Funny thing is I've been around long enough to translate Cryptic's statements. When they say bonus a lot of people seem to think its going to be something better or as useful as commendations but if you look at any bonus's they give its usually like 1-3 more than usual so it doesn't help anyone when they actually see the bottom line. That is why I liked commendations because for a character one mission and done can go to the rest. What is really happening is its going back to having to do 2-3 qued missions a day to get your daily xp for a rep project.
The other side of it is old characters expertise is not a problem but these newer ones eat it up so fast with reps and such that you got like 50 mil expertise over in one corner and then a newer character grinding out the wazoo just to get a small amount compared to the older characters. So in all imo this redesign is worse than before.
You need to go back and re-read the post. They clearly define what the bonus is (the amount needed to do your daily, plus one hourly, plus 10).
I now return you to your normal paranoia, founded or otherwise.
When I was reading this, I was so afraid that the sponsorships were being removed. I'm glad to hear that you're keeping them. I've disliked the reputation system since it was introduced, and sponsorships take some of the pain out of it.
I'm also glad that you are reducing project cost, and making the project cost the same for all tiers. Dumping so much energy credits into projects was a huge strain on resources, and I mostly stopped participating in the reputation systems once I got Tier 5 in Omega on 3 of my characters. The XP cost for the projects was so much that I was never able to get my KDF character there, but once sponsorships were introduced I started trying again. I had no intention of trying to get my Romulan Republic character leveled up in Omega, and started very slowly working on Nukara.
Most of my resources are going in to fleet projects right now. Considering that my fleet is very small, and we refuse to spamvertise our fleet, we'll probably be working on our starbase for a few years. We're trying to work on the Dilithium mine first to reduce project costs, but it just takes so much time and resources to complete these projects that we'll probably never get it done.
I like where this is heading and the sponsor system is good as it exists. I would like to see the increase in the Dilithium Refinement Cap because I have a 100k Surplus on 4 toons and it just keep going up because of how fast you get dilithium. The increase would also allow small fleets to actually start and complete projects. Or maybe a similar change to fleet projects so they can be completed in a timely manner.
I like where this is heading and the sponsor system is good as it exists. I would like to see the increase in the Dilithium Refinement Cap because I have a 100k Surplus on 4 toons and it just keep going up because of how fast you get dilithium. The increase would also allow small fleets to actually start and complete projects. Or maybe a similar change to fleet projects so they can be completed in a timely manner.
I think all they need to do to solve the dil problem is allow us to donate refined OR unrefined dil to starbase projects and leave the dil cap alone.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
Let me analyze this. It is mostly good, but I got some problems.
-No commodities needed for older reps.
-The Nukara set was fine, but the reman/Romulan did need a big buff.
-Costume unlock improvement.
-No more store unlocks.
-Reward packs.
-No more commendation projects.
-Expertise cost for Dyson rep. Expertise cost for reps is the worst part of it all, worse then mark or EC grind needs.
The big problem is the Expertise cost. If the 2500 XP project only needed marks, this would not be trouble.
Strange. To me, the Expertise cost of the reputation projects is completely irrelevant. My Fed main has over 2.5 million Expertise points and nothing to spend them on other than reputation and fleet starbase projects (and he is hitting tier V in all the reps this week anyway). My KDF main has probably 1.8 million Expertise (and tier IV in all the reps, so he'll probably be done before Season 9 launches). The next three characters have over half a million each.
You are certainly not the first player I've seen express concern over a shortage of Expertise; so I am really curious what difference in our playstyles is causing this?
For me, acquiring and storing the commodities was a much bigger hassle. Glad to see that aspect of the reputation grind going away.
I am very-very-very-very skeptical. If the stf reward system is reduced, I see no reason why I should reinstall "Star Trek: Online".
...and, that stinks. Dilithium costs needed to be reduced.
I have this beef too. I have recently decided to go with all Mark XI rep gear, because the Mark XII gear is just too danged expensive with very little extra value in stats. Now I'm being FORCED to spend almost TWICE the dilithium for the Mark XII gear whether I want it or not? Great, thanks a lot.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I think all they need to do to solve the dil problem is allow us to donate refined OR unrefined dil to starbase projects and leave the dil cap alone.
