Hah! that was my first thought, too.. but nevermind.. I like what I see/read.. with one "big"exception.. wrist mounted mini-planet killer??? wtf?!?
What's wrong? You don't think that thing really kills a planet, do you? Or even a mountain?
It's just a big gun with the visuals of Undine planet killer beams... like the Clone Wars era LAATs had mini Death Star lasers.
Honestly, if there's two faction ships I really don't want to see players flying, it's 8472 and Borg... I don't know why but it just seems wrong. Their ships are so different and so impossible-to-obtain (8472 especially) that seeing one outside ESD would just be... well, wrong. Even the Borg couldn't assimilate 8472's ships, yet suddenly the Ferengi can put them in lockboxes?
We're gonna get Undine ones anyway, it seems. Next stop: a Sphere for all!
I can't wait for the new stuff that's coming this season, lockbox/lobi aside. Fighting 8472 is satisfying, and the update just makes them look so much better. And they sound cool, too. No shields...
I need to switch from tetryon ground weapons it seems
Never was found of non-KDF or non-Fed align cross factions ship in STO to begin with, this game don't even have a unique Star Trek feel in terms of factions anymore with alot of players using aliens ships thats not even part or align to the factions that players play as. but currently i feel that there's has been more foreign alien lock box ships in the past year than faction specified ships.
I do like the revamp of Species 8472 for S9, but this season i know that they will come with a Undine Lock Box which i will highly reject which in turn will pave the way for other powerful nemesis NPC factions that gonna have Lock Box such as the Borg and even the wannabe copy story of Babylon 5's Shadows... the Iconian's (Elachi = Drakh, Iconians = Shadows), what's next an Anti-Iconian faction that's attacks every1 when they don't fits thier goal such as a wannabe Vorlon faction... they might as well come out with a Q Lock Box in the future where playaers can kill NPC's and other Players by snapping their characters fingers via keyboard or mouse.
Honestly, if there's two faction ships I really don't want to see players flying, it's 8472 and Borg... I don't know why but it just seems wrong. Their ships are so different and so impossible-to-obtain (8472 especially) that seeing one outside ESD would just be... well, wrong. Even the Borg couldn't assimilate 8472's ships, yet suddenly the Ferengi can put them in lockboxes?
Its nice that we get to know the artists thoughts when designing something.
The new undine criiters, both space and ground, look great. Espeacially that one with the full ground armor (at first it looked to me as a Predator like armor ). And i get a feeling that a version, based on that model, we gonna get as part of the rep.
Cant wait to fight the new revamped undine, and I hope we also get a new ground zone/fleet action too, so we can fight them on the ground.
Awwz ... I wish the "Armada II" Behemoth class would have been implemented as the new Dreadnought. Butt the new frygates and cr00zers look already nice.
BTW: The new ground critters, the captain now looks like Zeratul, haha.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
quite happy to see how central canon is to the changes, looks great. your never going to get me to believe these bioships could be player usable though, we literally lack the glands, or something, needed to control them
I feel bad for the people begging for there not to be an Undine lockbox, when we all know it's already been decided on and is just waiting to be activated...
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that the people responsible for this did not actually watch Voyager so much as binged on Korean SC2 tournaments one weekend and went "HEY, HEY GUYS; YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL? PROTOSS!"
Awwz ... I wish the "Armada II" Behemoth class would have been implemented as the new Dreadnought. Butt the new frygates and cr00zers look already nice.
BTW: The new ground critters, the captain now looks like Zeratul, haha.
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that the people responsible for this did not actually watch Voyager so much as binged on Korean SC2 tournaments one weekend and went "HEY, HEY GUYS; YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL? PROTOSS!"
Like I said - SC2 binge.
I thought it was the VFX guys from VOY that looked around where to steal ideas for psychic/organic gear and ships, and Protoss and Vorlons were what they stuck to.
