Any updates on this, I would really like my items sooner rather then later.
I'm fairly certain there aren't any. I don't think Devs check this thread (if they do, they're only s******ing to each other after it).
We've all been screwed over. From this point on, we're all going to have to personally keep a manual check on what items we sell, and take them down ourselves before they automatically don't get sent back to us.
Yes its time for someone to give us some sort of update. It is feeling like they are waiting for this to die again.
All my consoles, outfits and weapons for my ROM, just Poofed with no warning :mad:
everytime i log in.... i get a little more grrr.... Example -- had 14 winter outfits i had made threw christmas event, which my Rom would have liked, extra items from christmas event to craft with for 2013. Couple MkXII tact consoles & Mk XII weapons in there. I hope they fix this soon. My oldest e-mail of anykind is from 3/21/13. I did take the time to look threw these other posts and i see alot if not all are here for good reason. All the EC items, keys, about 400 lock boxes, consoles, Officers, doffs, mirror ships even my first mail i ever received .... Poof....
I bet the Devs just hope we all just give up on our missing mail, so they can do something lockbox related. I say "dream on, Devs"! Give us our freaking mail... or at least an update where you condescendingly tell us you're still 'working on it'.
Or how about this... Give me 500,000,000 EC and I'll just buy stuff off the exchange when I need it and you can keep my mail.
I had my stuff reappear for literally a day. Didn't have the time that day to grab it all out and now it's gone again.
When you make a heavily item intensive game like this and then charge a dollar for every storage slot and a cap on the number of available slots don't be surprised when people come to rely on alternate storage means (especially since it was this way since launch).
I don't recall the mention of a mail system update with LoR either. They just sorta did it. Not entirely sure if this was something that even had to be done :P
Then again I haven't gotten a stipend in 2 months...I was accidentally double stipend-ed in April, getting 1000 instead of 500. I heard in may that I wouldn't get a stipend (had to contact them to confirm, nothing proactive) and then they said a generic statement about people got 1000-1500 and wouldn't get stipends in May (and June if they got 1500). Sadly I only got 1000 but my June stipend was withheld anyway..."just in case" I guess.
Part of my reward for buying the legacy pack maybe?
Felt it might be more appropriate to post this here, rather than where I had initially done so.
Yeah, I've got a far simpler and likely far more feasible 'Mail Fix Suggestion': simply revert the mail system to its system parameters, prior to the launch of LOR. Tried and true system for three years, until this, now, not so recent fiasco.
Never, not once did we get an official notice or so much as an official whisper (and misguided musings on non-STO related sites, which have to do with blue birds chirping DO NOT count) that the three year established mail system was in for a change anytime soon.
I'm utterly convinced that all this was due to an unforeseen consequence of merging 'Neverwinter' and 'STO' assets. Unforeseen circumstances=mistakes. And it's high time the folk at Cryptic own up to this mistake and do right by players who've tried to stick with 'em , through thick and thin.
People have lost in-game assets, purchased with real-world money over this nonsense.
Do any of you really think that some Postal Service employee, Fed-Ex or UPS rep would still have their job, if they had lost correspondence that resulted in the loss of thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, euros, yen or whatever currency you might conduct commerce with and depend upon to live?
Last we heard, supposedly lost mail assets still exist and the powers that be have been looking to get said assets back to us.
Do us a favor, and keep us posted, will you????!!!
Better still, get us back said assets already and do yourselves a favor and follow the advice I offered in the first paragraph of this rant.
Pretty sure, if ya follow said advice, that everyone's bound to be happy and we can all move along and keep on playing and perhaps buying some of the stuff ya shell out, with confidence. Instead of dealing with trepidation over the incompetence with which such seemingly trivial matters as this have been handled.
All that said, I was disgruntled enough when I discovered that the mail system had been changed without warning, with the launch of LOR. I was even more disgruntled when I discovered...what? A week ago, almost two weeks now? That our attachments have mysteriously vanished.
This whole vanishing act has kept me from logging in to the game, since I read of it here. I'm earnestly afraid to trigger the glitch by logging in and patching, if such a thing is, in fact, possible.
So, basically, I haven't logged into STO in roughly two weeks now, perhaps longer.
And today...well...technically yesterday now...was my birthday. And, after an afternoon's festivities with my family (including a niece, since I'm getting to be an old bastich now)...I wouldn't have minded capping off my birthday with some fun in STO.
Yet, no. Still no word on this problem from anyone with any real authority to comment on all this. Not a peep in quite some time actually.
