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Regarding Arc (closed, necro)



  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Check out the current benefits here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc
    Horray! Finally an app that allows me to browse the web and talk with my internet "friends" outside of the game, as well as bother me with pointless notifications about video game achievements! Surely that's the thing we've been waiting for all this long! If only we had such things as web browsers, internet communicators, news feeds and other apps to organise our games within one client before!

    The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see?
    I want a feature that allows Arc to be completely optional and a way to let me launch STO without any pointless bloatware running in the background.

    I'm sorry, but it's as simple as that. It's not the matter of "provide constructive criticism once you've tested it" because I don't want such software to begin with. As I've said earlier, at least the launcher is what it is - it launches the game and turns off. I doubt this whole Arc is gonna function the same way...
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Brandon , right now we access our PWE account from a webpage to , purchase Zen , look at and update our account info on our subscriptions and such .
    With the full implementation of ARC will the current browser based system basically direct you to use these functions on the ARC rather than use the current browser page system we have ?
  • poisonpoison Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Seeing a couple of points in this thread I would like to clarify:

    - Re: Pando Media Booster -- it's not used anymore by us, at least not for STO downloads. It hasn't for a while -- it's also not used for Arc. Currently, when you go to http://sto.perfectworld.com/download, you download the launcher and patch from there. This [how new players (and those who need to reinstall) download and play STO] will be changing tomorrow per yesterday's article and as I mentioned here:

    Good to hear that it's no longer used, hopefully there's a good guide on the forums somewhere on how to fully clean PMB off of infected systems before that very good decision was made to remove it.
    The Arc team's first big test is to have new players coming into STO utilize Arc to play, and we sincerely look forward to all types of feedback. If you're going to be critical, or positive, be constructive. And the key to being constructive and being able to speak towards what you like and don't like includes having tried it for yourself.

    Now that I have downloaded on a computer that would never have any hopes of playing STO in the first place (because I'm sure not about to mess up my real gaming systems) I have "unlocked" the "right" to "speak towards what I like and what I don't like". It's nice to be allowed to have an opinion again. Not too keen on having to jump through hoops in order to have one, but you know me, I'm very opinionated. ;)

    Like: for those that do play other PWE/Cryptic games it might have it's uses. Considering how many people I hear asking in game about things that are right on the launcher, I seriously doubt they are going to bother "keeping up to date" because that requires reading. However among the few that do read, they might like that a bit better than opening another browser. Though as a security executive I have to say I dislike how that can lead to system infections.

    Dislike: Having it at all. Myself and many others will only ever play STO out of PWE/Cryptic's library so this has no benefit at all, and I don't see in any way how it could be a "benefit" and "enhance" the experience of the single game I'll ever in my life play from PWE. If anyone manages to come up with any actual enhancements to just a single game in the library great, but I can't think of a single one.

    So it all boils down to always being optional, which, knowing PWE for the past 5 years as I have, it will be forced at some point, which is too bad because for us STO-only players, it's just a gig of worthlessnes.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What would I like to see? An option to opt out. Forever.
  • haelishaelis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any game that FORCES me to use ARC or PMB is gone. I delete them immediately. I vote on games with my wallet. FORCE me to do something? I don't think so. I'm 60 yrs old, I don't need another "Daddy" telling me what to do. I make my own choices. Make it voluntary? Fine. Otherwise goodbye.
    And I'm old, not dead.
    If your're so smart how come you don't own everything? :D
    Proud Member of Starfleet Elite Task Force & Klingon Elite Task Force for 4 yrs
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see? Let the Arc team know directly via the client ('Help' menu > 'Support/Feedback' link).

    I want it to have the feature to enable/disable. In other words - optional!
    So, if I'm not feeling like some to me useless program running in the background and using portion of my PC resources, I disable it and let it crawl back in the corner and sit there until I change my mind.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We appreciate this concern, and thank you for sharing your feedback with us. I do want to make sure that the above concerns are addressed and fortunately, as you are requesting, it continues to remain optional at this time, even if you choose to test it.

    Example: I have STO installed at this time via the current link from the /download page. I also have Arc installed at this time, with STO in my games library. Additionally, I have Steam installed with STO in my library. I can launch STO from any of the 3 aforementioned methods.

    Starting tomorrow, if you do need to reinstall the client, or are a new player, and are downloading STO from our site, you'll be downloading the Arc client and installing from there. If you have an old disc that came with your boxed version, you can also reinstall from it. The download links on /download are what are being updated tomorrow.


    Brandon =/\=

    Well, let me restate the point of my post: Assuming I need to reinstall STO tomorrow (or later), can I still get rid of Arc (that I will clearly dowload in the process of getting STO starting tomorrow) later on?

