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Nerf need to Defense of new romulus



  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thomas28th wrote: »
    I'm playing this at the moment, and the problem is basically that all of the allied ships are useless, and the enemy fleet - now numbering around 30 vessels, with several dreadnaughts, will mass fire and destroy anything that it fires at.

    There isn't a load out which could defend against this.

    Bio neural warhead and cloak

    It can be done (but it takes a VERY long time)
    Live long and Prosper
  • malevolence666malevolence666 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pain in da butt, but loaded up on Heavy cannons VII rare and a Har"peng. Hit and run cloak. It can be done.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Grah, I thought about doing that but didn't want to reinvest all the Expertise to retraining my Boffs at that point. Or buying the Technician Doffs for that matter. Would've made the mission a lot easier, but that level of advanced build shouldn't be necessary for Captain-level campaign missions though.

    Going to need to get those Techs anyway, I'm planning to test out A2B on the Dhelan Retrofit when I get home.
    Well, I'd actually been playing a D'D for a few days at that point, and was Level 39. I spent a little time doing sector exploration in my D'D to work out a decent build. I actually only replaced one of Veril's starting skills(her third got changed to Aux2Batt). My other eng had her skills get almost completely redone, but I was doing that anyways.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jalbindijalbindi Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I died quite a few times in this mission but all I did in the end was lure off the weaker ships and let the dreadnoughts fire on the allied ships since they just went into repair mode it kept them drained but gave me an opportunity to reduce the enemy fleet.

    It's not the easiest mission but then when you're a weak government rebuilding from the ashes of an Empire with a handful of ships facing off a large relentless and aggressive force what exactly are you expecting to happen? Miraculously get saved by one captain and his oversized, slow and incredibly awful D'D?
  • vaithhvaithh Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Played this mission again with a fleet mate, went much more smoothly taking into consideration some of my earlier learned strategy, and some I read here.

    Focused on the command ship only, and firing heavily after the cone weapon attempted to hit us (when it's shields are down) paid huge dividends, and sped up the process quite quickly.

    Thanks for the cloak tips, really helped to cloak and move away to heal up While the other player worked to get the big guy to fire his cone weapon!

    I played this Mission with my Girlfriend in Team. We only use Vedor Gear..

    It was easy?... Dont know what you guys are doing.. Just learn to Play.

    Run it solo, then report back to us how it went. Scaling or not, anyone who has played STO for a while should know PVE missions are typically much easier with multiple players, as opposed to only NPC help.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was dreading this mission expecting it to be a nightmare after reading all this, but it was actually doable.

    yes its hard, yes its needs a nerf compared to the rest of the game, and yes noobs will be in a right mess but for experienced players its not that hard. you will die a few times, but if you have a half decent ship config and pay attention to what you are doing its not too that bad.
  • derbock203derbock203 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    that is the only complaint and fix i think the mission needs the allied ships getting the infinite 1 hitpoint. the mission would be properly balanced still tough but not frustrating and tedious


    i would go a bit further and think the rom fleet needs a little buff, so that a few of them last a bit longer in that insta-deathrain of multiple cones..
  • satinaviansatinavian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As long as some players get up to three times the numbers of enemy ships, we will hear different opinions about if this mission is to hard.

    It simply is broken. Not to hard per se, but buggy.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did the mission last night. Didn't die in a D'd, BUT it took about an hour to finish the massive fight.

    Found out that you only have to defeat the Commander Dreadnought, but it's surrounded by critters. The allies spend more time repairing than anything. AND the lesser critters RESPAWN INDEFINITELY.

    Is the infinite respawn REALLY necessary? I was taking my time dealing with the small fries first, but whenever I focused my attention on the bigger fish, I'd get flanked by a new team that just spawned behind me.

    I find the mission has a good challenge, but if the enemies are infinitely respawning... make allies do the same. Or take it out altogether.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I also had an issue with that mission, had to have my own brother who I introduced to STO come and help me and he even had an issue he was VA50. I also use the same config that I use on all my cannon boats and now warbirds.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • cdrbaxtercdrbaxter Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vaithh wrote: »
    Run it solo, then report back to us how it went. Scaling or not, anyone who has played STO for a while should know PVE missions are typically much easier with multiple players, as opposed to only NPC help.

    I can confirm that it's possible to do this solo. I hit the mission as a 35ish engineer with a D'Deridex, a mix of centurion/subcommander/commander-level gear, and completed it with only 1-2 deaths. Got to keep the rotation of heals up, but once you hit your stride it's all good.
  • cers001cers001 Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If your talking about the last part of the mission the mission officer tells you HOW to win,
    "Target the command ship" and blow it up, any other part try harder
    CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tk79 wrote: »
    Did the mission last night. Didn't die in a D'd, BUT it took about an hour to finish the massive fight.

