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  • ussjohnbrownussjohnbrown Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    This is reposted from the klingon discussion forum, cleaned up and expanded... this seemed a more appropriate place and I can't figure out how to delete original post.

    I'm interested in joining a kdf role-playing fleet. I don't really know anything about the various fleets, how they rp etc. So consider this an open letter/application.My time is limited, but I'm also not interested in something so casual it doesn't amount to anything. I'm free Friday mornings or afternoons, often during Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoons. Rarely during the week.I want cannon, however I don't mind if it's stretched a bit for the sake of interesting and engaging storytelling.I'd like a good mix of regular rp, and rp that uses missions/events and foundry missions. I'd also prefer voice over txt...I'd like to start small, preferably as a reoccurring guest character, and see where that goes. In the long term, id love to write story arcs, especially using the foundry to flesh things out.So that's what I'm looking for... now for what I'm bringing to the table.I'm pretty good with star trek lore, and I can write fairly well. I'm not interested in God characters or super geniuses or being the next kahless. While my character is atypical... she's also flawed and multifaceted.

    Which brings me to...My character: in game she's a level 60 tactical who prefers bops

    Now for the head cannon

    She is half klingon and half Vulcan. So she's got problems.

    Her mother was a Vulcan. A reunificationist working undercover as a Romulan, she was discovered and thrown in a hard labor prison camp/reman mining colony. Her captors thought maybe Vulcan prisoners could make good bargaining chips with the federation. She was however largely forgotten about and left top rot.

    At the prison she was camped with fellow prisoners segregated form the colony, but was worked in the mines side by side with the reman miners.

    She was befriended by a klingon named Kom'mrg. As a young warrior he developed a blood feud with another warrior.from the house of Duras. He was dishonored and stripped of his status as a warrior he was banished to a colony world, and found a certain peace as farmer and engineer. By the time of his banishment he was no longer a young warrior. His career was good but not exemplary, few opportunities in a time of peace for a warrior to claim glory. This was before Martok, and the high council had grown fat and bureaucratic. He saw no hope in restoring his honor. However his foe in house of duras wouldn't let him rest. His foe plagued his family. This was too much, and he challenged him to combat... His foe instead got him committed to a Romulan prison on trumped up charges, a favor from the Romulus to the house of duras.As a farmer the empire payed little attention to his case. And so he rotted at the bottom of a mine shaft.

    He lived there for a decade waiting to die. Until he meet a certain vulcan who would change his life.He developed a strong attatchment to her, despite her cold logic she reminded him of his wife, strong and focused... her calm personality soothed his weary soul. He guarded her and used his skills as a tinker to curry favor with guards to keep her safe. She respected him, he feed off her calm and focus.However for her it was a simple bond between prisoners, a friendship made by hard circumstances... that is until pon'far hit...

    What happened to her parents I'm not sure how I want that to go but she is basically an orphan (even if one of her parents ends up alive some how).As a young girl she was nicknamed, "Anklebiter" by the reman miners who adored her, but knew all to well her vicious temper. Pittied by a minor Romulan official, he helped her stow away on a freighter. It was her ticket out.She bounced from freighter to freighter, from bad situation to worse. She eventually landed, as a teen with a freighter that smuggled for the marquis. That changed her life. Gave her purpose, a fighter for freedom, a voice, action for all her pent up rage and hatred.However after the marquis insurgency wained, she found herself lost again... bar fights and brawls with police, she bounced from one far going world to the next. As an adult now, she could feel prison nipping at her heels.

    So she up and left for Vulcan, spent some time tying to get her TRIBBLE together. She tried to purge herself of emotions (which didn't work) but found discipline and some inner peace. Not feeling home she eventually found her way to the klingon empire where she.... and that's where your fleet story comes in. She's not bound with three same sense if loyalty to the empire, or lust for glory, but she's honorable and a hardened fighter. The rough and rumble klingon world suits her better, but she's often at odds with the concept of imperial style leadership.

    Her best friends are her first officer, an abandoned jem'hadar, and her klingon engineer, who plays a father role to her. She also has many connections to the Reman and.former marquis. She hates orions slave traders, distrusts most cardassians and Romulans, however due to the Remans she has a soft spot for the republic, but distrust it's leaders. She hates the high council and views the war with the Fed as s stupid and selfish. She views the federation as bureaucratic bumbling fools, mostly well meaning but not to be trusted to make the necessary hard decisions. She gets along better with the crew of any situation, worker bees etc, anything above the rank of captain is to be viewed with serious distrust. Her sense of honor and being a warrior come more from Reman culture then klingon and because of that its more defensive, she has no love of conquest.

    I could see her as reluctantly recruited to a misfit kdf foreign legion unit during the war, as a special ops member that hunts down the tal shiar, working with the remans, etc.

    I'm willing to rp any arc of her story, it would be great to rp some of this, or start at the end...If you have a story line where a non traditional warrior is welcome give me a holler.

  • zstickmasterzstickmaster Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I RP alone, since I am new to STO.
    My tag is @zstickmaster
    My character's background is a W.I.P., but the basics are set.

    Mathaeus Milaerus II is a Milronian male whose home was destroyed during the mid to late 24th century (in-game labeled alien). Mathaeus drifted around the galaxy for some time afterwards, until he met a Bajoran Starfleet officer on leave at Deep Space 9 named Uvo Osemia. Mathaeus was convinced to join Starfleet by Uvo.

    At the time of this post, Mathaeus is a Lt. Commander and commands the U.S.S. Patton.
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