Hell, one of my sister's gave me a $50 Visa giftcard earlier today/yesterday. Had this mail change and subsequent nonsense not happened, I might well have poured the bulk, if not all of that card, into buying some Zen. After all, I've already spent roughly $300 to $400 on my maximizing my Fed character (including his in-game storage capability to the max).
Yet, what incentive would I have had to use that giftcard here, after all this nonsense?
I've potentially lost millions of EC worth of earned attachments, without warning.
I was incredibly excited about the prospect of creating a new Romulan and Klingon character (whilst I've only ever played Fed). But I realized that this mail mess would slim down my mail attachments from this newly ridiculous 100 limit, to 33 per character, if I had done so.
So, no Romulan pointy-eared love or uber-crunchy Klingon goodness for me!
And now all mail attachments have suddenly vanished, with little follow-up on a resolution to the loss.
Yet, no. As someone here has said (LordMalak methinks), we're being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and sporadically fed excrement.
I say to thee Cryptic...WE ARE NOT 'SHROOMS, WE ARE HUMANS!!!
Kindly treat us as such. And we just might treat you as a company we can confidently spend our hard-earned...and upon, once more!
"Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian
Hey guys, we have an update on this issue for you.
We're still conducting our investigation, but the mailed items that players are reporting are missing still exist in the database, and we will work to get them back in your mail as soon as possible.
This patch introduced an update of our player-to-player mail to a new mail system. As a part of this update, all player-to-player mail had to be transferred over to this system. For most players, this transfer worked as expected, and they should see no change in their mail.
However, for players with a very, very large amount of items in player-to-player mail, this migration failed due to unforeseen technicalities, causing the mail (But not the items in the mail, as they are stored separately from the mail) to be lost. Because the items still exist, we will be able to have them mailed to you, and we'll work to make sure that these items are returned to you as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause in the meantime.
Hi ... what is the status on this, like many on this thread I have lost millions of EC worth of items... any idea on an ETA to letting us know what the resolution is
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
10 mil ec, lol are you kidding, my fed orions, gorns & nausican bo's were 20 hours of grinding (you can't get the unbound anymore), phased polaron accx2 turrets & dhc, ect
I want my stuff back, not 10 mil ec.
That price was just for my stuff. you did see the 200k dilithium as well, right ?
You just know they're ignoring us, not only is their system so hosed it ate OUR attachments, but those who had empty mailboxes before the patch are losing exchange returns and exchange money from sold items. They've got a HUGE problem on their hands and I'm convinced they don't know how to fix it. The missing attachments issue is only a symptom of a MUCH larger problem with their mail system.
Ignoring all the complaints what they're used to doing as posting any update on a fix will only draw hundreds or more posts in response. I used to play every day (for over a year), but since mid March I've probably logged on 6 times due to game bugs, launcher crashes, cryptics server lag, and general apathy shown to us players by the devs and community manager. I won't be trying ANY other cryptic or PWE title in the future, they've made it crystal clear how they feel about their customers.
Hey, it's not a contest to see who lost more. We all deserve to get our items back.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
And I still have tons of duplicate mails that I got from an item not selling on the exchange that I am unable to delete, which is on top of all of the mails/attachments that I lost.
I have lost all my emails from the last 3.5 years, since begin of STO. All is gone, all items in these emails, only 5 emails from the last days I have now. Hey, that means someone must work over the weekends and that very quickly. Something like that can't happen, if you don't reactivate it in a absolute identical way then I have no trust in you and that was it here.
And repair the BOFFs on romulan ships, repair BOFFs at all. Noone from my crew is on the bridge, only this idiot Towan, which I would really like to kick out.
Stop to develop 100 new things and repair the old stuff first.
... due to game bugs, launcher crashes, cryptics server lag, and general apathy shown to us players by the devs and community manager. I won't be trying ANY other cryptic or PWE title in the future, they've made it crystal clear how they feel about their customers.
All too true. While I haven't completely quit playing STO quite yet, I have stopped recommending it to friends, and certainly will not try another Cryptic or PWE game anytime soon, even if they get the bugs fixed in this one.
Given the emphasis on shoveling out half-finished new content instead of fixing the bugs in last weeks half-finished content I have to wonder if they foolishly think they can "force" players onto their newer games by making the older ones unplayable -- but of course most of us will leave PWE entirely instead.
Alternative explanations, like that they deliberately deleted the mail attachments without notice as some kind of misguided "game balance fix" are unfortunately all too believable in light of the other things they've done to the player community with little or no notice.