    Arc needs to stay optional, not till tomorrow, not only for current players. There needs to be a possibility to uninstall Arc and keep the game (and the ability to play it) tomorrow as well as a month or a year later for both current and new players.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If the game can work on a Mac with this, that would be an improvement if you guys made it happen IMO.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well if we are going to have to have it....

    It might be nice to see something with regard customer support (or lack thereof) on there to manage tickets and stuff maybe with notifications about updated tickets.

    Oh I know another thing that could be added. Something for subscribers to check their stipends and when they will be paid if there is any delay for some reason.
  • poisonpoison Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    Well if we are going to have to have it....

    It might be nice to see something with regard customer support (or lack thereof) on there to manage tickets and stuff maybe with notifications about updated tickets.

    Oh I know another thing that could be added. Something for subscribers to check their stipends and when they will be paid if there is any delay for some reason.

    Both of those would be good things. Of course I'd prefer that to be right on "my account" page with everything else...
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    poison wrote: »
    So it all boils down to always being optional, which, knowing PWE for the past 5 years as I have, it will be forced at some point, which is too bad because for us STO-only players, it's just a gig of worthlessnes.

    Its not really a gig is it? That'd be ridiculous for a glorified custom browser, but I guess it could be packed to the gills with spyware.

    Cryptic, all you need to do is ask what else i play, i'll give y'all a list!
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One concern of mine is this reference people keep making to a "built-in" browser.

    In-game browsing and built-in browser are not necessarily the same thing.

    If the Arc team basically "rolled their own" browser, I would be extremely concerned about security vulnerabilities and I would not knowingly use it.

    If Arc just hooks into whatever browser is installed on the system and windows it, fine.

    If Arc reuses code or an API for a mainstream browser bundled in, how do we know that code is being kept up to date with security patches?
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    One concern of mine is this reference people keep making to a "built-in" browser.

    In-game browsing and built-in browser are not necessarily the same thing.

    If the Arc team basically "rolled their own" browser, I would be extremely concerned about security vulnerabilities and I would not knowingly use it.

    If Arc just hooks into whatever browser is installed on the system and windows it, fine.

    If Arc reuses code or an API for a mainstream browser bundled in, how do we know that code is being kept up to date with security patches?

    This was from the Arc page: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    Access the Web

    Arc's In-Game Overlay with fully functional web browser; take control over the Internet to review the forums and gloat over your CORE Connect Achievements.
  • poisonpoison Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    One concern of mine is this reference people keep making to a "built-in" browser.

    In-game browsing and built-in browser are not necessarily the same thing.

    If the Arc team basically "rolled their own" browser, I would be extremely concerned about security vulnerabilities and I would not knowingly use it.

    If Arc just hooks into whatever browser is installed on the system and windows it, fine.

    If Arc reuses code or an API for a mainstream browser bundled in, how do we know that code is being kept up to date with security patches?

    The current launcher uses IE no matter what browser is your default. It is extremely likely the in-game browser will be the same.
  • distantworldsdistantworlds Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    - Re: Arc launchers the STO launcher, which then allows me to launch STO. This is "bloatware" -- As mentioned in my quote above, the Arc team is looking to add many more features/ benefits that legitimately improves the overall game experience. Some of the current ones are listed here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    I'd like to again point this out from the above, as it's very true: We're still in the experimental, early development phase. First, we want to test it out, add new features, make sure people like it, and, above all else, grow it into something that players want to use because it legitimately improves the overall game experience.

    The Arc team's first big test is to have new players coming into STO utilize Arc to play, and we sincerely look forward to all types of feedback. If you're going to be critical, or positive, be constructive. And the key to being constructive and being able to speak towards what you like and don't like includes having tried it for yourself.
    Do demolitions count as constructive? I do not want this. I will not allow this spyware/bloatware/whatever on my computer. If you only accept responses from people that have tried it, you'll be ignoring all the people that refuse to bloat their machines with this nonsense who will be leaving your game when you force this upon them. If I see it attempting to be installed on my machine without my consent, I will be reaching for Alt-F4. (or the task manager if that doesn't work)

    There have been plenty of games over the last few years that I was rather excited about, but passed on them once I read their DRM. Recently, for instance, Farcy's Blood Dragon looked really nifty. I was about to purchase it until I saw that it required Ubisoft's version of Arc, Uplay. I passed on it. A shame. It looked like the sort of silly schlock I like. On the scale of evil, Arc doesn't appear to be as bad as Uplay or Origin, but it's close enough that I'll pass on it. Plenty of other games out there to play.

    Another F2P game, Tribes:Ascend, I quite enjoyed... until I found that it installed a background program without my knowledge or consent that ran continuously from startup. Game companies need to learn to treat their customers with more respect.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1) One thing I can think of that would definitely be useful, but I have my doubts about becoming a reality...