    Found out that you only have to defeat the Commander Dreadnought, but it's surrounded by critters. The allies spend more time repairing than anything. AND the lesser critters RESPAWN INDEFINITELY.

    Is the infinite respawn REALLY necessary? I was taking my time dealing with the small fries first, but whenever I focused my attention on the bigger fish, I'd get flanked by a new team that just spawned behind me.

    I find the mission has a good challenge, but if the enemies are infinitely respawning... make allies do the same. Or take it out altogether.
    Yeah, when I did it, I blew up so many Elachi ships I got kill accolades for shooting them all... I managed to kill them faster than they were spawning, but I can understand how someone else would have an issue there.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • avantgarde01avantgarde01 Member Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, I remember this mission. It's probably the only mission from the Rom storyline I won't replay. I died 5 times over the course of about 45 mins. The problem I ran into was the same as everyone else. When you move to the final objective, you simply get overwhelmed by the number of enemy ships.

    I engaged the command ship and then had to cloak and fly off to heal. The command ship, and its escorts, proceeded to follow me at full impulse! This eventually worked to its disadvantage as I moved to the far end of the map, took out the other dreads/battleships, and it boiled down to a mano e mano fight. Focused my fire as it dropped its shields for the energy surge attack.

    Cryptic needs to get rid of the infinite respawning vessels. If the Elachi have those kinds of resources, this war is already over. The allied vessels also need to actually be worth something and stick with the player.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    D'deridex (T4 - yes, you'll be a fresh T4) w/ Any Captain (really, doesn't matter)

    Traits - doesn't matter

    Reputation - won't have it yet and wouldn't matter anyway

    TT1, anything that's not CSV/FAW/TS
    EPtS1, ET2, AtS2/EWP1, EWP2/EWP3/AtS3
    EPtS1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2

    DOFFs - don't matter

    Deflector - whatever you've got
    Impulse - whatever you've got
    Core - whatever you've got
    Shields - whatever you've got

    Fore - doesn't matter
    Aft - doesn't matter

    Tac - doesn't matter
    Eng - doesn't matter
    Sci - doesn't matter

    Devices - Eng Batt and whatever

    That's a lot of doesn't matter, don't matter, and whatever...and basically it doesn't. Sure, maybe if you were using Mk I commons you might have an issue, but even just using whatever random gear you've picked up as you've been leveling from drops and missions is going to be more than you need.

    Evasive Maneuvers
    Singularity Jump
    Engine Battery if nothing else is available. Heck, you could drop an EPtS1 for an EPtE1. You could drop both EPtS1 and just run 2x EPtE1...dropping PH1 for HE1 and switching the HE2 for TSS2.

    You should never get hit by a cone...should never die. Just a case of kiting the Command Ship away from the other Dreads. It's aggro AI will cause it to follow you while the others don't. Outside of a Monbosh, an S'golth, and some Quaalash...which will be no problem - everything else should end up aggro'd on your allies - even if they're stuck in repair mode. You may have bad luck and have to kite the Command Ship away again...but then it's just a case of finishing it off.

    All of this was pointed out during the beta to folks. It's been pointed out since. If folks want to go AoE crazy, aggro everything, try to eliminate everything but the Command Ship...well, that's on them. It's not the mission.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what allies the ones that die instantly? there is never any one left to aggro the other ships

    what you described is how the mission was designed it is how it is balanced the issue is and what the complaint is that the allied ships are unreliable in there ability to stay alive
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    recently played through and completed it only a few deaths one highly recommended tactic i would advise using is go straight for the command ship and start doing hit and runs with the cloak plasma weapons will help a lot in this area due to DOT procs also if you see a cone appear if you have the cloak or any engine boosting items use them and fly because the ship cannot see through the cloak unless you have a singularity charge which brings me to singularity jump use this as both a way out or to drop some damage it is a very good tool against the elachi tractors and cones.
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    what allies the ones that die instantly? there is never any one left to aggro the other ships

    what you described is how the mission was designed it is how it is balanced the issue is and what the complaint is that the allied ships are unreliable in there ability to stay alive

    Did you know you can sit in the corner cloaked and the allied ships will eventually complete the mission for you? Yep, those ships that never seem to repair - actually do repair - and they will complete the mission for you.

    I've done that mission 17 times now.