I don't mind. They still turned out interesting.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
now that the hoped information from PWE came out and i was waiting on them to release it themselves. the space mechanic is changed for the 8472, before you encounter a cruiser and 3 dahuts, the dahuts have been done away with from what i can tell, the cruiser is a lot smaller in the updated version, but essentially safety in numbers in space conflicts, you could end up in a fire fight with more then a dozen plus 8472 ships of various sizes if your not careful, even the best build will not last long against those odds without help, be sure to take care with 8472 ships that can use knockback weapons, cannon builds may not be much use with multiple knockback hits putting you outside range and it can be easily done. so putting all your eggs in one basket with a full cannon build and powers from boffs will likely not be the wisest action. then you also got that strong fludic rift (8472 version of GW), that can cause trouble especially bringing in blobs of fludic space which look like they aim for a ship then float about randomly. again escorts are at greatest risk, by getting into one of them, movement is very much impaired.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
quite happy to see how central canon is to the changes, looks great. your never going to get me to believe these bioships could be player usable though, we literally lack the glands, or something, needed to control them
I thought it was the VFX guys from VOY that looked around where to steal ideas for psychic/organic gear and ships, and Protoss and Vorlons were what they stuck to.
I don't mind. They still turned out interesting.
Vorlons perhaps, but "scorpion" came out in 1997 and starcraft didnt come out until 1998. so i dont know where the idea to steal from SC came from, but you are way off with the latter. if anything its possible blizzard could of stole the idea off voyager and created the protoss from that, who knows.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
quite happy to see how central canon is to the changes, looks great. your never going to get me to believe these bioships could be player usable though, we literally lack the glands, or something, needed to control them
But really, great job on these, devs. They look like they will be a lot of fun to battle against.
That being said, as PvE, it seems like the Undine ships would be super fun to play against. I mean, come on...who wouldn't enjoy being bounced around like a bouncy ball every now and then by a bolt of lightning For PvE, I think it adds a fun, new mechanic to overcome, and they will be fine.
I see a potential problem in PvP, however. And knowing how STO works when new powers are introduced, all of them will eventually get into the players' hands. At that point, they have the potential to become un-fun and terrible. I mean...I can see it now. You get knocked back (probably placated or something...maybe like a Photonic Shockwave?), then they throw a grav well on you, while simultaneously opening their Fluidic Rift on top of your ship. Add in a tractor, that engine debuff/offline thingy (probably going to be a console) and you have the most amazing science hold-ship ever thought possible. Plus, it gives an accuracy debuff. Then add on the Subspace Rift for kicks. Maybe a Rommy throws down a Singularity Jump/Rift for the lulz. The potential sounds fun for science And....not so fun for others :rolleyes:
Maybe it would be a good idea to balance-pass these using your PvE vs. PvP mechanics. When used by a player on another player, make it like...half as effective? Idk, we really don't have numbers or anything to test with yet. But the potential to overkill is there. Just saying....
uhh... Undine ships now have a heavy beam attack. Might this be a new weapon type preferably for cruisers only? Now THAT would be awesome!
The ground armor looks very nice and unique. But the ship designs - as good as they may look (and they do) - do NOT seem organic at all. The models are too colorful and have to many lights. I think you should have sticked to the original color palette if you wanted to give the impression of a "biological" starship.
^Somebody actually set you up for that...that's awesome!!!:D
Excellent updates, looks good. Not as drastic as the updates to the Borg a couple of years back, but I like it, I like it a lot. Can't wait to see what you guys are doing to the Borg episodes.
I know this is going to sound impatient, but when do get to the "meat and potatoes" of season 9? Info about the new space battlezone, queued content, and reputaion; official word on whether or not we get more than one lonely featured episode for those of us that enjoy the story missions. The art updates look great and all, but I was kind of hoping for more than soup and salad at this point....
You're the type of person who skips the appetizers when you go out to dinner aren't you?
Didn't you know that fluidic space was less dense than vacuum? :rolleyes:
It leaks out as you get pulled in... sigh.
