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nerf bops



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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Oh the joy another BOP complaint.
    Seriously I fly a B'rel retrofit and in PVP you can be beat. There is so many ways from Sensor Scan to using warp plasma to Tractor beams to a seeking torpedo launcher. Hell if you use your ears you can even hear us buffing up when we are going to launch a attack.

    BOP's are not OP in fact we are underpowered and the only thing that keeps us from being on a sucide ship is the ability to battle cloak now I know my ship has the enhanced battle cloak. That is next to useless in PVP as it only fires torpedos which won't do much against shields and drop mines cloaked which are easily destroyed.

    My advice is to check your layout get rid of some bridge officer skills for some that will help detect a KDF BOP's and then you will see that we are not overpowered just skilled in how to handle these ships.

    So should BOP's be nerfed how about NO
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As others and myself said before. The ship is fine, leave it alone, just tone down the bonus to damage upon decloaking. No one ship ability should be able to destroy a ship at full health in one shot. Just like all the threads about how the Borg are doing it in STF's and everyone on both sides agrees that it is broken and needs to be changed. But when it comes to a player or in this instance one faction having the ability to one-shot kill, then its a different story. How dare the Feds want this ability nurfed. So when the Borg to it to the Klingon players in an STF it's bad and broken, but when the Klingons do it to the Feds it's fine? What if Cryptic gave the Ablative armor to the Defiant and it automaticly activated upon detection of an uncloaking ship withing 10k range? The rage would be epic. Or if the feedback pulse worked better so when the BOP fired off his combo it bounced back and killed him. The same flame war would happen. Anything that would change or counter or nerf the BOP ability to kill instantly would be met with rage and tears from all who fly them and rely on them for thier only means of success in PVP.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    spyker3 wrote: »
    I am the one who said to nerf BoPs and said it a chat everyone who believes in this I thank you for saying what's right because in all honesty the BoPs are basic cheats for players to kick the good PVP players' and make them look weak and cause the people to get angry and start a war with them. The BoPs should have a basic battle cloak not a ehanced battle cloak so that way they could rule the roster of the game. Because if they get the cloaks and klingons get the cloaks then how come feds get normal cloaks its plain unfairness and people are gonna quit the game because players can not play like normal people and makes everyone look weak and starts wars
    spyker3 wrote: »
    I do not stink at PVP because I played it all 3 years and seeing a match FULL of BoPs in a match is complete madness those are people who just want to ruin the game just because they can't kill in a cruiser or a escort and it makes no fun for us players who are IN cruisers and escorts have to suffer because of a person in a bop that can't actually learn to fight in different ships without cloaks
    spyker3 wrote: »
    I am a ALL fed player inculding my romulan and I use the defiant on my tacitcal and you wanna tell me I hit and run and me and that I choose cruiser ik that the BoPs need to be nerfed because its getting out of hand because I couldn't even fight one because of the hit and run.

    LOL :D:P:D

    /10 chars.
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    wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    succesful troll thread is... succesful troll thread :D

    ...is there any other ship which advantages and disandvantages are that balanced? i don't think so ;)...
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    brle1950brle1950 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nerf bops!! hard!!
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    howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You people make me sick thinking this is some type of JOKE!?!?! These ships are ruining the game... Cryptic World won't get another of my dollars I worked hard for until every one of these bOps are nerfed!!! That's truth! I'm tired of it... I fly cruisers and that's final...
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    zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nerf cruisers, every time i try Alpha one he hits BFI or TT1 or even blind me with some crazy sci ability ! :< And if try to escape cruiser always tractors me,and when i hit omega some of his bloody teammate VM me and theb overpowered escort blows me in 1 volley T_T
    2010 is my join date.
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    mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you're getting taken out by a lone Bird-of-Prey while in a cruiser, you need to work on your build some more.
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    sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you're getting taken out by a lone Bird-of-Prey while in a cruiser, you need to work on your build some more.

    This. If he's on any t4 or higher cruiser, and getting popped by a single BoP, he's got a poor build, poor choice of gear, bad spec, or all of the above. As compared to to the Feds tac retrofit, the Andorian escorts, and the new Rommy ships, BoP's are horribly outclassed.

    Instead of wanting someone else to be as , how can I put this ...... lacking... as you seem to be, why not search these forums for information concerning improving your ship. There's a wealth of information here if you care to look for it.
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    talore003talore003 Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2013
    These must be the same people I seen in the first city crying about over powered BoP's. hehe

    A tac in a BoP should not be able to out dps a engineer in a cruiser!! :rolleyes:
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    thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's not that the BOP needs nurfed it's the bonus to damage upon decloaking.
    There should be no way a BOP should be able to kill a Jem Dread or Recluse or Odssesy or other high hull cruisers with Elite fleet gear at %100 shields and %100 hull in one shot.
    The combo they use with PSW or Tractor beam or the Gravaton pulse reduces the ship being attacked damage resistance to zero, then the alpha strike will send the attackers ACC to over %100 and dump the rest into overflow.
    The overflow all goes to CRTD and thus the attacker can do more damage than the Borg Tac cubes invisa-torp do in STF's.
    It's a broken mechanic. There needs to be a ceiling on the CRTD/CRTH bonus when you are in ACC overflow.
    Should an Alpha strike take out facing shields and say %25 of the hull of a Cruiser/Carrier? Yes.
    Should an Alpha Strike one shot an Escort? Yes. (If they are lucky and get a good Crit)
    Should an alpha strike one-shot a beefey carrier or cruiser at full hull and shields? No.