    5 times in a T4 D'deridex.
    5 times at 40 in both the Ha'feh and Ha'nom.
    Twice at 45 in both the Ha'feh and Ha'nom.
    Twice at 50 in the Ha'nom.
    Twice at 50 in the Ha'feh.
    Once at 50 in the T'varo Retrofit.

    I've done it with a Torp D'deridex, DHC/Turrets D'deridex, Turrets D'deridex, Array D'deridex, and a Torp/DBB/DHC/Turrets D'deridex. Done it with Tac, Eng, and Sci. Done it with Alien, Romulan, and Reman.

    The first time, yep, I didn't listen to the Command Ship thing. I FAW'd all over the place. I tried to take everything out. I died like crazy. I thought about what I was doing and what the mission was asking. World of difference...

    ...I actually believe the ground mission is more difficult right before you fight the Commander. The Commander part is easy, but there's so many times in the stage right before the Commander where in the blink of an eye your BOFFs fall over dead because of multiple - bah, brainfart - the guys that spew TRIBBLE...because of the way they'll spawn. They create a crossfire that just instapops the BOFFs.

    This fight is a simple fight. Don't FAW/CSV/TS. Use EM, Singularity Jump, etc to move out of the cones of death. Don't cloak when you're getting spammed. Kill the Command Ship. Profit.

    I wish more NPCs worked like the Elachi. Using abilities, moving around, and just being a little more than fish in a barrel waiting for a player to drop in a grenade. Even so, the parameters of the mission make it relatively easy. If you actually had to kill everything before the Command Ship...fighting through countless waves of reinforcements, yep - that could get overwhelming for your average/casual player. Thing is, the mission doesn't ask that.

    Folks that get to the mission early and are in a Mogai...yep, I can see them having trouble. They won't have the Singularity Jump yet. They won't have the BOFF layout from the D'deridex that makes the mission so easy. Trying to do it in a T3 Mogai...yep, that would be rough.

    edit: I'm not a hot shot in the least. I'm mediocre at best. Heck, on good days I aspire to catch a glimpse of mediocrity in my play.

    I'm guessing that the majority of people having issues with this mission are doing the following:

    1) They're not manually redistributing shields.
    2) They're not moving out of the cones of doom.
    3) They're spamming everything in sight.
    4) They're new to cloaking and eating damage against their hull they don't have to eat.
    5) They're not going after the Command Ship.
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had so much fun with this mission, my only complaint is that the repairing ships killed the command ship before I could kill all the other ships.
  • vaithhvaithh Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cdrbaxter wrote: »
    I can confirm that it's possible to do this solo. I hit the mission as a 35ish engineer with a D'Deridex, a mix of centurion/subcommander/commander-level gear, and completed it with only 1-2 deaths. Got to keep the rotation of heals up, but once you hit your stride it's all good.

    Per my earlier post, I too ran this mission solo, sadly I was not aware of this thread or the great tips at the time :(

    The post you commented on, I was responding to he effect that the mission is much easier with multiple players.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Played this mission for the first time since beta last night, and it was a little easier than the first time, simply by nature of knowing what to expect. That said, I still died more times in the third wave than in the rest of the Romulan story arc put together, probably double that actually. The biggest problems I find with the mission that takes away from the enjoyment of what should be an epic space battle:

    1. The allied fleet vaporises as soon as the third wave arrives.

    2. Every single Elachi ship has the cone of death attack. If it was just the big, slow moving battleships, that would be one thing. Having the nimble escorts able to do it as well means that a lot of the times it's almost impossible to escape the attacks, because between them the Elachi ships are death coning in every possible direction.

    3. The Elachi tractor beam mines keep hold of you even out of range. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I was caught by one, hit Polarise Hull to escape, and got more than 17km away, and it was still holding me. At that point the power expired, and I was trapped by a mine that was out of my weapons range. Then the death cones started up, and I was unable to move, or fire on the mine to escape. I believe that was death number four of that wave.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • rogdodge60rogdodge60 Member Posts: 0
    edited May 2013
    diotw wrote: »

    2. Every single Elachi ship has the cone of death attack. If it was just the big, slow moving battleships, that would be one thing. Having the nimble escorts able to do it as well means that a lot of the times it's almost impossible to escape the attacks, because between them the Elachi ships are death coning in every possible direction.

    This is the part that always seems to get me. Like many other people, I can make it to the third wave and am doing good, but always seem to get a bad luck roll when it comes to this. Between all the cones overlapping and even with using EPtE and EM, I always seem to get caught then ganged down.

