Regardless... He wants access to their base... They make the rules, and if he dosen't want to follow them, he is the one who has to either adjust or get lost (from their channel).
Personally I hate (yes... I really hate) roleplayers... They are disruptive and get in the way... 381 at least keeps their senseless babble in their own channel, and I support that strongly...
But I also stay out of their way and their channel, because we simply aren't compatible.
OP should do the same.
I personally think the "getting in the way" has more to do with designs that don't accomodate roleplay well.
In an STF? Yes. Roleplay gets in the way. Roleplaying in an STF is like flying shuttles in an STF. There may be a rush that comes with accomplishing it for people so-inclined. Dungeons don't support that well.
But those are roleplay absolutists, a subset of roleplayers. I think they may be more common in STO than elsewhere.
Many roleplayers in MMOs only roleplay out of combat and a helpful rule is that you don't consider any combat activities (dungeons, missions) to be in character. Otherwise, you have too many people who did the same thing. Roleplaying for the moderate RPer is recognized as divorced from game mechanics outside of specially engineered runs. (And I think level scaling hurts this. My experience in other MMOs was that people would roleplay in combat scenarios that were beneath their level so that they could showboat and comfortably chat while fighting.)
Beyond that are people who don't, strictly, roleplay. But who want an immersive experience. I think I'm in this group. I don't go out of my way to disrespect roleplayers but I want to be able to believe what I'm seeing is a Star Trek story and that my character is captain of a ship.
And then you have pure gamers, who irk me a bit by actively trying to disrupt (or avoid) the other three groups, who have no more interest in story than they would in OPac Man. This is a Star Trek themed pinball machine for them. It's Donkey Kong meets Pokemon with a Star Trek skin... and the more extreme seem to resent that it even has a skin. (Moderates in this group don't bug me.)
I think MMOs (whether MMOGs or MMORPGs or whatever) need to recognize that roleplayers are a subset of their base and out of the general gaming population, outnumber serious achievers and hardcore gamers. And you need systems that intelligently support roleplay and also avoid creating conflict between the roleplayer and pure gamer. Deliberately making roleplay awkward is not a valid response, in my opinion.
I am simply saying that the different groups should stay out of each others hair, and IF you move into the other groups territory, created to facilitate non-disruptive and separated actions of that group, you kinda agree to play on their terms.
Becoming mad about not wanting to play by their rules is silly IMO... It's not like people are forcing you into a RP Channel, so when you move there, you do it knowingly and should expect that said people act like they do.
Hence Non-RP'er who wants access to resources from a RP fleet, but doesn't want to accept that they demand a certain level of RP in return for those resources, doesn't really want those resources in the first place, and he certainly doesn't deserve them.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
I have to ask... besides STFs where do you have to absolutely be and can get disrupted by 2 People sitting in a Caf? next to you, usually using the Local Chat Channels and how this can be disruptive to your rushing through DS9?
I am serious, I do not understand the Sentiment that "Normal"-Roleplayers can be disruptive to anything in any way.
I have to ask... besides STFs where do you have to absolutely be and can get disrupted by 2 People sitting in a Caf? next to you, usually using the Local Chat Channels and how this can be disruptive to your rushing through DS9?
I am serious, I do not understand the Sentiment that "Normal"-Roleplayers can be disruptive to anything in any way.
You can't ignore local chat. Even if you remove it from all of your chat tabs, you STILL see the speech bubbles above people's heads. This happens with certain emotes as well, those that make your character speak, rather than just annotate an action.
I don't like running through DS9 and seeing someone pretending to be a Starfleet officer looking like a pair of watermelons held in place by a strip of cloth asking if the guy next to "her" can "service" "her" torpedo tube, in exchange for a nacelle cleaning and polish. :mad: I would consider that quite disruptive.
That said, the OP is obviously a troll. He went to a specifically designated RP channel with clearly-outlined rules and decided to ignore those rules and the channel's purpose. I would completely expect to be ignored under those circumstances. It actually doesn't even matter that the channel is for RP - if I made a private channel in which you could only speak Pig-Latin, I would ignore (or possibly even kick) anyone who didn't use Pig-Latin. It's called following the rules outlined for the channel. Shocking, I know. :eek:
SB381 is a roleplay invite channel, if you don't want to RP then you have no business being there,
Public service is a fleet holding invite request channel, if you want to RP then this is not the channel for you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the actions of SB381's hosts and if you want to make use of their services they are cool guys, if not... well I've covered this and am babbling.
