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Lag Industries' No BS Tournament IV ~Rules & Registration~



  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    in the three matches, I got ELEVEN kills with the Decloak > Integration Circuit > Subnuc > rapid fire/beam overload/torpedo high yield combo, not because I was doing insane spike damage, but because the person I was attacking literally couldn't do ANYTHING to escape the Circuit. I think, in its current status, that this Circuit is complete BS, and I'd like to suggest that it gets banned from the No BS IV until it is "balanced" by Cryptic.

    Decloak/snb/bo/iso charge, or any other number of combinations are as equally deadly. Double tap BO's from 2 Kumari's are equally deadly. GDF/alpha is equally deadly. i could go on and on and on and on, and not even mention something that wasnt directly mitigated by captain skills like subsystem repair. Sure, its a dangerous skill, but if you are leaving yourself exposed for long enough to get vaped during it then you have more problems then this silly console is causing you. idk about you, but when I get hit by it im gtg in 4 seconds. I would rather be hit by this then by a subnuke tbh, or warp TRIBBLE.

    It also bears mentioning, as it always does when the console lamentations arise: Each console you choose to equip takes the place of another option; these powers are not cumulative, and if someone brings it on the field then they must be leaving something behind. - And before someone comes out with the 'What if 5 people have it' argument - What if 5 people have... Anything. - As always, the problem is that everyone's tac wants to stack the skills that are going to help them get a high score, and eschew anything that might keep them alive.

    Verdict: Not overpowered.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    And before someone comes out with the 'What if 5 people have it' argument - What if 5 people have... Anything.

    No, that's not true at all.

    > What if 5 people have the Borg console?
    > The zero point chamber?
    > Subspace jump console?

    > What if 5 People have TIF?
    > Or GPG?
    > Or this new Console?

    What's the difference between the top 3 and the bottom 3?

    The ones on the top generally just affect yourself.
    The other 3 are force multipliers.

    Force Multipliers make everything else better, they have the potential to magnify the capabilities of everything else on the team.

    Force multiplication is why debuffing a target's resistance by 50% x 5 allies damage is more powerful than 1 guy buffing his personal damage by 50%.

    That's, generally speaking, the difference between some types of (problematic) powers and others (not so problematic).

    The second aspect is appropriate cost opportunity, something that generally special power uni consoles lack.

    You don't need a specific Console layout to run Uni Consoles X, Y or Z.

    You do need a specific BOFF layout to run VM 3, or EWP 3, or APO 3.

    Generally the consoles, pets and powers that get complained about have a cost opportunity that is very low for their potential and out of line with similar items in the same category (although set bits are harder to quantify).

    Unless you really think that Subspace Integrated console taking the same amount of space as Tachyokinetic Converter are actually granting the same level of power for the same amount of slotting cost?

    I think we can both agree that is not the case, one will nearly guarantee a kill when used by Player A vs. Player B of equal skill, the other confers a very slight advantage but will not guarantee kills.

    It's pretty clear that CRF 1 does less than CRF 3 and that CRF 3 has a much higher cost opportunity, correct?

    If you look at all of the primary things that get griped about, a very large (not all) quantity of them either fall into one of these two issues, or both.

    They lack a balanced cost vs. slotting opportunity and the most problematic ones are generally force multipliers.

    This even holds true for some of the problematic DOFFs or pets.

    Scramble Sensors DOFF? AoE, hits multiple targets, force multiplier.

    SNB DOFF (pre-nerf)? Removes target's buffs, magnifies team's damage, force multiplier.

    Control based pets like Danubes/Yellowstones, Interceptors, Power Sipohons (Force multipliers).


    Damage based pets like Peregrines, BoPs (single target damage).

    It's not a perfect outline that covers everything, but it covers a lot of what are generally held to be problematic or over-performing items. :)
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Excellent points. Admittedly, my perspective is from players differing abilities/specs to mitigate and counter game mechanics, and when I see people black listing things based their inability or in some cases unwillingness to cope with them - and labeling the skill bs, their opinion becomes suspect.

