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Scheduled Maintenance (August 15, 2013) [Complete!]



  • taitie12taitie12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think the biggest problem with this is the possibility of not being able to Wh$)e out t5 shipyards that's why some people fleets are full of haters
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Speaking as a 50-year-old married man with two children -

    What kind of "life" are you people leading that you can't log in for a few minutes once every five months?? Are you doing fifteen-to-twenty for armed robbery or something?

    the amount of time is irrelvant.

    if you started a fleet and you put in most of work and alot of real money. its your feet.

    no one should be allowed to take away something u made and have worked so hard on.

    for examples.

    i stopped playing WoW for awhile and when i came back i had lost everything from the bank etc... a

    and was kicked along with all my members. when i left the game there was no inavtive time limit.

    even tho i never stopped paying for wow.
    anyways i quit wow because of that, and the panda bears.

    moral of the story is if the leader is inavtive and u dont like that MOVE to another fleet. no one is forcing you. its not fair on the persons that own said fleets.
  • kitsunetearskitsunetears Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    as far as i know, top secret means you cant talk about what the top secret information is, saying you got ( got is past, as far as we know, the TS information he has, isnt TS anymore, or the job is already caried out) a clearence to read it, doesnt break a rule?

    and yeah, i'm not in the army, i prefer that other people get shot then that i get shot.
    but i do understand meaning of words.

    In some circumstances yes. But the higher the pay-grade however the less your actually allowed to say even after your jobs been 'carried out'
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    its 18 30 gmt it will be up

    bummer... 30 more minutes...

    All I can do now is to troll ppl about size of their signature compared to the size of their posts...
  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Your dishonest bull**** amuses me. A lil hint though 'top secret means you cant even mention it' I love how people like you try to pretend to claim you were in the forces. It really is pathetic though.

    I think you are missing the point mate. if you are in a job that requires you to be in a situation where you cannot log in for six months at a time, then you shouldn't be a fleet leader in the first place. Your fleet is gonna suffer while you are gone (if they aren't already) and the "if you don't like it, you know where the door is" attitude is at best lame.

    plus I don't get why you are even complaining about this change. If anything it's now harder for someone to unseat you as fleet leader (unfortunately), before if you were offline for 30 days, then your spot was up for grabs and they didn't have to wait for any kick period to boot you out. If anything you should be happy about this.

    (I guess you really are a NOOB)
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • dughaldughal Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    AH! So it wasn't the STO twitter account, it was some individual PWE employee's account. That explains why I couldn't find it.

  • kitsunetearskitsunetears Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the amount of time is irrelvant.

    if you started a fleet and you put in most of work and alot of real money. its your feet.

    no one should be allowed to take away something u made and have worked so hard on.

    for examples.

    i stopped playing WoW for awhile and when i came back i had lost everything from the bank etc... a

    and was kicked along with all my members. when i left the game there was no inavtive time limit.

    even tho i never stopped paying for wow.
    anyways i quit wow because of that, and the panda bears.

    moral of the story is if the leader is inavtive and u dont like that MOVE to another fleet. no one is forcing you. its not fair on the persons that own said fleets.

    Exactly my point. And Im glad someone has the guts to agree with me as well.
  • azrealdragonkingazrealdragonking Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    milestfox wrote: »
    I'm sorry, my responses are limited.
    You must ask the right questions.

    Everything that follows, are the results of what you see here.
  • silkaveragesilkaverage Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bummer... 30 more minutes...

    All I can do now is to troll ppl about size of their signature compared to the size of their posts...

    hahahaha now this is the funniest so far
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In some circumstances yes. But the higher the pay-grade however the less your actually allowed to say even after your jobs been 'carried out'

    aah oke, so, its like a unwritten rule? being allowed doesnt mean forced right?

    ( as i already told you, i'm not in the army, but i like the story's )
  • philosopherephilosophere Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    milestfox wrote: »
    I'm sorry, my responses are limited.
    You must ask the right questions.

    I, Robot :D
    Are we there yet?
  • russellcarussellca Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    its 18 30 gmt it will be up

    Better not be!!! :) It's scheduled for 17:30 GMT; 18:30 BST (GMT+1)
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    NICE !

    Now all I need is some safety glasses and a hardhat.
    So either someone is trying to move into some sort of sensory bubble, or there's a Village People reunion on the horizon.

