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Exchange Sort - Still not quite fixed. *Resolved!*

tradiktradik Member Posts: 86 Arc User
edited December 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Ok, you have the SOrt by labels back in, but they are not functioning properly

Sort by Unit Price, for instance, sorts by # of items. Not unit price per item.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Price Per Unit sorting is now translated, but returns complete gibberish as results, with no actual ordering by price per unit.
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes, the labels are now ok, but they dont sort properly the items. For example, descending expire time then name dont work at all, showing the same items since S8 launch.
    Bran please, the devs should chek this problem!
    Let us know!
  • azntrigboiazntrigboi Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yep. I definitely know Sort by Price per Unit is borked because I use it a lot on the Exchange. Please get this fixed promptly because it's insanely difficult to find the lowest unit price at the moment.
  • smoovioussmoovious Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We can see the text for Price per Unit now, but it still isn't sorting by Price per Unit like it did before S8 update. :(

    -- Smoov
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2013
    We originally thought the presence of [untranslatable] in the exchange filter table was the bug in question, but that's been fixed now. The exchange still doesn't sort by price per unit. It seems to sort by quantity and date listed, in descending value (greatest quantity of units, by date, next greatest quantity of units, by date, so on and so forth).

    Sort by price per unit seems to have died. Might want to be a priority fix. (and while you're at it, fix all the other sorting modes that don't actually work.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Since the update it seems like sort by price per unit on the exchange isn't working right.

    As you can see there are several 10 lot items listed ahead of the 70,000 price that are higher, when it is suppose to be lowest to highest.

  • xbalankexbalanke Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am seeing the same problem.. when I try to sort by price per unit the list I get seems totally random..
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Same here.

    Except its not random. It's sorting by stack size, largest to smallest.
  • larphoidlarphoid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, seeing the same. The stack size seems to be the only thing sorting correctly, but as the title says... "Sort by price per unit" so it's not sorting correctly. The stack size is not important, the price per unit is. So, to clarify for any cryptic guys seeing this post: the outcome of the total price divided by the stacksize should be the sorting order from lowest to highest ;)
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The following thread is supposed to summarize everything broken on the exchange.

    So far:
    - Price by unit seems to list by stack size not by prize per unit
    - Buying things will cause search list to black out after a couple of searches
  • ravagerborgravagerborg Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    The following thread is supposed to summarize everything broken on the exchange.

    So far:
    - Price by unit seems to list by stack size not by prize per unit
    - Buying things will cause search list to black out after a couple of searches

    +1 on that
  • ravagerborgravagerborg Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I also noticed that some items aren't appearing again after you post them. Tried on all 3 factions to sell an Artifact and none of them would show up. Posted on one toon, switched to another and still can't find item. Set lowest price and then tried highest..would not show up.

    There's sure is no problem of posting and selling the Voth Lockboxes. I was trying to sell an Alien Artifact.

    The 'usable' button at the bottom seems to be having issues too. Was selling BOFFs on KDF and when I checked prices it was pulling up the FED's as well.

    Well I didn't find the time to post about this yesterday (and I'm not sure if it was corrected or is going to get corrected today) but "noob tax" is back. So what that means is that if you are looking for stuff under the "ALL" filter then you will not find the lowest priced item, so maybe when you were posting your stuff and then checking if they were posted correctly then maybe you were looking on the ALL filter and not the specific one for the item you were posting.
  • seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Put me on the list for noticing this bug.
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    The following thread is supposed to summarize everything broken on the exchange.

    So far:
    - Price by unit seems to list by stack size not by prize per unit
    - Buying things will cause search list to black out after a couple of searches

    This is also what I've seen. It appears that the "Price Per Unit" filter is sorting in descending order of stack size, with each stack size grouping being sorted in alphabetical order by Name. My two cents is to look at the Price reference within the parameters, as this is probably where the sorting function has been bugged; I'm not a professional, but hopefully that narrows down the issue and speeds the repair process.

    These results were from checking for Duty Officer Mini-Packs under the Reward Packs section, since that gives more limited results that are easier to track what's going on.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It is quite fascinating they've managed to break the price per unit listing of the exchange when no related upgrades were introduced with S8. I mean, how could that even have happened? Are Craptic IT personnel that TRIBBLE or what?
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Search for Raptor Hatchling for example. They all come up including the very rare ones, now search for the same thing under very rare and nothing comes up... Search parameters are borked.,.
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • adjpmfwtjwtptdgadjpmfwtjwtptdg Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This has happened multiple times tonight...

    I buy a federation duty officer (doesn't matter what job function), then I check my duty roster ('Request Duty Officers' tab) and they've magically changed to Klingon duty officers!