    A search function that searches STOWiki, or otherwise a comprehensive online manual. Also, the ability to search Memory Alpha for background details, just as if we were using the ship's computer to search the data library.

    That would correct a rather large deficiency that we've had to suffer with, and it would be good for new players if they can more easily find the information they're looking for.

    Problem being, I don't think either the STO Wiki or Memory Alpha admins would appreciate being used as an unpaid and unfunded resource by the game and at this point Cryptic doesn't have the resources to duplicate what they do for the Community.

    I suppose you could use the in-game browser Arc provides to go there yourself, and I would certainly want to use it that way.

    2) Another feature Arc could bring us would be the ability to take notes in-game and be able to copy into and out of said "notepad".
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    poison wrote: »
    The current launcher uses IE no matter what browser is your default. It is extremely likely the in-game browser will be the same.

    And I'd be fine with that (though I'd rather it use my default browser, I understand it).
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    One concern of mine is this reference people keep making to a "built-in" browser.

    In-game browsing and built-in browser are not necessarily the same thing.

    If the Arc team basically "rolled their own" browser, I would be extremely concerned about security vulnerabilities and I would not knowingly use it.

    If Arc just hooks into whatever browser is installed on the system and windows it, fine.

    If Arc reuses code or an API for a mainstream browser bundled in, how do we know that code is being kept up to date with security patches?

    It looks like it might be their own browser, or worse IE skinned. This is a legitimate concern for me also particularly if I can't control the download, history and cookie settings easily.
  • r5e4w3q2r5e4w3q2 Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Check out the current benefits here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see? Let the Arc team know directly via the client ('Help' menu > 'Support/Feedback' link).

    Arc is the new CORE, and we are working on more integration for STO. As I've mentioned, the goal of Arc is to enhance your game play experience and that's exactly what we are working towards. The current features are only the start.


    Brandon =/\=

    I must be missing something, how do I send Feedback? it keeps wanting me to pick a problem category and I don't have a billing/technical problem, I want to offer suggestions. Well I guess the lack of a suggestion category is a technical problem but...
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Check out the current benefits here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see? Let the Arc team know directly via the client ('Help' menu > 'Support/Feedback' link).

    Arc is the new CORE, and we are working on more integration for STO. As I've mentioned, the goal of Arc is to enhance your game play experience and that's exactly what we are working towards. The current features are only the start.


    Brandon =/\=

    What part of "we don't want it" don't you people understand? Stop with the pretense that anything we say is going to matter. You people are changing the rules of the game: It's Cryptic's (PWE's) way or the highway, and it's really crappy. Between this and the removal of Ask Cryptic, it's clear this game--and the community--are on their way out.
  • lljkgsglljkgsg Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What features would you like to see?

    Brandon =/\=

    I'd like the feature to be able to bypass it entirely. I can already do everything in the game I choose to and/or care about so why should I install software I neither need or want onto my system?
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Check out the current benefits here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see?...
    Here is my constructive feedback on Arc's current benefits:

    Manage Your Worlds
    I'm more Trekkie than Gamer, which is why I play Star Trek Online.

    I only have time to play one MMO. The only times I've played another MMO (like CO), was during the times STO stopped developing new/interesting things (like during the Content Drought of 2011 and Season 6). Since S7 I've been back to STO "full time."

    I do not play (nor intend/am able to play) so many games that I'll ever need a special program to manage them.

    Be in the Know
    I don't need to be informed (marketed to) about games I'm not playing. The games I am playing, I already know where to find the info.

    On my home television I pay for cable pay channels and a DVR so I can avoid commercials. I Pay-to-Play this Free-to-Play game, I certainly don't need/want your ads as a "feature". I can't imagine anything more immersion breaking than seeing an ad for Neverwinter or Jade Dynasty while playing Star Trek Online.

    Personal Notification
    Does Cryptic/PW plan to stop updating the Star Trek Online website/forums and/or in-game Events Calender? Because that's where I get all my info, and I shouldn't need another source. Right?

    Stay Connected
    As point one above, I don't have interest or time to play more than one MMO. If my friends aren't playing STO, then I certainly don't care about what they're playing while I'm busy playing STO. When I'm not playing then I'll enjoy talking/chatting with them about their gaming sessions and what they've been up to. That's a fun aspect of getting together with friends. If I can't see them in real life, then talking/chatting with our phones or meeting up virtually with Skype works just fine.

    I don't MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter. I've tried the Social Networks, and quit them all. I do not need a program to connect with people I call my friends.

    Access the Web
    Why do I need yet another browser? I already use Internet Explorer and/or Firefox (depending if on home/work computers). I can't imagine anything PW puts together could ever have the power/features that those dedicated browsers already provide.

    Further, on the computers I typically play STO, I have two monitors. I already multitask with my browser open on one monitor, STO on the other. On the rare occasions I play STO on my single-screen notebook, I know about this magic keystroke: Alt-Tab that lets me multitask in much the same way.