It's weird but not entirely non-canon.
Species 8472 used Quantum Singularities to access our space time continuum, but they themselves weren't sucked into them. Maybe the Singularity portals spew out fluidic space on the axis like a quasar while sucking you in through the normal singularity means.
Would a White Hole have a gravity pull, or would it push?
Anomalies with how Species 8472's interdimensional black holes operate don't even begin to approach the questions on how an entire space time continuum can be filled with a recognizably organic fluid if we're being perfectly honest.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
This will be a worthy challenge. The old ones I never really thought they was a challenge. Weak and easy kill compared to what they should be.
This will be a lot better. The Voth proved to be a great challenge to take out. So this will be as well. I love a challenge as it gives you a thrill of the kill.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
This. My first thought was "Uh, isn't that backwards?" Seems strange that it would pull you in while it's "leaking out" at the same time lol.
It's because there's a gigantic electromagnet on the fluidic side of the rift. It will pull metallic objects in while the fluid and organic ships can come out.
Don't do it! ... Most agree, it's bad enough already with all the "alien" ships around the three homeworlds/hubs ... Please NO
ANTI-Undine ships though? ... Those I could see ... How about we finally get some more Vulcan ships in game? The Vulcan Science Academy, supposedly the most advanced school of learning in the Galaxy, could surely come up with an Anti-8472 Design?
Anti-Undine/8472 Weapons, or modified Undine Weapons. The AP + Plasma Proc does sound cool, though perhaps a little OP unless it was drastically scaled.
What's wrong? You don't think that thing really kills a planet, do you? Or even a mountain?
It's just a big gun with the visuals of Undine planet killer beams... like the Clone Wars era LAATs had mini Death Star lasers.
Yeah, that's going to be annoying. Is it going to be like how TriCs do it? I see that as getting nerfed away fairly fast if so.
We're gonna get Undine ones anyway, it seems. Next stop: a Sphere for all!
I can't wait for the new stuff that's coming this season, lockbox/lobi aside. Fighting 8472 is satisfying, and the update just makes them look so much better. And they sound cool, too. No shields...
I need to switch from tetryon ground weapons it seems
Never was found of non-KDF or non-Fed align cross factions ship in STO to begin with, this game don't even have a unique Star Trek feel in terms of factions anymore with alot of players using aliens ships thats not even part or align to the factions that players play as. but currently i feel that there's has been more foreign alien lock box ships in the past year than faction specified ships.
I do like the revamp of Species 8472 for S9, but this season i know that they will come with a Undine Lock Box which i will highly reject which in turn will pave the way for other powerful nemesis NPC factions that gonna have Lock Box such as the Borg and even the wannabe copy story of Babylon 5's Shadows... the Iconian's (Elachi = Drakh, Iconians = Shadows), what's next an Anti-Iconian faction that's attacks every1 when they don't fits thier goal such as a wannabe Vorlon faction... they might as well come out with a Q Lock Box in the future where playaers can kill NPC's and other Players by snapping their characters fingers via keyboard or mouse.
Didn't you know that fluidic space was less dense than vacuum? :rolleyes:
It leaks out as you get pulled in... sigh.
Same could be said for tholian ships.
Its nice that we get to know the artists thoughts when designing something.
The new undine criiters, both space and ground, look great. Espeacially that one with the full ground armor (at first it looked to me as a Predator like armor
Cant wait to fight the new revamped undine, and I hope we also get a new ground zone/fleet action too, so we can fight them on the ground.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. I like wrist blades.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
yes because this is not starcraft , also why does the planet killer look like a vorlon ship ?
BTW: The new ground critters, the captain now looks like Zeratul, haha.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that the people responsible for this did not actually watch Voyager so much as binged on Korean SC2 tournaments one weekend and went "HEY, HEY GUYS; YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL? PROTOSS!"
Like I said - SC2 binge.
I thought it was the VFX guys from VOY that looked around where to steal ideas for psychic/organic gear and ships, and Protoss and Vorlons were what they stuck to.