    This has happened to me 5 times tonight, and one officer magically became a Romulan officer.
  • dachronikdachronik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes exchange is f+++ed.........how is one supposed to play like this :mad::eek:

  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    When I did search by "price per unit" it came up with stacks of stuff that were priced much higher (per unit) than individual units.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Price Per Unit sorting by stack size is quite annoying.

    -edit- How is it that the exchange gets broken with every season release anyway?

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • captainspackle76captainspackle76 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yeah, this is pretty much making it impossible to sell anything stackable in quantity. right now I'm just hanging onto my rare inventory until the bug gets fixed.
  • dachronikdachronik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    In addition it seems items that I put in the exchange do not get shown!! So who knows what the prices really are. I am just sorting by price other search filter are broken as stated above.

    That means that your items will not be bought because no one can see them.....*sadpanda is sad* :confused::confused::confused::confused:
  • arrowmaticarrowmatic Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Video link showing the issue in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJbS-Nlj75c&feature=youtu.be

    I've seen at least one other person report this except that it was misdiagnosed as simply "I can't see my own listings". The problem is actually a little trickier than that. What's happening is that searching by string with the item type set to all is returning only a subset of the list. For example:

    I set the search criteria to All, Very Rare, with a search string of induction coil mk xi. This search returns only a few items. If I change item type from All to Tactical Consoles (and change nothing else) then I get the full listing of items that are very rare mk xi induction coils. Note that this behavior is not specific to that particular item; the coil was just an example.

    It's common for people to leave item type set to All and use the search string to filter out what they want to see when they know exactly what they're looking for, and until now this has worked fine. But now it seems to return only a subset of the listings that otherwise match the criteria. Thus if one lists an item and then refreshes the search results in this way, you do not see your own item and it appears as though it's not actually listed on the exchange at all. However, if you set item type to the correct category you will get the full and correct listing.

    It sounds odd but I can easily reproduce the above example on both of my accounts, so while I accept that it may not affect everyone the problem does nevertheless exist.
  • dachronikdachronik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did a little testing. Items/Prizes will not be shown correctly when you use any of the search filters.
    I tested the Rarity-filter since i used to use that filter and not the other ones.

    When you use any of the rarity filter you will only see a small amount of the item.
    So you should not use any filters when searching for someting in the exchange. As stated above other filter seems to be bugged as well.

    So far so good, just use the correct item name with no filters and you are fine.
    BUT if there are more then 400 offers you will not find the high end price items of the category.
    Example are consoles, since they have all the same name( doesn't matter if white / gree/ blue/ purple).
    Which means you will not be able to finde high prices. If there are more the 400 itmes with the same name and you look for stuff with a higer price then the 400th item you will not find it.

    Have tested this with ship items. And the search result with a rarity filter is always wrong!!

    This needs to be fixed as soon as possible imo !!!!

  • phooterplacephooterplace Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well said. Describes My problem to a "T"! Appreciate the "work around", but, I hope the support folks address this "tout suite"!
  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I always had two search Results or two lists however you want to call it, searches via all or a category always gave me different prices. Don't know if that is supposed to be a bug or...a feature?! :confused::D
  • dachronikdachronik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did a little testing. Items/Prizes will not be shown correctly when you use any of the search filters.
    I tested the Rarity-filter since i used to use that filter and not the other ones.

    When you use any of the rarity filter you will only see a small amount of the item.
    So you should not use any filters when searching for someting in the exchange. As stated above other filter seems to be bugged as well.

    So far so good, just use the correct item name with no filters and you are fine.
    BUT if there are more then 400 offers you will not find the high end price items of the category.
    Example are consoles, since they have all the same name( doesn't matter if white / gree/ blue/ purple).
    Which means you will not be able to finde high prices. If there are more the 400 itmes with the same name and you look for stuff with a higer price then the 400th item you will not find it.

    Have tested this with ship items. And the search result with a rarity filter is always wrong!!

    This needs to be fixed as soon as possible imo !!!!

  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    - Price by unit seems to list by stack size not by prize per unit
    For reference - http://i.imgur.com/1wPwKfr.jpg

    Annoying for buying certain items. Hope this'll get fixed soon.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hello all.

    I was searching for DOFF packs on the exchange. My initial search was sort by price and the first three entries were around 95,000 EC per unit. I then did price per unit sort and the first three entries were

    99 packs - 96,000,000 (that's almost 970,000 EC per unit)
    86 packs - 50,000,000 (just over 580,000 EC per unit)
    27 packs - 5,000,000 (just over 185,000 EC per unit)

    Anyone else finding that the exchange sorts are out of sorts?
  • somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes, Season 8 broke that function of the Exchange (along with some other things), so buyer beware until it's fixed.
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