    I have never considered 'Appropriate Cost Opportunity', apart from the power/console/item slots themselves being the cost.

    As right as you are, my opinion moving forward in pvp and sto with the hopes that the game will grow and pvp will become closer to the experience in other games with a populated pvp scene, is: We cant stop people from using these powers, or enforce our 'opinions' about what is Bad Manners without alienating people, which is especially dangerous today with a population so small.

    Additionally, these things are in the game, and they arent leaving. Cryptic would not take them out after people have paid for them to do what they do. Campaigning for some better counters might be in order though.

    Consider this: The core of the combat in this game is fantasy science fiction, and we want big lazers, awesome explosions, and powers that kick TRIBBLE. We also as people want things that set us apart from others and make us unique. this is why I fly a wells with TIF. ( TBH, I am far more dangerous in PVP with a setup I cant use while using TIF). Cryptic is supplying us with these things and are being criticized by some of our most sensible community members as creating over saturization. It is almost as if people would be happier with a streamlined, limited abillity experience that created a level playing field 100% of the time, and relied on twitch reactions and pure player skill for someone to win. COD in Space. This game will never be that. You are going to get into a match against and think: damn, really wish I knew this was going to happen so I could have been better prepared. Some of us are prepared, with extended inventory space with multiple weapon and item loadouts, several brighe officers, and generally versitile defensive specs.


    Suggestion to everyone: I have play a few mmo's and online pvp titles, and a lot of other games use a more innocuous term that would better fit: "Bad Manners". When something is BM at least you can accept that this person thinks skill X is Bad Manners, that is their opinion based on the way they want to play. It is a bit gauche and hamfisted to dismiss something as "Bull ****". Maybe they are just words, but I think it would be best for us to leave this "BS" notion behind us and adopt a less presumptuous attitude, for the good of the community and the evolution of pvp. Words are powerful: it only takes a few to swing someone to your side, or against you. As a community, we cant afford to scorn and bully new players away by telling them that half the toys in the sandbox are BS.
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Excellent points. Admittedly, my perspective is from players differing abilities/specs to mitigate and counter game mechanics, and when I see people black listing things based their inability or in some cases unwillingness to cope with them - and labeling the skill bs, their opinion becomes suspect.

    I have never considered 'Appropriate Cost Opportunity', apart from the power/console/item slots themselves being the cost.

    As right as you are, my opinion moving forward in pvp and sto with the hopes that the game will grow and pvp will become closer to the experience in other games with a populated pvp scene, is: We cant stop people from using these powers, or enforce our 'opinions' about what is Bad Manners without alienating people, which is especially dangerous today with a population so small.

    Additionally, these things are in the game, and they arent leaving. Cryptic would not take them out after people have paid for them to do what they do. Campaigning for some better counters might be in order though.

    Consider this: The core of the combat in this game is fantasy science fiction, and we want big lazers, awesome explosions, and powers that kick TRIBBLE. We also as people want things that set us apart from others and make us unique. this is why I fly a wells with TIF. ( TBH, I am far more dangerous in PVP with a setup I cant use while using TIF). Cryptic is supplying us with these things and are being criticized by some of our most sensible community members as creating over saturization. It is almost as if people would be happier with a streamlined, limited abillity experience that created a level playing field 100% of the time, and relied on twitch reactions and pure player skill for someone to win. COD in Space. This game will never be that. You are going to get into a match against and think: damn, really wish I knew this was going to happen so I could have been better prepared. Some of us are prepared, with extended inventory space with multiple weapon and item loadouts, several brighe officers, and generally versitile defensive specs.


