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Star Trek: Preatorian Stories of the 26th Fleet.

llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Earth Spacedock
The road to 2409...

In the wake of the Dominion War, alliances slowly crumbled, the peace that was so valiantly fought for dissolved. In 2387, the Hobus star became a Super-Nova, unleashing devastation of the like unseen by sentient eyes for millennia. In the path of that fiery devastation was the planet Romulus, the capital of the Romulan Star Empire, one of three great super powers in the Alpha Quadrant.

Through the stalwart bravery of one Federation Ambassador, the galaxy was saved? but Romulus was destroyed. In the wake of this breath taking disaster, the United Federation of Planets mobilized in the largest humanitarian aid and relief operation in known history. An opportunity for a lasting peace through charity was at hand.

However, political maneuvering in the Klingon Empire set forward a series of events which would spiral the entire Quadrant into war. Slaying Chancellor Martok in ritual combat, the new Chancellor J'mpok rallied the Klingon people to war against the Gorn and their allies, beginning a chain of events that would alter the landscape of the Quadrant forever. Withdrawing from the Khitomer Accords peace treaty with the Federation, J'mpok warned the Federation out of the Archanis sector. War was on the horizon.

To safeguard Federation interests in the region, Starfleet commissioned Starbase 381- Praetorian, home to the 26th Fleet.

The 26ths mission is to engage in tactical and military operations in the Eta Eridani Sector Block, provide security for Federation and Starfleet assets and carry on the diplomatic and scientific missions that have been the mainstay of Starfleet since its inception.

Appointed command of the 26th, was Vice Admiral Kalus Rez, who had previously served as commander of the 3rd Fleet. His experience on the front lines as Captain of the USS Wyvern during the Dominion War had forged him into a strong, capable leader, and set him apart from his post war peers. His reputation for his willingness and capability to take on difficult--sometimes impossible?assignments made him the logical choice.

Situated on the edge of the nefarious Sea of Sorrows, an area rife with naturally occurring gravitic anomalies, Praetorian stands a beacon of hope and safety to the Federation colonies within the station theater of operations. Praetorian's task force stands guard against KDF incursions, and hunts for the pirates and raiders which have made the sea their home, and the colonies their prey.

Appointed to command of the 26th was its initial leader, Vice Admiral Kalus Rez, who had previously served as commander of the 3rd Fleet. His experience on the front lines as Captain of the USS Wyvern during the Dominion War had forged him into a strong, capable leader, and set him apart from his post war peers. His reputation for his willingness and capability to take on difficult--sometimes impossible assignments made him the logical choice.

Following Rez' tenure was Admiral Jennifer Hunter, an experienced commanding officer who specialized in engineering projects of massive scale. Previous experience in Transwarp Gate engineering and anti-Undine technologies made her a natural choice to lead the 26th Fleet's development of Starbase 381. Otherwise known as Praetorian Station, the starbase has evolved into a significant headquarters for the 26th and Starfleet along the front lines of the conflict against the Klingon Empire. Hunter recently resigned her commission to protest a contentious special operation within the new Romulan Republic.

The current leader of the 26th Fleet is Rear Admiral Corris Sprint. A former MACO operative and battle hardened Starfleet Captain, Sprint has long served as the commanding officer of Praetorian station. Where Admiral Hunter was considered to be something of a dove when it came to the ongoing conflicts engaging Starfleet, Admiral Sprint is known to have a much more hawkish attitude, and it remains to be seen how this will impact the 26th Fleet's operations.

*** 26th Fleet Story Policy ***
Overview - The 26th Fleet prides itself on offering an immersive, Starfleet experience in the world of Star Trek Online. Our common goal is to tell compelling, character-driven stories in these challenging times for the Federation and Starfleet. When we recruit new members to the Fleet, our goal is to ensure a good fit. It is important that your character, your ship and your understanding of what in-character lines should or should not be crossed is established.

What this policy is not - This policy is not about telling you how to RP. There are many styles, and many ways to actually RP. Do you prefer simulation more than story telling? Do you roll with just about any situation that pops up in RP, or do you like to /emote RollDice to determine how your character will react in a situation? Play your way, but also be considerate of the goals and time investment your fellow fleet-mates are making too.

What this policy is - This policy is about identifying problematic RP situations, and asking you to plan around them at the beginning of your recruitment process. Since the 26th Fleet formed, there have been countless instances of amazing, Trek-appropriate RP in our fleet. Some of it has been heroic, some of it villainous. Some RP has made us laugh, while sometimes we've cried... for good reasons. Some situations make us cry for bad reasons. These situations, often laden with 'drama' need to be prevented, and we ask for your help in doing this.