    I understand the tactics, but it seems like there is too much damage in this one mission. I originally had some other attacks, like mines and other Boff attacks, but went full beam with 1 torp so I wouldn't over aggro. It doesn't seem to matter if I try to pull the command ship away, as soon as I do, there are 5+ Elachi ships coming to help.

    It's a fun mission, but VERY frustrating.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did you know you can sit in the corner cloaked and the allied ships will eventually complete the mission for you? Yep, those ships that never seem to repair - actually do repair - and they will complete the mission for you.

    I've done that mission 17 times now.

    5 times in a T4 D'deridex.
    5 times at 40 in both the Ha'feh and Ha'nom.
    Twice at 45 in both the Ha'feh and Ha'nom.
    Twice at 50 in the Ha'nom.
    Twice at 50 in the Ha'feh.
    Once at 50 in the T'varo Retrofit.

    I've done it with a Torp D'deridex, DHC/Turrets D'deridex, Turrets D'deridex, Array D'deridex, and a Torp/DBB/DHC/Turrets D'deridex. Done it with Tac, Eng, and Sci. Done it with Alien, Romulan, and Reman.

    The first time, yep, I didn't listen to the Command Ship thing. I FAW'd all over the place. I tried to take everything out. I died like crazy. I thought about what I was doing and what the mission was asking. World of difference...

    ...I actually believe the ground mission is more difficult right before you fight the Commander. The Commander part is easy, but there's so many times in the stage right before the Commander where in the blink of an eye your BOFFs fall over dead because of multiple - bah, brainfart - the guys that spew TRIBBLE...because of the way they'll spawn. They create a crossfire that just instapops the BOFFs.

    This fight is a simple fight. Don't FAW/CSV/TS. Use EM, Singularity Jump, etc to move out of the cones of death. Don't cloak when you're getting spammed. Kill the Command Ship. Profit.

    I wish more NPCs worked like the Elachi. Using abilities, moving around, and just being a little more than fish in a barrel waiting for a player to drop in a grenade. Even so, the parameters of the mission make it relatively easy. If you actually had to kill everything before the Command Ship...fighting through countless waves of reinforcements, yep - that could get overwhelming for your average/casual player. Thing is, the mission doesn't ask that.

    Folks that get to the mission early and are in a Mogai...yep, I can see them having trouble. They won't have the Singularity Jump yet. They won't have the BOFF layout from the D'deridex that makes the mission so easy. Trying to do it in a T3 Mogai...yep, that would be rough.

    edit: I'm not a hot shot in the least. I'm mediocre at best. Heck, on good days I aspire to catch a glimpse of mediocrity in my play.

    I'm guessing that the majority of people having issues with this mission are doing the following:

    1) They're not manually redistributing shields.
    2) They're not moving out of the cones of doom.
    3) They're spamming everything in sight.
    4) They're new to cloaking and eating damage against their hull they don't have to eat.
    5) They're not going after the Command Ship.

    how can 4 constantly reparing ships finish the third wave that is all i have ever had left in the 6 times i have run it. the belfast, kang, kirk, and a luna class this is after the warp in cut scene the allied ships are just gone there are no ships the ships do not exist they are gone. the 4 remaining did jack squat they would finish repairing move 3 inches and then get blasted to hell again

    good for you for being lucky and actually getting allied ships that did TRIBBLE the 4th time i did this mission i let the allied ships try and do it for me 2hrs later they got no ware untill i stepped in and did it my self
  • mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    how can 4 constantly reparing ships finish the third wave that is all i have ever had left in the 6 times i have run it. the belfast, kang, kirk, and a luna class this is after the warp in cut scene the allied ships are just gone there are no ships the ships do not exist they are gone. the 4 remaining did jack squat they would finish repairing move 3 inches and then get blasted to hell again

    good for you for being lucky and actually getting allied ships that did TRIBBLE the 4th time i did this mission i let the allied ships try and do it for me 2hrs later they got no ware untill i stepped in and did it my self

    Same here. When I did the mission (on Tribble), the surviving allied ships were in perma-repair mode. They were completely incapable of completing the mission for me.
  • tubridiustubridius Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission has caused me to stop playing. It is so badly broken...I counted 47 Elachi ships....3 romulan one (including me).

    Bad programming, bad design.