    The way it is now is PVP'rs and BOP Captians found a way to exploit the way the damage resistance and Acc overflow works to boost the crit severity to way more than it was ever intended.
    It's Cryptic fault for not properly testing how different consoles and abilitys and skills can be combined to cause players crit severity to go way off the chart.
    It created a situation where now (almost) every KDF PVP'er has to run this combo and pound thier chest and gloat because they found a way to exploit the game to win.
    But hats off to the KDF captians who fly other ships and find this one trick poney boreing and unbalanced and rely on skill and experence to win.

    You're a little late to the party on this one. I think the Acc things been posted on ad nauseum. With more than a few forum ******* denying that any issue with it even exists. Thanks for chiming in though. Stun or no stun, a BOP isn't the most difficult thing to defend against. Honest it isn't hard.

    And if you don't recognize that what a BOP does is in fact how you win the game, that's just a lack of perception on your part. Honest, you just don't get it. Because if you think there's any other way to get that done you're foolish. There's slower ways and harder ways, but it ends up being all the same thing.

    If you think a few escorts or cruisers face slamming rotations out on the keyboard till one of them gets a lucky shot in is skill, well ok then. That can be skill. And if you're gonna come back at me and say you've observed hours and hours of combat and that's not how it is I'm going to ask for your proof. Do you have any that you've actually done that? If not well to bad. Thanks for your baseless opinion.

    Me I happen to think that slamming home an attack in the few second window that a good player may still leave open takes a bit of practice.

    And once you know theres a BOP of any type on the field, if you can't defend against it that's YOUR bad. TT and ST say "HI!"

    The bit you did on Acc/Def was pretty priceless though. "Oh really? Tell me more!"
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You know, this spyker3 kid is actually quite amusing. My Fed toon finds him offensive, since he flies cruisers and dies to BoPs, my KDF toon finds him to be an honorless dog worthy of the scrapheap since he flies cruisers and dies to BoPs, and my Reman has better things to do than think about a pitiful fed in his tiny little cruiser.

    That being said, spyker3, if you die to a lone BoP in any cruiser RA or above, and aren't already engaged to another player, you seriously need to reconsider your build/tactics. I am relatively new to the game (join date is accurate), and yet I can still handle BoP attacks with relative ease in Ker'rat and the occasional PvP I dabbled in.

    Easiest solution to a BoP? TT1, EPtS3 (or two), RSP, BFI, Aux2SIF, TB... I could go on and on and on. There are so many ways to survive and beat them it's not even funny. I once had a situation where I was in my eng/cruiser, and I was engaging 3 BoPs, and they only actually put me in danger ONCE. And that was because I paid very close attention to what players in OPVP said when I asked how to survive BoP attacks. I also paid attention to HOW the BoPs did things. And I watched Thisslers vids. If you have the info available, LEARN instead of calling for the Nerf hammer.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    Here is a good video of the Alpha and what it does when exploited to its fullest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMqbpi2rDPg

    Yeah, that's called 'Thissler blasting a hapless noob to pieces'. Notice that the ships Thissler's blowing up aren't running buff cycles, or aren't doing it very well?
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
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    timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    You know, this spyker3 kid is actually quite amusing. My Fed toon finds him offensive, since he flies cruisers and dies to BoPs, my KDF toon finds him to be an honorless dog worthy of the scrapheap since he flies cruisers and dies to BoPs, and my Reman has better things to do than think about a pitiful fed in his tiny little cruiser.

    That being said, spyker3, if you die to a lone BoP in any cruiser RA or above, and aren't already engaged to another player, you seriously need to reconsider your build/tactics. I am relatively new to the game (join date is accurate), and yet I can still handle BoP attacks with relative ease in Ker'rat and the occasional PvP I dabbled in.

    Easiest solution to a BoP? TT1, EPtS3 (or two), RSP, BFI, Aux2SIF, TB... I could go on and on and on. There are so many ways to survive and beat them it's not even funny. I once had a situation where I was in my eng/cruiser, and I was engaging 3 BoPs, and they only actually put me in danger ONCE. And that was because I paid very close attention to what players in OPVP said when I asked how to survive BoP attacks. I also paid attention to HOW the BoPs did things. And I watched Thisslers vids. If you have the info available, LEARN instead of calling for the Nerf hammer.

    Yeah, if the target is skilled at fighting BoPs, it usually takes 2-3 BoPs working in concert to take them down fully. Hence the 'BoP targpacks' that one tends to see in Ker'rat.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
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    lunateclunatec Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You people make me sick thinking this is some type of JOKE!?!?! These ships are ruining the game... Cryptic World won't get another of my dollars I worked hard for until every one of these bOps are nerfed!!! That's truth! I'm tired of it... I fly cruisers and that's final...