    Suggestion to everyone: I have play a few mmo's and online pvp titles, and a lot of other games use a more innocuous term that would better fit: "Bad Manners". When something is BM at least you can accept that this person thinks skill X is Bad Manners, that is their opinion based on the way they want to play. It is a bit gauche and hamfisted to dismiss something as "Bull ****". Maybe they are just words, but I think it would be best for us to leave this "BS" notion behind us and adopt a less presumptuous attitude, for the good of the community and the evolution of pvp. Words are powerful: it only takes a few to swing someone to your side, or against you. As a community, we cant afford to scorn and bully new players away by telling them that half the toys in the sandbox are BS.

    Just to be clear, "BS" was about the stuff outside STO, i.e. people arguing about rules, not in game content.
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    actually i wont be able to play in this tournament cuz i am going to be on vacation so i wish all partcipating teams good luck and a lot of fun during this competition! :D

    Now some last words to the hosters:

    neither I dont want to intervene your politics nor critizing the use of your actual no bs rules/conditions but are u really sure to use rules which were appropriate for tournaments run in season 6?

    i am convinced there will be complications to implement those in the actual situation with all the new stuff considering there are new conditions.
    When i read the rules i can realize that it will be able to use many exploits in the tourney which might lead to a "conflict" between the competitors during these days.

    It is comparable to - let?s say security measures for formula 1 racing cars.- Formula 1 cars change and get developped from time to time. They get faster, more sophisticated and so on. As a result its security measures have to be actualized and adapted to new conditions, same also counts for sto. Stuff has been changing from time to time, if u know what i mean.

    That is my personal opinion u can like it or not. I dont have a need to flame, moan, cry or derail someone else ?thread like u and some other guys did, if i dont like something. that is just stupid childish not more.

    Personally i didn?t determine the rules "just for fun" or to annoy people i spent a lot of time with the help of other guys to set the rules. I also have been flying a rommy tac for a longer time and i know how powerful they are and what they are capable of doing even without cloak.

    Perhaps it is getting clear for ya when u finished hosting it.

    Regards Hannibal

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • voidsirenvoidsiren Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well if there is a problem maybie they can take a leaf out of your book and add a new rule half way through the tournament?
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Since I am back from my vacation and being fully briefed regarding the events that occured during my absence, I strongly recommend all involved parties not to take a dig against each other, even if its difficult to maintain self-restraint. We all want this and following community events to succeed. Thank you.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    When Naz hosted the first one it was possible under his rule set to run a ton of cheesy BS setups... its my understanding people didn't do that. They seemed to understand the spirit of what he was trying to do for the community.

    In my opinion if your fleet/team needs to have 41 rules written down before you can pull off a team that can show up and compete in a "No BS" / "Fun Day" type event... perhaps you need to look at yourselves a little closer, and wonder why exactly you play this game... and why exactly half your friends list don't log in anymore.

    I think most of us understand what it takes to build a team for a "No BS" game... and if one of us doesn't the other 4 playing with us should be able to fill us in.

    Come on guys... the basic rules need to be covered off which is what the people running this one have done... outside of that... come to have a good time... and enjoy a great day of PvP whats so hard about that...

    Golden rule here guys... do on to others and all. Having said that if one team chooses to show up to a No BS event with major BS setups... let them they only make themselves look stupid.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • spherbspherb Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    actually i wont be able to play in this tournament cuz i am going to be on vacation so i wish all partcipating teams good luck and a lot of fun during this competition! :D

    Now some last words to the hosters:

    neither I dont want to intervene your politics nor critizing the use of your actual no bs rules/conditions but are u really sure to use rules which were appropriate for tournaments run in season 6?

    i am convinced there will be complications to implement those in the actual situation with all the new stuff considering there are new conditions.
    When i read the rules i can realize that it will be able to use many exploits in the tourney which might lead to a "conflict" between the competitors during these days.

    It is comparable to - let?s say security measures for formula 1 racing cars.- Formula 1 cars change and get developped from time to time. They get faster, more sophisticated and so on. As a result its security measures have to be actualized and adapted to new conditions, same also counts for sto. Stuff has been changing from time to time, if u know what i mean.