    I am done
  • really2297really2297 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is named right I am fighting this mission with a few allies and fighting over 100 ships I have been blown out of the sky so far 40 times and forget about getting near the command ship you engage one ship and twenty more jump on you you go from full hull to two in like five seconds please fix this mission been on it for over two hours and have not made a dent in the enemy ships
  • rogdodge60rogdodge60 Member Posts: 0
    edited May 2013
    It is sad that that I finally beat it by cloaking and just walking away and letting the NPC ships destroy the command ship, with me coming back when it was at 5% and shooting it with a HY Torp and some Beam Overloads..
  • oracion666oracion666 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't get why people have such a hard time with this mission. Sure, it is difficult, for PvE, but not unbeatable. It just takes time and patience. The key I found was hitting the battleships from afar, try and lure one away from the group. Helps if you run a beam boat, specially in the D'Dedirex. Slowly but surely, you'll whittle them down to just the dreads and command ship. By the time I had cleared up the battleships, the ally npcs had done some decent damage to the heavies. Just a clean up at that point. If needed, just find some other people that are running the same mission. I found it much more enjoyable when I had fleet mates by me as we made mincemeat out of the slug faces.
    Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
    Member since early 2011

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jivedutch wrote: »
    Fire at Will is probably the most dangerous boff skill u can use on this map, since it seems to instantly gain u a targetinglock of EVERY ship u hit with it, untill u die ... they will keep chasing u by the bunch ...

    On that count, Cannon Scatter Volley is probably almost as dangerous, as any ship u hit will target u, instead of the allied/romulan fodder flying about ...

    As a sidenote on the amount of ships ... well .. it was the HUGE fleet u were seeing outside the Elachi subspace base , so it does make sense u see those arrive at New Romulus too ..

    But what is most needed is the allied ships working as intended, and some better romulan backups in there, at least as long as all the supporting monbosch & dreadnoughts are also still flying about ...

    For me, I used FAW whenever it was off cooldown. If I could, I'd keep firing FAW whenever if at all possible, so that everything nearby gets hit. The only time I didn't was when I decided to keep concentrated fire on the battleships.

    I did this mission with a 2nd Romulan toon that I'm taking to 50 (this one Fed, my 1st did KDF). On this 2nd toon's very first run, just like my original Romulan, I made it on the first try. This mission was insanely easy for me. When I stand back again, it's simple why.

    This mission, is built for tanking
    . Cruisers shine here. Alot of stuff still gets to the hull even with high shield facings due to the bleedthroughs from all the sheer amount of fire that goes your way. This is compounded even more if you use anything other than Resilient Shields (5% bleedthrough vs 10% with Covariant and Regenerative Shielding). That is why Cruisers with the highest hull points and ENG Console slots should shine here, because they can take the pounding. Science type ships will have superior shielding, but even with these shields, they have lower hull points and generally lower ENG Console Slots. That means, less love for:
    - Armor
    - SIF Generators (hull repair boosts)

    My D'Deridex for self heals, only had Engineering Team 1, Emergency Power to Shields 2 & 3, Hazard Emitters 2. There were close moments, but between these heals and the Singularity ability for boosting shields & hull temporarily, my warbirds on both attempts withstood fire quite well. I didn't even have Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field, which the Lv 3 version is integral to my Cruiser builds at endgame. Regardless, on both runs, I have only been blown up once.

    I can see Escorts dying horribly. They may move fast, but the sheer amount of fire can be a problem if you don't have your stuff together. Science Vessels aren't fast like Escorts, but their hulls cannot withstand the sheer bleedthrough damage.

    Again, your Cruiser must be built to withstand punishment to the hull, but the shields MUST be up to minimize the hull damage. The bleedthrough, again, is alot, and can kill you if you do not have proper hull repairs. Save Evasive Maneuvers when shields are collapsing and you cannot have shield heals in on time.

    Also, please, whatever you do, KEEP MOVING. 1/2 speed is the lowest I dared taking my throttles down to. With a beamboat, this should be EASY. With a forward firing build, it can be a problem because you may sacrifice speed for lower speeds and better turning. The faster you move, the larger defense bonuses you get. Again, DO NOT STOP. EVER, EVER, EVER.

    Both my D'Deridex runs had my big fat ship weaving and circling around in the battle. On the outskirts of the fighting, or right in the middle of the fray. And my ship was just constantly blasting FAW whenever possible, conducting self heals, and cycling Emergency Power to Shields 2 & 3 for high shield facings.
  • spectrfangspectrfang Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did it in a Mogai, full cannon build. Took me 6 respawns on elite. I ended up suiciding into into the open shield facing on the command ship while it was firing that stupid death beam. They need to buff your ally ships, or get rid of them entirely. They aren't really any help anyways. Oh, and modify the constant "focus the command ship" that keeps yelling at you to "focus the command ship, its a good day to die!"
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