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Will Patrick Stewart ever Make an Appearance in STO ?



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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Franklin Drake and Section 31;
    Star Trek writer's "Easy Button"

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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    To spew out "he'll be too expensive and never do it" is an assumption and doesn't make it a fact.

    An assumption based on likeliness based on current information and knowledge.

    Sort of like me making the assumption that Beyonce isn't going to come over and sing me a song while sitting on my lap for my birthday. It's not beyond the realm of possibility, this is very true. It's just not likely.

    But just in case it does happen, I'm already working my battle raps against Jay-Z.
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    * BTW, that doesn't make a lick of sense. Why do they have an ambassador to a planet that's already a member of the Federation?

    Canada is a member of the UN and we still have an ambassador to the U.S., same with Britain, Germany and every other member of the UN.

    The Federation is the UN of the future, not a "Join us and be completely absorbed" group. Every member world is still free to do their own thing if they want.
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    mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Has anyone asked him about it? We are saying he will say no, but has anyone bother to ask him about it?
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
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    salynraydersalynrayder Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What are the chances of Picard doing a "Featured Episode"

    Personally I'd like to see many characters from Star Trek, get Featured Episodes.

    Is it really expensive for PW/Cryptic to hire the actors ? M.Dorn for example...
    How much was it to hire him ?
    He didnt have that many lines in the episode.... How hard could it be to intice the television actors to do Episodes for STO ?

    Hope we'll keep seeing more of them.

    Careful what you wish for...The next time you log in after an update you may find mission after mission narrated by Wesley Crusher!!!
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ill twitter P stew, and find out :P
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    salynraydersalynrayder Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mayito2009 wrote: »
    Has anyone asked him about it? We are saying he will say no, but has anyone bother to ask him about it?

    I have actually asked him. He's in my fleet. Nice guy, very active, but not very good at the game. He's lvl 50 but won't upgrade from the Galaxy. Also, he falls asleep at his keyboard a lot.
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Careful what you wish for...The next time you log in after an update you may find mission after mission narrated by Wesley Crusher!!!

    WooHOOOOOOO Willy Wheaton !

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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    You're still assuming. As I said earlier, it all depends on the person and the circumstances. As an example, Stallone commands much higher paychecks than Patrick Stewart ever will and he has taken very low pay due to the project. IIRC, Shatner has done work for next to nothing in exchange for donations to the various charities he is involved with.

    Stewart may be expensive to get for VO work for STO, he may not be. No one really knows until he's approached about it. To spew out "he'll be too expensive and never do it" is an assumption and doesn't make it a fact.

    Whoa Whoa Whoa there bud. "I'm Assuming"?

    Dude, you're trolling. I linked to a legitimate website that lists Stewart's appearance fees, and you link to an article about link to Sylvester Stallone, who is a multi million dollar movie star, taking a pay cut for some low budget movie?

    If Patrick Stewart was willing to get paid minimum fees to reprise his role as Picard, I'm pretty sure Cryptic would've gotten him to voice in STO years ago.
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    variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Careful what you wish for...The next time you log in after an update you may find mission after mission narrated by Wesley Crusher!!!

    I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I have it on good authority that Wesley Crusher is the one who's going to save us all when the Iconians attack STO in Season 9. :D
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    smokinssoulmatesmokinssoulmate Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What are the chances of Picard doing a "Featured Episode"

    Personally I'd like to see many characters from Star Trek, get Featured Episodes.

    Is it really expensive for PW/Cryptic to hire the actors ? M.Dorn for example...
    How much was it to hire him ?
    He didnt have that many lines in the episode.... How hard could it be to intice the television actors to do Episodes for STO ?

    Hope we'll keep seeing more of them.

    He's done with Star trek and stays in England, he does the conventions and such but he has been quoted more than once that he is done playing Picard.

    Although money has been known to change peoples mind.
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    malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Would be great to have a new FE that in some major way involved J.G. Hertzler voicing General Martok or some other appropriate 2409 lineage from the House of Martok.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Would be great to have a new FE that in some major way involved J.G. Hertzler voicing General Martok or some other appropriate 2409 lineage from the House of Martok.

    I think it might depend if JG has time off from his new job as a City Commissioner. :P

    He's done with Star trek and stays in England, he does the conventions and such but he has been quoted more than once that he is done playing Picard.

    Thought he said he loved playing Picard and love to do another movie?
    valoreah wrote: »
    Pointing out the obvious flaws in your post isn't trolling.

    All I did was post his fees, and you're turning an anthill into a mountain.
    valoreah wrote: »
    Stallone, like Patrick Stewart and most all other actors, also has standard appearance fees. The article I linked to was to show those fees are in no way are set in stone. Many actors forego their "standard" fee if they like a particular project and want to do it. Shatner has done it. Christian Bale regularly alternates between big budget films and small, independent films. You're trying to pass off your supposition as fact. All I said was you don't know for certain. Again, he might be very expensive, or he may do it for free. Bottom line is, no one knows until he's been asked.

    No, you're making the assumption that Stewart would take a pay cut to do this. As I said, if he was willing to do so, Cryptic would've already hired him for the job.
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    variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Would be great to have a new FE that in some major way involved J.G. Hertzler voicing General Martok or some other appropriate 2409 lineage from the House of Martok.