    That is my personal opinion u can like it or not. I dont have a need to flame, moan, cry or derail someone else ?thread like u and some other guys did, if i dont like something. that is just stupid childish not more.

    Personally i didn?t determine the rules "just for fun" or to annoy people i spent a lot of time with the help of other guys to set the rules. I also have been flying a rommy tac for a longer time and i know how powerful they are and what they are capable of doing even without cloak.

    Perhaps it is getting clear for ya when u finished hosting it.

    Regards Hannibal


    I am not going to QQ like you QQ but here is my QQ......LOLZZZZZZZ you are funny
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Golden rule here guys... do on to others and all. Having said that if one team chooses to show up to a No BS event with major BS setups... let them they only make themselves look stupid.

    Perfectly summarised
  • playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Isn't curious that the most of the replys of this post are made by ppl what don't play the tournament? lol

    For the next tournament we need an independet forum/website that can be moderated by the tournament hosts, i can do it quite easy and for free, i'm web developer.
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ilhansk wrote: »
    Since I am back from my vacation and being fully briefed regarding the events that occured during my absence, I strongly recommend all involved parties not to take a dig against each other, even if its difficult to maintain self-restraint. We all want this and following community events to succeed. Thank you.

    +1 this. I look forward to the matches and their outcomes :), really wish there was an 'observer mode' built into the game.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
  • spherbspherb Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    +1 this. I look forward to the matches and their outcomes :), really wish there was an 'observer mode' built into the game.

    +1 to the Real Tal...Good to see you back in game :D
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    playhard88 wrote: »
    Isn't curious that the most of the replys of this post are made by ppl what don't play the tournament? lol

    For the next tournament we need an independet forum/website that can be moderated by the tournament hosts, i can do it quite easy and for free, i'm web developer.

    In an ideal world i absolutely agree. Problem is people wanting to reply to a tourney thread would in most cases have to register on the Site. People rarely seem to do that unless it's for a longer. more credible reason like Boot Camp.

    Pascals latest slightly biased attempt proved how hit & miss these things can be.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please enter House of Beautiful into the list if there is any space, thanks

    handle: @g0h4n4
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    From what I know of Regulus, this event will be a tremendous effort and success.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just a quick note to all fleets & teams who are still considering to join or not, there are only three places left on the extended list. if that fills then those 4 teams will be able to compete, if not then they can't. Be aware there are only three places left so I'd suggest signing up sooner rather then later ;)
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Please enter House of Beautiful into the list if there is any space, thanks

    handle: @g0h4n4

    From what I know of Regulus, this event will be a tremendous effort and success.

    Anything can happen in the next half hour!
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Oh my G@d that takes me back. Not sure if I should laugh or cry ;) but as a kid I thought that was pretty cutting-edge out there LOL!!! Thanks for that that cool memory-jog!
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi Regulus,

    sorry to be a pain, the Fleet is 'House of Beautiful' which contains some ex Hobos, we will be using some Hobos in the team, but technically we are not House of Beautiful Orions.

    It's complicated but I am sure you have heard what has been going around and why we are different from HOBO.

    Also from reading the rules, we can mix feds and kdf side for teams?
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Hi Regulus,

    sorry to be a pain, the Fleet is 'House of Beautiful' which contains some ex Hobos, we will be using some Hobos in the team, but technically we are not House of Beautiful Orions.

    It's complicated but I am sure you have heard what has been going around and why we are different from HOBO.

    Also from reading the rules, we can mix feds and kdf side for teams?

    Haven't got all the gossip but have heard murmurings. Absolutely, will change now, sorry 'bout the mixup!

    Yep you can have whoever you like, so long as it fits within the class rules. It's totally faction-free :)
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    From what I know of Regulus, this event will be a tremendous effort and success.

    How can u know that ? he has never hosted a No BS tournament before. Or have u mutated to nostradamus being able to predict the future ?^^

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013
    Dude, don't be an TRIBBLE.
  • torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How can u know that ? he has never hosted a No BS tournament before. Or have u mutated to nostradamus being able to predict the future ?^^

    Okay, as much as I've tried to stay neutral...