    Wow. You kinda suck.

    This thread was started as a troll and the first 10 responses were just trolls. If you honestly believe this, then you are a sad sad pvper. If a BoP can down your cruiser, than your BOFFS are not doing their jobs.
    KDF since 2/2/2010
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    notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    DujHod Chariot should be nerfed too. It is a main reason of game imbalance, and a simple abomination known to mankind.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

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    howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lunatec wrote: »
    Wow. You kinda suck.

    This thread was started as a troll and the first 10 responses were just trolls. If you honestly believe this, then you are a sad sad pvper. If a BoP can down your cruiser, than your BOFFS are not doing their jobs.

    Baha! Someone bought it... Dude all I fly is BoPs...
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    notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Baha! Someone bought it... Dude all I fly is BoPs...

    Your avatar may make many believe that you are a slimy fed :D
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

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    oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    saxfire wrote: »
    please nerf bops

    I'm one of the reasons that u Fed or Fedmulan scrub ran in here to make a ''Please Nerf BoPs'' thread in the Klingon Fleetyards after a PvP match which ur main character ISuckAtPVP@saxfire got defeated by my character Yanin Vismitananda in my Fleet B'rel which killed ur character 30 str8 times in C&H. not because the BoP so-called OP by Feds, it's because most of u Fed scrubs lack tactics and teamwork to fight BoP's or any other Klingon ship types to begin with and not to mention many of u have no purple space tech, weapons or have any rep perks to fight in PvP warfare effectively. it's also funny u only mention Klingon BoP's and not Romulan Warbirds which is superior to BoP's overall which have superior stats in hull, shields, weapons layout, 5 doff slots etc. also they have Rommie Doff's which each could have 2 space traits which one could have a superior space trait that can stack 5 times. as for trivial stats like 40 base pwr system each and slighty less turn rate (escort type warbirds) any good rommie player can make up for that with ship sets, universal consoles and very good skill spec which u obviously lack.

    if anything. BoP's needs a buff, compare to Fed Escorts, Tactical Cruisers and some Sci ships, they are offensively underpowered.
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wast33 wrote: »
    succesful troll thread is... succesful troll thread

    what :eek: Sax would never ever ever do something awful like that :D
    I'm one of the reasons that u Fed or Fedmulan scrub ran in here to make a ''Please Nerf BoPs'' thread in the Klingon Fleetyards after a PvP match which ur main character ISuckAtPVP@saxfire got defeated by my character Yanin Vismitananda in my Fleet B'rel which killed ur character 30 str8 times in C&H.

    you mr stalker know which charcters are mains?You must be like a private detective lol :D
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wow, these new fed players are wimps. Crying about BoPs again. Honestly, learn to play better before you ask for an uneeded nerf to massage your weak egoes.

    Anyone, and I truelly mean anyone, who has put forth the effort to pvp enough to become experienced is not threatened by the BoP.

    Seriuosly, when did the playerbase become such wimps?

    Actually I take this back.

    ALL of the playerbase is showing signs of instability in my opinion with PvP being more about crying for nerfs than actually playing.
    Thats sad and its no wonder many have stopped pvping. Who wishes to compete against children and the attitudes they bring when they lose and yet cant place the blaim on thier own inexperience?

    It sours the competiton and makes the fun of PvP non-existant. The STO pvp community has oodles of information and helpful threads on how to pvp. STO even has a Boot Camp to teach those willing to learn.

    Many players use all these advantages and increase thier experience thus increasing thier skill and fun in pvp. While those who do not use all the resources availible cry and whine about unfairness.

    Its time the Devs rewarded those players whom try to learn and get better with a balanced pvp system rather than continue to **** it up by nerfing the system due to the outcry of those who cant be bothered to learn to learn how to best play.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited June 2013
    Hmm probably people who started this post didn't had the courage to ask that klingon faction should be deleted and they try slowly to obtain that by asking to nerf that or nerf other or by asking for kdf consoles.

    Anyway LoR brought to everybody who plays this game much better ships than klingon's have so I think kdf ships need a serious buff otherwise I don't see how the number of kdf faction will increase (I don't count the kdf romulans here)
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
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    misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, since the Feds have their own carriers they've stopped demading nerfs to carriers...conincidence?
    So what's left to demand?;)
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    saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm one of the reasons that u Fed or Fedmulan scrub ran in here to make a ''Please Nerf BoPs'' thread in the Klingon Fleetyards after a PvP match which ur main character ISuckAtPVP@saxfire got defeated by my character Yanin Vismitananda in my Fleet B'rel which killed ur character 30 str8 times in C&H.

    Good try pal! :P Didn't even get my @handle right, not even talking of my mains
    Get pooped on brah :eek:
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
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    cryptiecopcryptiecop Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If B'Rels were sooo OP, everyone would be flying one...

    If Bop's were sooo OP, everyone would be flying one...

    If T'varo's were sooo OP, everyone would be flying one...

    See the pattern here yet?
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