***Character Design Goals***

1) Starfleet Compatible Backstory - Your character should be someone we'd expect to find leading a crew, or being on a crew. We're not asking for saints, here! If you're character is a wanted criminal, a member of a hostile faction or in a situation too unique to be a member of Starfleet, we really need to stop and think about this.

1a) No Black Ops. Spec Forces, etc. Maybe some covert action is on your file, but the 26th Fleet is a Regular fleet. We get involved in all kinds of actions, so there will be a chance to put on the 'TNG Black Sweater' and do something in a sneaky way, but we simply can't support running an outsourced Section 31 program and keep true to our Fleet's theme.

1b) No superheros. This could include recovered Borg characters who can control every computer they come across, the genetic augment of the week, the super-spy, and a frequent favorite - the AI. The problem isn't so much with the concept embedded in these characters, but in the idea that you're asking for superman without any kryptonite. Try to avoid this, or be prepared to tell us how the story of your character's development could contribute a lot to the Fleet's RP.

1c) Time Travel is tricky. We do have characters from the past who cannot get home. We have characters from alternate timelines and even the Mirror Universe. It is much harder to envision how a regular division of Starfleet would adhere to the Temporal Prime Directive for someone who came from the future. Navigate these waters carefully, please.

2) Resist being over-powered (OP) - You've seen it before, perhaps even played one. You're the recovered-Borg, Spock-melded, Vice Admiral decedent of Picard from another timeline who rejected the presidency of the UFP because you hate desk work. One could use terms like Mary-Sue, Marty-Sue, X-Sue here, but let's be clear - this isn't about inserting a bit of yourself into your character. This is about not making your character so all-capable and powerful that you'll never ever be challenged. OP characters also take away opportunities from other characters on their team. What is the point of having a team, if you can succeed at everything?

***Starship Design Goals***

1) Review our acceptable starship policy. Please.

2) Modified Acceptable Use Ships - Do not be desperate to run a Galaxy class ship who's IC story is that it has completely Borg-guts, fires Polaron weapons and disruptors. Since the 26th Fleet's IC Story is that it is a regular division of Starfleet, we are a bad place to bring your one-off ship with special requirements. According to our ongoing story, we supply photon and quantum torpedoes, service phaser arrays, warp drives and Starfleet-based small craft. The IC decision to see a snowflake like ship enter service in the 26th Fleet just isn't there.

Caveat - Let's say you started with a vessel that was essentially Starfleet standard equipment and wanted to RP modifications to the ship over time... because this can lead to some cool RP with other players, we might actually be able to support this.

3) Captured ships - As we suggest in the starship policy, we're not in the business of putting captured enemy vessels to work in our fleet. There might be some good story around the capturing and study of such a ship, so try to think of it like that - we could support the limited time running of a non-Starfleet ship to support a story.

4) AI Driven ships - Again, this is non Starfleet standard and will usually be denied. If this is a compelling part of your character's RP vision, do declare this early and work with us to understand how this will work, and how the story will evolve and bring lots of people together to RP.

***Trek Universe Design Goals***

1) Keeping Canon - The 26th Fleet keeps to canon very closely. We know... STO takes some liberties, and some parts of Trek canon seem to contradict others, but in general we do consider canon when approving your character, your ships and plots that occurs in our Fleet's RP.

1a) No JJ-ing our universe! - This is meant a bit tongue in cheek, as many of us love the newer Trek films. The intent here is to let you know that were not going to be re-writing continuity of the STO timeline.

1b) What year is it? - We have a link to a Stardate calculator on our site, and you should use that to keep some kind of sequencing in any IC posts you make to our forums.

2) Keeping Trek - The spirit of Star Trek is said to be one of a journey into being human. We see this explored in many thematic ways, but there are some things we can count on. Good is going to win, but at what cost? The things that motivate our characters should the kinds of things that motivated the characters in our favorite Star Trek TV shows and films. Maybe with less lens flares.

3) No Plot Hammers from Starfleet Command - It happens fairly often, that a player will post some communique from Starfleet Command ordering the 26th's IC leadership to suck it up and accept the transfer of some secret-special ship and a unique AI-telepathic character to the Fleet. It isn't going to work that way. The IC leaders of the fleet are often the OOC leaders as well. We care about the ongoing, smooth running of the fleet, and therefore, we deserve to be consulted about potentially controversial story elements that could affect the entire 'universe' or game-world of our story.

How to join as a Federation officer

The first step in joining the 26th Fleet is to visit our Enjin site at http://26thfleet.enjin.com/home
After that its simple, please read over the rules and regulations under the tab "The Story"
Fill out an Application and wait for one of our fleet recruiters to get into contact with you.