The Donation of Unrefined Dil could work for projects and only require refined for store purchases and the like. They still need to look at Fleet Holding progression, especially as they are adding another new one to the game with season 9.
Strange. To me, the Expertise cost of the reputation projects is completely irrelevant. My Fed main has over 2.5 million Expertise points and nothing to spend them on other than reputation and fleet starbase projects (and he is hitting tier V in all the reps this week anyway). My KDF main has probably 1.8 million Expertise (and tier IV in all the reps, so he'll probably be done before Season 9 launches). The next three characters have over half a million each.
You are certainly not the first player I've seen express concern over a shortage of Expertise; so I am really curious what difference in our playstyles is causing this?
For me, acquiring and storing the commodities was a much bigger hassle. Glad to see that aspect of the reputation grind going away.
Usually, it is a problem for alts.
I got characters who have been around since the game started, they got more than 10 million expertise.
Its the alts that suffer from the lack of it. Now with old MU , it was not a problem since you could grind it out with it, around 20-30k expertise a day, which was enough for rep projects (they took 9k expertise) or for XII gear.
Now that expertise source is lessened. This again, only hits alts. My main got enough expertise to level 10 more rep systems and buy their mk XII gear.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
You need to go back and re-read the post. They clearly define what the bonus is (the amount needed to do your daily, plus one hourly, plus 10).
I now return you to your normal paranoia, founded or otherwise.
Of course they say that but in the end its just like how they do these *conversions* they sound good in a blog but in actuality when its live its a different story.
Imo though they should be more focused on working on the power creep issue where they want people to buy older ships that are way behind or are not represented in the light of canon they should be. Just a lack of focus imo they are more concerned on keeping ques full than quality of gameplay.
I have this beef too. I have recently decided to go with all Mark XI rep gear, because the Mark XII gear is just too danged expensive with very little extra value in stats. Now I'm being FORCED to spend almost TWICE the dilithium for the Mark XII gear whether I want it or not? Great, thanks a lot.
I really hate how you have to work through Dyson's five tiers to complete a set.
Within this new version of the system, we have no reason to reach for the carrot.
I got characters who have been around since the game started, they got more than 10 million expertise.
Its the alts that suffer from the lack of it. Now with old MU , it was not a problem since you could grind it out with it, around 20-30k expertise a day, which was enough for rep projects (they took 9k expertise) or for XII gear.
Now that expertise source is lessened. This again, only hits alts. My main got enough expertise to level 10 more rep systems and buy their mk XII gear.
Exactly. As vets, you don't see the issue until you try to do reps on a toon that doesn't have that massive launch day expertise buildup. Make a new character, and then do a couple rep trees. Once the well runs dry, you get thirsty in a big hurry.
Most of this I like a lot, dropping commendations sounded bad, until I got to the mark bonus that's actually slightly better. The main downside to me is the removal of the Mk X set items, yes they're slightly less powerful and everyone would like to upgrade eventually, but having a perfectly good option that you can get for half the cost is something I've found extremely valuable.
And I do agree that the Expertise thing is a bit of an annoyance, not for toons that are well along, they'll have large reserves, but for new toons it can be a problem. What I usually do is that, as soon as a toon hits VA I slot all of the rep projects and try to do them all at once, while still trying to finish the episodes as well (that actually depends a little bit, since I do like to have one of the good episode Resilient shields (so Jem or the sphere one) before I start ESTFs), and grab items as fast as I get to them, which means my 150-200k can get hit hard. Usually the XP projects have about balanced with the mark missions, but not always, and the item projects definitely don't.
Exactly. As vets, you don't see the issue until you try to do reps on a toon that doesn't have that massive launch day expertise buildup. Make a new character, and then do a couple rep trees. Once the well runs dry, you get thirsty in a big hurry.
