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Scheduled Maintenance (July 18, 2013) [Complete!]



  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's per character for the exchange. For example, you have Character-A, -B and -C. Characters -A,-B and -C can each post up to 40 items on the exchange. If Character-A gets 3 expired item emails and they are still in the mail box, Character-A can only post up to 37 items on the Exchange until the returned item is taken out of their mailbox. Character-B and -C can both still post up 40 items because they have no returned items in their mailbox at this time.

    The other limits mentioned in the patch notes are account-wide.


    Brandon =/\=
    Whats the point of implementing such a mechanic in the first place?
    Wouldn't a "delete All" button have made much more sense?

    Or do you artificially want to decrease exchange trading for some reason?

    Why don't you change things that people WANT to have changed?
    LINK sollution: LINK

    I have been observing many people getting more and more unhappy about this game why don't you try to implement something people actually want and like?
    Personaly almost ever day i visit this forum i find at least one more reason NOT to play this game anymore. I really can't remember the last positive news from Cryptic, do you really have enough customers so you can afford loosing some of the most die hard Trek or STO fans?

    I am not ranting or something i just would like to get some explaination from you.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Remeber when the game first launched we could access our mail via the website and not have to log into the game server. That was sweet, I wish we could go back to that. I feel my mail would be in better control if we could do that.
  • tahiriveila88tahiriveila88 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    Oh yeah, speaking about fixing things my fleet is working on tier two of the fed dilithium outpost. So we can only do the duty officer inside and he has two missions both for 250 dill and I did the missions with my toon that has all the very rare duty officers for the mission except of course the miners because we can only purchase green quality now and both my missions failed. Really, is that all we get in this for spending a TRIBBLE load of dilithium and grinding for fleet marks and spending a lot of energy credits? I was expecting to get a lot more than that. :(:confused:

    Those are missions that reward fleetmarks (15) and mine provisions (2) on a critical success. Also they're just the t1 missions, they couldn't be too awesome. I do them every day now for 4 days and allways have at least 1 critical (I'm only going for critical, not success) by using purple doffs with 2 or 3 critical traits and not fitting for success..most of which come from tier 4 xcp-rewards!
    What you get is access to extremely awesome consoles and warpcores..what more do you want? The t1 warpcores are better than pretty much everything except the best of the best mk xii warpcores previously available..
    So as a tip: don't use Miners, they go towards success and take away from critical..
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Since you guys are making a obvious push to clear up server data (mail nerf, exchange nerf, etc), why not make things STACK IN LARGER NUMBERS?

    I need x amount of trash hypos, shield charges, power cells, and basically every single commodity to run the reputation system. Now I don't like having to run to a vendor or to wherever the commodities are cheapest at every 20 hours so I prefer to buy in bulk. Now for things that only stack in 20 you very quickly run into a logistical problem of where to store these items. Bank is filled with all of those nice tribbles and pets that you keep releasing with no alternative storage for them. So where can my hypos/charges/cells and the commodities go? The answer is the mail or the exchange.

    If you simply made things to stack in higher quantities we could utilize the storage means already available to us more efficiently, therefore taking less data to store data.

    If we are forced to use alternative means of storage, i.e. the mail and the exchange, it is taking considerably more data to store our data. Each piece of mail and it's attachments is a separate entity and will take more data (especially since only 5 stacks can be attached per mail) to store our data.

    Storage issues is a logistical problem in this game since so much is needed over a long period of time due to time gating most endgame content. People literally have fleets (yes plural) for the extra banking capacity.

    White DOffs are heavily needed in the Fleet grind, and most people at that level aren't using white DOffs as their main utility in the DOffing minigame, they are using higher quality DOffs. Even with the current maximium of 400 slots this is a problem. There are so many specializations, active duty abilities, races, and traits that you could litterally have a roster of 400 purples and still not have everything that you want. White DOffs need a way to be stored. Again if there isn't a way to do it properly players will improvise and find a way that benefits them the most.

    Consumables and commodities are both needed in the Fleet and Reputation grind. Again the storage space even with everything upgraded to the max is quite limited due to everything else we have to keep in there. These really need to stack in higher stacks so we can use the current system of storage more efficiently without resorting to alternative means.

    Pets, I believe that if a player without bank upgrades acquired every single available pet of every size, shape, and color they wouldn't have room in their bank for all of them. With the tribble breeding minigame to the epohh and bird raising just those pets are considerably numerous. That's not even getting into the harder to obtain pets.

