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In-game lag/Server not responding



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    deemgunndeemgunn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've got around 2K+ latency and nearly 80% packet loss :D

    I'm playing from France, and right now, the game looks more like a Ray Harryhausen special effects than a "video" game :D

    I really REALLY hope that Cogent and Verizon reach an agreement ASAP.
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    brendan03usbrendan03us Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've been back to normal since yesterday. Let's hope it stays that way.
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    djaricaricson#1377 djaricaricson Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Experiencing bad lag spikes. game is almost unplayable. definitely something on cryptics part.
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    gallantskepticgallantskeptic Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yes. After Friday's patch the whole game was very laggy, and the STFs were broken. I constantly got the "Server not Responding" message in STFs for as long as a minute at a time. Then last night, I couldn't join any STFs; each time I queued I received a message that said "Unable to retrieve map; removed from queue."
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    djaricaricson#1377 djaricaricson Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This really really really needs to be addressed cryptic. I don't understand why this has been going on as it has been since day 1 of launch. It was slowly cleaned up when you added new servers. May want to check your hardware. I don't experience this on any other game that I have played except yours.

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    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So the launcher tends to freeze a bit whenever I log in. Then when I hit the character select screen it takes a minute or two to actually load my characters. Then when I try to enter the game, it locks up and disconnects me. Try to log back in, can't do that. Have to restart the client and the process repeats itself.

    Update: Oh, NOW I can log in and play. Cryptic needs to find a new host for their servers. This is absolute garbage.
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    reapers2109#2030 reapers2109 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i get slight lag here and there during the day but come 6pm in australia to between midnight and 2am i get disconnected alot, and massive lag
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    majorstormmajorstorm Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    reapers117 wrote: »
    6pm in australia to between midnight and 2am i get disconnected alot, and massive lag

    Which ISP you with? I'm with Telstra and the problems appear to have been fixed since Saturday for me.
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    auggiedog1auggiedog1 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Luckily, my game troubles ended after the Thursday patch all continues to run normally. I am surprised that Cryptic has not commented on this thread and that folks are still having trouble. It's really a shame :(
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    grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    auggiedog1 wrote: »
    Luckily, my game troubles ended after the Thursday patch all continues to run normally. I am surprised that Cryptic has not commented on this thread and that folks are still having trouble. It's really a shame :(

    This is because the description for this Forum is...
    - Receive peer to peer support for technical issues in regards to Star Trek Online here! File a support ticket if you need help from the Cryptic Support team.

    Nearly all 'official' comments on Tech Support are made on the PWE Tech Support Forum... http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/

    (And yes, there are some Support postings concerning the Verizon situation...)
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    billthejedibillthejedi Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Been two weeks now. I can't do anything without horrible lag. The launcher takes 5 minutes to fully load (if I have to patch, it takes an extremely long time). Logging in to the game itself is a little better than it has been (still takes longer than normal). Then, once I'm in the game, I have to wait about 60 seconds for the lag to go away and everything to load so I can finish clicking on my duty officer missions and collecting rewards. After that, I can't do anything else as it takes about 20 seconds for every action register, so moving in sector space is delayed. If I manage to get into battle, My ship just sits there and blows up as enemies are rubberbanding all over the place.

    No word on when this will ever be fixed?
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sitting in Denmark,, since a couple of weeks ago, no rubberbanding, lagging.
    I am happy again. Only times i suffer from said problems, i am forgetting to turn off/shutting dowm my massively downloading programs. Y'know. Windows update and such... ...other streaming bandwith mohickies.
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    st3whiteknightst3whiteknight Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Getting some horrible rubber banding and lag today... Hopefully Thursdays usual patch will improve matters. It's a shame because it detracts from what is a beautifully immersive game. Very frustrating...
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    jhpalyer0jhpalyer0 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah i've been having lag all week, glad its not just me, it was either a server issue or teething problems with the upgraded system my apartment complex has.
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    coldfusion2012coldfusion2012 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i get lag at least 80% of the time i play and as far as being DC well i get it about 6 or 7 times a day on a bad day but at least 2 times a day

    file a ticket youl get its your connection fault

    i for 1 know this not to be true i have monitored the connection and every time it DC it is dropped by their side

    i know lots of things can interfere with connection and i have gone above and beyond to check my connection so much so i have even had an broadband engineer on hand when it has happened and even his conclusion after analyst the quote was" connection was dropped and DC at the source and had absolutely nothing to do with my broadband or my connection" he then showed me an in depth way of detecting and proving this to which i follow the instructions whenever i am dc lots of times
    this was done when i complained to my provider that their service was completely TRIBBLE and i wish to change as a good will gesture they investigated my complaint as they could find no problem and was puzzled to why i would make such a claim
    to which i still get the same answer from cryptic when i am continually DC

    you DC because of a thing called timed out when the server is busy it takes longer to process and sort all of the different connections all wanting different things your process gets put in a Que and sometimes [this is when you get dc] there is no response from the server you are asking information from too which your computer resets the connection to solve the non responsive problem and that's why cryptic say its your fault
    technically not our fault but the O/S automatically trying to fix a non responsive program which is in a cryptic server QUE for longer than our O/S wants to wait