How to Join as a Romulan

New applications to the 26th Fleet will first be required to establish a Starfleet character before they will be permitted to add a Romulan character. Tthe 26th is primarily a Starfleet guild and will continue to be so.

Points of Contact.

Rhys Llywarch@Juroden

I hope to hear from everyone soon, so they can join us on our adventure into the Final frontier.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • chase401chase401 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There's a lot of great energy and story movement all across STO right now! The Legacy of Romulus expansion, many of us feel, is some of the best work we've seen from Cryptic/PWE. Well done!

    On the RP side of things, the 26th Fleet has responded by participating in a Joint Task Force with the Republic. Lots of great opportunities to add a Romulan experience to your RP portfolio!

    Hope you're enjoying LoR, and stop by to visit the 26th when you're able. Simply join the channel SB381 and icly hail us for docking permission!

    Rear Admiral Jennifer N. Hunter (@highwire)
    "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • cavewarkcavewark Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    erm all the rules and regs don't seem very roleplay more like a scripted story
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually the rules we set in place are to build an atmosphere. Everything else we do is unscripted. We really arn't into big over arching stories we plot out ahead of time. We like to let them devolop over time.
  • cavewarkcavewark Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    you will actually find those rules and regs and requirements effectively limit your creativity. OK if you like boundaries but most RP'ers I know like to be free with story.

    Obviously its your fleet and you can specify what you want but realistically if I was to join a rp guild I wouldn't want such limiting factors.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well the 26th has been running excellently for almost a year and a half now! Hit me up ingame @Juroden and you can come see how we do it sometime.
  • leveslylevesly Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    @Cavewark, the rules that you call limiting are a real benefit to the fleet. It stops people from creating over-powered characters and unbelievable situations that just destroys the RP that we all take part in.

    I've RP'd across many different games and in many different formats and I've found my time in the 26th to be amongst the best RP I have encountered. In the 26th you don't have to worry about 'what makes my character super special', you get the chance to RP in an environment that places everyone on a level playing field and where characterisation and growing your character through interaction with others is placed in High regard.

    I can't wait to see the development of some of the plot lines currently running.
  • nimshaenimshae Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If they work for you they work for you, end off...
    Yet some of the things that don't work for you, I know for a fact have worked for our fleet especially the much maligned AI which has given us some of our best stories.

    However it's where you and your players comfort zone is, if you have a specific arena you wish to play in then it's needed to set boundaries.

    At present we are pushing the boundaries as Gene Roddenberry has left us with a static world with nothing being added to it, other than the content of the game. We have been asked is Starfleet all there is....does everyone join Starfleet?.

    This has caused us to sit down and think of what is happening away from the limits of the game and the information that is known, to actually come up woth storylines, plots and a whole universe that we know is feasible, logical and above all realistic in this future time of advanced technology.

    So I think it comes down to the players what they want, and where they wish their sand pit placed. I have seen a lot of TOS ships, Next Gen, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise based RP's.

    Heck even a fair few JJ ones..., however other than the game we don't have anything else to work with, and the world is moving on.

    As long as their are different sand pits available I don't see a problem, bottom line RP is about fun...

    That heady feeling you got as a kid when you dumped the coal scuttle on your head, picked upa branch and became Darth Vader....

    Where worlds of imagination were created daily, then packed away in the box at tea time...

    If just a few or our RP'ers feel that..then I feel our work is done.

    SSO Fleet Understands that this is a game, that it's sole purpose is to escape from the harsh realities of life. Thats why we promise, we offer fun, frolics without the mandatory rules and structure. Come escape with us, we dare you.....
  • rcastillorcastillo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Having been a member of this Fleet for several months now, I can say that it's one of the most coherent RP groups I've had the luck to play with on an MMO.

    In response to some concerns about what i shall call 'the boundaries of the sandbox' that some above have mentioned - the rules tend to be more signposts along the way than chiseled in stone code-of-Hammurabi. The idea is though that we want to give everyone a framework to work within (as our fleet has quite a few members) - which isn't to say that no concepts outside of that framework will be allowed, it will just require some coordination with Fleet Leadership, and you may need to be willing to compromise some of the ideas to make sure they're compatible with the setting and the dozens of players who are active.

    Moreover, and this is the important part - the 26th has some exceptionally strong role players. Coming from a guy who usually hates the MMO experience across the board, the 26th's players keep me coming back to STO, and make me willing to pay for STO stuff in game, all for the sake of greater enhancement of my already awesome experience with this Fleet.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Evil Klang!?
    To: RDML C. Sprint, CDRE B. Treksik, CAPT S. Vempati, CAPT S. Prinn, CAPT R. Llywarch
    From: CAPT W. Levesley
    Subject: Klingon Prisoner exchange situation.