    Account Bank, I would like to see things in the account bank actually be usable across my accounts. You know kinda how it implies that it is being an ACCOUNT BANK and all. Like if I wanted to turn contraband into dilithium I would expect it to work from contraband stored in the account bank and not solely from the character bank or the character inventory. Also if I store some things in the account bank I would like to be able to remove a certain amount of them. If I wanted to evenly distribute contraband across all of my characters the account bank is not efficient unless I am distributing it in stacks of 250. The mail system is much more efficient for not perfect stack numbers. The system specifically designed for regulating interaccount transactions isn't as useful as the mail system, and the account bank actually costs zen to use (or at least a subscription).

    Mail, the current sorting system needs to be expanded to sort by a few other things besides subject, sender, and date. I'd like to see the ability to mass delete mail. I'd like to see the ability to ignore messages based on any sender, or at least the subject. I really don't need to be informed every time I sell something. I'd like to see the ability to lock mail so when mass deleting the important things don't get lost as easily.

    TL;DR the storage system needs to be overhauled to give players a more efficient way (or at least the option to obtain) of storing things that they are going to store regardless of how it is done.

    THIS. This is the problem. This is the solution.

    Fix the mail once and for all instead of adding more troubles, you didn't even get rid of the last one and you're back on the subject, it's sadomasochism.

    Fix the mail AND solve the longstanding problem of storage,

    first by increasing stacks to 500 or even 1K,

    then by adding ad hoc banks, accessible from inventory menu and all related systems, for pets, tribble, white doffs and such.
    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Those are missions that reward fleetmarks (15) and mine provisions (2) on a critical success. Also they're just the t1 missions, they couldn't be too awesome. I do them every day now for 4 days and allways have at least 1 critical (I'm only going for critical, not success) by using purple doffs with 2 or 3 critical traits and not fitting for success..most of which come from tier 4 xcp-rewards!
    What you get is access to extremely awesome consoles and warpcores..what more do you want? The t1 warpcores are better than pretty much everything except the best of the best mk xii warpcores previously available..
    So as a tip: don't use Miners, they go towards success and take away from critical..

    I want Dillithium Loads and Loads of it ha ha ha haaaaaaaa.
  • tahiriveila88tahiriveila88 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    I want Dillithium Loads and Loads of it ha ha ha haaaaaaaa.

    For that there are the dil-mining MISSIONS, available from the t2 and 3 mine, if I remember correctly, not the doff assignments ;)
  • tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For that there are the dil-mining MISSIONS, available from the t2 and 3 mine, if I remember correctly, not the doff assignments ;)

    Speaking of dill, do the romulan boxes give out mining claims? Because, I do not have many more jem hadar boxes.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I have to agree, for the full 99%. Mailing large numbers of doffs to yourself (or any other item, for that matter), as a means to create extra storage for yourself, beyond what you're supposed to have, feels a wee abusive, and could well be considered an exploit.

    This was a bit uncalled for, though. If they can't handle the limit, I'd say they should ask Cryptic to sell them extra storage slots (which, oddly, Cryptic never does; which is strange, as they're usually only too eager to charge you for every service imaginable). Judging by this thread, seems ppl are quite willing to pay for such storage too. Problem solved. :)

    Let's say that I have 400 DOffs. All 400 of those DOffs are Purple/Ultra Rares (or unique per character). All 400 of those DOffs were obtained through either hard work, ingame money, or real money.


    If you look at that list, you can see that there are a lot of unique duty officers that you can obtain. For Federation players the amount just from that list, is 186. 186 DOffs that are either unique or hard to get. By the way that list doesn't even include any of the DOffs that you can obtain from Lt. Ferra for Commendation Point Rewards. Let's go ahead and count those up as well. There are 330 total possible DOffs that you can obtain from Lt. Ferra. Lets go ahead and add 330 with 186 and see what we get. 330+186 = 516. My god, just from doing things once and buying all that are available to you, you've already exceeded your 400 cap.

    For the sake of this next paragraph, let's pretend like Lt. Ferra doesn't exist.

    So let's do some quick math here. 400-186 = 214. 214 is the amount of slots that you have left over from just obtaining 1 of each of those DOffs from that list(again not counting Lt. Ferra). Please don't think that you are limited to just one of each either. Say for example I like running the Support repeatable DOff mission from the Colonial Chains. In order to maximize your chances you should have all 5 DOffs to put on it with at least 2 critical traits. There are several good candidates that you can grind missions to obtain. If you wanted to have enough DOffs with 2 critical traits to run those Support missions and be able to run every single one if they were up, you would need a total of 5*13 (13 being the amount of exploration sectors, and 5 being the amount of DOffs per Support mission). 5*13 is 65. Lets just say that you already have 15 prime candidates to run those Support missions from the 186 DOffs that we already obtained from that list. So let's add 65-15 = 50, 50+186 = 236.