    and nothing more than cryptic improving the server speed with new servers or the way it handles connections at busy times is going to fix the "lag or DC" and this isn't gonna happen anytime soon is going to fix this problem
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    dhm1dhm1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    when i get past the character selection screen most of the time it says login2_timeout. if i get in it does ok till i try to continue a mission or anything that makes me change maps. it's been like this for a few days now.
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    kenjirukenjiru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have no problem logging in, patching, etc. Did all that just fine yesterday after the new patch, but since then, anytime I get into game, as soon as I try to move, I get "Server not Responding." It persists, unless I Alt-Tab out of the game, even patching on demand will run at 0-1/kbps if I don't keep the window minimized. If I leave the game sit open while trying to walk/interact/etc, then the server not responding time just keeps growing, once I alt-tab out, it runs fine. Any ideas?
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    blagormblagorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kenjiru wrote: »
    I have no problem logging in, patching, etc. Did all that just fine yesterday after the new patch, but since then, anytime I get into game, as soon as I try to move, I get "Server not Responding." It persists, unless I Alt-Tab out of the game, even patching on demand will run at 0-1/kbps if I don't keep the window minimized. If I leave the game sit open while trying to walk/interact/etc, then the server not responding time just keeps growing, once I alt-tab out, it runs fine. Any ideas?

    Agree the same.... I can barley just wither over "Temporal Ambassador" mission... If your problem is the same as mine... imaging those "Tubes" with all those doors.... *almost faints*
    R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
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    celestiasevencelestiaseven Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And here I thought that I'm the only one who's having the issues at the moment ><;
    Hope they'll be able to fix things up one way or another
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    kimonykimony Member Posts: 571 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Saw this article briefly discussed on "Tech News Today" from twit.tv

    Another interesting article explaining why you may be experiencing degraded performance (Verizon, Cogent looking at you) in you internet related activities (especially those where latency is important) and who may be responsible (Hint: it may not be Cryptic):



    #SaucersForever #TrianglesCutDeep #TeamBeta #ShipOneisNumberOne
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    billthejedibillthejedi Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kimony wrote: »
    Saw this article briefly discussed on "Tech News Today" from twit.tv

    Another interesting article explaining why you may be experiencing degraded performance (Verizon, Cogent looking at you) in you internet related activities (especially those where latency is important) and who may be responsible (Hint: it may not be Cryptic):



    Well that's interesting. So what do we do about it? Switch providers? Just to play a game that so far, appears to be the only thing not working?
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    grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well that's interesting. So what do we do about it? Switch providers? Just to play a game that so far, appears to be the only thing not working?

    Besides complaining to your ISP for not providing the quality connection that you paid for, you can also talk to your Political Representative in government... And the next time someone starts talking about 'Network Neutrality', you might want to listen...
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    atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The lag is also with me. But it's been since the Start of July when they released a patch I've been experiencing the lag (so about 3 weeks now).

    I have Time Warner Cable. Like everyone else, this and Neverwinter are the only games that lag when playing online. All of the other games I play online run smoothly.

    I guess Cryptic is a victim of it's own success (more players = more server overload :D).
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
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    planetearth2371planetearth2371 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I sent three emails to perfect world and they have failed to answer anything, last time I have played was in april, how many months has this lasted
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    captainkccaptainkc Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ataloss wrote: »
    The lag is also with me. But it's been since the Start of July when they released a patch I've been experiencing the lag (so about 3 weeks now).

    I have Time Warner Cable. Like everyone else, this and Neverwinter are the only games that lag when playing online. All of the other games I play online run smoothly.

    I guess Cryptic is a victim of it's own success (more players = more server overload :D).

    The timing is eerie, I have also been experiencing problems since about July 3rd. I had little to no problems with leveling up my Romulan before then. Right now my Fed (oldest avatar) seems to be having the worst time, but all 3 of my avatars can barely make it past 95 on the loading screen.

    In fact 5 minutes ago I got a "Login2_Timeout" error message which led me to this thread! Grrrr :mad:
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
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    auggiedog1auggiedog1 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I haven't visited this thread since my related problems ended with the patch in late July. Folks are still having problems with lag, disconnects and rubberbanding? And being Verizon Fios customers? Wow, I read through the last 12 pages and I don't believe I ever saw a response from Cryptic. Damned shame...
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    borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lag is so terrible i cant even move, fix it, or why else did you spend 3,5 hours for "patching?????
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    konamzkikonamzki Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2013
    im really starting to get pissed on this everytime they effin do an effin maintenance on this effin slow a$$ patch starting to get on my nerve.. :mad:
    Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy.
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    borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    be happy your still patching, in game it laggs terrible, i mean...its like taking picture's each 5 seconds

    they need to cap it now, sorry but kick some guys out, let them back in slowly, and as always lifers and such first back in
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    similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you don't like lag, don't play at peak times. Unless cryptic suddenly acquire millions of moneys to revamp or increase their server capabilities, it's a fact of life.
    Fortunately, one that is really easy to work around.
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
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