    Take Charge
    I'm already large and in charge of my Zen via the existing PW site. I find this method super easy, and as your records will show I have used it on several occasions. Do you plan to remove this convenient method to take my money? If I can't purchase it through my existing browser I will either A) Buy points via gaming cards at a brick and mortar store, or B)Stop buy Zen altogether.

    Keep in mind, I happily admit (with no regret) to having made impulse Zen purchases using the PW site because I must have something naow. Even if I don't "boycott" entirely, having to go buy a Zen card will stop those impulse purchases. And while Arc's feature would allow such instant gratification, I will not install a special program just to purchase Zen and none of the other benefits of Arc have any appeal to me.
    ...The Arc team is also working on many more features to enhance your experience. What features would you like to see?...
    As I mentioned above, I'm not a gamer per se, so I don't know what sort of features would be in the offering, and I honestly can not think of a single one that I don't already have with existing programs (like my pre-existing web browser).

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • ussweatherlightussweatherlight Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm getting really tired of this mandating TRIBBLE PWE keeps doing. I didn't want my account merged with their silly company, I didn't want their sub par forums, and I don't like their terrible CS. Now they want unlimited ability to access my computer and DL TRIBBLE? Well TRIBBLE them. There's better games out there.

    Sadly I'm a lifetimer, so leaving won't matter, however, I'll continue to not pay any money towards this company.

    Also, an edit towards Brandon.

    There comes times when the policies, and instructions, of our employers are detrimental to our image amongst others. There's a point where our involvement can no longer be separated by saying that we're "just following orders". I didn't pay $1000 to have programs, that are unnecessary to the use of the product I wanted and paid for, shoved down my throat. I didn't pay for this. I don't want it, and it was not a part of the deal when I did buy this product. I don't care if it's free, I don't care if it can interface with a million various functions. This TRIBBLE was not a part of the deal I signed up for.

    So my point to you Brandon is this. You're attaching your name and your reputation to these initiatives, and really you're not following orders. You must believe in this encroachment because you still work for this company. So until you come here with a post that says that this garbage will not be mandatory, I see you as little better personally as I see the company you affiliate with, and will continue to affiliate with. Same with the rest of the dev's.

    Few people here are fans of PW, and sooner or later the goodwill that owning the Star Trek license has brought you all will evaporate.

    "Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."

    U.S.S. Weatherlight
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Have they said it's going to be mandatory ?
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vestereng wrote: »
    Have they said it's going to be mandatory ?

    nope they have not so i don't know what all the big fuss around it is this is the first i have heard of ARC i have it downloaded and if the downsides outweigh the pluses ill just uninstall simple easy as that I honestly have no clue as to all the rage =\
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Check out the current benefits here: http://www.perfectworld.com/arc

    As I wade hip deep through this thread, and see other threads on the forum and comments on chat, there are two questions I feel I need to ask.

    1) What is this I hear about data gathering? Is this in fact a thing here, or is this just a rumor? Can you tell us for a FACT what data, if any, is being gathered and being sent to Cryptic, PWE or any other entity that is not me or my computer?

    2) What is this I hear about the system hogging data throughput? Specifically, using Pando Media Booster? Let me be clear: I have NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in being part of a download point for a company's software of ANY kind. It's not so bad if it's only used during the installation, but I don't want it to be a regular thing, and I'd rather not need to manually cut it down every time it pops up.

    Thank you for any help you can provide on these matters; these are my greatest concern right now, though I am at the very least uneasy about this whole Arc thing.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vestereng wrote: »
    Have they said it's going to be mandatory ?

    It is going to be mandatory come July 18 or so for anyone who is installing the game from that point onwards.

    This means that the second your current installation of STO is no longer usable (e.g. moving to another computer), Arc becomes mandatory, permanently.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Won't they just slap it on your pc during patch time then
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vestereng wrote: »
    Won't they just slap it on your pc during patch time then

    You KNOW they will, even tho Bran says they will let you know it's coming.

    I bet they don't, and stealth it on your system during a patch.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • mav75mav75 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Manage Your Worlds

    I have STO, CO and NW installed. I have looked at what PWE has to offer (several times), and decided against downloading/playing anything they have to offer. Furthermore, both NW and CO are first games to go should I need more space on my computer.

    Personal Notification

    Yay! More spam on my screen!

    Be in the Know

    Latest news across games... I only care about STO, I couldn't care less what happens in any other game that PWE has to offer.

    Stay Connected

    Can I have Stealth mode?

    Access the Web

    Something IE based most likely, which most likely NOT integrate with my security measures. Can I disable this?

    Take Charge

    No. I will continue to use something a bit more secure.
This discussion has been closed.