I don't like running through DS9 and seeing someone pretending to be a Starfleet officer looking like a pair of watermelons held in place by a strip of cloth asking if the guy next to "her" can "service" "her" torpedo tube, in exchange for a nacelle cleaning and polish. :mad: I would consider that quite disruptive.
If you see something like that, you should report them. Most RPers do.
If your Star Trek experience is disrupted by people acting like they're having a Star Trek experience, perhaps you should seek out a single player game.
This is extremely troubling, OP, and I, for one, commend you on your whistleblowing, even if there are those out there who wish to throw you under the bus, so to speak. No good deed goes unpunished, unfortunately.
The only thing this person is a whistleblower of is themselves.... See whistleblower is a term used to define someone who reveals a misconduct... and the only misconduct in this case is the one performed by the OP.
Not picking on you but it's odd that you would take this position when you object when people throw Dental under the bus when you guys (just like people the OP is complaining about) have done nothing wrong.
If anything you should be supporting the people at SB381.
I don't like running through DS9 and seeing someone pretending to be a Starfleet officer looking like a pair of watermelons held in place by a strip of cloth asking if the guy next to "her" can "service" "her" torpedo tube, in exchange for a nacelle cleaning and polish. :mad: I would consider that quite disruptive.
You were asked what your problem with roleplayers was. Equaling roleplayers to a bunch of douchebags who want to publically/anonymously live out their pornographic fantasies is offensive.......
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
On topic, those guys are pretty freindly, they don't force you to recount your characters life story, just be polite, ask to dock and use the facilities , then your more or less free to roam about and do whatever
But if its just services you want, Go to Public Service, they will hook you up with what you need, I'm in both channels myself facilities wise, Public Service is faster too, since its just a single guy doing base invites , and you can get hooked up with Freighter access also
If you really really want permanent access to a maxed out fleet i'll even invite you to mine, but you've got to ask nicely, no gimme gimme
Oh no, a small minority is excluding people that don't share their interests from their main vehicles of their interests.
Sound the alarms.
off topic, but loving reading this alongside your Thumbnail picture
These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
Yeah, SB381's house, SB381's rules. Read the "Sollicitors will be shot!" sign.
As for the other thing:
I used to RP in text only games. That worked reasonably well. I don't here. From as far as I've been able to tell, MMOs don't really lend themselves for it, as since people can't change the environment it tends to boil down to an awful lot of (IMO) pointless barfly-ism. (If want to drink and act miserable, I can do that in real life!) And standing around ceremoniously. Cause the best part of any movie is the part where they hand out the medals, obviously.
Still, I can't really wrap my mind around the delicate little princesses who get the vapors every time they see someone speaking or acting in IC terms. "Why sir, surely you know I can not unsee those repugnant text bubbles!" Sorry darling, but the NPCs got those too. Shall we petition Cryptic then to alter the NPC dialogue to reflect the contents of /zone chat? So that's, what? 25 % Gorn jokes, 20 % truther conspiracy theories and whining about new or old nerfs both, 15 % political name calling and a smattering of gaybashing, flagwaving, religious debates, looking for STF groups and directions for the remaining twenty? Correct me if I missed anything.
Just run right through. I've personally always found that, running from one activity to the next on starbases, with the exception of the short messages those bubbles don't stay up long enough to see what they read. So if you're RP-intolerant, just go into your chat settings and disable the /local chat, either in your main chat tab, or in a new one labled "My Happy Place". If you're an RPer who gets in people's face about disrupting your RP, same instructions, but for the /zone channel. As for the emotes... just roll with it. A mysterious illness has taken hold of DS9 (again) causing people to act irrationally and slowly go sterile. Scan them a little. Call in your fleet. Consult with your colleagues on how to treat them. Get them involved. Clearly they desperately want to be.
So that's, what? 25 % Gorn jokes, 20 % truther conspiracy theories and whining about new or old nerfs both, 15 % political name calling and a smattering of gaybashing, flagwaving, religious debates, looking for STF groups and directions for the remaining twenty? Correct me if I missed anything.
That depends... Would "Random ranting about ships that should be added/removed/buffed/nerfed/given a T5 Retrofit/Given a Fleet Retrofit" fall under the nerf-herding?