    I was gonna say something cute...., but this is better. :D

    taitie12 wrote: »
    Just accept

    Whoops worng quote .... Meh just accept

    I refuse to 'accept' anything I can't taste. :P

    Sheesh... there's a lot of Male Testosterone bouncing around here today!

    Good thing I'm wearing my Internetz Waders, I'd hate to get soaked in it.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • silkaveragesilkaverage Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    russellca wrote: »
    Better not be!!! :) It's scheduled for 17:30 GMT; 18:30 BST (GMT+1)

    if that is the case, then it should be up, did u also factor in daylight saving time into the timezones???
  • sahbohsahboh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    All i have to say is KHHHHHAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kitsunetearskitsunetears Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    aah oke, so, its like a unwritten rule? being allowed doesnt mean forced right?

    ( as i already told you, i'm not in the army, but i like the story's )

    Ok.let me see if I can explain it to you more directly.Once you join the Corps. they OWN YOU. Even after you retire. Your TRIBBLE belongs to them. No matter what for the rest of your life. and you can always be 'recalled' back into the line of service. And if your employed directly by the Govt...even if its not armed forces. All they work you do with them is 'classified' even after. You may not be 'forced' per say to stay quite but they have ways to make you. some even beneficial
  • doalxkdoalxk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In some circumstances yes. But the higher the pay-grade however the less your actually allowed to say even after your jobs been 'carried out'

    Please, for the sake of the world, say you are not in charge of anything remotely important or that has anything to do with other people, because you seem obviously incapable of handling even the most basic of interpersonal skills.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xtern1ty wrote: »

    I would think the leader would be responsible enough and have a responsible fellow member with them to entrust with the care of the fleet in such a scenario, rather than kicking their members. But if any fleet kicks their members as result of this change, I extend the hospitality of our long-term stable fleet XTERN1TY for any displaced players. You can stay however long you want and not have to worry about getting kicked as long you don't abuse our kindness.

    I for one support the Fleet leader changes, it is a step forward to addressing the issues of leader inactivity, hacking and hostile takeovers. Keep up the good work Devs! :)

    lol so many fleets have been disbanded and picked clean beacuse they tusted someone to mind the fleet while they were afk for awhile.

    i stand by the fact the owner of the fleet is the owner of the fleet. taking something away from someone when u could easly move to another fleet is silly.

    specialy since people have spent $000s of dollars on fleets.

    btw i dont not own a fleet. i am in one
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Hell there are PLENTY of jobs that prevent you from being at home. Drink some coffee or something to stimulate your braincells man.

    Indeed they are. Many of them requiring great sacrifice on the part of the worker.

    One of those sacrifices being not having the time to manage a fleet properly, or at all.

    An honorable person in such a situation would find someone else to hand over the reins to.

    A sensible person would make sure it was someone who gave the reins back.

    Because, when you're a fleet leader, it's not just about you.

    You've chosen to be responsible, in some part, for the ingame well being of your fleet members.

    Therefore, your decisions ought to be in the best interests of all, not just you.
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Exactly my point. And Im glad someone has the guts to agree with me as well.

    well i agree with both.

    if you are a leader then its "your" fleet, but having a fleet comes with responsebillity's, so i do understand some jobs have change to prevent a person from logging in on a regular base, there are fewer jobs that make it impossible to log in between a 5 month time gap.

    that doesnt mean that its not "your"fleet, it is, it will be, as long as you log in regulairy, and i think, that its nothing more then normal to log in as a fleet leader whenever you have a change to do so, and again 5 months is a long time....

    so, i agree with you, but also with 007,|(please sir, dont tell me all the secrets, i dont wanna die! /joke/)
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sahboh wrote: »
    All i have to say is KHHHHHAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    (No idea who that is, but it amused me :p)
  • agc1agc1 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well I guess what I really want to know is why do they care if a fleet goes inactive anyways? the ppl in the fleet can leave anytime they want if there not happy in the fleet there in. so what does it matter any ways I mean there are just as many active fleets as inactive ones...and ppl move from one to the other based only on that fleets tier standing..so is it any wonder so many fail and become inactive in the first place...yes I hear they are going to address that but at the rate there going it will be to little to late...even if u are having fun with fleet members and the projects are going well ppl still tend to leave for higher ranked fleets
  • kitsunetearskitsunetears Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I, Robot :D

    Love the sig and pic. Wayland
  • sin99sin99 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    if that is the case, then it should be up, did u also factor in daylight saving time into the timezones???

    it is 10:11 am their time at this moment
  • beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    when the servers come back online it will be over 24 hrs,so i do hope you can claim it, i'm just being a realist and saying that you may not beable to

    yeah and i claimed them both yesterday at 10:05am their time but yeah if u didn't claim it u are aol now since it's after the time unless cryptic says otherwise.