My best suggestion to fix the problem of the exchange mails (after they have returned to us all our items) is that all items that are not sold will not be sent in mails to us, instead they will be moved to a new map in the Exchange UI where you can see the items that haven't been sold and what their price were. The items there will count towards the maximum of items allowed to be posted on the exchange. That way it will be easier to track what items aren't selling for what price. We will not have to run back and forth between mail and exchange. Everything would be neatly in the same place. The option would be with a simple button click to list the items for the same as the previous price, or we can edit the old price and then click the button to list it as for sale again. If we change out mind about selling something we should be able to move it easily to our inventory, bank or sent it to ourself through mail (as easy as to click a button), directly from the Exchange UI. This should of course be possible with multiple items through a checkbox system.
But first I want a status update, then I want my items back, then I would like this to be implemented.
i do love Star Trek and i did not mind to support this game by subscribing monthly for last 3years. Unfortunately, Because of resent mail fiasco as well as inability or unwillingness of dev team to communicate , i am canceling my monthly subscription, till that time , when all my mail returned to me and all changes to mail system are explained and documented.
i do love Star Trek and i did not mind to support this game by subscribing monthly for last 3years. Unfortunately, Because of resent mail fiasco as well as inability or unwillingness of dev team to communicate , i am canceling my monthly subscription, till that time , when all my mail returned to me and all changes to mail system are explained and documented.
Good for you, sir. Maybe they'll listen when their bank starts to shrink along with their playerbase.
This is unbelievable. No update - another patch with nothing mentioned regarding the lost mail. And obviously, there was no backup done which could have been restored, since they lost all the mail but 'have the items in a different database'. And now it's way too late to restore.
I'm envisioning their fix is a room with a bunch of interns looking up player id's on printouts and mailing items one at a time when they find a match. :rolleyes:
But first, let's make sure to increase another currency (favors) drop and sell more costume slots.
I usually try to be very understanding about problems of this nature. I've been through a few "oops" moments myself. Users don't usually help by continuously offering "suggestions", so I understand why exact details about problems are not always released.
But really - this has gone on too long with no information. The old "we're working to get the items back to you ASAP" thing isn't enough. Feed the 'shrooms. :mad:
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within." ― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
i do love Star Trek and i did not mind to support this game by subscribing monthly for last 3years. Unfortunately, Because of resent mail fiasco as well as inability or unwillingness of dev team to communicate , i am canceling my monthly subscription, till that time , when all my mail returned to me and all changes to mail system are explained and documented.
Agreed, more of us need to do this.
We can also boycott zen purchases and peanut labs until it is fixed.
Even if you personally didn't lose any mail, let Cryptic know that you won't stand for this nonchalant attitude about deleting player items.
I guess the best we could hope for is another "we are working on it" response every week. Well today is the day.
Part of me is thinking we won't get our stuff back until the fall at the earliest.
Probably the key staff is on vacations etc. and they won't have the resources to fix it until the smart people come back.
Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
We can also boycott zen purchases and peanut labs until it is fixed.
Even if you personally didn't lose any mail, let Cryptic know that you won't stand for this nonchalant attitude about deleting player items.
Agree - but try telling that to all the people counting down the time until they can buy the Scimitar. <sigh>
It seems it's true that if you're unhappy about something, they don't really care - someone else will buy stuff if you don't.
I'm afraid they will wait for months, hoping we'll forget about it or at least buy stuff to replace all the stuff we lost. Then sometime in the fall the users who are still left will get a ton of mails with obsolete/unneeded items attached to them.
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within." ― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
I really hope you get this fixed and we get the mail messages back and not just the stuff. Heck I don't care if I get my stuff back, but I do want the message a friend sent to me when I made my first tactical officer. I loved that message..every time I read it I laughed....
Give me 500,000,000 EC and I'll just buy stuff off the exchange when I need it and you can keep my mail.
HHAHHAHAHAHHAH>>>>Oh You're Killing me... 500 mill? 500 Billion might be enough to compensate. I had a jem bug ship a galor an 3 time ships lost in the mail. Furthermore my doffs including the purple systems engineer that spread Viral matrix and my Veteran Boffs are gone... simply gone...
We've all been screwed over. From this point on, we're all going to have to personally keep a manual check on what items we sell, and take them down ourselves before they automatically don't get sent back to us.