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
The roleplayers in the chat channel 'SB381' discriminate against non-roleplayers. They initially ignore anyone not roleplaying, and if you refuse to roleplay they will refuse to send an invite to their fleet's Starbase. It's that simple...
Don't expect to be treated equally unless you are willing to modify your behavior to suit their preferences. They DO NOT treat non-roleplayers with respect.
Discrimination? Really? You're going to compare people in a channel made for roleplaying, who are kind enough to extend their hard earned work to other roleplayers to the struggle that ethnic groups and minorities have faced?
Equaling roleplayers to a bunch of douchebags who want to publically/anonymously live out their pornographic fantasies is offensive.......
... why? Every group or community is defined by their most visible segment. The pornographic RP'ers are by and far the most visible, because they GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make sure everyone can see it. "Real" RP'ers tend to do so in private channels, and in less-populated instances.
If you want people to think better of you, you need to do something about your own community of players - clean house.
Still, I can't really wrap my mind around the delicate little princesses who get the vapors every time they see someone speaking or acting in IC terms. "Why sir, surely you know I can not unsee those repugnant text bubbles!" Sorry darling, but the NPCs got those too. Shall we petition Cryptic then to alter the NPC dialogue to reflect the contents of /zone chat? So that's, what? 25 % Gorn jokes, 20 % truther conspiracy theories and whining about new or old nerfs both, 15 % political name calling and a smattering of gaybashing, flagwaving, religious debates, looking for STF groups and directions for the remaining twenty? Correct me if I missed anything.
No, the NPCs don't say anything offensive. They just run around stupidly lauding the pretend exploits of the nearest player character. It's annoying, but not offensive. Doing what you propose would make them offensive.
(For the record, I turn zone chat off as well. The combined total IQ of any given selection of players in zone chat would require a shovel to locate.)
Just run right through. I've personally always found that, running from one activity to the next on starbases, with the exception of the short messages those bubbles don't stay up long enough to see what they read. So if you're RP-intolerant, just go into your chat settings and disable the /local chat, either in your main chat tab, or in a new one labled "My Happy Place".
I read faster than you, apparently. I can typically read short sentences well before they disappear, and longer (4x lines or more, as measured by their line-breaks in the speech bubbles) sentences I can usually finish at least 3 lines before they disappear. I do this reflexively because if there's text, I read it. I would have to invest quite a bit of conscious effort to NOT read it, and since this is just a videogame, it's not worth expending that effort.
I'd much rather that RP'ers use private channels. It's less disruptive to other players, and they're much less likely to be interrupted themselves. I already extend that courtesy by not using local chat myself. I will send private messages if I wish to greet somebody standing next to me. Not only does it not broadcast to everyone in the area, it also plays a sound on the other player's client, letting them know someone is speaking to them. I always assume the player I wish to speak with has local chat disabled and hidden, just like I do.
I'm one of the people in the Fleet, who handle Starbase 381.
What we're trying to do, really, is to provide an atmosphere where people can roleplay in peace. Without the usual grieving people could possibly receive in Drazona. The only people who get kicked are people who are disruptive, or don't play by our rules, since it is our station.
For example, things like those godawful Disco/party balls? That's an instant kick. We're actually trying our best to be tolerant, but there are some things that won't be readily tolerated on the station. Like godmodding or forcing incredible situations upon the base. like attempting sabotage, or blowing it up. (which was clearly outlined to be disallowed)
That said, of course SB381 is a roleplaying channel, why wouldn't it be? We can't exactly have people spamming the channel when we're trying our best to keep track of the docking requests to it.
Heaven forbid there should be roleplaying game players who actually insist on roleplaying. :rolleyes:
@oowoon: Ignore the OP. He's a troll and/or an idiot and/or a Philistine.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I am impressed such an obvious statement managed 6 pages worth of replies.
Not getting involved in roleplay within a roleplaying fleet to me is the same as inactivity. Plenty of the more decent fleets out there kick inactive players as a matter of protocol, and every fleet owner reserve the right to kick players for being inactive, disruptive, differing playstyles or if they feel like it.
Ugh, and here I am adding to the thread. Why do trolls have to be so darn cute?
I mean, I've seen just as much creepy sexual stuff from non-roleplayers. Should I be holding you responsible for their behavior?