    Ok, forget what I said earlier about never getting anyone else to do VO work, because having JG Hertzler in the game participating in some new KDF content would be incredible.

    Or Jeffrey Combs. It's too bad Weyoun is canonically dead, such a great character.
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    malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    Or Jeffrey Combs. It's too bad Weyoun is canonically dead, such a great character.

    While Weyoun may be dead, Jeffrey Combs portrayed several characters in the Star Trek series. I was recently peasently surprised to find he had a one-off character role in Voyager (I'm re watching the series just for fun, as I've rewatched everything else more recently).

    Far as I'm concerned I agree with you having Jeffrey Combs represented in the game in any form would be coolness. Don't really care how Cryptic chose to do it, just make it cool and creative.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    Yes, I am making an assumption. I'm not trying to say "he will do it for free" and pass that off as fact. It's not hard to understand the difference between the two.

    How do you know they've even asked him? You don't.

    Funny, given Geko's interviews, I sure go the impression they talked to him. :P
    While Weyoun may be dead, Jeffrey Combs portrayed several characters in the Star Trek series. I was recently peasently surprised to find he had a one-off character role in Voyager (I'm re watching the series just for fun, as I've rewatched everything else more recently).

    Far as I'm concerned I agree with you having Jeffrey Combs represented in the game in any form would be coolness. Don't really care how Cryptic chose to do it, just make it cool and creative.

    Brunt F.C.A ;)
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm going to point out something that may seem harsh but I don't intend it as such.

    The TNG cast, more than any other cast, were friends. They played pranks on directors. They socialized and knew one another's spouses, children, friends.

    The closest thing to that elsewhere might be Russ/Picardo/Philips or Colm Meaney and Alexander Siddig.

    The appeal of doing another TNG project for many of them is working together and rekindling some of that atmosphere.

    I think it's a bit different for Dorn or Crosby. Crosby was a co-worker. Dorn was on the outside more until later on. But the core cast was like a family.

    Other games Stewart did alone spent more on him than large chunks of the entire game. The appeal of coming back would be working with friends, not visiting a studio just outside San Francisco to record alone. He might do it for a large sum of money if he had time but to get most of these people to want to do it, you'd need two or more of them together. And I think you'd get more meaningful performances that way as well.

    Even when Tim Russ talked about doing it, I think he was angling to get his friends from the shows recording with him at his home studio, not fly out to Los Gatos alone to record.

    I think Wheaton or Eisenberg (Nog) would work alone because they're gamers. (Although Wheaton's condition is not playing Wesley.)

    There's a small list of Trek actors known for taking a paycheck for solo work. Tony Todd, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn, Shatner, Nimoy, deLancie. Most really seem to live for the ensemble and the set experience.

    Even for the ones I mentioned, you might get a faster and a cheaper "yes" if you reunited them with someone. I think Frakes and Sirtis would almost do two for the price of one just for the pleasure of working together.

    Stewart, at this point is in a position to want to work with friends AND get a serious paycheck. Because he can.

    Stewart is busy, newly married, and seems to choose projects that pay well and let him work with friends.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    just because stewart was friends with the others doesn't mean his paycheck is any less relevant to his own needs then just friends. like any of these actors they are mercenaries and will do what they can with got they got for the fattest pay around and friends are a side effect of any job you do.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I just spoke with Pat (I call him that because he is my step dad) and he said no one from STO has asked him anything, he has not been even invited to VO for us. Shameful. :D

    he told me he would do the VO for free if anyone from STO asked him.
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    You're still not getting it. :)

    But please do provide a link to an interview where Al says "we talked to Patrick Stewart and he wanted way too much money" and I'll happily believe you.

    Go listen to Priority one and G&T. :P
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    theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,508 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Funny, given Geko's interviews, I sure go the impression they talked to him. :P

    Brunt F.C.A ;)

    Or Shran ;)

    Seriously, get Combs, lots of awesome characters to choose from :D
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    smokinssoulmatesmokinssoulmate Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well before we start talking more about who to get next, lets just bring the game up to code and bring those left in the dry dock since S8 get into the game,Then we can look forward.
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    mirrorshatnermirrorshatner Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I have it on good authority that Wesley Crusher is the one who's going to save us all when the Iconians attack STO in Season 9. :D


    Wesley Boff
    "Saves the ship"
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    johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'd love to get all the captians and major characters to reprise roles, but it might be very expensive. I'd be pretty happy even with just good impressions of some of them. Bret Spiner does a pretty good Patrick Stewart....might be able to get a 2 for 1 that way
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    deathsremnantdeathsremnant Member Posts: 265
    edited November 2013
    Wouldn't he be kinda ...dead by now in the ST universe?. At the very least retired. He was pretty much a older captain and STO takes place 30+ years after the Dominion war. He'd have to be around 100 by now in the ST universe lol. I mean Worf was a young man. Maybe Mid 30's, and now hes a old grissled Klingon.

    Just can't see what kinda episode Picard would be up for. "Now class back in my day our star ships had to warp up hill, with no shoes, and we played footsy with our fiance on youtube videos..." *quest complete lecture over, collect 300 dilith*
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