    Admiral, Commodore, Captains,

    I wanted to ensure that everyone who should be informed was up to date on the situation that has developed since the destruction of the U.S.S. Inspiration at the hands of the Klingons.

    50 of the crew have been taken prisoner, or so the Klingon Captain K'jarg, son of Hagh, Iomqa' HoD has informed us. I believe that Captain Llywarch has begun negotiations with the Klingons for return of the POW's. However I believe at their last meeting the Klingons executed an Ensign from the prisoners and delivered him as a warning of further reprisals.

    Captain Llywarch, what demands have the Klingons made in exchange for the return of the surviving crew members?

    We should ensure that we all are aware of what is going on so that if need be the full resources of the fleet can be brought to bare.


    Captain W. Levesley
    26th Fleet Strategic Operations and Intelligence
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Structure is good. Rules that everyone can agree on are good.

    In my experience, "anything goes" RP tends to devolve into a "more special and/or powerful than thou" competition, as everyone attempts to make their own character (1) unique and interesting and (2) immune to being casually messed with by others. Every new addition has to outdo those who came before. Power and concept creep quickly ensue.

    But I will admit to some slight bias, having two characters in this fleet (and one associated with it, redside). IMO, it's a solid group of roleplayers, some of the best I've encountered in this game (or any other MMO).
    Join Date: January 2011
  • remairtamecremairtamec Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I joined the fleet a couple of months ago and have been having a great time. There's plenty of RP to be had whether its part of a crew, captaining a ship or on station. Can't recommend them enough :)

    Click for more details
  • vroupvroup Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This fleet stinks!

    On a more serious related note, I can highly recommend this fleet as a returning player. I wouldn't have been around STO anymore if it wasn't for them, and this is comming from someone who has tried a few 'RP' fleets here already.

    The fleet is comprised of a large variety of personalities and stories, definitely worth trying.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    More on the evil klang front
    Deep within the jungle wilderness of the Klingon homeworld, Qo'nos, the Iom'qa, vessel of the brother of Sapi'Q, K'jarg, comes to rest upon a small landing pad. The youngest, and coincidentally shortest member of the trio assembled to recover Klingon warriors, fallen to the dishonor of imprisonment by Starfleet emerges from the vessel before the remainder of his comrades, making with purpose from the steps with a hastened stride which signified his purpose.

    Knpok emerges from the Iomqa: Show

    During his march throughout the paved street, an aberration in the otherwise tropical landscape of the compound, workers stack crates and take inventory. Children, small boys, chase one another up a flight of stairs, each carrying a small, wooden bat'leth. Warriors they would be, some day, but not today. Two of the dock-hands murmur amongst each other, saying that the Hoch qorDu' has returned, though they do not dare to speak it above a whisper - The derisive look given to the back of K'npok was indicative enough of their target of conversation.

    At last, the mighty Hall comes into view, though K'npok does not even spare a pause for its splendor. He continues to walk on, his eyes perpetually set upon his path.

    The Hall of Sapi'Q: Show

    Mighty in countenance was this structure. Tall, and monolithic, an item of preeminence in the jungles of Qo'nos. At the fore of the structure sets a great pillar, upon it, the symbol of the Empire - the Blade of Virtue. Though, this structure was not built simply with aesthetics in mind. No, this structure bore purpose, which it stated plainly; Dual Disruptor cannons mounted on the roofs of the structure, perpetually directed skyward, ever-vigilant in their warding of the House of Sapi'Q.

    Inside, K'npok steps through the doors into the Hall of Combat. Within, stand fifty men, many of them Klingon, Nausican, Gorn... a multitude of races, who all now shared a common trait, aside from their allegiance to the Empire. They all shared in the same dishonor - The dishonor which came with the shame of captivity at the hands of an enemy. Many of them were angry, and rightly so, and it seemed a bloodbath of frenzied, dishonored warriors might begin at any moment...

    K'npok stands before the former captives.: Show

    ...until K'npok speaks. His voice is loud, and booms with a mighty echo throughout the Hall.

    "Sons of Kahless, hear me! Warriors Nausican, Gorn and Klingon alike, hear me!" K'npok raises a closed fist, sheathed in dark leather, then pounds it to his chest. "I am K'npok! Son of Yon, of the House Sapi'Q, the man who has spared you further shame at the hands of the Federation." He begins to circle the center of the platform, his eyes eventually meeting each of those in his assembly as he makes his way around.