  • gavriil1983gavriil1983 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    qjunior wrote: »
    All this talk about fleets makes me wonder, what kind of strange fleets do you people run or are part of ? Where supposedly everyone hates each other and just waits to "steal" the fleet ?

    If one of our leaders were unavailable for such a long time, he would simply ask someone else to fill in. We tend to like each other and we talk to each other....


    no idea what fleet they would be in, but obviously it isn't the black watch or stonewall. both are awesome fleets.
    yeah, any responsible fleets don't need that auto promote thing, they just pass the torch if the leader has real life stuff going on that precludes game play.
    If someone got auto promoted, then that's not a good system. What if the next person in line (who actually logs in) is the ensign ricky of the fleet?
    sometimes that happens. I'm sure that the "ensign ricky" might go on a power trip or loot the fleet holdings. not a good idea at all.
  • wolfeyesseeuwolfeyesseeu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the amount of time is irrelvant.

    if you started a fleet and you put in most of work and alot of real money. its your feet.

    no one should be allowed to take away something u made and have worked so hard on.

    for examples.

    i stopped playing WoW for awhile and when i came back i had lost everything from the bank etc... a

    and was kicked along with all my members. when i left the game there was no inavtive time limit.

    even tho i never stopped paying for wow.
    anyways i quit wow because of that, and the panda bears.

    moral of the story is if the leader is inavtive and u dont like that MOVE to another fleet. no one is forcing you. its not fair on the persons that own said fleets.

    While I do agree that the creator/owner of a fleet should be able to retain ownership under the majority (if not all) of circumstances there does need to be something in place so that the fleet can continue should something unforeseeable happen as it did in my case with the viewer support.

    I lost the use of my left arm due to numbness. It took me several months to recover and to this day there is still some slight numbness in my pinkie and ring fingers of my left hand.

    ETA: My illness occured suddenly, without warning. I had no way of giving notice of any kind until I was able to be out of bed for a short while and able to log in for a few minutes. Just long enough to let those who needed to know that I was still alive and would be returning asap.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    qjunior wrote: »
    All this talk about fleets makes me wonder, what kind of strange fleets do you people run or are part of ? Where supposedly everyone hates each other and just waits to "steal" the fleet ?

    If one of our leaders were unavailable for such a long time, he would simply ask someone else to fill in. We tend to like each other and we talk to each other....


    fleets with a few people in them.
  • hoovergkmmchoovergkmmc Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok, here's the thing from my POV....

    If you create a fleet - get people in it, and people are working for the fleet, then you have a certain obligation to them to not just disappear.

    We all, of course, know that life happens. But 99% of the time you will know if something is coming up where you can't be around (especially if it is for months at a time), and let people know. Communication is key.

    It's boned if you just get your fleet taken out from under you, yes. But it is also thusly boned when you, as the fleet leader, just disappear and leave your fleet hanging.

    Leadership has its responsibilities. If you follow through and plan properly, you already have a fallback mechanism in the odd chance that, for example, you get in a motorcycle wreck and end up in a coma for the next 6 months. If you follow through, plan properly, and communicate with your fleet members, then you have something in place for an extended absence.

    It all comes down to planning, communication, and follow-through - there are no real substitutes for those things - and if you fail to do them, then you can expect problems and fallout.

    With that said, there's really no need to be hanging out dirty laundry about your fleet drama. When you do that, it says far more about you than it does about others.
  • russellcarussellca Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    if that is the case, then it should be up, did u also factor in daylight saving time into the timezones???

    Yes I did; you haven't. It's current 17:12 GMT/UTC/Zulu and 18:12 in the UK on BST. 17:30 deadline is in 18 minutes.
This discussion has been closed.