Since the players would (almost without exception) never do such in real life, it automatically constitutes role-play by virtue of not matching a person's real-life behavior. Such behavior should be discouraged and reported, and I've done so plenty of times. Shame it gets ignored by the GMs... :mad:
Since the players would (almost without exception) never do such in real life, it automatically constitutes role-play by virtue of not matching a person's real-life behavior
That's so wrong I don't even know how to refute it.
I've seen people give out real life threats, or ask other players for "nudes", or just randomly PM TRIBBLE. I don't think that's so much acting out a fantasy as it is their real life behavior, at least to people they meet online. Let's not even get into what I've seen in Zone chat, which is pretty much a constant ongoing trainwreck that occasionally delves into the creepy.
This is the very, very tip of the iceberg here, too, because I don't want to derail the thread. Let's just say I've reported plenty of people.
Yes, there are bad roleplayers, but this game doesn't have a bad roleplayer problem so much as it sometimes has a bad player problem.
Since the players would (almost without exception) never do such in real life, it automatically constitutes role-play by virtue of not matching a person's real-life behavior. Such behavior should be discouraged and reported, and I've done so plenty of times. Shame it gets ignored by the GMs... :mad:
I didn't know you knew that many people!
Isn't it hard to remember all these Birthdays?
The pornographic RP'ers are by and far the most visible, because they GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make sure everyone can see it. "Real" RP'ers tend to do so in private channels, and in less-populated instances.
Do I really have to explain the difference between "griefing" and "roleplaying" to you?
If you want people to think better of you, you need to do something about your own community of players - clean house.
Because clearly Cryptic gives us the tools for that.:rolleyes: Together with the power to transform all skittleboats into decent builds, cure cancer and combine world peace with tons of big explosions.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
That's so wrong I don't even know how to refute it.
I've seen people give out real life threats, or ask other players for "nudes", or just randomly PM TRIBBLE. I don't think that's so much acting out a fantasy as it is their real life behavior, at least to people they meet online. Let's not even get into what I've seen in Zone chat, which is pretty much a constant ongoing trainwreck that occasionally delves into the creepy.
This is the very, very tip of the iceberg here, too, because I don't want to derail the thread. Let's just say I've reported plenty of people.
Yes, there are bad roleplayers, but this game doesn't have a bad roleplayer problem so much as it sometimes has a bad player problem.
I can tel you I hit on less people in game than I do away from it. For that matter I am far more crude away from the game also.
I personally think the "getting in the way" has more to do with designs that don't accomodate roleplay well.
In an STF? Yes. Roleplay gets in the way. Roleplaying in an STF is like flying shuttles in an STF. There may be a rush that comes with accomplishing it for people so-inclined. Dungeons don't support that well.
But those are roleplay absolutists, a subset of roleplayers. I think they may be more common in STO than elsewhere.
Many roleplayers in MMOs only roleplay out of combat and a helpful rule is that you don't consider any combat activities (dungeons, missions) to be in character. Otherwise, you have too many people who did the same thing. Roleplaying for the moderate RPer is recognized as divorced from game mechanics outside of specially engineered runs. (And I think level scaling hurts this. My experience in other MMOs was that people would roleplay in combat scenarios that were beneath their level so that they could showboat and comfortably chat while fighting.)
Beyond that are people who don't, strictly, roleplay. But who want an immersive experience. I think I'm in this group. I don't go out of my way to disrespect roleplayers but I want to be able to believe what I'm seeing is a Star Trek story and that my character is captain of a ship.
And then you have pure gamers, who irk me a bit by actively trying to disrupt (or avoid) the other three groups, who have no more interest in story than they would in OPac Man. This is a Star Trek themed pinball machine for them. It's Donkey Kong meets Pokemon with a Star Trek skin... and the more extreme seem to resent that it even has a skin. (Moderates in this group don't bug me.)
I think MMOs (whether MMOGs or MMORPGs or whatever) need to recognize that roleplayers are a subset of their base and out of the general gaming population, outnumber serious achievers and hardcore gamers. And you need systems that intelligently support roleplay and also avoid creating conflict between the roleplayer and pure gamer. Deliberately making roleplay awkward is not a valid response, in my opinion.
Sound the alarms.
I am not disputing that.
I am simply saying that the different groups should stay out of each others hair, and IF you move into the other groups territory, created to facilitate non-disruptive and separated actions of that group, you kinda agree to play on their terms.
Becoming mad about not wanting to play by their rules is silly IMO... It's not like people are forcing you into a RP Channel, so when you move there, you do it knowingly and should expect that said people act like they do.