    We're now up to 236 DOffs, meaning we only have 400-236 = 164 slots left. Out of those 164 slots you are quite limited to what you can have since there are so many specializations, species, traits, and active duty abilities (and usually more than one type of active duty abilitiy available per specialization i.e. Astrometrics DOff can either give reduced cooldown on transwarp, or give chance to obtain additional particle traces). Can you honestly, with a straight face, say that that 164 is enough with all the missions that are out there, and have space left over to mass purchase white DOffs to put on Fleet Starbase Projects, and the fact that they keep releasing new DOffs with packs, chains, and lockboxes?

    So lets bring Lt. Ferra back into the equation, if you had 330 DOffs from Lt. Ferra, 186 DOffs from the uniques/hard to obtain list, 50 DOffs to run Support Missions, that total is 330+186+50 = 566. Even there you can clearly see you don't even have enough space for all the DOffs that you can obtain. Note this doesn't even count the random purples that you can get from the exchange, packs, or other DOff missions such as asylums and officer exchanges. Nor does this even remotely consider the fact that there are so many active duty DOff abilities that are available and once you place them on active duty they are character bound, meaning you either trash them or they stay on your roster.

    If you read this thread http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=620201 you should realize the sheer raw number of white DOffs that the Fleet Projects take. Now if you are in a small fleet, this hits you even harder. You obtain these DOffs from doing recruitment missions but your roster is already full of good mission/unique/active duty doffs, and you don't want to trash the white ones since the next Fleet Project completes in a hour, what do you really think players are going to do? Trash their uniques? Trash their white DOffs that they'll need soon again? No players are going to find a method of storage that works for them. This is currently the mail.

    From reading this, I hope at the very least you realize that we need more DOff slots. Dedicated White DOff storage would be very nice as well.
    pvp = small package
  • knochengeigerknochengeiger Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fadmbambam wrote: »
    I'm curious if PWE ever actually thinks of the players when they makes all these changes...

    Oh yes they do... they think long and hard how to make us feel their hate.
    We want to keep the foundry.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    Speaking of dill, do the romulan boxes give out mining claims? Because, I do not have many more jem hadar boxes.

    Yes they do. I've got a load of them from the Tal'Shiar lockbox.
  • knochengeigerknochengeiger Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They should make a special crate that takes one slot in our inventory that can contain as many unique tribbles as possible. Allow us to right click on it and select which tribble we wish to use, and then afterwards be able to right click the crate again and put the tribble back in there.

    Kinda got this idea from my SWG days where the devs made a crate to hold Village tokens.

    Hey that's a really good and reasonable idea. So it's not gonna happen.
    We want to keep the foundry.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yreodred wrote: »

    I am not ranting or something i just would like to get some explaination from you.

    Don't you know, they don't give explainations on their own website, game, or forums. For any remote hope of having a conversation with a dev, you have to go to OMG TWITTARRRR. There you may get a response you may not, basically it's almost like sending a ticket, they might send you an automated message saying log out and log back in and everything will be alright, or they might just not even bother with that.
    THIS. This is the problem. This is the solution.

    Fix the mail once and for all instead of adding more troubles, you didn't even get rid of the last one and you're back on the subject, it's sadomasochism.

    Fix the mail AND solve the longstanding problem of storage,

    first by increasing stacks to 500 or even 1K,

    then by adding ad hoc banks, accessible from inventory menu and all related systems, for pets, tribble, white doffs and such.

    Yeah overhauling the current storage system to allow it to be more flexible will be more efficient than trying to smash the mail system into pieces.

    But hey, this is Cryptic. They don't take feedback and they don't take suggestions. So peace out mail system. It was nice knowing you.
    pvp = small package
  • knochengeigerknochengeiger Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    treking2 wrote: »
    The July 11 Release note [yes, the one from a week ago] states:
    - Resolved an edge case that resulted in a very small number of players receiving a version of "Flying High" they could not complete.

    While this did fix the problem, the fix came 14 days after the start of the Summer Event.
    You need to complete 25 events in the 35 days of the event to get the 1000 pearls needed for the ship.
    I had this bug since the second day of the event and reported it with a ticket the same day.
    This means that unless I get compensated with pearls for the 13 days since I reported the bug until it was fixed, or unless the event is extended two weeks, my toon will be unable to complete this event.

