgraded to 2nd class of the USS Intelligence
We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
I think they need to be treated as the same thing.
If it was my game I would remove one Console slot from every ship... and Add 2 Universal Console slots... that could only slot Uni Consoles. (including ship power consoles).
Some ships that come with large console sets... I would change the sets and designate some of those consoles as a specific type. So for instance... The Vesta set could see 2 of the consoles in the set become Science conosles and have one of them remain Universal.
They have to do something to limit the number uni skill consoles in the game. It would also mean lockbox ships might have access to an interesting advantage console... but they would at least have to trade one of there Uni console slots instead of which ever Type of slot they are using as a console dump region. lol
yeah, definitely, all I mean is that these rep powers are miniscule compared to the $$$ toys.
I do feel robbed with this change just on principal. I'll still play and enjoy things, but maybe not any more rep projects.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
They're making the grind less, and the whole thing go by faster.
They said so right in the dev blog about those changes.
With the changes the MK XII will be spread THROUGH OUT EACH REPS 5 tiers not all at tier 5
Just one piece being at tier 5 doesnt lock the set behind it, it locks ONE piece and ONE bonus at best, and many of the sets are perfectly good without all 3 (or 4) piece anyway
Here's why I don't feel robbed at all:
One of my characters has that power. And it's going to be twice as good as it is right now.
Every single passive power is changed. Improved.
Good for you,
its still absolutely rubbish compared to many of the other powers because despite them wanting the reduction in power creep and the many options those powers are nowhere near equivalent to one another.
my point is: making a new toon feels useless to me, since i dont need time for leveling to 50, i dont need time for rep systems.
tbh, i like spending time on one toon, until he is ready. i loved giving him all passives, actives, other things that.... well, help.
it is something what made the game worth time for me. reputation needed time and grinding because i got a lot of it (meh... dont tell me formulars about what is useful and what not... i accept every passive i got =D ), now i'm reduced to any other new player without any clue what he/she/it is doing. in fact i'm reduced to all noobs, pugs and annoying spammers, who think i cheat because i have the same powers but more experience...
every char i made, needed time, money/dill and endurance... now everything will be compressed to a lousy weekend, with a week work... sorry but it is not worth the time for me anymore.
i feel very disappointed about the current development ( wait...developement... was it not something positive^^ ?, just asking)
I agree, I mean yes I enjoy the bonuses we now get with the warpcores/singularity cores, but seriously? any more nerfing and this won't even BE Star Trek Online anymore, it'll be Nerfed Trek Online. Whatever happened to wanting a profit Cryptic? do you see all these people, who are truly using logic, and telling you that this is a bad idea, are saying??
you can now get that without doing all the work that we've done. that work is erased. that's the principal.
on the plus side i was an idiot way back when i started and chose some defense abilities so i can at least get rid of those.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
But you only get to choose 4. You don't keep what you currently grinded hard for.
It's a nerf.
Cryptic has been lying and nerfing so long I haven't been able to reward them with cash since they went F2P. Too many boneheaded and stupid decisions every.single.season.
Which I guess is Guild Wars 2's gain. :rolleyes:
So, who wants to see a limit on how many abilities like Tactical Teams, or Emergency Power to Weapons, you can actually slot? That would really make a start on fixing power creep, and hopefully actually get Cryptic to start making a wider range of bridge officer powers at all ranks.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
new 50-players vs. old 50-players ?!
da hell, we all were noobs and we all searched for answers ( why does god need a spaceship?), we went to the guys who had more clue then we did.
they told us what is wrong and what is right. They showed us how to run a ship, not cryptic, so:
THAT is called developement, theese Guys, veterans, noob-helpers, theese guys are real DEVs!!!
Essentially this thread proves that a lot of the people playing this game are bad at math.
i like it
especially the part where i can switch them up whenever i want so i can do borg ground again .. normally i didnt cause i never took the increased assimilate time power from omega t3. now i can easily switch.
also nice is that when they make new reps with bad powers i can easily ignore them
Because as I see it new players with new toons, are still gonna have to do some pretty hefty leveling up and simple aquiring to get to the level of vet players anyway won't they?
They simply are not going to be able to hit the floor running.
Not until they've gotten all the purple must have doffs, ground for those mark 12 ultra rare consoles and fleet gear, they are still gonna have to grind to get fleet credits, fleet ship modules to get those fleet ships. Play the lock box game to get those lock box ships.
Then they are going to have to grind to get enough passives to chose the ones they want to use.
They simply can't expect to be on the same level with a vet character from the get go.
I understand that this is nipping a problem that will only get worse in the bud, but I put it to you, only one particular bud, an a very healthy bush.
To be effective, there has to be A LOT of pruning.
The game is gonna have to change.
The game is a grind by design, and power creep is sold intentionally. The only way to keep people grinding is to offer the new shiny.
And the only way to keep people spending is to offer a new shiny.
So each new shiny has to bring something new to the mix, (or else why bother), which will always stand the chance of interacting with this that or the other thing. The game gets more complex every day.
Doesn't this offset any changes being made?
I'm not intentionally trying to troll, I just see a bigger issue here, one that conflicts with the very model this game uses.