Hence Non-RP'er who wants access to resources from a RP fleet, but doesn't want to accept that they demand a certain level of RP in return for those resources, doesn't really want those resources in the first place, and he certainly doesn't deserve them.
I am serious, I do not understand the Sentiment that "Normal"-Roleplayers can be disruptive to anything in any way.
You can't ignore local chat. Even if you remove it from all of your chat tabs, you STILL see the speech bubbles above people's heads. This happens with certain emotes as well, those that make your character speak, rather than just annotate an action.
I don't like running through DS9 and seeing someone pretending to be a Starfleet officer looking like a pair of watermelons held in place by a strip of cloth asking if the guy next to "her" can "service" "her" torpedo tube, in exchange for a nacelle cleaning and polish. :mad: I would consider that quite disruptive.
That said, the OP is obviously a troll. He went to a specifically designated RP channel with clearly-outlined rules and decided to ignore those rules and the channel's purpose. I would completely expect to be ignored under those circumstances. It actually doesn't even matter that the channel is for RP - if I made a private channel in which you could only speak Pig-Latin, I would ignore (or possibly even kick) anyone who didn't use Pig-Latin. It's called following the rules outlined for the channel. Shocking, I know. :eek:
But such things as you described have to be private and if you see it, report it... as I think those are against at least one Rule or something.
SB381 is a roleplay invite channel, if you don't want to RP then you have no business being there,
Public service is a fleet holding invite request channel, if you want to RP then this is not the channel for you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the actions of SB381's hosts and if you want to make use of their services they are cool guys, if not... well I've covered this and am babbling.
If you see something like that, you should report them. Most RPers do.
If your Star Trek experience is disrupted by people acting like they're having a Star Trek experience, perhaps you should seek out a single player game.
Just wanted to thank the OP for whining about something that he/she actually caused! lol
Anyways good to see the roleplayers on STO have a nice little hub of their own good luck and enjoy your many adventures
The only thing this person is a whistleblower of is themselves.... See whistleblower is a term used to define someone who reveals a misconduct... and the only misconduct in this case is the one performed by the OP.
What strange mirror universe do you come from?
You were asked what your problem with roleplayers was. Equaling roleplayers to a bunch of douchebags who want to publically/anonymously live out their pornographic fantasies is offensive.......
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
I fully understand why some would love, me indifferent to, or hate Roleplay/roleplayers, some are pleasant to chat to, others can be a might bit overly committed but not to a degree i have found disruptive
But if its just services you want, Go to Public Service, they will hook you up with what you need, I'm in both channels myself facilities wise, Public Service is faster too, since its just a single guy doing base invites , and you can get hooked up with Freighter access also
If you really really want permanent access to a maxed out fleet i'll even invite you to mine, but you've got to ask nicely, no gimme gimme
off topic, but loving reading this alongside your Thumbnail picture
As for the other thing:
I used to RP in text only games. That worked reasonably well. I don't here. From as far as I've been able to tell, MMOs don't really lend themselves for it, as since people can't change the environment it tends to boil down to an awful lot of (IMO) pointless barfly-ism. (If want to drink and act miserable, I can do that in real life!) And standing around ceremoniously. Cause the best part of any movie is the part where they hand out the medals, obviously.
Still, I can't really wrap my mind around the delicate little princesses who get the vapors every time they see someone speaking or acting in IC terms. "Why sir, surely you know I can not unsee those repugnant text bubbles!" Sorry darling, but the NPCs got those too. Shall we petition Cryptic then to alter the NPC dialogue to reflect the contents of /zone chat? So that's, what? 25 % Gorn jokes, 20 % truther conspiracy theories and whining about new or old nerfs both, 15 % political name calling and a smattering of gaybashing, flagwaving, religious debates, looking for STF groups and directions for the remaining twenty? Correct me if I missed anything.
Just run right through. I've personally always found that, running from one activity to the next on starbases, with the exception of the short messages those bubbles don't stay up long enough to see what they read. So if you're RP-intolerant, just go into your chat settings and disable the /local chat, either in your main chat tab, or in a new one labled "My Happy Place". If you're an RPer who gets in people's face about disrupting your RP, same instructions, but for the /zone channel. As for the emotes... just roll with it. A mysterious illness has taken hold of DS9 (again) causing people to act irrationally and slowly go sterile. Scan them a little. Call in your fleet. Consult with your colleagues on how to treat them. Get them involved. Clearly they desperately want to be.