I remain as puzzled as others by this... I got an alt to 50 around the time of the winter event, and Winter Epohh'd my way to enough Marks to run Romulan, Omega and Nukara at the same time. The only Expertise I was getting after 50 was Doffing and doing Dyson Battlezone stuff to level that up as well.
I did come close to running out a couple times, but I was able to turn over all the reps every day. This is at a much faster pace than anyone who reached 50 and then had to go get the Marks they need.
Are the people who are running out of Expertise not Doffing? I'm kind of at a loss as to how else you could run out of Expertise.
I remain as puzzled as others by this... I got an alt to 50 around the time of the winter event, and Winter Epohh'd my way to enough Marks to run Romulan, Omega and Nukara at the same time. The only Expertise I was getting after 50 was Doffing and doing Dyson Battlezone stuff to level that up as well.
I did come close to running out a couple times, but I was able to turn over all the reps every day. This is at a much faster pace than anyone who reached 50 and then had to go get the Marks they need.
Are the people who are running out of Expertise not Doffing? I'm kind of at a loss as to how else you could run out of Expertise.
No, I do the doff missions. But one doff mission gives like 200-300 expertise, and takes like 4 hours.
Honestly this would not be a problem with old Mirror event.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Not sure if this has been asked yet.... but erm... what about people at T5 already? will we get a backlog of reward packs for all the old missions? I am T5 in all reps and just want free stuff, feels like I may miss out on something Punished for advancing too fast? :mad:
So ehm, this mean we'll still be getting more currencies (seperate marks) with every rep track added? Like before dil was introduced because we were getting to many currencies?
thx to the devs, that seems very great. i have just a suggestion, i have the adapted maco set, and i'm really sad that i don't see a special visual; perhaps a grey version of the kd fmaco set would be perfect for the adapted maco set (fed, romulan fed aligned).
oh and btw please, give us a very long campaign, and this would be perfect
i'm tier 5 for all the rep (only 3 of my characters are still tier 4, and i have 5 characters), and i trust in cryptic, they have done a good job for the dyson rep, so maybe we could just wait the season 9 before starting to cry;
I live in france, and this is a speciality of my country crying, before the hurt. so please i don't want to see the entire world to have the same comportment lol
I remain as puzzled as others by this... I got an alt to 50 around the time of the winter event, and Winter Epohh'd my way to enough Marks to run Romulan, Omega and Nukara at the same time. The only Expertise I was getting after 50 was Doffing and doing Dyson Battlezone stuff to level that up as well.
I did come close to running out a couple times, but I was able to turn over all the reps every day. This is at a much faster pace than anyone who reached 50 and then had to go get the Marks they need.
Are the people who are running out of Expertise not Doffing? I'm kind of at a loss as to how else you could run out of Expertise.
One word: Fleets. Expertise to fleet credits is one of the easiest way to get them. Many fleets require you to get to a certain number of credits before you can buy stuff, so any way you can get to that point is a good way.
I may actually considering doing that rep stuff again. I have been avoiding it. Just didn't feel worth doing. I've had my hands full just dealing with pumping stuff in the fleet projects.
Grinding the same thing over and over.. and over... and over is not terribly fun.. I've done it in STO and other MMO's and don't like it. Some things are grinding.. some not so much. If you've got a fleet base, and your in a fairly small fleet, base development is an utter bear.
It's tme and resource intensive. And the only way to get it done faster is to grind a lot of game content if your fleet doesn't have the numbers to spread the load. Mine doesn't I think we have 5 or 6 active actuall members... the other 20 or so stopped playing STO a couple years back.
I haven't had time or will to devote to Dyson, Nakura, Romulan etc rep... By the time I finish my dayly stuff toward fleet projects I just want to go find an in game dance party and chill out. Finally finished our fleet mine projects (they finalize this sunday) and all of that will be unlocked.. Next we go back to work on Embassy and spire, and poundng away on getting the fleet tier 4 finished and getting to work on tier 5.
Hopefully this really will be better then an incremental improvement. Only time will tell.
Cryptic, my question is about Progression (Loss) of Mk XI Omega Sets.