    Hannibal, you are really, really, REALLY pissing me off. I am sick and tired of your little jabs and insults both in the forums and in OPvP aimed at my fleet as well as other fleets in general.

    Shut your mouth, keep your half-arsed insults and threats to yourself, and play the bloody game. Nobody here cares about your opinions, nobody here cares about your nit-picking insults. Stop running your gums and derailing the thread.

    ...that is all.
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Come on guys, there must be 3 more teams willing to join :) I am itching to pew pew premade
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    might i recommend contacting the Ausmonauts and the 12th fleet? I believe I have seen them pvping in the past.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Come on guys, there must be 3 more teams willing to join :) I am itching to pew pew premade
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    might i recommend contacting the Ausmonauts and the 12th fleet? I believe I have seen them pvping in the past.

    I'm not massively worried yet. I know some groups are still deliberating (1st Column, Umbra Venator etc) no way am i chasing the 12th! No offense to any of them but just organising a random match was going to take them a month.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • daviddxxdaviddxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    daviddxx wrote: »

    take out Team " Lucky Strike ",.. please. This is my Team, but i think we are played for Inner Circle. =)

    Thank you.

    Greetings from Germany



    dont forget it please.. . Thx.

    Star Trek Online
    *** Aktiv since 03.06.10 ***
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Okay, as much as I've tried to stay neutral...

    Hannibal, you are really, really, REALLY pissing me off. I am sick and tired of your little jabs and insults both in the forums and in OPvP aimed at my fleet as well as other fleets in general.

    Shut your mouth, keep your half-arsed insults and threats to yourself, and play the bloody game. Nobody here cares about your opinions, nobody here cares about your nit-picking insults. Stop running your gums and derailing the thread.

    ...that is all.

    says the guy who talks plenty of bull**** in opvp and who even is unable to open his mouth in TS when we discussed everything considering rules and other misunderstandings some weeks ago. i neither offended ur fleet nor derailed ur threads at all. YOU are the derailers and flamers, YOU cried and flamed about the rules in the last tourney instead of ignoring it when u dont like it, YOU tried to sabotate the last tourney in a very very POOR way which ended in a desaster for YOU.
    and YOU never stayed NEUTRAL and ur actual behaviour could get fatal for u torvin.
    If I were u i would restrain myself a little cuz u actually you have no idea what?s going on.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    daviddxx wrote: »

    dont forget it please.. . Thx.


    Yay We are number 16 then
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    says the guy who talks plenty of bull**** in opvp and who even is unable to open his mouth in TS when we discussed everything considering rules and other misunderstandings some weeks ago. i neither offended ur fleet nor derailed ur threads at all. YOU are the derailers and flamers, YOU cried and flamed about the rules in the last tourney instead of ignoring it when u dont like it, YOU tried to sabotate the last tourney in a very very POOR way which ended in a desaster for YOU.
    and YOU never stayed NEUTRAL and ur actual behaviour could get fatal for u torvin.
    If I were u i would restrain myself a little cuz u actually you have no idea what?s going on.

    I'm only going to say all this to you once. After that I'll report anything off topic you post.

    You are well known for threatening players in PMs, and I don't personally take kindly to you saying "could get fatel for u" - that's quite threatening. If you want to be like that, come on our TS and we'll take things to a conclusion.

    We only had a problem with your tourney when you decided to put your balls in Pax's purse and ban our team for not breaking any rules. You know that, we know that, the community knows that. So at least be honest.

    From what I've read, you're not even going to be HERE when this tourney takes place. You've said your piece about the rules, I read it. That's it. Bye bye. Your own fleet leader has asked everyone to be civil. From this point on Torvin certainly will be, he's only like 16, but he won't be lowering himself to your level. I suggest you think more diplomatically or simply stay away from this thread.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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