    "Know that I was once like you! Stripped of my title, bereft of my honor, and my commendation, left with naught but my dignity!" These words spit from his mouth like fire of a dragon incensed, and he gives pause for several moments. By this point, the assembly had grown silent, and kept their attention on the Klingon in the center of the Hall. "Your rescuer, the one who now harbors your dishonored carcasses in his own halls, who risked his ships, and his own warriors for dishonored Peta'q! offered me an opportunity to reclaim my honor, and a position as a member of his House when I had fallen in to the dark abyss which we call Disgrace. Now I stand before you a warrior redeemed, honored amongst my fellows!"

    K'npok again pauses, if only to take a breath. "Among the Jem'hadar, there is a saying; We are already dead! We go into battle to reclaim our lives. I say to you now, warriors of the Empire - You are dead! Your Houses have disowned you, your wives, and children forsaken you for your dishonor. What will you do? Will you wallow in your disgrace, and throw yourself upon your blade? Or will crawl from the black pit of dishonor, pledge yourselves to the House of Sapi'Q, and fight to reclaim your lost life? You will bear no further shame for choosing the former of the two paths I have put before you, but should you choose to follow Sapi'Q, one who is owed your allegiance, know that one day, Sons of Kahless... you will have your honor once more. Now! What say you!"

    Amongst the vast majority of the men assembled, a mighty cry arises, fists and hands raised with intensity. K'npok reaches for his hip, and unsheathes the Dk'Tahg, thrusting it high into the air. He calls out with a mighty voice!
    Heghlu'meH, QaQ jajvam!
    Today is a good day to die!: Show
    Today, the House of Sapi'Q gains warriors fifty, pledged to their House, and their cause. Q'apla!
  • elyisiaelyisia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I joined this fleet about a month ago. I really enjoy it, great people on here. I recommend it :)
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The goings on...

    Acting Captain's Log - Stardate 91046.42

    Commander S'uvok
    Commanding Officer U.S.S. Sisko NCC-95505 Reporting -

    The U.S.S. Sisko is currently orbiting Starbase 3 8 1 Praetorian, following the removal of Federation embassies from New Romulus. The Sisko performed escort duty for civilian and non-combat Starfleet Vessels as they made their way to the Eta Eridani Sector Block, and ultimately Praetorian, where the Romulan Republic embassy had been relocated. Given the changes and reassignments to several Task Force Avalon elements, the crew of the Sisko remained at Starbase 3 8 1, anticipating additional duties and/or reassignment from our regularly scheduled patrol of Hromi Sector.

    Chief Ill'issin has reached the final stages of her advisory role with Commander Mercer's investigation of Tholian Activity on New Romulus, in light of the removal of Federation assets from the planet's surface. Her duties in this regard will culminate in the conduct of a discussion group on Praetorian for various elements of the Fleet. Likewise, data acquired by the Chief during the mission's final outing before the eviction from New Romulus was forwarded to Commander Mercer in his role as op command. It should be noted that I commanded the Chief to upload a copy of that data to be encrypted aboard the Sisko's servers - as we have had several encounters with the Tholian Assembly since our deployment to the 26th fleet, and likewise provides us a tactical advantage in future engagements. To that end, as the Chief has greater time to focus on her primary duties aboard the Sisko, I have forwarded ship duty-logs to Starfleet Command for equivalency Bridge Officer Certification. Although the Chief has not taken the formal examinations, practical hands-on experience does merit full certification, as allowable by Starfleet Regulations.

    We have likewise just received orderes from Task Force Avalon XO, Captain Vempati to deploy as a part of a special attack wing under the command of Captain Levesley. The mission profile will take the Sisko within enemy territory, in an attempt to affect rescue of Starfleet assets currently in Klingon custody. This deep within Imperial boarders, the likelihood of facing Klingon Honor Guard ships is of increased magnitude, and as such, threaten to be of much greater consequence in engagement with the Sisko. Simulations put mission success at 32.81% probability with current weapons loadout, therefore I put in an emergency fleet requisition from the industrial fabricator, as well as a refit of one of the Sisko's Mk XI phaser relays. Chief Ill'issin and Subcommander V'dek are coordinating Engineering and Science departments for the weapons upgrades, as well as requisitioning staff from Praetorian as available. I anticipate combat readiness within 48 hours.