    Buying lobi to get pearls is NOT an option, since this bug was through no fault of my own.

    Brandon ... IS there any word on how this will be resolved?

    SOME official word on this from Cryptic would be most welcome.
    I have patiently waited a full 3 weeks now since I first wrote up my ticket on this,
    and still no official word has yet been issued on how this will be resolved!

    Note that I am only posting this here, since it seems that Brandon at least reads THIS thread.

    There are two words about that, but they will never say them openly, just think them. First words start with an F second is "OFF".
    We want to keep the foundry.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There are two words about that, but they will never say them openly, just think them. First words start with an F second is "OFF".

    They did the exact same thing with the bonus marks weekend. That even was broke beyond belief. What did Cryptic do? Put their fingers in their ears and HUMMMMM real loud. That weekend now never happened.
    pvp = small package
  • tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So what are they fixing today? :eek:
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rjewkes wrote: »
    And hey while we are fixing things, Can people who have had their names changed to badnameXXXXXXXXx,

    Have a free rename? and an appeals process for when someone moans about their name?

    Considering some of the names that don't get changed, you MUST have had a name that clearly violates the TOS regarding character names to get it changed like that. Maybe the ACTUAL answer is to NOT give your character a name clearly designed to be offensive or vulgar and show respect for others playing the game?
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    So what are they fixing today? :eek:

    Server stability

    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Server stability


    Emergency Maint. tonight confirmed.
    pvp = small package
  • silverrain79silverrain79 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For the love of all that's Holy quit messing with inboxes and mail and fix the TRIBBLE that is ACTUALLY messing up the game. I've seen numerous mentions here, and on your facebook post, about the "Carrier Pets" problem, except it's not just carrier pets is it??? It's any pet or destructable and it's affecting ALL ships. But oh no, we need to worry about how much junk I've got in my mailbox. I'm sure glad we don't run my business like this...
    Delirium Tremens
    XO of Training
    Tier 5 Starbase, Tier 3 Embassy, Tier 3 Dilithium Mine, Tier 3 Spire
    Join us at www.dtfleet.com
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    treking2 wrote: »
    The July 11 Release note [yes, the one from a week ago] states:
    - Resolved an edge case that resulted in a very small number of players receiving a version of "Flying High" they could not complete.

    While this did fix the problem, the fix came 14 days after the start of the Summer Event.
    You need to complete 25 events in the 35 days of the event to get the 1000 pearls needed for the ship.
    I had this bug since the second day of the event and reported it with a ticket the same day.
    This means that unless I get compensated with pearls for the 13 days since I reported the bug until it was fixed, or unless the event is extended two weeks, my toon will be unable to complete this event.

    Buying lobi to get pearls is NOT an option, since this bug was through no fault of my own.

    Brandon ... IS there any word on how this will be resolved?

    SOME official word on this from Cryptic would be most welcome.
    I have patiently waited a full 3 weeks now since I first wrote up my ticket on this,
    and still no official word has yet been issued on how this will be resolved!

    Note that I am only posting this here, since it seems that Brandon at least reads THIS thread.

    Hence the Reason why I say that the ship reward become TRADE-ABLE .

    So that those of us whom are Willing to trade it on the exchange can, and it allows those whom didn't get a ship, to get one.

    It's no different than the other ships on the exchange, except for how one obtained it.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For the love of all that's Holy quit messing with inboxes and mail and fix the TRIBBLE that is ACTUALLY messing up the game. I've seen numerous mentions here, and on your facebook post, about the "Carrier Pets" problem, except it's not just carrier pets is it??? It's any pet or destructable and it's affecting ALL ships. But oh no, we need to worry about how much junk I've got in my mailbox. I'm sure glad we don't run my business like this...

    Don't worry. They have 3 hours to make the mail and exchange system FUBAR. Not to mention all the stealth nerfs they will apply without informing us, and all the bugs they introduce along with their changes.
    pvp = small package
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    (Heroic Movie Trailer Dude's voice)
    an epic sequel to the saga that took us by storm, touched our hearts, and even made us cry,

    unlike anything you've seen before!

    :eek: Attack of the Killer Mailbox 2: The Day the Postman Stood Still :eek:

  • tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For the love of all that's Holy quit messing with inboxes and mail and fix the TRIBBLE that is ACTUALLY messing up the game. I've seen numerous mentions here, and on your facebook post, about the "Carrier Pets" problem, except it's not just carrier pets is it??? It's any pet or destructable and it's affecting ALL ships. But oh no, we need to worry about how much junk I've got in my mailbox. I'm sure glad we don't run my business like this...