I have characters with partially progressed Mk XI Space and Ground sets from Omega that were previously earned via Normal STF play, Pre-Reputation System. These characters are 1-2 items away from completing a XI Set such as Honor Guard Ground or M.A.C.O Space.
I quit the game, came back and planned on revisiting these characters to complete their XI sets via the Rep System. Elite STFs are outside my play range hence my progression towards XI sets.
With X & XI Omega Items being removed what will become of my progression towards completing these sets? How do I proceed without the ability to purchase the remainder of these sets?
You need to go back and re-read the post. They clearly define what the bonus is (the amount needed to do your daily, plus one hourly, plus 10).
I now return you to your normal paranoia, founded or otherwise.
LOL! You beat me to it.
He is right about the expertise though.
I'm also glad that you are reducing project cost, and making the project cost the same for all tiers. Dumping so much energy credits into projects was a huge strain on resources, and I mostly stopped participating in the reputation systems once I got Tier 5 in Omega on 3 of my characters. The XP cost for the projects was so much that I was never able to get my KDF character there, but once sponsorships were introduced I started trying again. I had no intention of trying to get my Romulan Republic character leveled up in Omega, and started very slowly working on Nukara.
Most of my resources are going in to fleet projects right now. Considering that my fleet is very small, and we refuse to spamvertise our fleet, we'll probably be working on our starbase for a few years. We're trying to work on the Dilithium mine first to reduce project costs, but it just takes so much time and resources to complete these projects that we'll probably never get it done.
Yep, I posted about that a bit ago as well. Expertise is the real gate for alts, not marks, and needs addressing.
...and, that stinks. Dilithium costs needed to be reduced.
Section 31
[Joseph Steel] [Jennifer Steel] [Dredd Steel] [Kenzi Steel] [Shira Steel] [Eris Steel] [Artemis Steel] [Stardragon] [Delta] [Alexandria Rose] [Number Six] [K'emb'ah Steel] [Karnak Steel] [Kacy Steel] [Venom Steel] [Areli Steel]
I think all they need to do to solve the dil problem is allow us to donate refined OR unrefined dil to starbase projects and leave the dil cap alone.
Awesome job guys at Cryptic, love it, it's much better than any of the earlier reps were (and finally no more commodities!)
Kinda sucks that you're now giving costumes for free and i had to pay dil for it, but i guess that's life...
Oh and, anything to tell 'bout the server not available currently?
Strange. To me, the Expertise cost of the reputation projects is completely irrelevant. My Fed main has over 2.5 million Expertise points and nothing to spend them on other than reputation and fleet starbase projects (and he is hitting tier V in all the reps this week anyway). My KDF main has probably 1.8 million Expertise (and tier IV in all the reps, so he'll probably be done before Season 9 launches). The next three characters have over half a million each.
You are certainly not the first player I've seen express concern over a shortage of Expertise; so I am really curious what difference in our playstyles is causing this?
For me, acquiring and storing the commodities was a much bigger hassle. Glad to see that aspect of the reputation grind going away.
I have this beef too. I have recently decided to go with all Mark XI rep gear, because the Mark XII gear is just too danged expensive with very little extra value in stats. Now I'm being FORCED to spend almost TWICE the dilithium for the Mark XII gear whether I want it or not? Great, thanks a lot.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
No, the server instability is unrelated (I hope
The Donation of Unrefined Dil could work for projects and only require refined for store purchases and the like. They still need to look at Fleet Holding progression, especially as they are adding another new one to the game with season 9.
Usually, it is a problem for alts.
I got characters who have been around since the game started, they got more than 10 million expertise.
Its the alts that suffer from the lack of it. Now with old MU , it was not a problem since you could grind it out with it, around 20-30k expertise a day, which was enough for rep projects (they took 9k expertise) or for XII gear.
Now that expertise source is lessened. This again, only hits alts. My main got enough expertise to level 10 more rep systems and buy their mk XII gear.
Of course they say that but in the end its just like how they do these *conversions* they sound good in a blog but in actuality when its live its a different story.