    -End Transmission-
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    On Saturday night, we ran a short scenario where the station was sabotaged. The theme was set and minor direction was given. As a result, free form RP ensued! Everyone seemed to have a good time. Below is one player's IC interpretation of the scenario

    TO: RADM Sprint, CMDR McKenzie, CMDR Alenis
    CC: RADM Treysik, CAPT Vempati
    FROM: CAPT Sinclair
    SUBJECT: AAR: Sabotage of Environmental Systems, SB 381

    On Stardate 91040.63, Starbase 381 began experiencing a systemic failure of all CO2 scrubbers. The base's main computer promptly sounded the alarm, automatically going to yellow alert, and estimated that the station's atmosphere would become unbreathable to nearly all personnel aboard within two hours. The pattern of the failures, the speed of their progress and their totality was immediately noted as suspicious, and starbase security began sweeps for possible saboteurs while escorting all non-essential personnel to emergency shelters and evacuation points.

    Discovery was in dock at this time, completing repairs (as a result of damage sustained in the raid on the Klingon repair facility in the Kinkuthanza system, earlier that stardate), and soon became aware of the base's heightened state of alert. Upon learning of the problem, damage control parties were gathered in the transporter rooms and dispatched (along with security escorts, at the insistence of Discovery XO zh'Pashek) to assist in getting the scrubbers back online as quickly as possible. These teams were under the field command of chief operations officer LT Sarat.

    Examination of the scrubber units revealed the cause of failure: the membranes of the filter units had been severely degraded, with descriptions varying from "shredded" to "more holes than Swiss cheese." Tricorder readings indicated trace amounts of hydrofluoric acid (the corrosive agent) along with its reaction products, requiring the teams to don protective gear to prevent possible contact with greater concentrations. Despite this delay, replacement of the damaged filters proceeded at a good pace until the discovery of a further complication: an explosive device placed behind one of the scrubber units, adjacent to an EPS conduit, and connected to the filter pack by wires that formed an electrical circuit.

    LT Sarat reported the bomb and requested an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, while he and the damage control party withdrew to what was hoped would be a safe distance. The EOD team was beamed to their location and began their examination of the device. At this time, various persons listening in on comms - including Commander Valerius of RRW Xalkirian, also in orbit of the station - began offering their own suggestions as to how to disarm it. At the discretion of CAPT Sinclair and LT Sarat, these were not passed along to the EOD team. The device was successfully disarmed and secured in an armored container for later examination and/or detonation.

    As the EOD team was packing up and preparing to return to Discovery, a second device was found by LCDR "Roots" Earthborne Maker-Caste and her team of starbase engineers, also engaged in filter replacement. As before, they withdrew while EOD moved to their location. After confirming that the second device was identical to the first, the EOD team disarmed and secured it as well.

    Full function was restored to the station's air recycling systems by 91040.74, one hour after the initial alarm, and Praetorian stood down from yellow alert. Starbase security was unable to identify or arrest the saboteur(s). Forensic investigation (including the explosive devices and filter samples) is still ongoing. LCDR Adray, Discovery's science officer, notes that hydrofluoric acid, even in relatively weak solutions, is an extremely corrosive and dangerous substance requiring careful handling; there is no record of sufficient quanties of it being brought aboard or replicated on the starbase.

    Commendations are noted for CPOs Bron and Spivack of the EOD team, as well as LT Sarat and CPOs Ditchfield and Krieser of the damage control parties. Special commendation for PO Adler, whose sharp eyes spotted the trigger wires and kept him and the rest of his team from getting blown up.

    CAPT Kyle Sinclair
    CO, U.S.S. Discovery [NCC-92999]
    Task Force Avalon
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Up coming this sunday!
    A strange Temporal wave strikes Preatorian station and the timeline finds itself altered until it passes. The cast and crew of Star Trek: Preatorian find themselves in an Alternate Universe where technology never advanced past the twenty third Century. The aged Constitution still reigns supreme as the warship of the day. The Klingon D7 still menaces the colony lanes. And the Romulans still hide behind their neutral zone.
  • cplcashcamercplcashcamer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Im very new to role play id like to learn and have more fun in game.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Im very new to role play id like to learn and have more fun in game.

    Feel free to stop by the base and hang out with us. You can reach us through the SB381 chat channel.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    More intrigue!
    TO: CMDR F. MacKenzie
    FROM: CMDR A. Wright
    CC: RADM Sprint, RADL Treysik, All 26th Fleet Commands
    SUBJECT: Security Concern


    Last night while enjoying the amenities of Praetorian station's lounge one final time before shipping out for Narendra Sector I was approached by a Subcommander D'Aev, a member of Task Force Theirr. Our conversation was pleasant enough at the start and remained polite and friendly to the end, however during my discussion with Subcommander D'Aev I got the distinct impression that I was being pumped for information. In the interest of co-operation with our Romulan allies I answered the Subcommander's question but I kept my answers intentionally vague in order to not compromise operational security. When I asked some questions in return the Subcommander was also evasive with his answers.