    Well I Have a lot of junk and pets etc.. and I have the max number of slots being gold and buying slots but I am still running out it would be cool if we could buy more slots for our banks, i am a hoarder so I pretty much hold on to everything wont cryptic help out a hoarder. ;) maybe a cargo bay ships on the shows have several cargo bays we should too, that way we could have lots of stuff
  • avertyoureyessavertyoureyess Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This issue of the mail is very contentious.

    There has been NO official notification of changes to the mail and its server on this website. Only posts on twitter or in forum posts, mostly because of taking away the mail in the first place. If a new uniform comes out we have a gigantic dev post. If pictures of a ship come out we have a big screen posting. If a major component of the game is changed we get nothing until the day of, and THEN only in a patch notes. This is very poor communication on Cryptics part and only creates malice and distrust. How about a dev post to explain whats happening before we have a forum post that runs for 50 pages of rage from a community that is already irritated.

    Some communication with your player base is in order here.

    "The lack of communication can kill a business model" - Warren Buffet
  • tarrennistarrennis Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let Borg Neural Processors, Lobi Crystals, and all other similar items be stored as numbers in assets, instead of taking up valuable bank and inventory space.

    Add a device slot on captains and bridge officers just for a tribble.

    Add a device slot on ships just for pets.

    The 100 item attachment limit is too low. Why pay for additional character slots when the all of the characters have the same, shared 100 item attachment limit?
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    Well I Have a lot of junk and pets etc.. and I have the max number of slots being gold and buying slots but I am still running out it would be cool if we could buy more slots for our banks, i am a hoarder so I pretty much hold on to everything wont cryptic help out a hoarder. ;)

    Yup, Tacofangs thinks we're hoarders too. Thats why they offer to help by taking some of our stuff, and make us get rid of the rest.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tom40stom40s Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tarrennis wrote: »
    Let Borg Neural Processors, Lobi Crystals, and all other similar items be stored as numbers in assets, instead of taking up valuable bank and inventory space.

    Add a device slot on captains and bridge officers just for a tribble.

    Add a device slot on ships just for pets.

    The 100 item attachment limit is too low. Why pay for additional character slots when the all of the characters have the same, shared 100 item attachment limit?

    I like this Idea and another give us the option of getting more bank slots or even starting a second bank cryptic could give us so many slots on the second bank just like the first one and we can have the option of buying even more slots and cryptic gets Mo Money. :mad: :D for us and ;) for cryptic.
  • vdiddy5000vdiddy5000 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You know, for all the random TRIBBLE that gets fixed during the weekly Thursday patches, it'd be nice if Cryp devoted time to fixing the other issues with the game that have been around for far longer...

    As for the Exchange issue: while I don't usually put too much into the Exch beyond what I earn via STFs and don't need, I have noticed I'm falling behind on DOFFs and the need of them in Starbase projects. Thus, I either will need to buy a LOT of them, or I would've had to store them some other way until I could dump them into the Starbase...ah well, too late now. Guess I'll just have to go buying DOFF packs like crazy...
  • tahiriveila88tahiriveila88 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tarrennis wrote: »
    Let Borg Neural Processors, Lobi Crystals, and all other similar items be stored as numbers in assets, instead of taking up valuable bank and inventory space.

    Add a device slot on captains and bridge officers just for a tribble.

    Add a device slot on ships just for pets.

    The 100 item attachment limit is too low. Why pay for additional character slots when the all of the characters have the same, shared 100 item attachment limit?

    They did exactly that on Neverwinter..everything has a slot, and every currency is treated as such..so why can't they do that on STO..

    Also I'd be more than willing to pay for another 200-300 doffs-slots, but am not given that choice...
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tom40s wrote: »
    Well I Have a lot of junk and pets etc.. and I have the max number of slots being gold and buying slots but I am still running out it would be cool if we could buy more slots for our banks, i am a hoarder so I pretty much hold on to everything wont cryptic help out a hoarder. ;) maybe a cargo bay ships on the shows have several cargo bays we should too, that way we could have lots of stuff

    i know it might not be fun to let anything go, i had to make a choice at one point myself, i collect sets and what not, purples, and blues that are not easy to come by, but i went with this rule, if it's green, it's gone, and recycling whites is also a good plan, unless it is like an old delta flyer kit lol

    or try to get some people to help make a fleet for the bank tabs, and if you ever decide to recruit, it is always there, luck to you :D
This discussion has been closed.