All my consoles, outfits and weapons for my ROM, just Poofed with no warning :mad:
everytime i log in.... i get a little more grrr.... Example -- had 14 winter outfits i had made threw christmas event, which my Rom would have liked, extra items from christmas event to craft with for 2013. Couple MkXII tact consoles & Mk XII weapons in there. I hope they fix this soon. My oldest e-mail of anykind is from 3/21/13. I did take the time to look threw these other posts and i see alot if not all are here for good reason. All the EC items, keys, about 400 lock boxes, consoles, Officers, doffs, mirror ships even my first mail i ever received .... Poof....
That is all. :mad:
Or how about this... Give me 500,000,000 EC and I'll just buy stuff off the exchange when I need it and you can keep my mail.
When you make a heavily item intensive game like this and then charge a dollar for every storage slot and a cap on the number of available slots don't be surprised when people come to rely on alternate storage means (especially since it was this way since launch).
I don't recall the mention of a mail system update with LoR either. They just sorta did it. Not entirely sure if this was something that even had to be done :P
Then again I haven't gotten a stipend in 2 months...I was accidentally double stipend-ed in April, getting 1000 instead of 500. I heard in may that I wouldn't get a stipend (had to contact them to confirm, nothing proactive) and then they said a generic statement about people got 1000-1500 and wouldn't get stipends in May (and June if they got 1500). Sadly I only got 1000 but my June stipend was withheld anyway..."just in case" I guess.
Part of my reward for buying the legacy pack maybe?
Yeah, I've got a far simpler and likely far more feasible 'Mail Fix Suggestion': simply revert the mail system to its system parameters, prior to the launch of LOR. Tried and true system for three years, until this, now, not so recent fiasco.
Never, not once did we get an official notice or so much as an official whisper (and misguided musings on non-STO related sites, which have to do with blue birds chirping DO NOT count) that the three year established mail system was in for a change anytime soon.
I'm utterly convinced that all this was due to an unforeseen consequence of merging 'Neverwinter' and 'STO' assets. Unforeseen circumstances=mistakes. And it's high time the folk at Cryptic own up to this mistake and do right by players who've tried to stick with 'em , through thick and thin.
People have lost in-game assets, purchased with real-world money over this nonsense.
Do any of you really think that some Postal Service employee, Fed-Ex or UPS rep would still have their job, if they had lost correspondence that resulted in the loss of thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, euros, yen or whatever currency you might conduct commerce with and depend upon to live?
Last we heard, supposedly lost mail assets still exist and the powers that be have been looking to get said assets back to us.
Do us a favor, and keep us posted, will you????!!!
Better still, get us back said assets already and do yourselves a favor and follow the advice I offered in the first paragraph of this rant.
Pretty sure, if ya follow said advice, that everyone's bound to be happy and we can all move along and keep on playing and perhaps buying some of the stuff ya shell out, with confidence. Instead of dealing with trepidation over the incompetence with which such seemingly trivial matters as this have been handled.
All that said, I was disgruntled enough when I discovered that the mail system had been changed without warning, with the launch of LOR. I was even more disgruntled when I discovered...what? A week ago, almost two weeks now? That our attachments have mysteriously vanished.
This whole vanishing act has kept me from logging in to the game, since I read of it here. I'm earnestly afraid to trigger the glitch by logging in and patching, if such a thing is, in fact, possible.
So, basically, I haven't logged into STO in roughly two weeks now, perhaps longer.
And today...well...technically yesterday now...was my birthday. And, after an afternoon's festivities with my family (including a niece, since I'm getting to be an old bastich now)...I wouldn't have minded capping off my birthday with some fun in STO.
Yet, no. Still no word on this problem from anyone with any real authority to comment on all this. Not a peep in quite some time actually.
Hell, one of my sister's gave me a $50 Visa giftcard earlier today/yesterday. Had this mail change and subsequent nonsense not happened, I might well have poured the bulk, if not all of that card, into buying some Zen. After all, I've already spent roughly $300 to $400 on my maximizing my Fed character (including his in-game storage capability to the max).
Yet, what incentive would I have had to use that giftcard here, after all this nonsense?
I've potentially lost millions of EC worth of earned attachments, without warning.
I was incredibly excited about the prospect of creating a new Romulan and Klingon character (whilst I've only ever played Fed). But I realized that this mail mess would slim down my mail attachments from this newly ridiculous 100 limit, to 33 per character, if I had done so.
So, no Romulan pointy-eared love or uber-crunchy Klingon goodness for me!
And now all mail attachments have suddenly vanished, with little follow-up on a resolution to the loss.
Yet, no. As someone here has said (LordMalak methinks), we're being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and sporadically fed excrement.
I say to thee Cryptic...WE ARE NOT 'SHROOMS, WE ARE HUMANS!!!