I don't mind. They still turned out interesting.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The Roms, Fed, and KDF have "top men" on it.
Vorlons perhaps, but "scorpion" came out in 1997 and starcraft didnt come out until 1998. so i dont know where the idea to steal from SC came from, but you are way off with the latter. if anything its possible blizzard could of stole the idea off voyager and created the protoss from that, who knows.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
What men?
/10 char
Top... men. :cool:
But really, great job on these, devs. They look like they will be a lot of fun to battle against.
That being said, as PvE, it seems like the Undine ships would be super fun to play against. I mean, come on...who wouldn't enjoy being bounced around like a bouncy ball every now and then by a bolt of lightning
I see a potential problem in PvP, however. And knowing how STO works when new powers are introduced, all of them will eventually get into the players' hands. At that point, they have the potential to become un-fun and terrible. I mean...I can see it now. You get knocked back (probably placated or something...maybe like a Photonic Shockwave?), then they throw a grav well on you, while simultaneously opening their Fluidic Rift on top of your ship. Add in a tractor, that engine debuff/offline thingy (probably going to be a console) and you have the most amazing science hold-ship ever thought possible. Plus, it gives an accuracy debuff. Then add on the Subspace Rift for kicks. Maybe a Rommy throws down a Singularity Jump/Rift for the lulz. The potential sounds fun for science
Maybe it would be a good idea to balance-pass these using your PvE vs. PvP mechanics. When used by a player on another player, make it like...half as effective? Idk, we really don't have numbers or anything to test with yet. But the potential to overkill is there. Just saying....
The ground armor looks very nice and unique. But the ship designs - as good as they may look (and they do) - do NOT seem organic at all. The models are too colorful and have to many lights. I think you should have sticked to the original color palette if you wanted to give the impression of a "biological" starship.
Well, if they can come up with dinosaurs with 'frickin lasers' on their heads, why not a 'mini planet killer' hanging around on your wrist.
...must be awfully desperate to kill a planet that one would be standing on with the wrist rocket.
"Oh Lord, Please don't let me F-up"
Excellent updates, looks good. Not as drastic as the updates to the Borg a couple of years back, but I like it, I like it a lot. Can't wait to see what you guys are doing to the Borg episodes.
You're the type of person who skips the appetizers when you go out to dinner aren't you?
It's weird but not entirely non-canon.
Species 8472 used Quantum Singularities to access our space time continuum, but they themselves weren't sucked into them. Maybe the Singularity portals spew out fluidic space on the axis like a quasar while sucking you in through the normal singularity means.
Would a White Hole have a gravity pull, or would it push?
Anomalies with how Species 8472's interdimensional black holes operate don't even begin to approach the questions on how an entire space time continuum can be filled with a recognizably organic fluid if we're being perfectly honest.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
This. My first thought was "Uh, isn't that backwards?" Seems strange that it would pull you in while it's "leaking out" at the same time lol.
Mine Trap Supporter
This will be a lot better. The Voth proved to be a great challenge to take out. So this will be as well. I love a challenge as it gives you a thrill of the kill.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I do hope not, thatd be two duff boxes in a row.
Otherwise, thanks for bring the Undine back into the fold. I'm eager to see what challenges they, as an NPC enemy, will present in 2014.
It's because there's a gigantic electromagnet on the fluidic side of the rift. It will pull metallic objects in while the fluid and organic ships can come out.
Don't do it! ... Most agree, it's bad enough already with all the "alien" ships around the three homeworlds/hubs ... Please NO
ANTI-Undine ships though? ... Those I could see ... How about we finally get some more Vulcan ships in game? The Vulcan Science Academy, supposedly the most advanced school of learning in the Galaxy, could surely come up with an Anti-8472 Design?
Anti-Undine/8472 Weapons, or modified Undine Weapons. The AP + Plasma Proc does sound cool, though perhaps a little OP unless it was drastically scaled.
Oh and ...