Imo though they should be more focused on working on the power creep issue where they want people to buy older ships that are way behind or are not represented in the light of canon they should be. Just a lack of focus imo they are more concerned on keeping ques full than quality of gameplay.
Within this new version of the system, we have no reason to reach for the carrot.
Cryptic had moved the goal post.
It stinks.
Why bother playing?
Exactly. As vets, you don't see the issue until you try to do reps on a toon that doesn't have that massive launch day expertise buildup. Make a new character, and then do a couple rep trees. Once the well runs dry, you get thirsty in a big hurry.
And I do agree that the Expertise thing is a bit of an annoyance, not for toons that are well along, they'll have large reserves, but for new toons it can be a problem. What I usually do is that, as soon as a toon hits VA I slot all of the rep projects and try to do them all at once, while still trying to finish the episodes as well (that actually depends a little bit, since I do like to have one of the good episode Resilient shields (so Jem or the sphere one) before I start ESTFs), and grab items as fast as I get to them, which means my 150-200k can get hit hard. Usually the XP projects have about balanced with the mark missions, but not always, and the item projects definitely don't.
I remain as puzzled as others by this... I got an alt to 50 around the time of the winter event, and Winter Epohh'd my way to enough Marks to run Romulan, Omega and Nukara at the same time. The only Expertise I was getting after 50 was Doffing and doing Dyson Battlezone stuff to level that up as well.
I did come close to running out a couple times, but I was able to turn over all the reps every day. This is at a much faster pace than anyone who reached 50 and then had to go get the Marks they need.
Are the people who are running out of Expertise not Doffing? I'm kind of at a loss as to how else you could run out of Expertise.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
No, I do the doff missions. But one doff mission gives like 200-300 expertise, and takes like 4 hours.
Honestly this would not be a problem with old Mirror event.
oh and btw please, give us a very long campaign, and this would be perfect
i'm tier 5 for all the rep (only 3 of my characters are still tier 4, and i have 5 characters), and i trust in cryptic, they have done a good job for the dyson rep, so maybe we could just wait the season 9 before starting to cry;
I live in france, and this is a speciality of my country crying, before the hurt. so please i don't want to see the entire world to have the same comportment lol
Still to alt-unfriendly.
One word: Fleets. Expertise to fleet credits is one of the easiest way to get them. Many fleets require you to get to a certain number of credits before you can buy stuff, so any way you can get to that point is a good way.
I may actually considering doing that rep stuff again. I have been avoiding it. Just didn't feel worth doing. I've had my hands full just dealing with pumping stuff in the fleet projects.
Grinding the same thing over and over.. and over... and over is not terribly fun.. I've done it in STO and other MMO's and don't like it. Some things are grinding.. some not so much. If you've got a fleet base, and your in a fairly small fleet, base development is an utter bear.
It's tme and resource intensive. And the only way to get it done faster is to grind a lot of game content if your fleet doesn't have the numbers to spread the load. Mine doesn't I think we have 5 or 6 active actuall members... the other 20 or so stopped playing STO a couple years back.
I haven't had time or will to devote to Dyson, Nakura, Romulan etc rep... By the time I finish my dayly stuff toward fleet projects I just want to go find an in game dance party and chill out. Finally finished our fleet mine projects (they finalize this sunday) and all of that will be unlocked.. Next we go back to work on Embassy and spire, and poundng away on getting the fleet tier 4 finished and getting to work on tier 5.
Hopefully this really will be better then an incremental improvement. Only time will tell.
I have characters with partially progressed Mk XI Space and Ground sets from Omega that were previously earned via Normal STF play, Pre-Reputation System. These characters are 1-2 items away from completing a XI Set such as Honor Guard Ground or M.A.C.O Space.
I quit the game, came back and planned on revisiting these characters to complete their XI sets via the Rep System. Elite STFs are outside my play range hence my progression towards XI sets.
With X & XI Omega Items being removed what will become of my progression towards completing these sets? How do I proceed without the ability to purchase the remainder of these sets?