    Mac, I'm not sure if the Subcommander was genuinely interested in my deployment orders and I'm just being paranoid or if there was an ulterior motive in his questions but I still wanted to report the interaction. I'd also recommend that all 26th Fleet Personnel be reminded that though the Romulans are our allies right now, it might not always be that way and that they should limit their operational discussions to subjects that the Romulans NEED TO KNOW and nothing else.

    Again, this could just be paranoia. The Romulans were blood enemies of the Federation for centuries and that kinda thing can make a person wary. I know the Republic ain't the Star Empire and I hope I'm wrong but it's better to be safe than sorry.


    CMDR Aiden Wright
    CO, USS Caspian, [NX-93899]
    Battle Group Echo
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A strange time wave washed over Preatorian station and the cast and crew were washed into an alternate universe for a few hours where culture and tech never progressed past the 23rd century

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The story continues!
    (AFP - San Francisco) Stardate 91070 - BREAKING NEWS ALERT!

    A successful legal injunction by the news media and the Caitian Government has dropped a major challenge for the Office of the President and Starfleet Command. Using freedom to information provisions set out in the very charter of the United Federation of Planets, the lobby has struck a blow against the current, closed-door proceedings into the issue of former Admiral Jennifer Hunter and her surprise decision to retire, citing illegal commands and operations within Starfleet.

    AFP will provide more information at a scheduled news conference.

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Members of the 26th Share their own personal solutions to the maru!

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    U.S.S Hartford


    "Damn the Torpedoes! Full Speed ahead!"


    Owner: United Federation of Planets
    Operator: Starfleet
    Commissioned: 2245


    Type: Constitution/Exeter Skunk-work Testbed (Exeter MK I Class)
    Length: 289 meters
    Mass: Almost one million gross tons
    Crew Compliment: 430
    Speed: Warp (8.2) Transwarp under risky conditions


    Primary: MK IX Phaser Arrays (Fore & Aft)
    Secondary: MK IX Photon Torpedoes (Fore)


    Shields: MK VI Shield Array



    The Hartford started life as a MK I Constitution class cruiser and after a few years of service found herself given over to the Daystrom institute as a testbed for technology and devices that would eventually become the Constitution Refit. The Hartford was then grounded at Starfleet Academy Corp of Engineers where until she was brought back up to join Starfleet's ship musuem. During that time Young starfleet Cadets would practice and install several different era's of Technology on her. Due to several extraordinary circumstances the ship was placed back on active service and in 2412 underwent a partial refit of the Exeter light Cruiser model. The Hartford has several differences from the Standard new Exeter class being put out at Utopia Plantia. The shape of the hull still has the familiar Constitution class shape instead of the more streamlined Exeter model. The Neck of the ship also retains its original Constitution shape having none of the Added armour and support the newer Exeter provides. The downside to this Skunkworks mash of shipclasses is the Hartford's subspace field and Transwarp ability is severly hampered at times at higher warp speeds.

    The Exeter Nacelle aboard the Hartford is not particularly fast in Warp or advanced compared to the sleeker Nacelles of an Oddyssey class or a Vesta class. But the Exeter Nacelle is quite advanced in its simplicity. From the Bussard collector to the Warp coils themselves the Nacelles are a dummyproof reliable system that almost never seem to fail in Combat and Environmental situations. The down side to this is the Engineers aboard the Hartford need to constantly monitor the support Pylons for microfractures and stress warping that usually is not a problem aboard modern day starships. Simply put the Nacelles almost put out too much power for the rest of the ship to keep up with.

    While to most people the Exeter Refit to the Hartford's saucer seems to be very Similar to the Constitution class the Saucer of the refit is actually 35% bigger then the standard Constitution saucer. This added space gives room for another seventy crewmen, two science labs and an extra Medical bay. The trade off being that the added mass of the saucer combined with the weakened neck gives the Hartford major issues in high gravity and/or atmospheric conditions.

    Overall the Hartford is a ship far past her prime but practical advances in Federation technology squeeze a few more years out of the aged craft. Despite her disadvantages a reasonable Captain and light duty will keep this ship running Starfleet missions for a while.

    Commander Robert Nakamoto
    Utopia Plantia, Mars
    Starfleet Corps of Engineers
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Activity bump
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here are the events coming up for the 26th for people to have a heads up about.