Kindly treat us as such. And we just might treat you as a company we can confidently spend our hard-earned...and upon, once more!
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian
Hi ... what is the status on this, like many on this thread I have lost millions of EC worth of items... any idea on an ETA to letting us know what the resolution is
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
That price was just for my stuff. you did see the 200k dilithium as well, right ?
You just know they're ignoring us, not only is their system so hosed it ate OUR attachments, but those who had empty mailboxes before the patch are losing exchange returns and exchange money from sold items. They've got a HUGE problem on their hands and I'm convinced they don't know how to fix it. The missing attachments issue is only a symptom of a MUCH larger problem with their mail system.
Ignoring all the complaints what they're used to doing as posting any update on a fix will only draw hundreds or more posts in response. I used to play every day (for over a year), but since mid March I've probably logged on 6 times due to game bugs, launcher crashes, cryptics server lag, and general apathy shown to us players by the devs and community manager. I won't be trying ANY other cryptic or PWE title in the future, they've made it crystal clear how they feel about their customers.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
i lost about 5000 common doffs and i dont know how many green , blue or purple ones
Pick your superstition sit back make a wish and Enjoy yourself
Ah, it's great to be young and insane!
Not quite true... Branflakes posted a reply in post #283, on June 25th.
I have lost all my emails from the last 3.5 years, since begin of STO. All is gone, all items in these emails, only 5 emails from the last days I have now. Hey, that means someone must work over the weekends and that very quickly. Something like that can't happen, if you don't reactivate it in a absolute identical way then I have no trust in you and that was it here.
And repair the BOFFs on romulan ships, repair BOFFs at all. Noone from my crew is on the bridge, only this idiot Towan, which I would really like to kick out.
Stop to develop 100 new things and repair the old stuff first.
Miss Arzu Bazman
Given the emphasis on shoveling out half-finished new content instead of fixing the bugs in last weeks half-finished content I have to wonder if they foolishly think they can "force" players onto their newer games by making the older ones unplayable -- but of course most of us will leave PWE entirely instead.
Alternative explanations, like that they deliberately deleted the mail attachments without notice as some kind of misguided "game balance fix" are unfortunately all too believable in light of the other things they've done to the player community with little or no notice.
But first I want a status update, then I want my items back, then I would like this to be implemented.
Recruitment: Neverwinter Online (spotlight)(wiki) - Star Trek Online Federation - Star Trek Online Klingon - Star Trek Online Romulan - Champions Online
Guild FAQs: Neverwinter FAQ - Star Trek FAQ - Champions FAQ ..........Facebook: Mattachine Guild
Good for you, sir. Maybe they'll listen when their bank starts to shrink along with their playerbase.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Have any items been recovered?
I'm envisioning their fix is a room with a bunch of interns looking up player id's on printouts and mailing items one at a time when they find a match. :rolleyes:
But first, let's make sure to increase another currency (favors) drop and sell more costume slots.
I usually try to be very understanding about problems of this nature. I've been through a few "oops" moments myself. Users don't usually help by continuously offering "suggestions", so I understand why exact details about problems are not always released.
But really - this has gone on too long with no information. The old "we're working to get the items back to you ASAP" thing isn't enough. Feed the 'shrooms. :mad:
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
"Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Agreed, more of us need to do this.
We can also boycott zen purchases and peanut labs until it is fixed.
Even if you personally didn't lose any mail, let Cryptic know that you won't stand for this nonchalant attitude about deleting player items.
I guess the best we could hope for is another "we are working on it" response every week. Well today is the day.
Part of me is thinking we won't get our stuff back until the fall at the earliest.
Probably the key staff is on vacations etc. and they won't have the resources to fix it until the smart people come back.
Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
Agree - but try telling that to all the people counting down the time until they can buy the Scimitar. <sigh>
It seems it's true that if you're unhappy about something, they don't really care - someone else will buy stuff if you don't.
I'm afraid they will wait for months, hoping we'll forget about it or at least buy stuff to replace all the stuff we lost. Then sometime in the fall the users who are still left will get a ton of mails with obsolete/unneeded items attached to them.
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
"Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Hopefully next week!
Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
I meant to post that here too
Brandon =/\=
HHAHHAHAHAHHAH>>>>Oh You're Killing me... 500 mill? 500 Billion might be enough to compensate. I had a jem bug ship a galor an 3 time ships lost in the mail. Furthermore my doffs including the purple systems engineer that spread Viral matrix and my Veteran Boffs are gone... simply gone...