That depends... Would "Random ranting about ships that should be added/removed/buffed/nerfed/given a T5 Retrofit/Given a Fleet Retrofit" fall under the nerf-herding?
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Discrimination? Really? You're going to compare people in a channel made for roleplaying, who are kind enough to extend their hard earned work to other roleplayers to the struggle that ethnic groups and minorities have faced?
HEY! there are starving targs on Khitomer, Mister!
... why? Every group or community is defined by their most visible segment. The pornographic RP'ers are by and far the most visible, because they GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make sure everyone can see it. "Real" RP'ers tend to do so in private channels, and in less-populated instances.
If you want people to think better of you, you need to do something about your own community of players - clean house.
No, the NPCs don't say anything offensive. They just run around stupidly lauding the pretend exploits of the nearest player character. It's annoying, but not offensive. Doing what you propose would make them offensive.
(For the record, I turn zone chat off as well. The combined total IQ of any given selection of players in zone chat would require a shovel to locate.)
I read faster than you, apparently. I can typically read short sentences well before they disappear, and longer (4x lines or more, as measured by their line-breaks in the speech bubbles) sentences I can usually finish at least 3 lines before they disappear. I do this reflexively because if there's text, I read it. I would have to invest quite a bit of conscious effort to NOT read it, and since this is just a videogame, it's not worth expending that effort.
I'd much rather that RP'ers use private channels. It's less disruptive to other players, and they're much less likely to be interrupted themselves. I already extend that courtesy by not using local chat myself. I will send private messages if I wish to greet somebody standing next to me. Not only does it not broadcast to everyone in the area, it also plays a sound on the other player's client, letting them know someone is speaking to them. I always assume the player I wish to speak with has local chat disabled and hidden, just like I do.
What we're trying to do, really, is to provide an atmosphere where people can roleplay in peace. Without the usual grieving people could possibly receive in Drazona. The only people who get kicked are people who are disruptive, or don't play by our rules, since it is our station.
For example, things like those godawful Disco/party balls? That's an instant kick. We're actually trying our best to be tolerant, but there are some things that won't be readily tolerated on the station. Like godmodding or forcing incredible situations upon the base. like attempting sabotage, or blowing it up. (which was clearly outlined to be disallowed)
That said, of course SB381 is a roleplaying channel, why wouldn't it be? We can't exactly have people spamming the channel when we're trying our best to keep track of the docking requests to it.
@oowoon: Ignore the OP. He's a troll and/or an idiot and/or a Philistine.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Not getting involved in roleplay within a roleplaying fleet to me is the same as inactivity. Plenty of the more decent fleets out there kick inactive players as a matter of protocol, and every fleet owner reserve the right to kick players for being inactive, disruptive, differing playstyles or if they feel like it.
Ugh, and here I am adding to the thread. Why do trolls have to be so darn cute?
Well, aside from ignoring them and reporting them, what do you want us to do?
I mean, I've seen just as much creepy sexual stuff from non-roleplayers. Should I be holding you responsible for their behavior?
Since the players would (almost without exception) never do such in real life, it automatically constitutes role-play by virtue of not matching a person's real-life behavior. Such behavior should be discouraged and reported, and I've done so plenty of times. Shame it gets ignored by the GMs... :mad:
That's so wrong I don't even know how to refute it.
I've seen people give out real life threats, or ask other players for "nudes", or just randomly PM TRIBBLE. I don't think that's so much acting out a fantasy as it is their real life behavior, at least to people they meet online. Let's not even get into what I've seen in Zone chat, which is pretty much a constant ongoing trainwreck that occasionally delves into the creepy.
This is the very, very tip of the iceberg here, too, because I don't want to derail the thread. Let's just say I've reported plenty of people.
Yes, there are bad roleplayers, but this game doesn't have a bad roleplayer problem so much as it sometimes has a bad player problem.
I didn't know you knew that many people!
Isn't it hard to remember all these Birthdays?
So you think all peoples of the world should be judged by their politicians and stars? Dare I ask where you come from?
Do I really have to explain the difference between "griefing" and "roleplaying" to you?
Because clearly Cryptic gives us the tools for that.:rolleyes: Together with the power to transform all skittleboats into decent builds, cure cancer and combine world peace with tons of big explosions.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
I can tel you I hit on less people in game than I do away from it. For that matter I am far more crude away from the game also.