    Category J Inspection

    Event Starts:Saturday, Jul 6

    Description: Alert: Commadore Corris Sprint is recalling all ships and personelle of the 26th Fleet and Task Force Thierr for the yearly Category J Inspection. A full Category J Inspection is a full inspection of Systems, Ships and personelle. This means you have one week to get your ships scrubbed and clean. Your Dress Uniform cleaned and pressed and to make sure all your paperwork is backlogged and completed. The Commadore will assign several other officers to help and inspect the heavy workload.

    Category K Inspection


    Event Start:Sunday, Jul 7, 01:00:00 am (GMT -6)

    Description: Commadore Sprint has ordered a full Category H Inspection. What that means is a day long combat exercise. All ships and starbase personnel are going to engage in a long term siege exercise to determine the current operational strength of the fleet. Do not be caught under the standard on this one, The Enemies may only be Photonic but enough damage will still put your ship in the drydocks.

    ((OOC: Just a day where we run a ton of fleet mark events ICly. We can whine and complain about being tired and having to go on and on. Should be fun.))

    Preatorian Season 3: The Corridor Episode one Discovery


    Event Start: Friday, Jul 19, 10:00:00 pm

    Description: Alert: Intelligence reports KDF forces massing on the edge of our sensor probes. The 26th is ordered to get a solid count on their numbers, Commadore mass your fleet and get it done.

    Admiral Jeckobi

    The Defari Field Exersise


    Event Start: Sunday, Jul 21, 08:00:00 am
    Event End: Saturday, Jul 27, 08:30:00 am

    Description: Alert: Commadore Sprint has issued the Op-Order for High ranking Officers and select other Personnel to come with him to the Quarterly Field exercise. You are to hand control of your ship and/or duties to your XO and pack your rucksack for a week of Rain, mud and animals. The official Uniform for the field is as such.


    ((The goal of this event is to just get us outside the ships and station for a bit. Wander around in the woods. Icly build a camp. Should be fun since Icly most of our characters aren't used to the natural elements.))

    Preatorian Season 3: Episode 2 Subspace inhibitor


    Event Start: Friday, Jul 26, 10:00:00 pm

    Description: The Subspace Inhibitor; an awesome piece of technology that prevents subspace fields from being formed around a ship attempting to go to warp or simply pops the field around ships already at warp. A huge tactical advantage or at least it would have been if it had been finished. In the 23rd century the project was abandoned when it seemed to be a technological dead end. Can the 26th find the long forgotten base this technological doorstop was dumped in and do they have the the technical and scientific skill set o get it working?

    Night of the Energy being!


    Event Start: Tuesday, Aug 6, 10:00:00 pm

    Description: The power is suddenly lost in all ships! The men and women of the 26th suddenly find themselves on a jungle planet being harrassed by an energy being of the harshest type. Can the men and women of the 26th find a way to defeat this Demi-god and return home?

    The Memory Alpha Warp Symposium


    Event Start: Saturday, Aug 10, 06:00:00 pm

    Description: The History of the Warp drive, Practical and strange uses for the warp drive over the years. The current bleeding edge of Warp Technology. This lecture will be given by Noted Warp Theorist Doctor John Llywarch on Memory Alpha. The Doctor has moved several of his prototype warp coils for the public to touch and see. Come join us for this noted speaker and learn all you can about the warp drive!

    The Memory Alpha Tourism board.

    Preatorian Season 3: The Corridor Episode 3: The Forge of the Gods


    Event Start: Friday, Aug 16, 10:00:00 pm

    Description: A vital gas is needed for the fleets plans, the only spot near Preatorian station is a Star Forge. A birthplace of stars. Beautiful thick gases of Azure and yellow. The ships of the 26th travel thru the wonderous area filling their ram scoops full of the precious gas. But something is alive inside the gases. Is it friend or foe?

    Feel free to hit me or another member of the fleet up if you are interested in taking part in any of this. Or join the channel SB381 to get Incharacter pernission to dock at station Preatorian,
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Rhys spurred his horse faster as it galloped toward the edge of the cliff. The Aliens had taken the woman and Rhys had to get her back. He had commed the Hartford she should be arriving soon. The horse Whinnied as Rhys approached the edge. He hoped that his crew had all the skills he thought they did. The horse leaped off the cliff and Rhys closed his eyes. The clack of hooves on metal was the sweetest he had heard in a while. The horse panted and continued to run as it made a lateral move toward the other side of the canyon. The horses hooves clattered over the freshly painted USS Hartford scratching up the sign. He turned his head to the right to look up at his bridge. He could see Commander Blish and a communication ensign looking at him like he was insane. He probably was. The Captain could see the Bandit Camp coming up to the side of the Hartford. He pulled his phaser and prepared himself for the showdown.


  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    some pictures from the Cat J Inspection
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited July 2013
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