I disagree, the universal consoles are fine the way they are, I means lets look at it this way, take away the universal consoles and then you are going to have to choose between say, for the Temporal vessel's consoles, you'll have to decide a lot mroe strictly if you want certain science consoles over the temporal consoles. How you THAT make it better? Sorry, NO IT WOULDN'T! In fact, it would make it worse for all involved especially those that finally have their build exactly the way they wanted. Remember, every single one of those consoles would have to be given a type, Sci, Tac, Eng, and that takes away from the point of having them in my honest opinion.
"What you allow, will continue"
You realize right now you only equip 8 space passives total right? So they doubled the impact of the passives and halved the number you can equip.
Giving you the flexibility to change it on the fly. And the flexibility to change and mix and match.
At the end of this implementation, because of the higher impact of the improved passives, I'm going to be situationally more effective than before. With the flexibility to change whenever I want before entering a situation.
All this does is curb things going forward. It's not the nerf this thread is making it out to be. I'd rather have 5% crit chance, and double the damage bonus to stack. Which as you'll see, so will everyone else.
OMG did you flunk ECON 101? the exchange prices are the way they are because of how many "veterans" there are? that statement invalidated anything you were trying to make a point about. the prices are as high as they are for some items because they are very rare to find in a drop and if they are people will either keep it if they need it or sell it and make mega millions. Which is what should happen.
I am so sick of the "ooo I'm new but entitled to have all the best stuff like the guys that have been playing for longer than me. Give me, Give me, Give me." barf.
I am not sure they are so miniscule though. I agree with what many are saying... yes there are lots of creep issues they need to address... that doesn't mean this isn't one of them though.
Frankly the Romulan tier 4s have been super powerful. The shield healing on Crit is a huge bonus to shield tanks... and the placate (I know its changing) is really really good in PvP at least.
Right now look at how NONE trivial these rep passives are. (looking at space)
Omega Tier 2
+30 weapons This is a FREE DMG console, not only that ships running both energy and kinetic get the +30 twice basicly. So its like one free Mk XII purple Energy DMG concole and one free MK XII purple Torpedo Dmg console.
Other option is hull regen... not great but still free healing I guess
Romulan Tier 2 3% crit
- this is = to 1 1/2 CrtH mods.
Other option is a MK XII purple Science +shield console
Dyson tier 2
- Half a CrtD mod (right now anyway)
- or half a Neutronium console
Nukura tier 2
- 5% more hull
- or 2.5% bleed
Omega tier 4
- DOUBLE shield regen
- or a bit more bleed dmg
Romulan Tier 4
- Placate passive
- Or free shield heal
Dyson Tier 4
- Active resist or Active resist pen
Nukura Tier 4
- Aux powered resist or offense. (for many ships this is = to 1+ consoles of resistance or dmg)
So I list all this stuff to make this point....
Lets compare Standard level 50 setup with the Rep boosted Level 50
Level 50 ships
4 Tac Console slots
Weapons with 3 mods
Standard Shield Regen rate
Level 50 Full Rep
Free Shield heals when hit by critically hit
6-6.5 Tac Console slots (4 tac console ship + rep passives)
Weapons with 5 mods. (3 mods + 1.5 CrtH and .5 Crtd)
Double Shield Regen Rates - or Free placates
One extra Engi Console worth of armor when under fire
+5% extra hull or 2.5% shield pen bonus
I don't know I don't find that to be a trivial boost myself... its pretty major. Throw on top of that pile a couple free Rep tier 5 skills and it starts to feel pretty level 50++++ to most people. Limiting people to only 4 of those bonuses at a time makes them much easier to balance content around.
Rank 1 in ALL of the reps takes what, 2 days? And that's only due to time gates.
Rank 2 takes another two days or so?
So the Brand New player hits 50. Has some work done already on the Borg rep (level 45). And then can add in all the other reps. And within a week, has access to all those second level space abilities and first level ground abilities to mix and match together.
Then they can decide if they want to go further. Which most probably will for the Mk XII gear access (you'll have some of it open up before, but to get like the full set, you have to go onward), and some folks want the fancy armor graphics too.
Why don't we just remove EVERYTHING that anyone can buy fromt he game and basically turn this into a 100% P2P game because, if they do they will have to for the simple reason of trying to keep the game server active sorry but that is the most illogical and the most unintelligent thing I have heard since... Well the last person that said that
Right I agree it would make it COST something to slot both Temp consoles. That isn't a bad thing is it ?
Right now there is no cost at all which is why everyone agrees the Temp science ship and the Voth pallisade are both > then all fleet science ship options.
It should be a choice... if you couldn't slot both Temp consoles with out making the hard choice to say drop the plasmotic leech from your build that would be a good direction for the game to teke.
THEN lockbox ships become flavor options and not defacto best.
So I guess when you are done grinding everything your done then ?
You won the game... might as well go do something else until the next rep grind is released ?
Damn I hope most people don't play like that sounds really really unfun.
Um they are buffing the reps....
So if you want to take just 4 super defensive ones you will be even more tanky then you are now.
You can also after this change happens slot BOTH nukura Aux power bonus skills... which is a huge buff for science ships.
Sarcasm is lost on you friend.
Feels about stupid to me -.-
2 uni limit? what about the uni's you get from the rep system? what if you have a set that needs 3 uni's? or if you already have the Temporal uni consoles?
All aboard the USS Stupidity my dear fellow, you, antoniosalieri, and vengefuldjinn have first class seats, they come with a single tack instead of the usual 3. Oh and as a rule you HAVE to sit in the seat, no standing or hovering
In light of this comment, vengefuldjinn has been upgraded to 2nd class of the USS Intelligence