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June Scimitar Stuff >:D



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    davideightdavideight Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wrong thread after logging in ...
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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    verline1 wrote: »
    not that this is related but your sig urks me, look up something called dual hulled speed boats. the dual hull design which is what the risa ship is molded off of, were around long before halo was invented. as was art of space ships that used similar design concepts.

    On a related note, I do wish all the screen shot has been take from a similer angle, would be nice to see all the design difference between the ships, not just the upper nacelle ones.

    I love my Sig, mainly do the fact that Catamarans used the minimized surface area on the water to increase speed by reducing resistance. We are in Space... This ship only looks to me like a Covenant Dropship, I do not want one. I want me a Scimitar D: It is the ship that is pretty in my opinion. If you like the Catamaran of Space... so be it. But I am not into it.
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    omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Does anyone know what benifit the new veteran syatem for pets does exactly, like what are the benifits exactly, high hull as time goes on, more damage, more frequent projectile lauches, more power to subsystems what?
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    omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Also is there a pic of the new carrier UI yet?
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    asardetemplariasardetemplari Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wish there was a basic Scimitar for those that wouldn't mind dumping 200k fleet credits on one... like the Bortas Heavy battle Cruiser and the Odyssey Star Cruiser.

    Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Tree things.

    There are no Fleet versions of the 3-packs ships.
    The "basic" version of the Odyssey and Bortas were 2nd anniversary event rewards
    The Scimitar is not the Romulan Flagship.

    Dont compare the Scimitar with those 2 ships, they were event ships with a C-Store option that lead to the 3-packs releases were none had a "free" option.

    Where was it said its not the flagship?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    dkstarfiredkstarfire Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To clarify: the Scimitar seems to be the flagship of the Tal Shiar, or rather was, if you take Sela's uncertain fate into consideration.

    The Romulan Republic seems to use a Ha'Apax as it's flagship.

    Also: can't wait for the new Dev Blog which supossedly will be released later today. Finally some official word on the Scimitar's stats and capabilities.
    Maybe we will even get the release date. My new Reman Tac can't wait to set foot on that predator.
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    neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Devs have confirmed multiple times that the Scimitar is NOT the romulan flagship.

    Oddy/bortas are the fed/kdf flagships, the scimitar is not their equivalent, it's more the equivalent to the galaxy x, a dreadnaught, which is what it's called.

    The Romulan flagship will be coming sometime later this year.
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    omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Its actually the equivlant of the Vo'quv and Atroix and to a lesser extent the Recluse and Jem Dreadnaught.

    The Ha'pex is the equivlant to the Galaxy with seperation and the MVSM.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    No, its to make people actually HEAL THEM instead of just treating then as disposable that is what happens with fighter pets because not only they are hard to target and know their actual status its also heal you are not going to use.


    1) Why heal them when you can bring their cooldown to negligible levels?
    2) Why heal them when you have thinking players on your team who you should be healing instead?
    3) Why heal them when they will hug exploding objects and die anyway?

    There's more at work here than their hull/shield values.

    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Or do you think the current Carrier Pet situation is acceptable? status window is solving part of the problem but there is another were players have no incentive to save the unit.

    I think the new status UI is fine.

    I think that there will still be no incentives to "save the unit" (see points above).

    Again, why would you waste a BOFF heal on a single pet out of up to 12 pets, that goes onto a 30 or 45s cooldown, when you can simply recast the pet? (I can only hope players make the silly mistake of healing their pets instead of their teammates in PvP)

    As it is, you are better off recasting Danubes or Frigates, etc., anyway to reset their powers cooldowns.

    That's right! You can recast pets faster than their own powers cool-down!

    Do you think that is acceptable?

    The only way I'll be ok with pets becoming "more powerful" through some kind of veteran system is if when they are launched they start out ZERO of their special powers that they shouldn't even have in the first place (power drains, tractor beams).

    Because if they are starting where they are now, and only get better, then this is just going to make them even more problematic than they already are in PvP - even though they will continue to be relatively useless in PvE.

    See that's the kicker. The devs make these changes thinking they are making their core audience happy, but their core audience (PvE) can barely make use of 1/5th the OP stuff getting pumped out due to the design of PvE content.

    The only thing they end up constantly impacting in huge ways, is PvP.
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    dkstarfiredkstarfire Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think we can finish this thread here. It's been fun and informative.

    With the latest dev blog and the impending release of the Scimitar, I deeply bow before all of you in here. See you out there, and enjoy your new ride, if you're set to buy that 3 pack first thing tomorrow after maintenance like I am.

    Jolan Tru.
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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dkstarfire wrote: »
    I think we can finish this thread here. It's been fun and informative.

    With the latest dev blog and the impending release of the Scimitar, I deeply bow before all of you in here. See you out there, and enjoy your new ride, if you're set to buy that 3 pack first thing tomorrow after maintenance like I am.

    Jolan Tru.

    Well said, thank you for watching :)
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    andrewgariskandrewgarisk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If I didn't have **** to do at work I'd take the day off....and I hate that I am going out of town a few days for the 4th lol. When I get home Sunday I am training myself to abuse the hell out of that cloak....lol
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